144 research outputs found

    Cross Media dan Remediasi Soundwork Suara Surabaya FM 100 dan PRFM

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    Broadcast radio faces challenges in maintaining its existence, particularly in the internet era. Audiences now have more media access choices, leading to decreased loyalty to a single medium. This research explores the strategy of expanding the reach of broadcast radio through cross-media initiatives in the new internet-based medium. It also examines the process of soundwork remediation within the internet medium, focusing on Suara Surabaya FM 100 and PRFM radio. The new context of remediation enables the establishment of social connections between the audience and radio, as well as connectivity among the audience mediated by radio across different outlets


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    Pengoperasian Kereta Api Gaya Baru Malam Selatan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk melayani kebutuhan transportasi yang terjangkau bagi mereka yang termasuk dalam tingkat ekonomi menengah ke bawah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepuasan pengguna terhadap pengoperasian Kereta Api Gaya Baru Malam Selatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner kepada 100 orang responden pada hari kerja (Senin – Jumat) maupun hari libur (Sabtu – Minggu). Untuk mengukur kepuasan responden terhadap berbagai faktor yang berkaitan dengan pengoperasian Kereta Api Gaya Baru Malam Selatan digunakan metode sated preference, yaitu dengan menganalisa harapan responden dan pelaksanaan yang dirasakan terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan selama menggunakan Kereta Api Gaya Baru Malam Selatan. Atribut yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa dengan menggunakan program SPSS dan excel yang kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam diagram kartesius untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan penumpang terhadap atribut-atribut tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kuisioner dengan metode Stated Preference disimpulkan bahwa terdapat tiga faktor yang menurut responden menjadi prioritas untuk ditingkatkan karena belum memuaskan, yaitu meliputi fasilitas (toilet, kereta makan/restorasi dan sirkulasi udara), keamanan (penempatan petugas keamanan di tiap gerbong) dan jadwal keberangkatan (1 hari 2 kali keberangkatan). Kata kunci : kereta api, kepuasan, Stated Preferenc


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    AbstractIn Japanese linguistics, combining words with words so that they become a single unit is called a compound word. In theprocess, compound words can be formed from vocabulary that can give rise to meaning according to its lexical meaningand other meanings. One of the kanji that can form compound words is the kanji 米 (kome, bei, mai). When combinedwith other words, the kanji 米 (kome, bei, mai) not only produces its lexical meaning of "rice", but can also produceanother meaning of "America". So it needs accuracy in using a word and the meaning that represents the word. This studyserves to determine the process of forming noun compound words from 米 (kome, bei, mai), as well as to find out themeaning that results from combining these words. The research data were taken from the Shirabe Jisho digital dictionarysoftware, and the non-digital dictionary Standard Indonesian-Japanese Dictionary, Japanese-Indonesian-Japanese SmartDictionary, 1.250.000 Japanese Modern Indonesian-Japanese Dictionary, Characters for Daily Use and Personal Names, and from the book Minna No Nihongo Kanji II English Edition (みんなの日本語語初級 II ), Kanji Reference BookletMinna no Nihongo. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research method to analyze the process and meaning ofcompound nouns from the kanji 米 (kome, bei, mai). The data obtained is the vocabulary of the kanji (kome, bei, mai)obtained from various sources totaling two hundred and fifty-six vocabularies, the researchers only took data in the formof vocabulary that was included in the noun or meishi word class which amounted to eighteen vocabularies. The meaningsproduced by the eighteen data contain meanings that are related to the basic meaning of the constituent elements, andthere are meanings that are not related to the basic meaning of the constituent elements.Keywords: compound words, nouns, kome, rice, America概要日本語学では、単語と単語を組み合わせて 1 つの単位にすることを複合語と呼ぶ。その過程で、語彙の意味や他の意味に応じて意味を生み出すことができる語彙から複合語を形成することができる。複合語を形成できる漢字の 1 つは、漢字米(こめ、ベイ、マイ)。他の言葉と組み合わせると、漢字米(こめ、ベイ、マイ)は、その語彙的な意味である「米」を生み出すだけでなく、別の意味である「アメリカ」を生み出すこともできる。"。したがって、単語とその単語を表す意味を正確に使用する必要がある。この研究は、漢字米(こめ、ベイ、マイ)から名詞の複合語を形成するプロセスを決定し、これらの単語を組み合わせることによって生じる意味を見つけることを目的としている。調査データは、白檜ディショデジタル辞書ソフトウェア、およびディショデジタル非 Kamus Standar BahasaIndonesia-Jepang, Kamus Pintar Bahasa Jepang Jepang-Indonesia Indonesia-Jepang, Kamus Jepang Modern1.250.000 Jepang Indonesia Indonesia-Jepang, Characters for Daily Use and Personal Names, serta berasal daribuku Minna No Nihongo Kanji II English Edition (みんなの日本語語初級 II 漢字英語版), Kanji ReferenceBooklet Minna no Nihongo。研究者は、記述的定性的研究方法を使用して、漢字米(こめ、ベイ、マイ)からの複合名詞の形成プロセスと意味を分析する。得られたデータは、さまざまなソースから得られ た漢字米(こめ、ベイ、マイ)の語彙であり、合計 256 の熟熟であり、研究者は、名詞の品詞に含まれる熟熟の形式でのみデータを取得して。18 のデータによって生成された意味には、構成要素の基本的な意味に関連する意味が含まれ、構成要素の基本的な意味に関連しない意味がある。キーワード:複合語、名詞、米、アメリ


