279 research outputs found

    Estimating the First-year Corrosion Losses of Structural Metals for Continental Regions of the World

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    The knowledge of the first-year corrosion losses of metals (K1) in various regions of the world is of great importance in engineering applications. The K1 values are used to determine the categories of atmospheric corrosivity, and K1 is also the main parameter in models for the prediction of long-term corrosion losses of metals. In the absence of experimental values of K1, their values can be predicted on the basis of meteorological and aerochemical parameters of the atmosphere using the dose-response functions (DRF). Currently, the DRFs presented in ISO 9223:2012(E) /1/ standard are used for predicting K1 in any region of the world, along with the unified DRFs /2/ and the new DRFs /3/. The predicted values of corrosion losses (K1pr) of carbon steel, zinc, copper and aluminum obtained by various DRFs for various continental regions of the world are presented. In this work we used the atmosphere corrosivity parameters and experimental data on the corrosion losses of metals for the first year of exposure (K1exp) for the locations of the tests performed under the international UN/ECE program, the MICAT project, and the Russian program. For the first time, a comparative assessment of the reliability of various DRFs is given by comparing the values of K1pr and K1ex using graphical and statistical methods. The statistical indicators of reliability of predicting the corrosion losses of metals are calculated for various categories of atmosphere corrosivity. It is shown that the new dose-response functions offer the highest reliability for all categories of atmosphere corrosivity

    Remote detection of traces of high energetic materials

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    The possibility of remote detection of traces of high energetic materials using laser fragmentation/laser-induced fluorescence (LF/LIF) method is studied. Experimental data on the remote visualization of traces of trinitrotoluene, hexogen, composition B, octogen, and tetryl obtained at a distance of 5 m with a scanning lidar detector of traces of high energetic materials are presented

    Shape memory effect and superelasticity in [001] single crystals of FeNiCoAlNb(B) alloys

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    In given paper presents data research of influence of boron on the functional properties - the shape memory effect and superelasticity in the [001] single crystals FeNiCoAlNb(B) alloys aged at 973 K for 5 hours. On the [001] single crystals FeNiCoAlNbB at aging at T = 973 K for 5 hour, it is shown, that boron leads to decrease the start Ms temperature of γ-α' martensitic transformation on cooling, to the development of γ-α' stress induced martensitic transformation at higher stress at one test temperature and to increase of thermal ΔT and stress Δσ hysteresis is compared to [001] crystals without boron

    Aspects for efficient wide spectral band THz generation via CO2 laser down conversion

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    Detailed model study of THz generation by CO2 laser down-conversion in pure and solid solution crystals GaSe1-xSx is carried out for the first time. Both forward and backward collinear interactions of common (eo-e, oe-e, oe-o, oo-e, ee-o) and original (ee-e, oo-o) types are considered. Possibility of realization, phase matching angles and figure of merits are estimated for line mixing within 9 μm and 10 μm emission bands, as well between them. Dispersion properties of o- and e-wave refractive indices and absorption coefficients for GaSe, GaS and GaSe1-xSx crystals were preliminary measured by THz-TDS, approximated in the equation form and then used in the study. Estimated results are presented in the form of 3-D figures that are suitable for rapid analyses of DFG parameters. The most efficient type of interaction is eo-o type. Optimally doped (x = 0.09-0.13) GaSe1-xSx crystals are from 4 to 5 times more efficient at limit pump intensity than not doped GaSe crystals

    The cyclic stability of rubber-like behaviour in stress-induced martensite aged Ni49Fe18Ga27Co6 (at.%) single crystals

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    In present work, the cyclic stability of the rubber-like behaviour (RLB) was investigated in Ni49Fe18Ga27Co6 (at. %) single crystals. Crystals were aged in the martensite phase at 423 K for 1 h under a compressive stress of 450 MPa, applied along the [110]B2[100]L10-direction. The RLB was induced by a preliminary chemical stabilization of the oriented L10-martensite during stress-induced martensite aging (SIM-aging) and following the reversible reorientation of martensitic variants under a compressive stress applied along the [001]B2[001]L10-direction. The high cyclic stability of the RLB was obtained in 200 loading/unloading cycles, due to the low reorientation stresses of the L10-martensite variants (no higher than 140 MPa) and the high strength properties of the L10-martensite (~1.6 GPa). The irreversible strain after 200 cycles did not exceed 0.6%. An increase in the number of cycles did not lead to the effect of destabilization of the L10-martensite

    Состояние военно-научных библиотек накануне Первого Всероссийского съезда по библиотечному делу. (К 110-летию со дня проведения съезда)

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    For the first time, based on archival and prerevolutionary publications, the survey of military research libraries before the First All-Russian Library Congress held on June 1–7, 1911, is presented. The questionnaires filled-in by military librarians enable to reconstruct the state-of-the-art, local regulations and orders, collections quantitative indicators and arrangement, physical space, fire protection, staffing. Work hours. The study significantly expands the knowledge of the status of military research libraries by 1911, of their facilities, librarians’ expertise, and library services.The findings will be useful for librarians in user services, responsible for collection arrangement, and for library historians investigating in prerevolutionary librarianship; for library surveyors; curators of library events, e. g. congresses, forums, webinars, etc.На основе архивных и дореволюционных опубликованных источников впервые представлены итоги анкетирования, посвящённого изучению состояния военно-научных библиотек перед Первым Всероссийским съездом по библиотечному делу, который состоялся 1–7 июня 1911 г. Анкеты, заполненные сотрудниками военно-научных библиотек, позволяют довольно подробно реконструировать состояние библиотек, в том числе действовавшие локальные нормативные организационно-распорядительные документы, количественные показатели фонда и его расстановку, характеристику занимаемого помещения, противопожарную охрану, штатное расписание, режим работы. Проведённое исследование значительно расширило представление о состоянии военно-научных библиотек к 1911 г., их материально-технической базе, профессионализме сотрудников, уровне библиотечного обслуживания.Полученные результаты будут полезны библиотекарям при решении задач расстановки фонда, ликвидации задолженностей читателей и организации очереди на востребованные издания; историкам – для понимания уровня развития дореволюционного библиотечного дела; организаторам опросов, респондентами которых являются библиотеки; кураторам различных библиотековедческих мероприятий – съездов, форумов, вебинаров и др

    Wildfire smoke in the Siberian Arctic in summer: source characterization and plume evolution from airborne measurements

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    We present airborne measurements of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O<sub>3</sub>), equivalent black carbon (EBC) and ultra fine particles over North-Eastern Siberia in July 2008 performed during the YAK-AEROSIB/POLARCAT experiment. During a "golden day" (11 July 2008) a number of biomass burning plumes were encountered with CO mixing ratio enhancements of up to 500 ppb relative to a background of 90 ppb. Number concentrations of aerosols in the size range 3.5–200 nm peaked at 4000 cm<sup>−3</sup> and the EBC content reached 1.4 μg m<sup>−3</sup>. These high concentrations were caused by forest fires in the vicinity of the landing airport in Yakutsk where measurements in fresh smoke could be made during the descent. We estimate a combustion efficiency of 90 ± 3% based on CO and CO<sub>2</sub> measurements and a CO emission factor of 65.5 ± 10.8 g CO per kilogram of dry matter burned. This suggests a potential increase in the average northern hemispheric CO mixing ratio of 3.0–7.2 ppb per million hectares of Siberian forest burned. For BC, we estimate an emission factor of 0.52 ± 0.07 g BC kg<sup>−1</sup>, comparable to values reported in the literature. The emission ratio of ultra-fine particles (3.5–200 nm) was 26 cm<sup>−3</sup> (ppb CO)<sup>−1</sup>, consistent with other airborne studies. <br><br> The transport of identified biomass burning plumes was investigated using the FLEXPART Lagrangian model. Based on sampling of wildfire plumes from the same source but with different atmospheric ages derived from FLEXPART, we estimate that the e-folding lifetimes of EBC and ultra fine particles (between 3.5 and 200 nm in size) against removal and growth processes are 5.1 and 5.5 days respectively, supporting lifetime estimates used in various modelling studies

