1,336 research outputs found

    The difficult alliance between vegan parents and pediatrician: A case report

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    The number of children on a vegetarian or vegan diet is gradually increasing. If not balanced and adequately supplemented, these dietary regimes can seriously impact the growth of children. Often the pediatrician is not perceived as a figure to rely on in the event of parents’ willingness to follow an alternative diet for their child. The feeling of distrust of parents towards the pediatrician can be dangerous for the health of the child. We present a 22-month-old boy with failure to thrive probably induced by an unbalanced vegetarian diet. The acquisition of the anamnestic data concerning the child’s diet was difficult because initially omitted by the parents. The poor compliance and the difficult follow-up highlights the difficulty in establishing a therapeutic alliance between parents who follow alternative regimens and the pediatrician

    Controlling selectivity in alkene oxidation : anion driven syn-dihydroxylation or epoxidation catalysed by [Iron(III)(Pyridine-Containing Ligand)] complexes

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    The introduction of a pyridine moiety into the skeleton of a polyazamacrocyclic ligand affects both thermodynamic properties and coordination kinetics of the resulting metal complexes.1 These features have engendered a great interest of the scientific community. Much of the efforts in the use of macrocyclic pyridine containing ligands have been devoted to the study of catalytic oxidation reactions.2 We report here the synthesis and characterisation of [Fe(III)Pc-L\u2019s)] complexes (Pc-L = Pyridine-Containing Ligand) and their catalytic applications in alkene oxidation reactions using H2O2 as the terminal oxidant under mild conditions (Figure). Depending on the anion employed for the synthesis of the iron(III) metal complex, we observed a completely reversed selectivity. When X = OTf, a selective syn-dihydroxylation reaction was observed. On the other hand, employing X = Cl, we obtained the epoxide as the major product. It should be pointed out that under otherwise identical reaction conditions, using FeCl3\ub76H2O as catalyst in the absence of the ligand, no reaction was observed

    A web application prototype for the multiscale modelling of seismic input

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    A web application prototype is described, aimed at the generation of synthetic seismograms for user-defined earthquake models. The web application graphical user interface hides the complexity of the underlying computational engine, which is the outcome of the continuous evolution of sophisticated computer codes, some of which saw the light back in the middle '80s. With the web application, even the non-experts can produce ground shaking scenarios at the local or regional scale in very short times, depending on the complexity of the adopted source and medium models, without the need of a deep knowledge of the physics of the earthquake phenomenon. Actually, it may even allow neophytes to get some basic education in the field of seismology and seismic engineering, due to the simplified intuitive experimental approach to the matter. One of the most powerful features made available to the users is indeed the capability of executing quick parametric tests in near real-time, to explore the relations between each model's parameter and the resulting ground motion scenario. The synthetic seismograms generated through the web application can be used by civil engineers for the design of new seismo-resistant structures, or to analyse the performance of the existing ones under seismic load.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Vegetarian and vegan weaning of the infant: How common and how evidence-based? a population-based survey and narrative review

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    Background: Vegetarian and vegan weaning have increasing popularity among parents and families. However, if not correctly managed, they may lead to wrong feeding regimens, causing severe nutritional deficiencies requiring specific nutritional support or even the need for hospitalization. Aim: To assess the prevalence of vegetarian and vegan weaning among Italian families and to provide an up-to-date narrative review of supporting evidence. Materials and methods: We investigated 360 Italian families using a 40-item questionnaire. The narrative review was conducted searching scientific databases for articles reporting on vegetarian and vegan weaning. Results: 8.6% of mothers follow an alternative feeding regimen and 9.2% of infants were weaned according to a vegetarian or vegan diet. The breastfeeding duration was longer in vegetarian/vegan infants (15.8 vs. 9.7 months; p < 0.0001). Almost half of parents (45.2%) claim that their pediatrician was unable to provide sufficient information and adequate indications regarding unconventional weaning and 77.4% of parents reported the pediatrician’s resistance towards alternative weaning methods. Nine studies were suitable for the review process. The vast majority of authors agree on the fact that vegetarian and vegan weaning may cause severe nutritional deficiencies, whose detrimental effects are particularly significant in the early stages of life. Discussion and conclusion: Our results show that alternative weaning methods are followed by a significant number of families; in half of the cases, the family pediatrician was not perceived as an appropriate guide in this delicate process. To date, consistent findings to support both the safety and feasibility of alternative weaning methods are still lacking. Since the risk of nutritional deficiencies in the early stages of life is high, pediatricians have a pivotal role in guiding parents and advising them on the most appropriate and complete diet regimen during childhood. Efforts should be made to enhance nutritional understanding among pediatricians as an unsupervised vegetarian or vegan diet can cause severe nutritional deficiencies with possible detrimental long-term effects

