21 research outputs found

    Географічні дані про харчовий раціон у світі

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    The research of a human food ration is caused by the great social significance in solving the problem of proper supply the population with food in the world countries. The food problem has a most evident geographic character. The world countries having at their disposal various agro-climatic conditions, demographic resources and population growth rates, socio-economic potential, specialization and labor productivity of agriculture production, are essentially distinguished by the food supply level of population and by structural characteristics of food ration. The formation particulars of the world countries population food ration were considered and characterized in the article. The key characteristics and factors of the world population’s food ration were analyzed there. The geographic differences of food ration, as well as the world countries typology by distinctive features of food consumption through their division into groups (nutrition types) according to the content and quantity of basic components in food ration were determined in it.Дослідження харчового раціону людини спричинене великим соціальним значенням у вирішенні проблеми належного забезпечення населення продуктами харчування у країнах світу. Продовольча проблема має найбільш очевидний географічний характер. Країни світу, що мають у своєму розпорядженні різні агрокліматичні умови, демографічні ресурси та темпи приросту населення, соціально-економічний потенціал, спеціалізацію та продуктивність праці сільськогосподарського виробництва, по суті відрізняються рівнем продовольчого забезпечення населення та структурними особливостями харчового раціону. . У статті розглянуто та охарактеризовано особливості формування харчового раціону населення країн світу. Тут проаналізовано основні характеристики та чинники харчового раціону населення планети. У ній були визначені географічні відмінності харчового раціону, а також типологія країн світу за відмітними ознаками споживання їжі через їх поділ на групи (типи харчування) відповідно до вмісту та кількості основних компонентів у харчовому раціоні

    Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study.

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    INTRODUCTION: There are few published empirical data on the effects of COVID-19 on mental health, and until now, there is no large international study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, an online questionnaire gathered data from 55,589 participants from 40 countries (64.85% females aged 35.80 ± 13.61; 34.05% males aged 34.90±13.29 and 1.10% other aged 31.64±13.15). Distress and probable depression were identified with the use of a previously developed cut-off and algorithm respectively. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics were calculated. Chi-square tests, multiple forward stepwise linear regression analyses and Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tested relations among variables. RESULTS: Probable depression was detected in 17.80% and distress in 16.71%. A significant percentage reported a deterioration in mental state, family dynamics and everyday lifestyle. Persons with a history of mental disorders had higher rates of current depression (31.82% vs. 13.07%). At least half of participants were accepting (at least to a moderate degree) a non-bizarre conspiracy. The highest Relative Risk (RR) to develop depression was associated with history of Bipolar disorder and self-harm/attempts (RR = 5.88). Suicidality was not increased in persons without a history of any mental disorder. Based on these results a model was developed. CONCLUSIONS: The final model revealed multiple vulnerabilities and an interplay leading from simple anxiety to probable depression and suicidality through distress. This could be of practical utility since many of these factors are modifiable. Future research and interventions should specifically focus on them

    Fortschritt vs. Tradition: Patriarchat und weibliche* Selbstbestimmung in der DDR.

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    Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet das Spannungsfeld aus fortschrittlicher Politik, patriarchalen Staatsstrukturen und dem Fehlen einer sozialen Emanzipation der Geschlechter in der DDR. Im Fokus stehen subjektive Erfahrungen von Frauen und deren Ansichten zu Gleichberechtigung, Chancen und patriarchalen Erscheinungen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf biographischen Interviews, welche das Frauenstadtarchiv Dresden (FSA) im Jahr 2020 mit Frauen geführt hat, die in der DDR gelebt haben und die sich seit Jahrzehnten feministisch engagieren

    Fortschritt vs. Tradition: Patriarchat und weibliche* Selbstbestimmung in der DDR.

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    Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet das Spannungsfeld aus fortschrittlicher Politik, patriarchalen Staatsstrukturen und dem Fehlen einer sozialen Emanzipation der Geschlechter in der DDR. Im Fokus stehen subjektive Erfahrungen von Frauen und deren Ansichten zu Gleichberechtigung, Chancen und patriarchalen Erscheinungen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf biographischen Interviews, welche das Frauenstadtarchiv Dresden (FSA) im Jahr 2020 mit Frauen geführt hat, die in der DDR gelebt haben und die sich seit Jahrzehnten feministisch engagieren

    Fortschritt vs. Tradition: Patriarchat und weibliche* Selbstbestimmung in der DDR.