    Военно-научные библиотеки на Первом Всероссийском съезде по библиотечному делу. (К 110-летию проведения съезда)

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    For the first time, the findings of the comprehensive study of the contribution of military scientific libraries to the First All-Russia Congress of Libraries held on June 1-7, 1911, are published. The study was based on archival and prerevolutionary published sources. Four participation forms are distinguished: 1) preparation for the congress (leading role in various commissions organizational, preparatory commission for academic and special libraries, presidium of the section of public, academic and special libraries, as well as in the development of questionnaires for academic libraries); 2) work at the congress (speeches delivered by A. R. Voynich-Syanozhentsky and S. D. Maslovsky, discussions, chairing sections, secretarial responsibilities at the sections); 3) activity at the exhibition (presentations); 4) analysis and evaluation of the congress and its results. The study enabled to specify, systematize and significantly expand the knowledge of the role of military scientific libraries in preparation, organization and work of the First All-Russia Congress of Libraries. The historical experience of joint efforts of military and other library types evidences on the efficiency of such cooperation and the need to use it at the present stage.The findings will be useful for the professionals at military scientific and scientific libraries developing cooperation, as well as for researchers investigating into the history of military libraries, and organizers of library events, e.g. congresses, forums, congresses, symposia, assemblies.В статье на основе архивных и дореволюционных опубликованных источников впервые представлены итоги комплексного исследования участия военно-научных библиотек в Первом Всероссийском съезде по библиотечному делу 1–7 июня 1911 г. Систематизация форм участия военно-научных библиотек в работе съезда позволила выделить 4 его основных направления: 1) подготовка съезда (ведущая роль в работе различных комиссий – организационной по съезду, подготовительной к съезду по государственным, академическим и специальным библиотекам, президиума секции государственных, академических и специальных библиотек, а также в разработка анкет для академических библиотек); 2) работа на самом съезде (выступления с докладами А. Р. ВойничСяноженцкого и С. Д. Масловского, обсуждение выступлений, руководство секцией, выполнение функций секретарей секций); 3) выставочная деятельность (представление экспонатов); 4) анализ и оценка работы съезда и его итогов. Проведенное исследование конкретизировало, систематизировало и значительно расширило представление о роли военно-научных библиотек в подготовке, организации и работе Первого Всероссийского съезда по библиотечному делу. Проведенный анализ исторического опыта совместной работы представителей военного и других ведомств на библиотечном поприще показал успешность такого сотрудничества и необходимость его продолжения и использования на современном этапе.Полученные результаты будут полезны сотрудникам военно-научных и научных библиотек в решении вопросов установления и развития продуктивного сотрудничества и обмена опытом, исследователям истории военнобиблиотечного дела в частности и библиотечного дела в целом, организаторам различных библиотековедческих мероприятий – съездов, форумов, конгрессов, симпозиумов, ассамблей

    Orientation dependence of superelasticity in quenched high-nickel Ti51.8Ni single crystals

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    The orientation dependence of the functional and mechanical properties of quenched Ti-51.8at.%Ni single crystals, undergoing a strain-glass transition upon cooling/heating was investigated. It was found that a compressive stress above 800 MPa leads to the B2-B190 martensitic transformation (MT), regardless of orientation. In the high-strength [0 0 1]-orientation, superelasticity (SE) was observed at 203–248 K, with a reversible strain of 2.3%. Degradation of SE at deforming stresses r > 1000 MPa was associated with the formation of {1 1 3}B2 twins during the reverse MT. In the low-strength 1 1 1-orientation, the formation of stress-induced B190 -martensite occurred simultaneously with the plastic deformation of the B2-phase (due to the formation of reorientation bands and dislocation slip) and a reversible strain was not observed