    Propagating Torsion in 3D-Gravity and Dynamical Mass Generation

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    In this paper, fermions are minimally coupled to 3D-gravity where a dynamical torsion is introduced. A Kalb-Ramond field is non-minimally coupled to these fermions in a gauge-invariant way. We show that a 1-loop mass generation mechanism takes place for both the 2-form gauge field and the torsion. As for the fermions, no mass is dynamically generated: at 1-loop, there is only a mass shift proportional to the Yukawa coupling whenever the fermions have a non-vanishing tree-level mass.Comment: 13 pages, latex file, no figures, some corrections adde

    Un impianto innovativo nella filiera del recupero della scoria da forno elettrico

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    Nel presente lavoro viene presentato il sistema Slag-Rec per il trattamento della scoria EAF, che è statorealizzato presso MFL, Liezen (Austria) ed è attualmente in fase di installazione ed avviamento presso laacciaieria ASO, Ospitaletto (Brescia). Il sistema permette di realizzare la granulazione a secco della scoria,eliminando il contatto della stessa con acqua di raffreddamento, attuando allo stesso tempo unraffreddamento controllato e ripetibile in funzione del tipo di scoria da trattare

    Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is positively associated with increased glycated haemoglobin levels in subjects without diabetes

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    Screening for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is key step for primary management of fatty liver in the clinical setting. Excess weight subjects carry a greater metabolic risk even before exhibiting pathological patterns, including diabetes. We characterized the cross-sectional relationship between routine circulating biomarkers and NAFLD in a large sample of diabetes-free subjects with overweight or obesity, to elucidate any independent relationship. A population sample of 1232 consecutive subjects with a body mass index of at least 25 kg/m2, not receiving any drug or supplemental therapy, was studied. Clinical data and routine biochemistry were analyzed. NAFLD was defined using the validated fatty liver index (FLI), classifying subjects with a score ≥ 60% as at high risk. Due to extreme skewing of variables of interest, resampling matching for age and sex was performed. Our study population was characterized by a majority of females (69.90%) and a prevalence of NAFLD in males (88.90%). As a first step, propensity score matching was explicitly performed to balance the two groups according to the FLI cut-off. Based on the resulting statistical trajectories, corroborated even after data matching, we built two logistic regression models on the matched population (N = 732) to verify any independent association. We found that each unit increase of FT3 implicated a 50% increased risk of NAFLD (OR 1.506, 95%CI 1.064 to 2.131). When including glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in the model, free-triiodothyronine (FT3) lost significance (OR 1.557, 95%CI 0.784 to 3.089) while each unit increase in HbA1c (%) indicated a significantly greater NAFLD risk, by almost two-fold (OR 2.32, 95%CI 1.193 to 4.512). Glucose metabolism dominates a key pathway along the hazard trajectories of NAFLD, turned out to be key biomarker in monitoring the risk of fatty liver in diabetes-free overweight subjects. Each unit increase in HbA1c (%) indicated a significantly greater NAFLD risk, by almost two-fold, in our study

    Adherence to a mediterranean diet and thyroid function in obesity: A cross-sectional Apulian survey

