334 research outputs found

    Apps that help parents protect kids from cybercrime may be unsafe too

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    Children, like adults, are spending more time online. At home and school pre-schoolers now use an array of apps and platforms to learn, play and be entertained. While there are reported benefits, including learning through exploration, many parents are still concerned about screen time, cybersafety and internet addiction. An increasingly popular technical solution is parental control apps. These enable parents to monitor, filter and restrict children’s online interactions and experiences. In this blog, Luci Pangrazio discusses why parent control apps might be unsafe for children and the importance of helping children self-regulate and reflect on their online behaviour

    ¿Qué hay de nuevo en las noticias falsas? Alfabetizaciones digitales críticas en la era de las noticias falsas, la posverdad y el cebo de clics

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    The 2016 Facebook fake news scandal has highlighted the difficulty in determining the credibility and reliability of news. As a result, there have been calls for individuals to adopt a more informed and critical stance toward the sources of their news. This paper considers what might be involved in cultivating critical digital literacies in an era of post-truth, fake news and clickbait. Using the platform as the framework for study, the paper examines how the architecture, algorithms and network effects of the platform have changed the way news is created and disseminated, and how audiences are positioned to engage with it. This theoretical critique provides insight into the technical, political and social issues surrounding how individuals engage with online news.El escándalo de noticias falsas de Facebook de 2016 puso de relieve la dificultad para determinar la credibilidad y la confiabilidad de las noticias. Como resultado, se instó a individuos a que adoptaran una posición más informada y crítica frente de la fuente de sus noticias. El presente trabajo considera qué podría estar relacionado con el cultivo de alfabetizaciones digitales críticas en la era de la posverdad, las noticias falsas y el cebo de clics. A través de la utilización de la plataforma como marco para el estudio, el trabajo examina cómo la arquitectura, los algoritmos y los efectos de red de la plataforma han cambiado la manera en que las noticias se crean y se diseminan, y cómo las audiencias se posicionan frente a ellas. La presente crítica teórica arroja luz sobre los aspectos técnicos, políticos y sociales alrededor de la manera en que los individuos se involucran con las noticias en línea

    Diferencias de las lesiones sufridas en 4campeonatos sudamericanos de fútbol femenino y masculino

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar las lesiones en 4campeonatos oficiales de la CONMEBOL, masculinos y femeninos, para conocer las diferencias en la localización, el diagnóstico y la gravedad de las lesiones producidas entre futbolistas de ambos sexos.Material y metodologíaRegistramos las lesiones en competiciones oficiales de fútbol con 506 jugadoras, en 48 partidos, y 644 jugadores, en 58 partidos. Se lesionaron de diferente gravedad 115 jugadores y 151 jugadoras. Estudiamos el diagnóstico, localización, momento, baja deportiva y mecanismo de las lesiones.ResultadosUn tercio de las lesiones se produjeron entre el minuto 30 y el 45 del partido. Las lesiones en las mujeres fueron en la cabeza y la cara (22,5%), la rodilla (15,9%), el tobillo (15,2%) y la pantorrilla (11,2%). En los hombres fueron en el muslo (25,2%), la cabeza y la cara (14,8%), la pantorrilla (11,2%), el pie (10,3%) y el tobillo (9,5%). Las contusiones, en ambos grupos, fueron el diagnóstico más frecuente (65,5% en mujeres; 44% en hombres), seguidas en los jugadores de los desgarros musculares (12,1%), distensiones musculares (13%) y esguinces (7,7%); en las jugadoras, siguieron las concusiones (14%) y los esguinces (8,6%). El 70% de las lesiones graves no fueron sancionadas en el fútbol masculino.ConclusiónLas contusiones fueron la primera causa de lesión seguidas, en las mujeres, por las concusiones y, en los hombres, por las lesiones musculares del muslo. Un tercio de las lesiones se produjeron en el último cuarto de hora del primer tiempo y la mayoría de las lesiones fueron leves. En el fútbol masculino son más frecuentes las lesiones graves.AbstractObjectiveTo analyze the injuries in 4, male and female, official championships CONMEBOL for determined the differences in location, diagnosis and severity of injuries among players of both sexes.Material and methodologyInjuries recorded in competitions with 506 female players in 48 games, and 644 male players in 58 games. One hundred fifteen males and 151 females were injured of varying severity. We study the diagnosis, location, time, lowered sports and mechanism of injury.ResultsOne third of the injuries occurred between minute 30 and 45 of the game. Most frequent injuries in women were in the head and face (22.5%), knee (15.9%), ankle (15.2%) and calf (11.2%). In men were in the thigh (25.2%), head and face (14.8%), calf (11.2%), foot (10.3%) and ankle (9.5%). Bruises, in both groups, was the most frequent diagnosis (65.5% women; 44% men), followed by muscle tears (12.1%), muscle strains (13%) and sprains (7.7%) in males and followed by concussions (14%) and sprains (8.6%) in females. A total of 70% of serious injuries were not sanctioned in men's soccer.ConclusionThe bruises were the leading cause of injury followed, in women, by concussions and in men by thigh muscle injury. A third of the injuries occurred in the last quarter of the first half and most of the injuries were mild. In men's football are most common severe injuries

    Beyond cybersafety: The need to develop social media literacies in pre-teens

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    Cybersafety has been a mainstay of digital education since computers arrived in classrooms in the mid 1990s. Whether schools encourage students to be ‘cybersmart’ (Australia), ‘netsafe’ (New Zealand) or to be aware of ‘cybersecurity strategies’ (Mexico and Chile) most now devote a relatively large amount of time and money to teaching young people how to ‘stay safe’ online. In this article, we argue that it is time for schools to move beyond the cybersafety discourse to encourage students to think more critically about the digital media they use. Reporting on the digital practices of 276 pre-teens aged 7-12 years in Australia and Uruguay, we contend that the everyday digital challenges young people face are now beyond the scope of most cybersafety programs. Our findings highlight that many of the issues pre-teens are negotiating call for more nuanced and sustained educational programs that support the development of critical social media literacies. In particular, with the proliferation of mass user platforms and artificial intelligence, there is a need for schools to educate students around managing and protecting their personal data. The article concludes with a discussion of the digital learning required for young people in an increasingly datafied society

    It’s not like it’s life or death or whatever: young people’s understandings of social media data

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    Young people’s engagements with social media now generate large quantities of personal data, with “big social data” becoming an increasingly important “currency” in the digital economy. While using social media platforms is ostensibly “free,” users nevertheless “pay” for these services through their personal data—enabling advertisers, content developers, and other third parties to profile, predict, and position individuals. Such developments have prompted calls for social media users to adopt more informed and critical stances toward how and why their data are being used—that is, to build “critical data literacies.” This article reports on research that explores young social media users’ understandings of their personal data and its attendant issues. Drawing on research with groups of young people (aged 13–17 years), the article investigates the consequences of making third party (re)uses of personal data openly available for social media users to interpret and make critical sense of. The findings provide valuable insights into young people’s understandings of the technical, social, and cultural issues that underpin their ability to engage with, and make sense of, social media data. The article concludes by considering how research into critical data literacies might connect in more meaningful and effective ways with everyday lived experiences of social media use

    El currículum argentino de Educación digital: un análisis de la dimensión “crítica” de las competencias digitales

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    In this article we analyze a corpus of documents belonging to the Digital Education curriculum launched in Argentina between years 2015 and 2019 as part of a broader reform, aimed at digital literacy and training in digital skills at school. The object of analysis of our study focuses in particular on the way in which the curricular texts conceptualize the critical dimension of digital skills. The methodology we have adopted articulates the content analysis approach with historical-anthropological educational ethnography, the latter being the theoretical-methodological framework that, in general, guides our study. As a theoretical framework, we recover the contributions made by the critical pedagogies on the competences curriculumand other developments developed by the field of educational technology and digital literacies. In the analysis, we stablish a dialogue between the curricular texts of the corpus and a series of broader technoeducational, pedagogical and cultural processes. Finally, we project an agenda of problems that is an alternative to the one dominant in the field of digital literacy.En este trabajo presentamos un análisis de un corpus de documentos que componen el currículum de Educación digital lanzado en la Argentina entre los años 2015 y 2019 en el marco de una reforma más amplia, orientada a la alfabetización digital y la formación en competencias digitales en la escuela. El objeto de análisis de nuestro estudio se centra en el modo en que dicho currículum conceptualiza la dimensión crítica de las competencias digitales. La metodología utilizada articula el análisis de contenido con la etnografía educativa de corte histórico-antropológico, siendo este último el marco teórico-metodológico que, de modo general, guía nuestro estudio. Como marco teórico, recuperamos los aportes realizados por la pedagogía crítica en torno al currículum por competencias y diversos desarrollos del campo de la tecnología educativa y las alfabetizaciones digitales que nos han servido para poner en diálogo los textos curriculares con procesos tecno-educativos, pedagógicos y culturales más amplios, y proyectar alternativas desde una perspectiva crítica

    Making ‘MOOCs’: the construction of a new digital higher education within news media discourse

