2,942 research outputs found

    Transferable neural networks for enhanced sampling of protein dynamics

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    Variational auto-encoder frameworks have demonstrated success in reducing complex nonlinear dynamics in molecular simulation to a single non-linear embedding. In this work, we illustrate how this non-linear latent embedding can be used as a collective variable for enhanced sampling, and present a simple modification that allows us to rapidly perform sampling in multiple related systems. We first demonstrate our method is able to describe the effects of force field changes in capped alanine dipeptide after learning a model using AMBER99. We further provide a simple extension to variational dynamics encoders that allows the model to be trained in a more efficient manner on larger systems by encoding the outputs of a linear transformation using time-structure based independent component analysis (tICA). Using this technique, we show how such a model trained for one protein, the WW domain, can efficiently be transferred to perform enhanced sampling on a related mutant protein, the GTT mutation. This method shows promise for its ability to rapidly sample related systems using a single transferable collective variable and is generally applicable to sets of related simulations, enabling us to probe the effects of variation in increasingly large systems of biophysical interest.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Where the Action Is: Innovative State Health Care Initiatives

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    Where the Action Is: Innovative State Health Care Initiatives

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    Formulasi Strategi Bersaing Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran Pada Gallery Yansugem Art and Design

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    This research method is a quantitative based on SWOT analysis and matrix IE The analysis results showed that the variables into strength is the completeness of the product , gallery location close to the tourism area, price adjustment, service quality and employee competency, cooperation with hotel, shipping, guid tour . The weakness is the personal of promotion, internet promotion and development of information tecnology.. The opportunities presented by the stability which is conducive Bali security, local government policy that is flexible, the rate of inflation and the rupiah against the U.S dollar is stable, and cultural communities within the galery provides comfort. At present and in the future the position is at the I cell grow and develop. Formulation of a workable marketing strategy is a strategy of market penetration, market development, and product development

    Hubungan Faktor Internal dengan Kinerja Pegawai di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Wangaya Kota Denpasar

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    Kinerja adalah suatu bentuk hasil kerja yang dapat dicapai oleh seorang pegawai demi mencapai tujuan organisasi atau Perusahaan yang dapat diukur melalui indikator-indikator pengukuran kinerja. Faktor internal pegawai sangat penting diperhatikan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan organisasi secara optimal diantaranya faktor pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, disiplin serta motivasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor internal dengan kinerja pegawai di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Wangaya Kota Denpasar tahun 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 90 orang yang dipilih dengan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling. Berdasarkan gambaran karakteristik responden, sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat pendidikan D.III dan berstatus sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner terstruktur kemudian dianalisis melalui uji chi square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% atau ?=0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan dengan kinerja pegawai di RSUD Wangaya dengan nilai p = 0.000. Faktor pengalaman kerja memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kinerja pegawai dengan nilai p = 0.000. Ada hubungan bermakna antara disiplin dengan kinerja pegawai di RSUD Wangaya dengan nilai p = 0.000. Serta ada hubungan bermakna antara motivasi dengan kinerja pegawai di RSUD Wangaya (p = 0.000). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu faktor pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, disiplin serta kinerja memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kinerja pegawai di RSUD Wangaya. Saran pada penelitian ini adalah sebaiknya pihak RSUD Wangaya lebih meningkatkan dan mengantisipasi terjadinya pelanggaran disiplin yang menyebabkan penurunan kinerja dengan melakukan pengawasan dan evaluasi kinerja secara teratur dan berkesinambungan

    Evaluation of red-light camera enforcement using traffic violations

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    The State of Qatar started to use red-light cameras in 2007 at key signalized intersections and the rate of installation has subsequently increased. In 2017, 19.2% of signalized intersections are equipped with red-light cameras. In many cases, the cameras are not installed on all approaches to the intersections. The purpose of this study is to compare the red-light running violations on approaches with and without red-light running enforcement cameras at the same intersections. Actual field observations were used in this study. Different variables were investigated, including the day of the week, time of day, traffic volume, the possibility of glare on an approach, and the lengths of the yellow and all-red times. A regression tree model was used to explain the characteristics associated with the violations. The results showed that the number of violations on low-volume approaches was five times higher than on high-volume approaches. The results also showed that the presence of the cameras significantly lowered red-light running violations. High-volume approaches without cameras had an approximately eight times higher rate of violations than high-volume approaches with cameras. The analysis also showed that bringing the all-red interval closer to the values recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers formula may bring down the rates of violations for low-volume approaches. As with any observational data mining method, the study could benefit from a larger sample size. The method used in the study was effective and is easily transferable to other locations. The results of this study can be used in developing new strategies to improve safety at signalized intersections. 2018 The AuthorsScopu

    Study of genetic diversity in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn) using RAPD markers

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    Germplasm identification and characterization is an important link between conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources. The present study was conducted to characterize the genetic diversity using twelve germplasm of finger millet including two of the same variety (VL-149) but from different regions. Three replica of each germplasm was amplified using seventeen random primers. A total of 113 distinct fragments ranging from 117 bp to 2621 bp were amplified. Of these, 70 (61.9%) were found to bepolymorphic. A fingerprint for GPU-28 was obtained. Another fingerprint for genotype VL-315 was generated where two primers (T10S6, T20S4) could distinguish it from other genotypes either by absence or presence of an allele, respectively. In addition to this, another interesting allele which wasabsent in genotypes of high altitudes (VL-324, VL-315, and VL-149) was discovered. The lowest and highest polymorphisms were obtained within individuals belonging to genotypes OUAT-2 and VL-324. Nei’s analysis revealed the highest similarity between OUAT-2 and JWM-1 and the highest distance between BM-1 and VL-315. OUAT-2 and JWM-1, both white seeded germplasms, showed maximum closeness. The study helped in identifying the germplasm in a quick and reproducible manner andstudying their relatedness

    Performance of hymenopteran insects as pollinators of pumpkin in Meghalaya

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    Pumpkin is a major cultivated crop particularly in north eastern states of India that depends on insects for the pollination, as the pollens of these plants are large sized and sticky. In the present study, field and lab experiments were conducted to determine the efficiency of the pollinators of pumpkin based on their diversity, relativeabundance and foraging activity. Total four hymenopteran insect pollinators were observed in field viz., bumble bee, little honey bee, Indian honey bee and Digger bee. On the basis of abundance and relative abundance bumble bee was identified as most abundant pollinator of pumpkin with 69.69 per cent mean relative abundance as other pollinators mean relative abundance was less than 25 per cent and it was only 3.49 per cent for Indian honey bee. Foraging speed and foraging rate of bumble bee was 7.13 sec/flower and foraging rate was 3.80 flower/minute. To ensure the efficient pollinator of pumpkin flower, pollen carrying capacity, pollen deposition and percent deposition of viable pollen was studied for all the pollinators in field and laboratory condition. The pollen carrying capacity of pollinators ranged from more than 7 mg to 1 mg. It was highest for bumble bee which was 7.33 mg followed by little honey bee (6.66 mg) and least pollen carrying capacity was observed in Digger bee (1.67 mg). Pollen depositions by pollinators on stigma in a single visit was again highest for bumble bee (565 pollen grains) with maximum number of viable pollen deposition 224.33 pollen grains out of which 39.7 per cent pollen was viable. So on the basis of above result it can be concluded that bumble bee was the most abundant and most efficient pollinator of pumpkin
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