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembebanan fidusia sebagai jaminan kredit bank pada Kantor Notaris di Surakarta. Dalam pemberian kredit oleh bank, Collateral (Agunan) merupakan elemen penting guna memberikan pertimbangan khusus untuk merealisasi suatu kredit kepada debitur, adapun tujuannya untuk menjamin keberadaan kredit debitur terhadap suatu kemungkinan resiko macetnya kredit tersebut. Jaminan merupakan suatu keutamaan disamping persyaratan yang lain, maka bank sering meminta atau justru mewajibkan adanya jaminan atas pemberian kreditnya kepada debitur, dengan lain perkataan Bank dalam rangka mengamankan kepentingannya, maka tidak dilarang meminta suatu jaminan. Salah satunya adalah jaminan yang diikat secara Fidusia. Jaminan Fidusia memberikan kepastian hukum kepada para pihak yang berkepentingan pendaftaran jaminan fidusia memberikan hak yang didahulukan (preferen) kepada penerima fidusia terhadap kreditur lain. Karena jaminan fidusia memberikan hak kepada pihak pemberi fidusia untuk tetap menguasai benda yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia berdasarkan kepercayaan, maka sistem pendaftaran yang diatur dalam Undang-undang ini dapat memberikan jaminan kepada pihak penerima fidusia dan pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan terhadap benda tersebut. Maka untuk mendapatkan kepastian hukum perlu diadakan Pembebanan jaminan fidusia, dimana jaminan fidusia merupakan perjanjian ikutan (accesoir) dari suatu perjanjian pokok yang menimbulkan kewajiban bagi para pihak untuk memenuhi suatu prestasi. Dengan demikian, “Bagaimana pelaksanaan pembebanan fidusia sebagai jaminan kredit bank pada Kantor Notaris di Surakarta?” Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan Yuridis Sosiologis, dan hasil penelitian yang di analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, bahwa pelaksanaan pembebanan fidusia sebagai jaminan kredit bank pada Kantor Notaris di Surakarta, dilaksanakan sebagai berikut : (1) Adanya perjanjian pokok antara Debitur dengan Kreditur; (2) Kesepakatan para pihak melakukan pengikatan jaminan secara fidusia; (3) Dibuatnya Akta Notaris dalam bentuk Akta (pembebanan) Jaminan Fidusia (4) Penandatanganan Kuasa untuk melakukan pendaftaran fidusia pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia oleh Debitur selaku Pemberi Fidusia; (5) Pendaftaran Fidusia; (6) Penyerahan Sertifikat Jaminan Fidusia sebagai jaminan atas kredit oleh Pemberi Fidusia kepada Penerima Fidusia

