614 research outputs found

    ELL Student-Athletes' (ELLSA) Social Integration and NCAA Educational Practices

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    This study examined English Language Learner student-athletes (ELLSAs) from a Midwestern, Division I NCAA affiliated institution of higher learning. This study also aimed to better understand the ELLSA population, which is currently heavily under investigated. The cross-sectional survey included 41.6% of the population. After the survey, ethnographic interviews were conducted with three ELLSAs in order to begin building an understanding of the complex identities ELLSAs possess. The researcher distinguished various identities through this work and accounted for personal, academic, social, and athletic identifications. Additionally, information was gathered that pertained specifically to the various types of support groups within the ELLSAs' community of learners (teammates, coaches, tutors, academic advisors, university instructors, etc.). Some recommendations for bolstering support services include: hiring ELL-trained learner specialists, creating innovative means for responsible socialization into the greater campus community, and taking a critical look at how much time an ELLSA must spend on athletic training in a typical day. This study specifically underscores the necessity for on-going studies on the ELLSA population in order to develop a more student-centered approach and maintain the overall well-being of student-athletes

    An Investigation into the Impact of Rooting Android Device on User Data Integrity

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    The available commercial and freeware mobile forensics tools heavily rely on a rooted mobile device for them to extract data. The potential effects of rooting the device before extraction could pose a threat to the forensic integrity rendering the acquisition process flawed. An endeavour was made in compiling of this paper investigating the impact of rooting android mobile devices on user data integrity. The research examines and analyses data from an android Samsung phone. A framework has been developed to illustrate measures and steps to be observed in the extraction of data from mobile devices

    Pengaruh Pemberian Formula Tepung Tempe sebagai Bahan Substitusi pada Formula Enteral Rendah Lemak (Hospital Made) Terhadap Kadar Ldl dan Hdl Darah Tikus (Rattus Novergicus) dengan Diet Aterogenik

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    Tempe flour is one of food material that contains high protein biovability value and high potential in preventing coronary heart disease by decreasing the cholesterol content. Tempe has hypocholesterol effect that able to inhibit the cholesterol absorption. Beside that, tempe contains strong antioxidant that able to protect LDL oxidation. The research aimed at knowing the influence of tempe flour giving as substitution material at low fat enteral formula (hospital made) toward the increase of LDL content and the decrease of HDL content at male rate of wistar norvegiccus strain that given atherogenic diet. The research was laboratory experimental in nature with complete design with 4 repetition for each treatment stages. The measured variables included independent variables, that is enteral formula giving at hospital that consist of 6 treatment stages, that is (Po) Standard diet, (P1) Atherogenic diet, (P2) Standard Diet + Hospital Enteral Formula, (P3) Standard Diet + Enteral formula of Tempe Flour Substitution, (P4) Atherogenic diet + Hospital Enteral Formula, (P5) Atherogenic Diet + Enteral formula of Tempe Flour Substitution and the dependent variables were LDL and HDL. The results showed that the highest cholesterol serum content in average at treatment group without tempe flour giving (P4) was 199±8.14; while the lowest at the treatment with tempe flour giving (P3) was 18.2±6.65. The highest HDL cholesterol serum content in average was 78.9±2.18 while the lowest at treatment (P1) Atheroganic Diet was 26.5±3.57. The statistical test showed there was significant content differences between LDL and HDL at teach treatment (P =0.000). The body weight measurement of he initial sample from all treatment was homogenous (P = 0.052), then after the treatment finished produced different body weight average (P =0.000), where the difference at the treatment group with tempe flour. Each intake of nutrient (energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate) at all treatments have differences, that is (P =0.000) The conclusion of the research was the tempe flour with atherogenic diet able to decrease the LDL oxidation that showed by the LDL cholesterol serum and the high HDL content. The giving of the flour able to prevent the LDL cholesterol serum content, prevent the HDL cholesterol serum decrease and able to inhibit the rat body weight significantly

    Omics-based profiles and biomarkers of respiratory infections: are we there yet?

