1,195 research outputs found

    Management of an ICT project in the public sector implementing a new system

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    The Master's Thesis (TFM) deals with the management of implementation projects in the public sector through the collaboration between NTT Data, the company where the internship was carried out, and the Centre of Telecommunications and Information Technologies of Catalonia (CTTI). The study focuses on a specific project for the Department A of the Generalitat de Catalunya and explores the integration of management methodologies, such as NTT Data's COM and CTTI's Agile approach, to improve efficiency and quality in project execution. The TFM provides a detailed overview of the project phases, from pre-documentation to implementation, highlighting the importance of project management in the public sector and the need to ensure the efficient use of public resources. It describes the methodologies used, such as SCRUM and functional testing, and emphasizes collaboration with end users to ensure that the final product meets their expectations. The paper also highlights the relevance of user acceptance testing (UAT) and customer feedback meetings to continuously refine and improve the project. Furthermore, it details the importance of documentation, such as user manuals and workflows, to facilitate the understanding and effective use of the developed application

    Martínez Rodríguez, F.M. (2013). Educación, Neoliberalismo y Justicia Social

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    Development and Evaluation of Multifunctional Colloidal Composite Nanoparticles for Potential Combined Cancer Cell Diagnosis and Therapy

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    Nanomedicine includes detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases at the cellular level and can be a valuable tool for highly specific medical interventions by utilising nanoscale objects. Cancer nanomedicine is one of the most successful research fields for exploring cancer at the cellular level. To find a suitable candidate for cancer theranostics (therapy and diagnosis) at an early stage and post-treatment (reemission), the cytotoxicity, imaging, and therapeutic capabilities of various classes of nanoparticles were investigated. Firstly, various nanoparticles were first obtained from WOx and iron oxides being processed under hydrogen (H2) + argon (Ar) gas heat treatment and membrane filtration. A colouration process from yellow to blue colour was obtained for WO3 nanoparticles (NPs) and an oxygen reduction process that led us to obtain metallic Fe NPs from γ-Fe2O3 NPs. Additionally, membrane filtration methods using ultrathin nanoporous membranes in microfluidic platforms were performed on γ-Fe2O3 polydisperse NPs. This novel application showed a consistent reduction in size distribution from these magnetic polydisperse NPs after filtration at 37 nm and 60 nm membrane pore sizes. Tangential and normal flow filtration (TFF and NFF, respectively) were used with ethanol and water solvents which showed the need to work at low concentrations for dense nanoparticles. TFF presented a higher degree of filtration at the cost of complexity, time and price. Secondly, these NPs were then investigated for their incorporation as the core in core-shell structures. Novel core-shell NP structures were designed with an intermediate tunable SiO2 layer (3-60 nm) using the Stober process and also a tunable Au outer shell (15-30 nm approximately) formed from 3.5 nm Au seeds obtained from the Turkevich method. WO3-SiO2-Au NPs were synthesised which are a new class of NP that contains a first in it class WO3 core with potential electrochromic functionalities. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) and near-infrared (NIR) surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS ) were performed as a proof of concept for potential medical imaging to locate the nanoparticles achieving single-cell resolution. SERS enhancement factor (EF) using 785 nm was approximately 103 for a 30 nm thick Au shell in a silicon wafer. Additional Raman signals were measured in liquid samples to evaluate obtaining a SERS EF of 771 with WOx core and 33 using γ-Fe2O3 core. It presented low toxicity at concentrations under 100 µg/mL after 24 h using human isolated at M D Anderson from a pleural effusion of a patient with invasive ductal breast carcinoma breast cancer cells (MDA-MB 231) in vitro. Finally, monodisperse γ-Fe2O3-SiO2-Au nanoparticles displayed a promising negative contrast for MRI in both T1 and T2 modes along with strong contrast under microcomputed tomography (μCT). Monodisperse γ-Fe2O3 cores, which have an average diameter of 11 nm following a gaussian distribution with a standard deviation of 3 nm, in γ-Fe2O3-SiO2-Au structures outperformed in all these imaging tests to polydisperse γ-Fe2O3 cores, which have a mode value at 31 nm following a Lorentzian distribution with a scale parameter of 29 ± 7 nm. Magnetic hyperthermia was achieved using γ-Fe2O3 cores confirmed the potential therapy functionality in water using AMFs at 515 kHz and 170 Oe, obtaining an increment of 7 °C in 23 min, which adds in total four functionalities with potential application for cancer nanotheranostics. Moreover, cell viability assays using monodisperse γ-Fe2O3-SiO2-Au nanoparticles showed almost negligible cytotoxicity in different nanoparticle concentrations (0-2000 µg/mL) and cell types (pericytes, embryonic kidney HEK293A and MCF10A human cells) in vitro. In conclusion, the thesis was able to demonstrate that WO3-SiO2-Au NP and γ-Fe2O3-SiO2-Au NP have the potential for further development as a tool in nanomedicine, although systemic toxicology and excretion pathways will have to be carefully studied next.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Cambio climático e incertidumbre : un enfoque diferente en la información

