36 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the issue of Ukrainian obsolete vocabulary translation. This problem is relevant for modern translation studies, as Ukrainian historical prose, which has been developing over the centuries, has contributed to the treasury of world culture due to numerous stories, short stories, novels and novels that reflect the events of Ukraine's past. This layer of literature has become especially important after Ukraine gained independence. Historical prose has its own specifics of translation, as an important part of such works are outdated linguistic units. The urgency of the study, therefore, is due to the growing global interest in Ukrainian history, which, in turn, generates interest in samples of historical prose and the need to translate them with outdated linguistic features, including lexical ones. The aim of our research is to analyze the existing means of English translation of historisms and archaisms on the material of Vasyl Shevchuk's novel "Blood Brothers…". Having found the full nomenclature of outdated vocabulary in the original and translation of the novel, we analyzed the translation transformations used. As the lexical transformations presented in the work, we regard modulation, concretization and generalization. The main means of translating archaisms and historicisms can be divided into means characteristic of the translation of realities (which include transliteration, transcription, calquing), as well as translation transformations, including lexical (modulation, concretization, generalization), grammatical addition, removal). We see the prospects of the research in the analysis of the means of translation of the stylistic color of the Ukrainian historical novel into English.В статье в общем виде ставится проблема перевода украинской устаревшей лексики. Эта проблема актуальна для современного переводоведения, поскольку украинская историческая проза, которая развивалась на протяжении многих веков, успела внести в сокровищницу мировой культуры многочисленные рассказы, новеллы, повести и романы, отражающие события прошлого Украины. Особенно важен этот пласт литературы после обретения Украиной независимости. Историческая проза имеет свою специфику в переводе, поскольку важной частью таких произведений являются устаревшие языковые единицы. Актуальность исследования, следовательно, обусловлена ​​растущим общемировым интересом к украинской истории, который, в свою очередь, порождает интерес к образцам исторической прозы и необходимость их перевода с учетом устаревших языковых особенностей, в том числе лексических. Цель нашего исследования – анализ существующих средств перевода на английский язык историзмов и архаизмов на материале романа Василия Шевчука «Побратимы…». Выявив полную номенклатуру устаревшей лексики в оригинале и переводе романа, мы проанализировали использованные переводческие трансформации. К лексическим трансформациям, представленным в произведении, мы относим модуляцию, конкретизацию и генерализацию. Основные средства перевода архаизмов и историзмов могут быть разделены на средства, характерные для перевода реалий (к которым относятся транслитерация, транскрипция, калька), а также переводческие трансформации, в том числе лексические (модуляция, конкретизация, генерализация), грамматические (добавление, опущение). Перспективы исследования мы видим в анализе средств перевода стилистической окраски украинского исторического романа на английский язык.У статті в загальному вигляді ставиться проблема перекладу української застарілої лексики. Ця проблема є актуальною для сучасного перекладознавства, оскільки українська історична проза, яка розвивалася впродовж багатьох століть, встигла внести до скарбниці світової культури численні оповідання, новели, повісті та романи, які відображають події минулого України. Особливо важливим цей пласт літератури став після здобуття Україною незалежності. Історична проза має свою специфіку щодо перекладу, оскільки важливою частиною таких творів є застарілі мовні одиниці. Актуальність дослідження, отже, зумовлена зростаючим загальносвітовим інтересом до української історії, який, в свою чергу, породжує цікавість до зразків історичної прози та необхідність їхнього перекладу з урахуванням застарілих мовних особливостей, у тому числі лексичних. Метою нашого дослідження є аналіз існуючих засобів перекладу англійською мовою історизмів та архаїзмів на матеріалі роману Василя Шевчука «Побратими…». Виявивши повну номенклатуру застарілої лексики в оригіналі та перекладі роману, ми проаналізували використані перекладацькі трансформації. До лексичних трансформацій, представлених у творі, ми уналежнюємо модуляцію, конкретизацію та генералізацію.  Основні засоби перекладу архаїзмів та історизмів можуть бути умовно поділені на засоби, характерні для перекладу реалій (до яких належать транслітерація, транскрипція, калька, традиційний відповідник), а також перекладацькі трансформації, у тому числі лексичні (модуляція, конкретизація, генералізація), граматичні (додавання, вилучення). Перспективи дослідження ми вбачаємо в аналізі засобів перекладу стилістичного забарвлення українського історичного роману англійською мовою

    Mémoire épigénétique des trajectoires pondérales maternelles préconceptionnelles au cours du développement et à long terme

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    Maternal obesity (OB) impacts fetal growth and adult offspring phenotype. It is still unknown whether the currently recommended preconceptional weight loss (WL) for obese women is beneficial for feto-placental growth and adult offspring health. The objectives of this thesis were to assess the effects of maternal weight trajectories on offspring phenotype at term and in adulthood, as well as gene expression in placenta and fetal liver. At E18.5, fetuses from obese females presented a fetal growth restriction (FGR); this FGR was almost completely abolished by maternal WL. Placental and hepatic expression of epigenetic machinery genes was affected by maternal OB, especially the histone acetylation pathway. Maternal WL normalized the expression of only a subset of these genes. Males born to OB mothers gained weight faster under high-fat diet than males born to control mothers; maternal WL rescued this phenotype. These results show that expression of epigenetic machinery genes and in particular histone acetylation regulators, is highly sensitive to maternal obesity. Preconceptional WL alleviates the effects of OB on fetal and adult weight but some effects of obesity cured by nutritional intervention were retained in offspring phenotype at term. This study is an important step toward understanding the mechanisms linking maternal nutrition to fetal growth and adult health.L'obésité maternelle peut prédisposer aux pathologies métaboliques à l'âge adulte. Une perte de poids préconceptionnelle est recommandée aux femmes obèses, mais ses effets sur la croissance fœto-placentaire et la santé de la descendance adulte sont encore peu connus. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient d’étudier les effets des trajectoires pondérales maternelles sur le phénotype de la descendance à terme et à l’âge adulte, ainsi que sur l’expression génique. Les descendants de mères obèses présentent une restriction de croissance fœtale, associée à des altérations d’expression des gènes de la machinerie épigénétique dans le foie fœtal et le labyrinthe placentaire. Notre étude souligne la sensibilité particulière de la machinerie d’acétylation des histones au métabolisme maternel. À l'âge adulte, les mâles nés des mères obèses développent une obésité aggravée lorsqu'ils sont exposés à un environnement obésogène. La perte de poids maternelle préconceptionnelle améliore la croissance fœtale et normalise le poids à l’âge adulte. Elle est donc bénéfique pour la descendance. Cependant, certains effets de l’obésité, corrigée par l’intervention nutritionnelle, sont conservés car le poids fœtal et l’expression d’une partie de gènes restent altérés. Ce travail apporte des premiers éléments sur les mécanismes du conditionnement développemental par les trajectoires pondérales maternelles

    Permutation Tests for Classification

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    We introduce and explore an approach to estimating statistical significance of classification accuracy, which is particularly useful in scientific applications of machine learning where high dimensionality of the data and the small number of training examples render most standard convergence bounds too loose to yield a meaningful guarantee of the generalization ability of the classifier. Instead, we estimate statistical significance of the observed classification accuracy, or the likelihood of observing such accuracy by chance due to spurious correlations of the high-dimensional data patterns with the class labels in the given training set. We adopt permutation testing, a non-parametric technique previously developed in classical statistics for hypothesis testing in the generative setting (i.e., comparing two probability distributions). We demonstrate the method on real examples from neuroimaging studies and DNA microarray analysis and suggest a theoretical analysis of the procedure that relates the asymptotic behavior of the test to the existing convergence bounds

    Distinct regulation of hippocampal neuroplasticity and ciliary genes by corticosteroid receptors

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    Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) are of critical importance for maintaining brain health, but their involvement in mental disorders is poorly understood. Here the authors show how GCs act through hippocampal mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors to impact the gene regulatory programs underpinning neuronal plasticity, ciliogenesis and behavioral adaptation

    Epigenetic memory of maternal preconceptional weight trajectories during development and adulthood

