263 research outputs found

    Anxiety as an Epileptical Equivalent (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy)

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    To consider anxiety as an epileptical equivalent, several considerations have to be taken into account. First of all, what is anxiety and what is if possible a universal conception of epilepsy, and I say this because although we have the DSM series, the International League Against Epilepsy and everybody talks about “consensus” the way we classify almost every syndrome in medicine tends to dilute due to the diversity of clinical manifestations that have to be taken into account, so where and how do we apply such terms. There we have our “new” platform to understand, directly and indirectly, the role of temporal lobe syndromes, which, by the way, we all “have” but need to be discerned, as we can appreciate in EEG quantitative analysis: as to why temporal lobe is always marking for increased activity

    Morphodynamics, sedimentary and anthropogenic influences in the San Vicente de la Barquera estuary (North coast of Spain)

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    The estuary of San Vicente de la Barquera occupies two valleys that have incised into soft sedimentary rocks (Lower Mesozoic) and are controlled by inactive faults. These two estuary subsystems, the Escudo (main valley) and Gandarilla, share outer estuarine zones, i.e., a sandy bay and mouth complex. There is a confining barrier consisting of an aeolian dune/beach system that is currently fixed by a NE-trending jetty that has allowed system progradation over the past 50 years. Connected to the inner inlet in the sand bay is a flood-tidal delta, the most important dynamic and sedimentary unit, which exhibits a heart shape caused by the large amplitude of flows in this estuarine zone and channelizes the flows and sediments into the estuary, primarily during rising and high tides. In particular, a counterclockwise rotation due to the Coriolis effect is essential to the development of this sand structure, including the ebb and flood tide structures, primarily spill-over lobes, sand waves and megaripples.The presence of estuarine beaches into the bay is common in many Cantabrian estuaries, even culminating in small dune fields, in this case with anthropic origin.This paper explains the human occupation and port management, besides the dynamic and sedimentary distribution of a bar-barrier estuary and the changes produced in its distal part by construction of two jetties in the mouth

    Nuevas tecnologías, nuevos vocablos

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    Depto. de Periodismo y Nuevos MediosFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu

    Machine learning for credit risk in the Reactive Peru Program: A comparison of the Lasso and Ridge regression models

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    COVID-19 has caused an economic crisis in the business world, leaving limitations in the continuity of the payment chain, with companies resorting to credit access. This study aimed to determine the optimal machine learning predictive model for the credit risk of companies under the Reactiva Peru Program because of COVID-19. A multivariate regression analysis was applied with four regressor variables (economic sector, granting entity, amount covered, and department) and one predictor (risk level), with a population of 501,298 companies benefiting from the program, under the CRISP-DM methodology oriented especially for data mining projects, with artificial intelligence techniques under the machine learning Lasso and Ridge regression models, with econometric algebraic mathematical verification to compare and validate the predictive models using SPSS, Jamovi, R Studio, and MATLAB software. The results revealed a better Lasso regression model (λ60 = 0.00038; RMSE = 0.3573685) that optimally predicted the level of risk compared to the Ridge regression model (λ100 = 0.00910; RMSE = 0.3573812) and the least squares model with algebraic mathematics, which corroborates that the Lasso regression model is the best predictive model to detect the level of credit risk of the Reactiva Peru Program. The best predictive model for detecting the level of corporate credit risk is the Lasso regression model.Campus Lima Su

    Nuevas tecnologías, nuevos vocablos

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    Depto. de Periodismo y Nuevos MediosFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu

    Colección y nombres de algas del ficólogo español Pedro González Guerrero

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    In this paper we collect the 103 algae names published by the Spanish phycologist Pedro González Guerrero during his life-long study of algae at the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid. Names are presented with specific information to facilitate the typification of these names in the future, since P. González only used small illustrations as type elements when describing new infrageneric taxa. We also review here the status of this collection, which has been restored and databased in the process. The collection currently comprises over 2150 specimens, a fraction of what it was a much larger one.En este trabajo reunimos los 103 nombres de alga que el ficólogo español Pedro González Guerrero publicó a lo largo de toda una vida científica dedicada al estudio de este grupo en el Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Revisamos el estado de su colección, la cual ha sido restaurada y registrada en una base de datos, y proporcionamos información detallada de los nombres y ejemplares para facilitar la tipificación en el futuro, puesto que P. González Guerrero se limitaba a usar pequeñas ilustraciones como elementos tipo al describir nuevos táxones infraespecíficos. La colección actual abarca más de 2150 muestras y es solo una fracción de la original

    Long-term implications of traditional forest regulation methods applied to Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) forests in central Spain: a century of management plans

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    Producción CientíficaPinus pinaster stands in the northern Iberian range (Spain) have been under forest management plans for more than a century. The main goals have been sustainable yield and conservation and enhancement of forest conditions. In the study area, forest management plan implementation started to be effective in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the plans have been evaluated every ten years. In these forests, a permanent forest compartment method has been applied as the management system. Different regeneration methods have been applied (uniform shelterwood and clear cutting in Soria, selective and uniform shelterwood and continuous cover forestry in Teruel). To analyse the evolution of each forest group, five management indicators have been tested in this study: number of merchantable trees, standing volume, resin production, allowable yield, and harvested volume. Forest situation improvement and maintenance of forest integrity are not only a consequence of the actions planed by foresters, they are also influenced by socio-economic transformations that have occurred during the last century such as the weakness of the resin market, decreasing demand for fire wood, restriction of pasture activities, and increasing recreation use.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (project AGL-2001-1780)Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (project AGL2004-07094-C02-02)Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (project AGL2007-65795-C02-01