41 research outputs found

    Manual de procedimientos administrativos y financieros para la Empresa Agroganadero Colomboecuatoriano S.A. en el Cantón Tulcán, Provincia del Carchi.

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    Elaborar un Manual de Procedimientos Administrativos y Financieros para la empresa AGROGANADERO COLOMBOECUATORIANO S.A., en el Cantón Tulcán, provincia del Carchi.El presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló ante la necesidad de aplicar un Manual De Procedimientos Administrativos y Financieros para la empresa AGROGANADERO COLOMBOECUATORIANO S.A., ubicada en la ciudad de Tulcán, provincia del Carchi. El problema surge debido a que AGROGANADERO COLOMBOECUATORIANO S.A., no dispone de las guías y herramientas de gestión y control para el manejo apropiado y eficaz de sus recursos económicos, materiales y humanos, ocasionando que la entidad ejecute sus operaciones de manera desorganizada y poco eficiente, sin lograr un mayor desarrollo institucional. Los resultados obtenidos en el diagnóstico técnico situacional revelaron que la Empresa carece de una estructura organizacional, así como también de la normatividad que señale los deberes, derechos, tareas, funciones y procedimientos a ejecutar por todo el personal. Por otro lado se determinó que no se da mayor relevancia a la administración del talento humano y a la gestión financiera contable. En base a los hallazgos del diagnóstico y la investigación teórica conceptual, se elaboró la propuesta que contempla la formulación de la misión, visión, principios y valores institucionales de la entidad, que le servirán de guía en la ejecución de sus operaciones. Además se plantea una estructura organizacional en donde se definen los diferentes niveles jerárquicos y cargos para la empresa; se elaboró un Manual de Funciones, Manual de Políticas y Procedimientos, los mismos que permitirán definir las tareas y responsabilidades de todos los miembros de la entidad. En el aspecto financiero se propone la aplicación de principios y políticas contables, un Plan General de Cuentas, la presentación de Estados Financieros con su respectivo análisis, todo esto en base a las normas vigentes en nuestro entorno. El trabajo también incluye el análisis de los impactos económico, social, educativo y general, los cuales reflejan todos los aspectos beneficiosos que producirá la aplicación de un Manual De Procedimientos Administrativos y Financieros en La Empresa AGROGANADERO COLOMBOECUATORIANO S.A. Por lo tanto se concluye que la propuesta tiene el propósito de mejorar la gestión administrativa, financiera, de servicios y optimizar la utilización de los recursos (financieros, materiales), y el talento humano de La Empresa AGROGANADERO COLOMBOECUATORIANO S.A.Ingenierí

    An Explicit Nodal Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Maxwell’s Equations

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    A novel implicit nodal Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin (STDG) method is proposed in this paper. An eigenvalue analysis is performed and compared with that for a DG scheme solved with a 4th-Order Runge-Kutta time integrator. We show that STDG offers a significant improvement of dissipative and dispersive properties and allows larger time steps, regardless of the spatial hp-refinement. A domain-decomposition technique is used to introduce an explicit formulation of the method in order to render it computationally efficient.This work is partially funded by the National Projects TEC2010-20841- C04-04, TEC2013-48414-C3-01, CSD2008-00068, P09-TIC-5327, P12-TIC- 1442, and from the GENIL excellence network

    Efficient excitation of waveguides in Crank-Nicolson FDTD

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    In this paper, we present a procedure to calculate the discrete modes propagated with Crank-Nicolson FDTD in metallic waveguides. This procedure enables the correct excitation of this kind of waveguides at any resolution. The problem is reduced to solving an eigenvalue equation, which is performed, both in a closed form, for the usual rectangular waveguide, and numerically in the most general case, validated here with a ridged rectangular waveguide.The work described in this paper and the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013, under grant agreement no 205294 (HIRF SE project), and from the Spanish National Projects TEC2010-20841-C04-04, TEC2007-66698-C04-02, CSD2008- 00068, DEX-530000-2008-105, and the Junta de Andalucia Projects TIC1541 and P09-TIC-5327

    Comportamiento de la porcicultura, capricultura, ovinocultura, apicultura

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    Apicultura-abejasCaprinos-Capra hircusOvinos-Ganado ovino - Ovis ariesPorcicultur

    Metabolomics-Based Analysis of Miniature Flask Contents Identifies Tobacco Mixture Use among the Ancient Maya

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    A particular type of miniature ceramic vessel locally known as “veneneras” is occasionally found during archaeological excavations in the Maya Area. To date, only one study of a collection of such containers successfully identified organic residues through coupled chromatography–mass spectrometry methods. That study identified traces of nicotine likely associated with tobacco. Here we present a more complete picture by analyzing a suite of possible complementary ingredients in tobacco mixtures across a collection of 14 miniature vessels. The collection includes four different vessel forms and allows for the comparison of specimens which had previously formed part of museum exhibitions with recently excavated, untreated containers. Archaeological samples were compared with fresh as well as cured reference materials from two different species of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum and N. rustica). In addition, we sampled six more plants which are linked to mind-altering practices through Mesoamerican ethnohistoric or ethnographic records. Analyses were conducted using UPLC-MS metabolomics-based analytical techniques, which significantly expand the possible detection of chemical compounds compared to previous biomarker-focused studies. Results include the detection of more than 9000 residual chemical features. We trace, for the first time, the presence of Mexican marigold (Tagetes lucida) in presumptive polydrug mixtures

    The Experience With Health Care of Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cross-sectional Survey Using the Instrument to Evaluate the Experience of Patients With Chronic Diseases

