146 research outputs found

    Experiences in the construction of masculinities of male high school students. Preliminary discussions for its approach

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    La presente comunicación es un análisis de discusiones y recursos teóricos en el marco de la investigación en curso “Modos de ser varón en dos escuelas secundarias. Experiencias de construcción de masculinidades en el partido de La Matanza”. Se analiza la coyuntura socio-político-cultural en la que se inscribe y se hace un recuento bibliográfico. Se revisa cómo las escuelas han impartido educación sexual históricamente y cómo la cuarta ola feminista las impactó. Se desarrollan luego las consideraciones teóricas necesarias para comprender la construcción socio-histórica del género y las masculinidades. Por último, se analizan los aportes conceptuales de la categoría “experiencia” según las propuestas de Joan Scott y Teresa de Lauretis, en tanto operador analítico para este trabajo.The current article is an analysis of discussions and theoretical resources in the framework of the ongoing investigation “Ways of being a male student in two high schools. Experiences of construction of masculinities in the district of La Matanza”. The socio-political-cultural situation in which it is inscribed is analyzed and a bibliographic count is made. It reviews how schools have historically provided sex education and how the fourth wave of feminism has impacted on them. Afterwards, theoretical considerations needed to understand the sociological and historical construction of gender and masculinities are developed. Finally, the conceptual contributions of the category “experience” as an analytical operator for this work are analysed according to the proposals of Joan Scott and Teresa de Lauretis as analytical operators for this work.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Growth Is Inversely Correlated with Yield Efficiency across Cultivars in Young Olive (Olea europaea L.) Trees

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    The modern olive industry is increasingly interested in olive cultivars that start producing early and remain relatively small, because they are suitable for super high-density orchards. Some cultivars are better suited to this than others but it is not clear why. Understanding the mechanisms that lead to early production and reduced canopy size is therefore important. The object of this study was to investigate whether differences in vigor across olive cultivars are related to earliness and abundance of bearing. We analyzed tree growth and productivity in young coetaneous trees of 12 olive cultivars, grown together in the same orchard. Trunk diameter increased over the observation period, reaching significantly different values across cultivars. Canopy volume also increased, reaching 2-fold differences between the minimum and the maximum values. Cumulative yield increased, reaching up to 3-fold differences. When the cumulative yield at the end of the experiment was plotted against the final trunk diameter, no correlation was found. A significant correlation was found when cumulative yield was plotted against the increment in trunk diameter during the observation period for which yield data were collected. This relationship improved (i.e., R2 rose from 0.57 to 0.83) when yield efficiency [i.e., cumulative yield per unit of final trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) or per unit of canopy volume] was used instead of yield. These results clearly showed that trees that produced proportionally more (i.e., higher yield efficiencies) grew less. We conclude that, in young olive trees, vigor is inversely related to early bearing efficiency, which differs significantly across cultivars. The results support the hypothesis that early and abundant bearing is a major factor in explaining differences in vigor across olive cultivars

    Financiamiento en las PyMEs

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    El financiamiento es importante ya que permite, entre otras cosas, aumentos en la productividad, incrementos en la innovación tecnológica, mayor posibilidad de insertarse y sobrevivir en los mercados internacionales; también se obtienen otros beneficios como reducir cargas fiscales ya que los intereses que se paguen por el financiamiento pueden disminuir la cantidad de impuestos que se abonan sobre las utilidades. La presente investigación propone analizar en forma simple y práctica qué impacto tiene el financiamiento en las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Buscamos definir a este tipo de organizaciones, los beneficios que se posee al ser incluido en la categoría de PyMEs y los distintos tipos de financiamiento a los que pueden acceder. El presente estudio consiste en un análisis cualitativo y descriptivo. A partir de los datos obtenidos en la de la carrera de Contador Público Nacional, entrevistas realizadas a reconocidas PyMES de San Rafael y entidades financieras, disposiciones legales y otros medios de información es que pudimos explicar la importancia del conocimiento de los medios de financiamiento y cuál es la forma de financiación a la que pueden acceder, de manera tal que este estudio pueda servir como herramienta y guía para un mejor conocimiento por parte de estas pequeñas y medianas empresas sobre los medios de financiamiento existentes.Fil: Laudani, Melina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Sela, María Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Redondo, Andrea María Cristal. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Garcia Pannelli, Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Road traffic pollution and childhood leukemia: a nationwide case-control study in Italy

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    Background The association of childhood leukemia with traffic pollution was considered in a number of studies from 1989 onwards, with results not entirely consistent and little information regarding subtypes. Aim of the study We used the data of the Italian SETIL case-control on childhood leukemia to explore the risk by leukemia subtypes associated to exposure to vehicular traffic. Methods We included in the analyses 648 cases of childhood leukemia (565 Acute lymphoblastic–ALL and 80 Acute non lymphoblastic-AnLL) and 980 controls. Information on traffic exposure was collected from questionnaire interviews and from the geocoding of house addresses, for all periods of life of the children. Results We observed an increase in risk for AnLL, and at a lower extent for ALL, with indicators of exposure to traffic pollutants. In particular, the risk was associated to the report of closeness of the house to traffic lights and to the passage of trucks (OR: 1.76; 95% CI 1.03–3.01 for ALL and 6.35; 95% CI 2.59–15.6 for AnLL). The association was shown also in the analyses limited to AML and in the stratified analyses and in respect to the house in different period of life. Conclusions Results from the SETIL study provide some support to the association of traffic related exposure and risk for AnLL, but at a lesser extent for ALL. Our conclusion highlights the need for leukemia type specific analyses in future studies. Results support the need of controlling exposure from traffic pollution, even if knowledge is not complete