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    L'obésité maternelle peut prédisposer aux pathologies métaboliques à l'âge adulte. Une perte de poids préconceptionnelle est recommandée aux femmes obèses, mais ses effets sur la croissance fœto-placentaire et la santé de la descendance adulte sont encore peu connus. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient d’étudier les effets des trajectoires pondérales maternelles sur le phénotype de la descendance à terme et à l’âge adulte, ainsi que sur l’expression génique. Les descendants de mères obèses présentent une restriction de croissance fœtale, associée à des altérations d’expression des gènes de la machinerie épigénétique dans le foie fœtal et le labyrinthe placentaire. Notre étude souligne la sensibilité particulière de la machinerie d’acétylation des histones au métabolisme maternel. À l'âge adulte, les mâles nés des mères obèses développent une obésité aggravée lorsqu'ils sont exposés à un environnement obésogène. La perte de poids maternelle préconceptionnelle améliore la croissance fœtale et normalise le poids à l’âge adulte. Elle est donc bénéfique pour la descendance. Cependant, certains effets de l’obésité, corrigée par l’intervention nutritionnelle, sont conservés car le poids fœtal et l’expression d’une partie de gènes restent altérés. Ce travail apporte des premiers éléments sur les mécanismes du conditionnement développemental par les trajectoires pondérales maternelles.Maternal obesity (OB) impacts fetal growth and adult offspring phenotype. It is still unknown whether the currently recommended preconceptional weight loss (WL) for obese women is beneficial for feto-placental growth and adult offspring health. The objectives of this thesis were to assess the effects of maternal weight trajectories on offspring phenotype at term and in adulthood, as well as gene expression in placenta and fetal liver. At E18.5, fetuses from obese females presented a fetal growth restriction (FGR); this FGR was almost completely abolished by maternal WL. Placental and hepatic expression of epigenetic machinery genes was affected by maternal OB, especially the histone acetylation pathway. Maternal WL normalized the expression of only a subset of these genes. Males born to OB mothers gained weight faster under high-fat diet than males born to control mothers; maternal WL rescued this phenotype. These results show that expression of epigenetic machinery genes and in particular histone acetylation regulators, is highly sensitive to maternal obesity. Preconceptional WL alleviates the effects of OB on fetal and adult weight but some effects of obesity cured by nutritional intervention were retained in offspring phenotype at term. This study is an important step toward understanding the mechanisms linking maternal nutrition to fetal growth and adult health

    Placental contribution to nutritional programming of health and diseases: epigenetics and sexual dimorphism

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    The authors thanks Hélène Jammes and Hélène Kiefer for our helpful discussion regarding epigenetics.International audienceThe recent and rapid worldwide increase in non-communicable diseases challenges the assumption that genetic factors are the primary contributors to such diseases. A new concept of the 'developmental origins of health and disease' (DOHaD) is at stake and therefore requires a paradigm shift. Maternal obesity and malnutrition predispose offspring to develop metabolic syndrome, a vicious cycle leading to transmission to subsequent generation(s), with differences in response and susceptibility according to the sex of the individual. The placenta is a programming agent of adult health and disease. Adaptations of placental phenotype in response to maternal diet and metabolic status alter fetal nutrient supply. This implies important epigenetic changes that are, however, still poorly documented in DOHaD studies, particularly concerning overnutrition. The aim of this review is to discuss the emerging knowledge on the relationships between the effect of maternal nutrition or metabolic status on placental function and the risk of diseases later in life, with a specific focus on epigenetic mechanisms and sexual dimorphism. Explaining the sex-specific causal variables and how males versus females respond and adapt to environmental perturbations should help physicians and patients to anticipate disease susceptibility

    Neurobiol Dis

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    Astrocytes are in contact with the vasculature, neurons, oligodendrocytes and microglia, forming a local network with various functions critical for brain homeostasis. One of the primary responders to brain injury are astrocytes as they detect neuronal and vascular damage, change their phenotype with morphological, proteomic and transcriptomic transformations for an adaptive response. The role of astrocytic responses in brain dysfunction is not fully elucidated in adult, and even less described in the developing brain. Children are vulnerable to traumatic brain injury (TBI), which represents a leading cause of death and disability in the pediatric population. Pediatric brain trauma, even with mild severity, can lead to long-term health complications, such as cognitive impairments, emotional disorders and social dysfunction later in life. To date, the underlying pathophysiology is still not fully understood. In this review, we focus on the astrocytic response in pediatric TBI and propose a potential immune role of the astrocyte in response to trauma. We discuss the contribution of astrocytes in the local inflammatory cascades and secretion of various immunomodulatory factors involved in the recruitment of local microglial cells and peripheral immune cells through cerebral blood vessels. Taken together, we propose that early changes in the astrocytic phenotype can alter normal development of the brain, with long-term consequences on neurological outcomes, as described in preclinical models and patients