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    [Abstract] Background: Patients' experience with health care is becoming a key component for the provision of a patient-centered health care model. The aim of this study was to assess the experience with health care of patients with inflammatory arthritis and patient- and health care-related factors. Methods: Patients responded to an anonymous survey provided by their treating clinical teams. The survey comprised the validated 12-item IEXPAC (Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases) tool and demographic variables and health care-related characteristics that may affect patients' experience. Results: A total of 359 of 625 surveys were returned (response rate, 57.4%). Overall, patient responses were positive (>60% gave "always/mostly" answers) for statements assessing the interaction between patients and health care professionals or patient self-management following health care professional guidance. However, positive patient responses for items regarding patient interaction with the health care system via the internet or with other patients were less than 13%. Only 25.6% of patients who had been hospitalized reported receiving a follow-up call or visit following discharge. In the bivariate analysis, experience scores were higher (better experience) in men, those seen by fewer specialists or by the same physician, and in patients treated with a fewer number of drugs or with subcutaneous/intravenous drugs. Multivariate analyses identified regular follow-up by the same physician and treatment with subcutaneous/intravenous drugs as variables associated with a better patient experience. Conclusions: This study identifies areas of care for patients with inflammatory arthritis with the potential to improve patients' experience and highlights the importance of patient-physician relationships and comprehensive patient care

    Sistema de distribución con penetración eólica

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    This article presents the results of the analysis of the studies of the operation of a modified IEEE-13 distribution feeder, which was built to scale in the laboratory at Universidad del Norte. In this article, we show the cases of the operating regimes of the modified IEEE-13, before the different levels of wind energy penetration. The modified IEEE-13 distribution feeder was built taking into account that each of the scaled modules and their generator-load will work under the conditions of the Universidad del Norte laboratory. An experimental methodology was used to compare the results obtained in the actual scaled model with the results of the simulations in specialized programs. The conclusions of the article show the wind energy that can be injected into an electrical system with conventional power generation so that it can maintain its operation complying with the current regulatory framework.      En este artículo se presentan los resultados del análisis de los estudios de la operación de un alimentador de distribución IEEE-13 modificado, que fue construido a escala en el laboratorio en la Universidad del Norte. En este artículo, se muestran los casos de los regímenes de operación del IEEE-13 modificado, ante los diferentes niveles de penetración de energía eólica. Este alimentador de distribución IEEE-13 modificado se construyó teniendo en cuenta que cada uno de los módulos escalados y su generador-carga funcionarán en las condiciones particulares del laboratorio de la Universidad del Norte. Se utilizó una metodología experimental que, para la comparación de los resultados obtenidos en el modelo real escalado, con los resultados de las simulaciones en programas especializados. Se pudo definir la cantidad de energía eólica que se puede inyectar a un sistema eléctrico con generación de energía convencional, de modo que pueda mantener su funcionamiento, no sólo respetando las condiciones técnicas, sino también bajo el estricto cumplimiento de un marco regulatorio

    Internacionalización de las prácticas de laboratorio en las asignaturas del área de Electromagnetismo del grado de Ingeniería Electrónica

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    En esta memoria se describen los resultados del proyecto num 122, "Internacionalización de las prácticas de laboratorio en las asignaturas del área de Electromagnetismo del grado de Ingeniería Electrónica". Se han realizado más de veinte vídeos divulgativos en ingles sobre las técnicas experimentales que se estudian en las asignaturas del Área de Electromagnetismo de la Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones. Estos vídeos se han cargado en un canal de Youtube, al que se puede acceder desde la página web www.ucm.es/elec

    Deep observations of the globular cluster M15 with the MAGIC telescopes

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    A population of globular clusters (GCs) has been recently established by the Fermi-LAT telescope as a new class of GeV gamma-ray sources. Leptons accelerated to TeV energies, in the inner magnetospheres of MSPs or in their wind regions, should produce gamma-rays through the inverse Compton scattering in the dense radiation field from the huge population of stars. We have conducted deep observations of the GC M15 with the MAGIC telescopes and used 165 h in order to search for gamma-ray emission. A strong upper limit on the TeV gamma-ray flux < 3.2 x 10(-13) cm(-2) s(-1) above 300 GeV ( < 0.26 per cent of the Crab nebula flux) has been obtained. We interpret this limit as a constraint on the efficiency of the acceleration of leptons in the magnetospheres of the MSPs. We constrain the injection rate of relativistic leptons, eta(e), from the MSPs magnetospheres and their surrounding. We conclude that eta(e) must be lower than expected from the modelling of high-energy processes in MSP inner magnetospheres. For leptons accelerated with the power-law spectrum in the MSP wind regions, eta(e) is constrained to be much lower than derived for the wind regions around classical pulsars. These constraints are valid for the expected range of magnetic field strengths within the GC and for the range of likely energies of leptons injected from the inner magnetospheres, provided that the leptons are not removed from the GC very efficiently due to advection process. We discuss consequences of these constraints for the models of radiation processes around millisecond pulsars

    Constraining dark matter lifetime with a deep gamma-ray survey of the Perseus galaxy cluster with MAGIC

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    Clusters of galaxies are the largest known gravitationally bound structures in the Universe, with masses around 10(15)M circle dot, most of it in the form of dark matter. The ground-based Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope MAGIC made a deep survey of the Perseus cluster of galaxies using almost 400 h of data recorded between 2009 and 2017. This is the deepest observational campaign so far on a cluster of galaxies in the very high energy range. We search for gamma-ray signals from dark matter particles in the mass range between 200 GeV and 200 TeV decaying into standard model pairs. We apply an analysis optimized for the spectral and morphological features expected from dark matter decays and find no evidence of decaying dark matter. From this, we conclude that dark matter particles have a decay lifetime longer than similar to 10(26) s in all considered channels. Our results improve previous lower limits found by MAGIC and represent the strongest limits on decaying dark matter particles from ground-based gamma-ray instruments. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved