10 research outputs found

    Interannual Variability in the Source Location of North African Dust Transported to the Amazon

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    International audienceAfrican dust is transported to South America (SA) every winter and spring. Hypotheses suggest that either Western or Central North Africa (e.g., Bodélé Depression) is the main source of transported dust, yet these notions remain largely untested with geochemical data. Using 2 years of isotopic measurements (strontium and neodymium) of African dust collected in SA integrated into a statistical model, we identified strong interannual variability in dust source region. Central North Africa supplied 44% of long-range transported dust in winter 2016 while the Western region accounted for 53% of dust in winter 2014. We propose the variability is due to differences in the strength of the Libyan High and precipitation over the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean between the 2 years. Our findings can improve constraints of dust nutrient deposition and predictions of how changes in climate impact the source and magnitude of dust transported to the Amazon

    Atmospheric Transport of North African Dust-Bearing Supermicron Freshwater Diatoms to South America: Implications for Iron Transport to the Equatorial North Atlantic Ocean

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    The equatorial North Atlantic Ocean (NAO) is a nutrient-limited ecosystem that relies on the deposition of long-range transported iron (Fe)-containing aerosols to stimulate primary productivity. Using microscopy, we characterized supermicron and supercoarse mode African aerosols transported to the western NAO in boreal winter/spring. We detected three particle types including African dust, primary biological aerosol particles, and freshwater diatoms (FDs). FDs contained 4% Fe by weight due to surficial dust inclusions that may be susceptible to chemical processing and dissolution. FDs were typically larger than dust particles and comprised 38% of particles between 10 and 18 μm in diameter. The low density, high surface-area-to-volume ratio, and large aspect ratios of FD particles suggest a mechanism by which they can be carried great distances aloft. These same properties likely increase the residence time of FDs in surface waters thereby increasing the time for Fe dissolution and their potential impact on marine biogeochemical cycles

    Characterizing and Quantifying African Dust Transport and Deposition to South America: Implications for the Phosphorus Budget in the Amazon Basin

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    These data were obtained in support of a research program whose objective was to characterize and quantify the amounts of African dust that are carried in the Trade Winds to the Amazon Basin region and to South America at large. To this end, established an aerosol sampling station in Cayenne on a hill at a coastal site (4.948936N, 52.309692W). In this paper we compare 10 months of mineral dust data to concurrent measurements of PM10 that are made by the agency in charge of the air quality monitoring program in Cayenne, ATMOS-Guyane. Using this data, we show that concentrations of PM10 above about 15 - 20 ug/m3 can be directly linked to the advection of African dust into the region. On this basis we can use the entire (15 year) PM10 measurement record made in Cayenne to characterize the long term transport of African dust.Hi-Vol Filter Sampling: In early 2014 a high-volume aerosol filter sampling system was installed at a site situated on the top of a 67-meter wooded hill (4.948936N, ‑52.309692W) located directly on the coast that lies northeast of the city of Cayenne (population 57,000) (see Fig. 1). The site is a fenced and gated government radar facility with restricted access. Cayenne lies in the Trade Wind belt and winds have a very strong NE component all year long. Figure S2 shows selected seasonal wind roses from a site 1.3 km SE of the sampling site. Sampling is carried out on a cooperative basis by personnel of ATMO. Samples are changed on a nominal 24-hour cycle starting around local noon although the start and end times are variable, depending on the workload of the personnel. Exposed filters are replaced with a new filter the following morning except over weekends and holidays when multi-day samples are taken. Most 3-day filter samples in the archive are weekend samples that were begun on a Friday morning and terminated on a Monday morning. Also, because of work schedule limitations and holidays, some filter changes may be missed during the week or extend over longer times. Note that the filter change cycle starts approximately at local noon and, thus, the schedule is not precisely coordinated with the daily PM measurement cycle which starts at midnight. Samples are collected by drawing air through 20cm x 25cm Whatman 41 filters (W41) at a flow rate of about 0.75 m-3 min‑1. In the marine boundary layer, the collection efficiency of W-41 filters is greater than 95% for dust (Kitto & Anderson, 1988; Arimoto et al., 1990). W-41 filters yield consistently low blank values for a wide range of elements and they are routinely used for aerosol trace element sampling in ocean environments (Morton et al., 2013). Exposed filters are periodically returned to Miami where all analyses are carried out. For mineral dust analyses, a quarter section of each filter is extracted with three aliquots of water and then placed in a muffle furnace for about 14 hours (i.e., overnight) at 500°C. Earlier studies on Barbados show that the soluble components consist primarily of sea salt aerosol (Savoie et al., 2002; Savoie, Prospero, & Saltzman, 1989). The ash residue weight (less filter blank) is assumed to be mineral dust. The ash blanks yield a standard error in the mineral dust concentration that is essentially constant at ±0.1 µg m-3 for concentrations less than 1 µg m-3; at higher levels, the standard error is about ±10%. The filter ash weight underestimates the true dust concentration because of the loss of soluble soil salts associated with the minerals during the extraction procedure (e.g., halides, CaCO3, CaSO4), and during the subsequent heating through the volatilization of bound water and various species and the breakdown of other components including organic matter. Based on an early assessment (Savoie & Prospero, 1977) we developed a canonical adjustment factor, 1.3, to compensate for those losses. In later work, the concentration of 19 elements was measured by neutron activation (Arimoto et al., 1995) in aliquots of 1349 dust-laden filter samples collected at Barbados. A scatter plot of Al vs the ash weights of aliquots of these same filters (obtained as described above) yields an average Al concentration of 10.4%. When we apply the canonical factor, 1.3, we obtain an Al concentration of 8.0%. This value is close to the average abundance of Al in the upper continental crust: 8.15%, (Rudnick & Gao, 2003). With this normalization method, a large suite of elements is found to be present in Barbados dust at ratios close to crustal abundances (e.g., Trapp et al., 2010; Bozlaker et al., 2017.PM10 Measurements. Aerosol concentrations are measured with ThermoFisher Scientific TEOM 1400 series instruments. Measurements are made in two size classes: PM2.5 and PM10. The TEOM is a gravimetric instrument that continuously weighs the collection filter and measures particle mass concentrations. The TEOM is an EPA equivalent method for measuring PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter and is used worldwide in air quality programs (Nosratabadi, Graff, Karlsson, Ljungman, & Leanderson, 2019). The instruments at Cayenne are operated and maintained by ATMO-Guyane, a non-profit organization (https://www.atmo-guyane.org/qui-sommes-nous/statuts/ ) responsible for monitoring air quality in FG following French national air quality requirements and protocols (https://www.atmo-guyane.org/). Sampling is carried out at various fixed sites in the Cayenne region and also at mobile sites as needed. Data is stored as 15-minute averages. In this work, we use the daily means of values between midnight to midnight. Data can be downloaded at https://www.atmo-guyane.org/donnees/open-data/Column 1: Date of sample Column 2. Mineral dust concentration as determined from filter samples. In the case of multi-day samples, the concentration is copied over the span of the days sampled. Colored blocks identify multi-day time span. Column 3: The number of days that the filter sample was exposed for collection of aerosol. Column 4: TEOM PM10 concentrations (ug/m3). This is the average of all stations in operation during that specific day. Column 5: PM10 concentrations (ug/m3) where the daily sample values are averaged over the time range of the multi-day filter samples