    Kant’s Copernican Revolution and the Viability of Christian Realism

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    Kant reduces the range of pure reason to the phenomenal realm. This is a consequence of his Copernican Revolution. If his move is correct, Christianity is forced to either (1) push all of its claims to the phenomenal, or (2) persist in its affirmation that they are noumenal. The former, seems to safeguard its reasonableness but only at the cost of becoming subjective and private. This option entails self-contradictions due to the indispensability of claims like the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ being objectively true, and of Christianity’s imperative to evangalize. This option is consequently unreasonable. On the other hand, the latter avoids the former’s self-contradictions. We ought to assert these truth claims since they correspond to reality in itself, and we ought to evangelize because the truth of the Gospel applies universally to all human beings. However, it is still open to the charge of unreasonableness in its failure to proportion its claims to the range of reason. All attempts to prove Christianity’s correspondence with noumenal reality presuppose propositions that could be nothing but our subjective impositions into reality like the principle of causality. Whatever option it takes, therefore, if Kant is correct, Christianity has to be unreasonable. Arguably, Christianity exhausts the set of possible religions that a reasonable person could take today. Even if it does not, religion still is premised on propositions which themselves could be nothing but our impositions to reality. If Kant is correct, faith and reason are therefore mutually exclusive, contra Aquinas and Wojtyla. This paper shows that if religion is to maintain its claim of being reasonable, it has to direct all of its intellectual powers in refuting Kant’s reduction of reason’s range to the phenomenal. If it neglects such task, Christianity will self-destruct. Intrinsically bound up to Christianity is the primacy of reason (logos), so Christians who live up to their identity would have to abandon Christianity. If it does not neglect such task, but fails in its attempts to refute it, then it will just prove its atheistic critics are right – religion is for the irrational, after all


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    Current technological developments need to be followed by adaptation to the world of education. However, the problem in the world of education today is that there is still unpreparedness and gaps in the use of technology in the educational sphere. The purpose of this research is as an effort to transform the development of learning media that makes more use of information technology and keeps up with the times. The Canva application can support the learning process because of the many designs provided so that learning materials can be designed more attractively. Then, the Quizlet application provides various features for creating interactive quizzes. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with interview data collection techniques with informants. Based on the results of the research, Canva and Quizlet media for learning fables at SMP Muhammadiyah Purworejo are considered to be very effective. The use of these applications does not make students bored and more interested in learning, so it is hoped that the Canva and Quizlet applications can be used as references or alternatives for teachers in improving student learning outcomes, especially in junior high school students' fable text materia