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    BackgroundMuch research suggests that Mediterranean eating habits and lifestyle contribute to counteract the risk of chronic diseases while promoting longevity, but little information is available on the effects of the Mediterranean diet (Med-Diet) on thyroid function, particularly among overweight/obese subjects. Nevertheless, consistent data reported a slight increase in serum levels of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a higher rate of conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) in obesity. This cross-sectional study was aimed at investigating the relationship between adherence to the Med-Diet and circulating thyroid hormones in a cohort of overweight/obese subjects from Apulia (Southern Italy). Methods: We studied 324 consecutive outpatient subjects (228 women and 96 men, age range 14–72 years) taking no drug therapy and showing normal levels of thyroid hormones, but complicated by overweight and obesity (body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 Kg/m2). The PREDIMED (PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea) questionnaire was cross-sectionally administered to assess the adherence to the Med-Diet, and hormonal, metabolic, and routine laboratory parameters were collected. Results: Higher adherence to Med-Diet was found to be inversely related to free T3 (p < 0.01) and T4 (p < 0.01) serum levels. Considering each item in the PREDIMED questionnaire, people consuming at least four spoonfuls of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) per day, as well as those consuming at least two servings of vegetables per day, had lower free T3 levels (p 0.033 and p 0.021, respectively). Furthermore, consuming at least four spoonfuls of EVOO per day was found to be associated to lower free T4 serum concentrations (p 0.011). Multinomial logistic regression models, performed on tertiles of thyroid hormones to further investigate the relationship with Med-Diet, corroborated the significance only for free T4. Conclusion: Increased adherence to the Med-Diet was independently associated to a slightly reduced thyroid function, but still within the reference range for free T3 and T4 serum levels. This first finding in this field opens up a research line on any underlying biological interplay

    La messa in sicurezza dell'area industriale di Priolo-Augusta rispetto ai rischi da terremoto e maremoto

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    I recenti forti terremoti che hanno interessato zone particolarmente industrializzate in Turchia ed in India (terremoto del 17.8.1999, Kocaeli, Turchia, Mw = 7.4; e terremoto di Guyarat, India, del 26.01.2001, Mw =7.7) hanno messo in evidenza che al danno prodotto dal terremoto si pu\uf2 aggiungere quello dovuto alle conseguenze di incidenti e/o rotture negli impianti, cosiddetti, \u201ca rischio di incidente rilevante\u201d. Il rischio totale nell\u2019area pu\uf2 quindi assumere valori estremamente elevati in termini economici, ambientali, e talvolta con perdita di vite umane. Ad esempio, nel caso del terremoto turco, il danneggiamento della raffineria Tupras di IZMIT ha provocato l\u2019incendio della stessa e la fuoriuscita di una quantit\ue0 rilevante di olio (Foto 1). Sulla base di quanto sopra e di quanto conosciuto, il presente studio si propone come elemento di base per l\u2019impostazione di interventi strutturali sugli impianti e sul territorio con l\u2019obiettivo di mettere il tutto in condizioni di sicurezza a fronte del terremoto (ed eventuale maremoto associato) atteso nell\u2019area. A questo scopo \ue8 stata realizzata un\u2019analisi per mettere in evidenza l\u2019entit\ue0 e la frequenza dei fenomeni naturali (terremoti e maremoti) che possono determinare significativi impatti sia sull\u2019ambiente fisico che su quello antropizzato (infrastrutture) nell\u2019area di Priolo-Augusta. Il progetto ha avuto come obiettivo iniziale la valutazione dei carichi dovuti a fenomeni naturali che, trasformati in termini ingegneristici, devono essere utilizzati per la verifica della idoneit\ue0 progettuale degli impianti industriali presenti nelle aree studiate. In particolare \ue8 stato valutato, dapprima, il terremoto di riferimento per la progettazione, in termini di picco massimo di accelerazione e spettro di risposta associato. In tale fase si \ue8 anche provveduto alla costruzione di scenari associati ad un eventuale maremoto. I siti prescelti sono esposti ad un elevato rischio sismico la cui definizione ha richiesto l\u2019adozione delle metodologie pi\uf9 avanzate disponibili. A tale scopo sono stati applicati diversi approcci innovativi sia di tipo sismologico che ingegneristico
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