    The narrative art of modernist fiction : a corpus stylistic and cognitive narratological approach

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    This thesis explores modernist narrative art embodied in modernist style of constructing narrative space. Within Chatman’s conceptual framework, narrative space can be divided into story-space (settings and characters) and discourse-space (focus of spatial attention). In a corpus-stylistic approach, the structuration of the story-space in The Mill on the Floss, The Good Soldier and To the Lighthouse is examined. The findings show that modernist tendency to deemphasise particularity of place shapes a narrative design of spatial detachment. In consequence, the establishment of settings in early modernist fiction is generally sketchy, but sometimes spatially informative. This is a mixed character. By contrast, settings in classic modernist fiction are symbolic of viewers’ psychological states, a clear manifestation of a modernist interest in characters’ interiority. To further trace the style change from early modernism to high modernism, a cross-disciplinary model for character analysis and a cross-axial model for the examination of discourse-space have been constructed. They help detect some similarities and dissimilarities between early and classic modernist styles of spatialisation. As a whole, this thesis has two features. First, it applies corpus stylistic methods to inform cognitive narratological interpretation. Second, it resorts to visualisation as an attempt at a multi-modal study of narrative space.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Sopra un carattere di una varieté algebrica a tre dimensioni

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    Analisi della ristorazione nelle strutture pubbliche per anziani della provincia di Macerata: aspetti di qualita' e gradimento dei pasti

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    In the few past decades the scientific community has unanimously pointed-out the need to clearly define nutritional requirements in long-term care. In order to achieve this goal we must first identify the incidence, occurrence, causes and consequences of malnutrition hence describing guidelines and benchmark values on nutritional needs for elderly-homes guests.\ud \ud The Italian health Ministry has specifically addressed this issue on its 2003-2005 national plan – regarding it as a challenging, yet strategic undertaking – by giving priority to projects aimed at the development of an integrated network of social and health services for long-term care and assistance of the elderly.\ud \ud This research, which has been carried out at local level across the central-east province of Macerata in Marches region, intended to focus on specific issues related to the catering service offered in public facilities. \ud \ud A relevant amount of data has been collected by a nutritional expert through direct interviews; a specifically designed questionnaire, which has been developed by a joint effort of the local food and health authorities (SIAN - ASUR), has been submitted to a quarter of the 1’000 – out of 73’000 totalling elderly (23% of the entire population) – residents of retirement homes operating in the province. \ud \ud The collected data has been then further analysed unveiling valuable information on age, background, feeding habits and liking of the meals served in hospices through a very diverse region spanning from the eastern sea-coast of Civitanova Marche, via the central hilly Macerata, to the western mountain side of Camerino. \ud \ud Findings reflects both personal habits and diversity in physical conformation of the territory, where 30% of residents in the sea-cost area of Civitanova Marche – most likely accustomed to better-quality and fresher sea-food than that served at hospice lunchroom – dislikes fish meals while many more of their mountain counterparts appreciate it; on the other hand 98% of the elderly from Camerino and Macerata consume fruits on a daily basis against only 50% of retirement-home guests close to the coast while, on a positive note, 80% of the polled base say that their servings are more than generous. \ud \ud The acquired results show that by monitoring habits, while taking into account the liking of the elderly, can be of use to help improve the nutritional condition in long-term care as well as in retirement homes. \u

    Gut glycoconjugates in Sparus aurata L. (Pisces, Teleostei). A comparative histochemical study in larval and adult ages

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    This study examined the gut of the euryaline fish Sparus aurata, from the pharynx to the rectum. The specimens were collected from adult animals, both sexes, and several larval and juvenile stages, from 4 to 135 days of age. Histochemical methods to distinguish neutral and acidic glycoconjugates, as well as specific techniques to identify acidic glycoconjugates which contained 0-acylated sialic acids were used. The presence and distribution of sugar residues in the oligosaccharide side chain of glycoconjugates were investigated with the use of biotinylated lectins. The pharynx and oesophagus of adult fishes showed the presence of abundant secretory cells which synthesized a large quantity of neutral, as well as sulphated and sialylated glycoconjugates, with different cellular combinations of them in the proximal and distal tract. This may be related to the complex functions carried out by this end of the gut in a marine euryaline fish. Epithelia1 secretory cells were found in the developing oesophagus during larval life (14 days) earlier than in the stomach and intestine (34 days). The simple columnar epithelium that lined the gastric mucosa of adult fish synthesized a mixture of neutral and acidic glycoconjugates, whereas during larval life it was shown to contain neutral glycoconjugates only. The intestinal goblet cells were shown to secrete both neutral and acidic glycoconjugates, especially sulphated forms. The adherent mucus gel of the gastric and intestinal mucosa contained many sugar residues, as revealed by lectin histochemistry. This work clearly demonstrates that the quality of gut mucosubstances varies in different ages and in regions of the fish alimentary canal. This is possibly caused by changes in environmental conditions and may in turn sustain functional alterations of the digestive apparatus