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    Descriptive omics-based clinical research provides valuable early steps in understanding host immune responses to respiratory pathogens in our global efforts to mitigate the impacts of severe respiratory infections with rapidly evolving technologies https://bit.ly/4bjJsv


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    Abstrak: Bukti menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan kontek teknologi para guru memiliki dampak pada niat mereka untuk menggunakannya di kelas. Musawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) SARAYA merupakan salah satu kelompok guru di Kecamatan Satarmese Kabupaten Manggarai NTT yang menyadari peran dan manfaat teknologi tetapi tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai untuk menggunakannya dalam kelas. Untuk alasan tersebut maka kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini akan mengajak 22 orang guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP SARAYA untuk menggunakan teknologi dan memiliki skill didaktis yang seimbang dalam memanfaatkannya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka PKM ini fokus pada workshop pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis alat peraga digital selama dua pertemuan. Perangkat yang dikembangkan dibantu dengan visualisasi menggunakan alat peraga maya seperti geogebra, cabri, cabri express, dan g-skecth. Dari hasil analisis terhadap respon peserta, para guru menyadari kegunaan teknologi (90,2%) dan juga mereka meyakini teknologi dapat membantu para guru dalam pembelajaran (87,4%). Hasil analisis keseluruhan kegiatan menemukan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan oleh guru dan berpotensi meningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar matematika.Abstract: Evidence shows that teachers' contextual knowledge of technology has an impact on their intention to use it in the classroom. SARAYA's Subject Teacher Conference (MGMP) is a group of teachers in Satarmese District, Manggarai Regency, NTT who are aware of the role and benefits of technology but do not have sufficient knowledge to use it in class. For this reason, this community service activity will invite 22 teachers who are members of the SARAYA MGMP to use technology and have balanced didactic skills in utilizing it. To achieve this goal, this PKM focused on developing digital visual aids-based learning tools workshops for two meetings. The developed device is aided by visualization using virtual props such as Geogebra, Cabri, Cabri Express, and g-sketch. From the analysis of the participant's responses, teachers are aware of the usefulness of technology (90.2%) and they also believe technology can help teachers in learning (87.4%). The results of the analysis of the entire activity found that the learning tools developed could be used by teachers and had the potential to increase students' interest in learning mathematics

    The Forensic Swing of Things: The Current Legal and Technical Challenges of IoT Forensics

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    The inability of organizations to put in place management control measures for Internet of Things (IoT) complexities persists to be a risk concern. Policy makers have been left to scamper in finding measures to combat these security and privacy concerns. IoT forensics is a cumbersome process as there is no standardization of the IoT products, no or limited historical data is stored on the devices and them being always connected makes them extremely volatile. This paper highlights why IoT forensics is a unique adventure and brought out the legal challenges encountered in the investigation process. A quadrant model is presented to study the conflicting aspects in IoT forensics. The model analyses the effectiveness of forensic investigation process versus the admissibility of the evidence integrity; taking into account the user privacy and the providers’ compliance with the laws and regulations. Our analysis concludes that a semi-automated forensic process using machine learning, could eliminate the human factor from the profiling and surveillance processes, and hence resolves the issues of data protection (privacy and confidentiality)


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    Permukiman kumuh merupakan masalah yang terjadi di semua kota-kota besar. Terdapat bermacam-macam faktor yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya kawasan kumuh seperti masalah kepadatan bangunan, kondisi bangunan, masalah dari aspek sarana dan prasarana masalah dari aspek sosial dan masalah dari aspek ekonomi. Kota Malang menjadi salah satu kota yang terdapat kawasan kumuh yang tersebar di beberapa kelurahan. Berdasarkan SK Walikota Malang, Kota Malang memiliki kawasan kumuh dengan luas sekitar 607 hektare. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini yaitu merumuskan strategi penanganan kawasan kumuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis distribusi frekuensi yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik permukiman kumuh dan untuk mengetahui tingkat kekumuhan di Kelurahan Bareng. Untuk mengetahui skenario penanganan kawasan kumuh peneliti menggunakan analisis SWOT, sedangkan dalam menentukan prioritas penanganan kawasan kumuh peneliti menggunakan analisis skoring. Berdasarkan hasil analisa sasaran 1, terdapat kesamaan karakteristik dari masing-masing RW, dari tingkat kekumuhan kelurahan Bareng di klasifikasikan menjadi 3 yaitu kumuh rendah yang terdapat pada RW 02, RW 03, RW04 dan RW 08, kumuh sedang terdapat pada RW 01 sedangkan kumuh tinggi terdapat pada RW 07. Hasil analisa sasaran 2 dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT yaitu strategi/skenario berada pada kuadran 1 yang merupakan peluang dan kekuatan yang mana strateginya stabil dalam skenario penanganan kawasan kumuh di Kelurahan Bareng. Hasil dari sasaran 3 dengan menggunakan analisis Skoring diketahui terdapat variabel-variabel bermasalah yang harus di prioritaskan dari masing-masing RW, yaitu RW 01 Kepadatan bangunan, Kondisi sanitasi dan Kondisi air bersih, RW 02 Kondisi sanitasi, RW 03 Kondisi sanitasi, RW 04 Keteraturan bagunan, RW 07 Kondisi sanitasi dan RW 08 Kepadatan banguna