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    One notable ‘disruptive’ impact of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has been an increased public discussion of online education. While much debate over the potential and challenges of MOOCs has taken place online confined largely to niche communities of practitioners and advocates, the rise of corporate ‘xMOOC’ ventures such as Coursera, edX and Udacity has prompted popular mass media interest at levels not seen with previous educational innovations. This article addresses this important societal outcome of the recent emergence of MOOCs as an educational form by examining the popular discursive construction of MOOCs over the past 24 months within mainstream news media sources in United States, Australia and the UK. In particular, we provide a critical account of what has been an important phase in the history of educational technology—detailing a period when popular discussion of MOOCs has far outweighed actual use/participation. We argue that a critical analysis of MOOC discourse throughout the past two years highlights broader societal struggles over education and digital technology—capturing a significant moment before these debates subside with the anticipated normalization and assimilation of MOOCs into educational practice. This analysis also sheds light on the influences underpinning how many people perceive MOOCs thereby leading to a better understanding of acceptance/adoption and rejection/resistance amongst various professional and popular publics

    O currículo argentino de educação digital: uma análise da dimensão “crítica” das habilidades digitais

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    En este trabajo presentamos el análisis de un corpus de documentos que componen el currículum de Educación digital lanzado en la Argentina entre los años 2015 y 2019 en el marco de una reforma más amplia, orientada a la alfabetización digital y la formación en competencias digitales en la escuela. El objeto de nuestro estudio se centra, particularmente, en el modo en que dicho currículum conceptualiza la dimensión crítica de las competencias digitales. La metodología utilizada articula el análisis de contenido con la etnografía educativa de corte histórico-antropológico, siendo este último el marco teórico-metodológico que, de modo general, guía nuestro trabajo. Como marco teórico, recuperamos los aportes en torno al currículum por competencias realizados por la pedagogía crítica y diversos desarrollos del campo de la tecnología educativa y las alfabetizaciones digitales. En el análisis, ponemos en diálogo los textos curriculares del corpus con una serie de procesos tecno-educativos, pedagógicos y culturales más amplios, y proyectamos una agenda de problemas que resulta alternativa a aquella dominante en el campo de la alfabetización digital.In this article we analyze a corpus of documents belonging to the Digital Education curriculum launched in Argentina between years 2015 and 2019 as part of a broader reform, aimed at digital literacy and training in digital skills at school. The object of analysis of our study focuses in particular on the way in which the curricular texts conceptualize the critical dimension of digital skills. The methodology we have adopted articulates the content analysis approach with historical-anthropological educational ethnography, the latter being the theoretical-methodological framework that, in general, guides our study. As a theoretical framework, we recover the contributions made by the critical pedagogies on the competences curriculum and other developments developed by the field of educational technology and digital literacies. In the analysis, we stablish a dialogue between the curricular texts of the corpus and a series of broader technoeducational, pedagogical and cultural processes. Finally, we project an agenda of problems that is an alternative to the one dominant in the field of digital literacy.Neste artigo, apresentamos a análise de um corpus de textos que compõem o currículo de Educação Digital lançado na Argentina entre 2015 e 2019 no marco de uma reforma mais ampla, voltada para a alfabetização digital e a formação em competências digitais em a escola. O objeto de análise do nosso estudo centra-se, em particular, na forma como o referido currículo conceptualiza a dimensão crítica das competências digitais. A metodologia utilizada articula a análise de conteúdo com a etnografia histórico-antropológica educacional, sendo esta última o referencial teórico-metodológico que, em geral, orienta nosso estudo. Como referencial teórico, recuperamos as contribuições em torno do currículo pelas competências da pedagogia crítica e pelos diversos desenvolvimentos no campo da tecnologia educacional e dos letramentos digitais. Na análise, colocamos os textos curriculares do corpus em diálogo com uma série de processos tecnoeducativos, pedagógicos e culturais mais amplos, e projetamos uma agenda de problemas que se apresenta como alternativa àquela dominante no campo do letramento digital.Fil: González López Ledesma, Alejo Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; ArgentinaFil: Pangrazio, Luci. Deakin University; Australi

    A homozygous contiguous gene deletion in chromosome 16p13.3 leads to autosomal recessive osteopetrosis in a Jordanian patient

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    Human malignant autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder caused by reduced bone resorption by osteoclasts. Mutations in the CLCN7 gene are responsible not only for a substantial portion of ARO patients, but also for other forms of osteopetrosis characterized by different severity and inheritance. The lack of a clear genotype/phenotype correlation makes genetic counselling a tricky issue for CLCN7-dependent osteopetrosis. Here we characterize the first homozygous interstitial deletion in 16p13.3, detected by array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (a-CGH) in an ARO patient of Jordanian origin. The deletion involved other genes beside CLCN7, while the proband displayed a classic ARO phenotype; however her early death did not allow more extensive clinical investigations. The identification of this novel genomic deletion involving a large part of the CLCN7 gene is of clinical relevance, especially in prenatal diagnosis, and suggests the possibility that this kind of mutation has been underestimated so far. This data highlights the need for alternative approaches to genetic analysis also in other ARO-causative genes