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    Coloquio de las damas: La autocensura previa a la censura militante

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    El Coloquio de las damas es el fruto de la traducción de la tercera de las Sei giornate, de Pietro Aretino, realizada por el beneficiado hispalense Fernán Xuárez. En el presente trabajo, que pretende solo una cala en este interesante texto celestinesco, se desarrollará un breve análisis de la transformación de la obra pornográfica italiana en un libro de contraejemplos basado en las doctrinas más profundas de la fe cristian

    XUÁREZ, Fernán: Coloquio de las damas, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2011, ed. de Donatella Gagliardi, 191 págs

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    Tres tratados médicos de la Ets Haim: entre traducciones, apuntes enciclopédicos y polémicas médicas del siglo XVII

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    The aim of this paper is to offer a review of the medical historiography that developed in the context of the Sephardic community of Amsterdam during the seventeenth century. By means of three manuscripts, housed in the Jewish library Ets Haim, the oldest Jewish library in the world, I show the interest that these practically unknown works arouse, not only because of the clinical issue itself, but also because they fill an important gap in terms of the inheritance and transmission of knowledge, as well as the confirmation of the existence of cultural networks in which the Western Sephardim played a key role. As a result of this interrelation of scholars and relations based on cultural interest, some polemical writings arose at the same time, focused purely on scientific matters, such as the one I present next to these three manuscripts. It is an opuscule -written in Latin and appended to other pages of a polemic completely unrelated to medical matters- whose clues open the hypothesis of its very probable attribution to the Sephardic physicist Zacuto Lusitano. It is therefore in the interest of this study to offer new lines of research and work

    Análisis del procedimiento administrativo sancionador y su aplicación en el principio del debido procedimiento en la Municipalidad de Ate

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    El presente trabajo, está desarrollado en un estudio de la realidad problemática del distrito de ATE, respecto del procedimiento sancionador que está regulado bajo la Ord. 481-MDA que pasa a un procedimiento sancionador cuyo resultado es la Resolución de Sanción o la Subsanación de la conducta detectada. Por lo que se titula “Análisis del Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador y su aplicación en el Principio del debido Procedimiento en la Municipalidad de Ate” cuyo objetivo general es Analizar, si el procedimiento Administrativo sancionador es aplicado con relación al Principio del Debido Procedimiento. Este trabajo es de tipo básico, de enfoque cualitativo, diseño teoría fundamentada, para la cual se aplicó como instrumentos para la recolección de datos la guía de entrevista a los magistrados, especialistas en la materia y el análisis de expedientes. En conclusión se evidenció que en la Ord. 481-MDA existen vacíos normativos que transgreden el principio del debido procedimiento sobre todo en el Art. 50 referido a las eximentes del régimen de subsanación ya que no están claras y se deja a interpretación de la Autoridad Administrativa, además de motivarlos de manera que aparente la formalidad y no garantizan la aplicación del principio del debido procedimiento