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    Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet das Spannungsfeld aus fortschrittlicher Politik, patriarchalen Staatsstrukturen und dem Fehlen einer sozialen Emanzipation der Geschlechter in der DDR. Im Fokus stehen subjektive Erfahrungen von Frauen und deren Ansichten zu Gleichberechtigung, Chancen und patriarchalen Erscheinungen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf biographischen Interviews, welche das Frauenstadtarchiv Dresden (FSA) im Jahr 2020 mit Frauen geführt hat, die in der DDR gelebt haben und die sich seit Jahrzehnten feministisch engagieren

    Infrared spectroscopy as the method for evaluating technological properties of minerals and their behavior in technological processes

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    Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is a highly effective method for the analysis of minerals, rocks and ores, capable of solving a whole range of problems when choosing innovative solutions for the technological processing of various types of mineral raw materials. The article considers the main directions of using the infrared spectroscopy method in assessing the technological properties of minerals and their behavior in technological processes: evaluation of the grade (quality) of mineral raw materials; analysis of the behavior of minerals in the technological process with prediction of their technological properties; analysis of changes in the structure and properties of minerals in technological processes; operational analysis of mineral substances at various stages of technological processing. The article illustrates all aspects of the use of infrared spectroscopy at various stages of studying the material composition of mineral raw materials in its enrichment assessment by specific examples of solving problems arising from the technological redistribution of various types of ore and non-metallic minerals

    Methodological approaches to the study of mineral resource potential of regions

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    The exploration industry of Ukraine is experiencing a protracted crisis. It is confirmed by the curtailment of funding for the development of country mineral resources by 60% last year which causes the closure of exploration companies. The range of problems traditionally solved by the geography of mineral resources is significantly reduced. These reasons encouraged us to consider the main methodological approaches to the study of mineral potential of specific regions. The studied approaches such as natural-geographical, economic-geographical, ecological-geographical, and complex structural-geographical lie in the domain of geographical science. The article emphasizes the urgency to develop structural and geographical course of research, which is based on the studies of mineral resources and the approaches mentioned above including geological one. The structural and geographical course of research is supposed to create real models of mineral resources of the country regions and to suggest specific measures of their structure optimization alongside prospects of their development following modern world tendencies. The research may result in the creation of a long-term concept of balanced development of the mineral complex of the region, the prevision of the use of mineral resources, the justification of resource-saving technologies. A systematic approach to such a concept will ensure the rational use of resources, the formation of new infrastructure, conditions for environmentally safe function of the economy, sustainable and balanced development of the economic complex of the region

    Analysis of consumption and ensuring energy resources of the Dnipropetrovsk Region

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    The issue of energy-saving and energy efficiency is actual at the present-day development of Ukraine’s economy. The imperfective system of energy ensuring as the result of inefficient energy resources utilization is a characteristic feature of the state. The analysis of ensuring energy resources applied to Dnipropetrovsk Region as one of the leading industrial regions of the country is presented in the article. The availability of reserves and production of fuel resources was analyzed in it. Distinctive features of energy resources consumption with the aim of assessment general and partial indexes of energy ensuring and fuel power-intensity of the region’s economic complex are highlighted in the work. The tendencies and perspectives of energy consumption development of the Dnipropetrovsk Region were analyzed herewith

    Geographic particulars of the world’s population food ration

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    The research of a human food ration is caused by the great social significance in solving the problem of proper supply the population with food in the world countries. The food problem has a most evident geographic character. The world countries having at their disposal various agro-climatic conditions, demographic resources and population growth rates, socio-economic potential, specialization and labor productivity of agriculture production, are essentially distinguished by the food supply level of population and by structural characteristics of food ration. The formation particulars of the world countries population food ration were considered and characterized in the article. The key characteristics and factors of the world population’s food ration were analyzed there. The geographic differences of food ration, as well as the world countries typology by distinctive features of food consumption through their division into groups (nutrition types) according to the content and quantity of basic components in food ration were determined in it

    Use of GIS technology in geographical education

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    At the present stage, digital information technologies create a new education system focused on the global educational space. In general education schools, in connection with the adoption of the updated program, the section Geoinformatics and cartography provides for the use of developing a map-scheme, modeling and conducting small studies on the topic under study. As a result, digital technology has a place in geographical education. This is due to significant changes in the pedagogical and methodological approach in teaching geography and other disciplines. As a result, the education system has changed, the content of education has been updated, a new approach has appeared, a new attitude to geoinformation technologies in schools. The article discusses the importance of computer technologies in the education system, including the effectiveness and necessity of using geoinformation technologies. The article substantiates the relevance of the use of geoinformation technologies in the teaching of geography