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang penataan artistik film tari yang berbasis puisi berjudul “Watesmantra”. Puisi “Watesmantra” mengisahkan seorang anak yang turun ke dunia dan mencari pemaknaan dari semua ilmu pengetahuan serta pengalaman hidup yang ingin dan sudah ia dapatkan. Film Tari dikemas dengan pendekatan tradisi kontemporer. Perancangan dilakukan dengan menginterpretasi puisi dan mewujudkan visualnya dengan prinsip-prinsip desain elementer sesuai dengan tema dan konsep yang telah ditentukan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan penelitian artistik, yaitu dengan melibatkan penciptaan suatu karya seni sebagai bentuk pengumpulan data atau informasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tahap pengamatan, analisis data, penciptaan karya seni, evaluasi dan interpretasi karya seni. Penulisan berupa deskripsi analitis dengan teori prinsip desain elementer. Analisis data bermula dengan menguraikan puisi per bait, interpretasi, dan memvisualisasikan dalam bentuk unsur rupa sebagai penanda dari makna yang akan disampaikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa rancangan penataan artistik dengan uraian rinci puisi yang terwujud dalam proses praproduksi.Kata kunci: Tata Artistik, Film Tari, Desain Elementer. AbstractThis study aims to design the artistik arrangement of a poetry-based dance film entitled “Watesmantra”. “Watesmantra”'s poem tells of a human who comes to earth and seeks meaning from all the knowledge and life experiences that he wants and got. This dance film wrapped in a contemporary tradition approach. The design is done by interpreting the poetry and realizing the visuals with elementary design principles in accordance with predetermined themes and concepts. The method used is artistik research, involving the creation of a work of art as a form of data or information collection. The research was carried out with the stages of observation, data analysis, creation of works of art, evaluation and interpretation of works of art. Writing in the form of an analytical description with the theory of design principles. Data analysis begins with a breakdown of the poem per stanza, interpretation is carried out and visualization in the form of visual elements as markers of the meaning to be conveyed. The result of this research is in the form of an artistik arrangement design with a poetry breakdown which is materialized in the pre-production process.Keywords: Art Development, Dance Film, Design Principles


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    Art Therapy is one of the solutions that might be applied in the movement of pursuing mental health awareness within the Indonesian society. The methods in Art Therapy combine the approaches from art, design and psychology altogether with the other disciplines. One of the examples is the line and colour-creation art therapy. This method might be applied to the patients of mental health disorder such as psychotic. The introduction of line and colour-creation into the art therapy has been inspired by the visual introduction that the infants experience for the very first time. Within the line and colour, there are light intensity, thin and thick line intensity, hand pressure intensity during the sketching activities, emotion intensity that goes after the thick and thin line intensity and also colour intensity altogether with the colour category namely hot, warm and cold. All of these aspects might be benefitted for the recovery process in terms of emotion, self-expression and selfactualization. Then, the line and colour creation-art therapy integrates all kinds of art under comfortable and non judgmental situationin order to facilitate the recovery process of the psychotic patients. To use art expressively means to enter the inner space within an individual’s heart in orderto find the inner feelings and to express these inner feelings in the form of visual art, movement, voice, writings and drama. This process encourages the freedom, the self-understanding, the insight and also trigger the creativity and the transpersonal awareness so that the recovery period might be increased byexpressing the feelings onto a sheet of paper. In this case, the position of art as an existential phenomenon becomes a bridge that unites rite, imagination and fantasy in such a way that other activities might be unable to perform since the objective of art is to represent the significance of an individual’s inner feeling instead of outer appearance. In other words, art might be considered as a symbolic form of human’s feelings. Departing from this elaboration, the researcher would like to initiate the implementation of a Community Service Program in UILS (Unit Informasi Layanan Sosial, Unit of Social Service Information) Meruya Selatan under the authority of Bina Laras Harapan Sentosa 1 Social Homes Cengkareng. The results of the Community Service Program are expected to increase the rate of psychotic patients’ recovery process by means of expression painting therapy for overcoming the mental health disorders

    Implementasi Metode QCC untuk Menurunkan Jumlah Sisa Sampel Pengujian Compound

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    In the manufacturing industry, the role of quality control or laboratory parts is very important to ensure the quality of raw materials or finished products by testing. Smooth testing carried out by the QC/Lab section will have an impact on the smooth production process. PT. Bando Indonesia is one of the automotive manufacturing industries that is consistent with quality. However, based on April-June 2018 data based on SQCDMP data, it was found that productivity factors were quite low as indicated by the presence of remaining hardness and specific gravity compound test results reaching 36.44% at the end of each shift. By carrying out corrective actions through the 8 step Quality Control Circle (QCC) and using seven tools as an analytical tool, the results obtained are significant, namely the reduction in the remaining samples of compound testing by only 21.97% and impact on cost, morality, and productivity