1,525 research outputs found

    Effects of Chronic Waterborne Nickle Exposure on Two Successive Generations of \u3cem\u3eDaphnia Magna\u3c/em\u3e

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    In a 21-d chronic toxicity test in which an F0 generation of Daphnia magna were exposed to waterborne Ni, the noobservable-effect concentration (for survival, reproduction, and growth) was 42 μg Ni L-1, or 58% of the measured 21-d median lethal concentration (LC50) of 71.9 μg Ni L-1 (95% confidence interval, 56.5–95.0). Chronic exposure to 85 μg Ni L-1 caused marked decreases in survival, reproduction, and growth in F0 animals. In the F1 generation (daphnids born of mothers from the chronically exposed F0 generation), animals chronically exposed to 42 μg Ni L-1 for 11 d weighed significantly less (20%) than controls, indicating increased sensitivity of F1 animals. Additionally, in this successive generation, significant decreases in whole-body levels of metabolites occurred following exposure to both 42 μg Ni L-1 (decreased glycogen and adenosine triphosphate [ATP]) and 21 μg Ni L-1 (decreased ATP). No significant changes were observed in whole-body total lipid, total protein, and lactate levels at any concentration. Whereas F1 neonates with mothers that were exposed to 21 μg Ni L-1 showed increased resistance to acute Ni challenge, as measured by a significant (83%) increase in the acute (48-h) LC50, F1 neonates with mothers that were exposed to 42 μg Ni L-1 were no more tolerant of acute Ni challenge than control animals were. Nickel accumulations in F1 animals chronically exposed to 21 and 42 μg Ni L-1 were 11- and 18-fold, respectively, above control counterparts. The data presented suggest that chronic Ni exposure to two successive generations of D. magna lowered the overall energy state in the second generation. Whereas the quantity of neonates produced was not affected, the quality was; thus, environmentally meaningful criteria for regulating waterborne Ni concentrations in freshwater require consideration of possible multigenerational effects

    Influence of Chinese Culture on the Development of Mosques in Indonesia

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    Islam in Indonesia is experiencing a history and cultural development that is quite unique. Where in the history of the spread of Islam in Indonesia began in 1389. During the era  of the leadership of the Kingdom of  Majapahit, many majapahit areas were released, so Majapahit owed the Ming Dynasty from China, because at that time many kingdoms were controlled by China. It was at this time that  Admiral  Cheng Ho  sailed to the archipelago and performed Islamic shiar in Java. Ethnic  Cina is an ethnicity that is able to maintain its existence. Seen from the ornaments they use on the buildings they build, ranging from colors and ornaments of typical Chinese shapes. This is as a form of their identity and as a sign of the territorythey live in to influence  the  existence of mosque architecture. Until now Arsitektur  Cina is still seen invariousmosques in Indonesia, asa form of respect for the ancestors of branda who have spread shiar  Islam or asa beto unite the communityantara  Muslim Chinese

    Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning

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    The findings are grouped into four sections. The first section on student achievement finds that there were positive effects on student mathematics and reading performance and that the lowest-performing students made substantial gains relative to their peers. The second section on implementation and the perceptions of stakeholders finds that adoption of personalized learning practices varied considerably. Personalized learning practices that are direct extensions of current practice were more common, but implementation of some of the more challenging personalized learning strategies was less common. The third section relates implementation features to outcomes and identifies three elements of personalized learning that were being implemented in tandem in the schools with the largest achievement effects. Finally, the fourth section compares teachers' and students' survey responses to a national sample and finds some differences, such as teachers' greater use of practices that support competency-based learning and greater use of technology for personalization in the schools in this study with implementation data

    Translating Standardized Effects of Education Programs Into More Interpretable Metrics

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    Evaluators report effects of education initiatives as standardized effect sizes, a scale that has merits but obscures interpretation of the effects’ practical importance. Consequently, educators and policymakers seek more readily interpretable translations of evaluation results. One popular metric is the number of years of learning necessary to induce the effect. We compare years of learning to three other translation options: benchmarking against other effect sizes, converting to percentile growth, and estimating the probability of scoring above a proficiency threshold. After enumerating the desirable properties of translations, we examine each option’s strengths and weaknesses. We conclude that years of learning performs worst, and percentile gains performs best, making it our recommended choice for more interpretable translations of standardized effects

    Komunikasi Interpersonal Pengasuh dalam Membentuk Sikap Positif Anak Didik Dipanti Asuhan Aisyiyah Pekanbaru

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    Interpersonal communication is an interaction that is very important in establishing a good relationship between the educator with students at the orphanage. Through interpersonal communication educator can educate and teach students to be better. The aim of this study is to explain how the educator role of interpersonal communication in shaping positive attitudes of students in orphanages and explain interpersonal relationships educator in shaping positive attitudes of the students at the orphanage.This study was conducted in Pekanbaru Aisyiyah Orphanage located at Jalan Ahmad Dahlan Pekanbaru. This study used a qualitative descriptive study describes and interprets the data. Informants in this study were caregivers, students, and leaders Orphanage using techniques purposiv. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation.These results indicate the role of educator in the form of interpersonal communication positive attitude of the students in the Orphanage Aisyiyah Pekanbaru going well. Interpersonal communication between educator with children educated in orphanages instrumental in helping educator to educate and change attitudes of the students at the orphanage so that students in orphanages have the attitude and behavior is good or positive. Educator relationship interpersonal communication in shaping positive attitudes of students in the Orphanage Aisyiyah Pekanbaru also going well. Good interpersonal communication between educator with students forming a good relationship between the educator with the students so that the creation of comfort for students in orphanages so to facilitate educator to educate and nurture students to be better.Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Interpersonal Communication Purposes, Characteristics And Role Of Interpersonal Communication, Interpersonal Relationship, Orphanages And Educato