109 research outputs found

    Efficacia di un trattamento con Lactobacillus Casei DG (Enterolactis Plus®) sul controllo dei sintomi gastroenterologici e psicologici della sindrome dell’intestino irritabile. Studio pilota.

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi affronta nella prima sezione la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile e l'emergente tematica del microbiota intestinale, mentre nella seconda sezione illustra uno studio pilota con Lactobacillus Casei DG (Enterolactis Plus®) sul controllo dei sintomi gastroenterologici e psicologici della sindrome dell’intestino irritabile


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    La diagnosi prenatale costituisce una branca dell'ostetricia in larghissimo sviluppo. La nascita di nuove tecniche associate a richieste sempre più pressanti di una diagnostica fetale accurata e a basso rischio per la madre e per il feto, rendono queste branca della medicina sempre più specialistica con esigenze nuove. In questa tesi, vengono considerate analiticamente le varie opzioni ad oggi presenti con maggior attenzione all'amniocentesi, attualmente considerato l'esame gold standard per una diagnosi di certezza di cromosomopatia fetale. Nello specifico abbiamo condotto uno studio retrospettivo di tipo epidemiologico per valutare l'incidenza di tali cromosopatie nella nostra popolazione con focus specifico su possibili protocolli atti a ridurre ulteriormente l'incidenza di complicanze post-procedurali quali la rottura del sacco amniotico che può portare all'aborto del feto stesso

    Prospección geofísica del área de reserva n° 30 Pumahuasi, provincia de Jujuy

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    Mediante la aplicación de métodos Electromagnético (Turam) y Polarización Inducida-Resistividad, se confeccionó un modelo geológico-físico sobre un área piloto del Distrito Minero Pumahuasi. La prospección fue orientada a la determinación de conductores metálicos, de forma tabular, delgados, con posición subvertical y en primera instancia, considerados en un medio de óptimo contraste. Estos cuerpos se hallan estrechamente vinculados a un sistema de fracturación secundaria que actúa como control de la mineralización plumbo cinífera. Se determinaron parámetros geofísicos definidos en correspondencia con la zonación mineral existente y las variantes geológicas del sector. Los resultados obtenidos en la fase prospectiva fueron corroborados por perforaciones a diamantina.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta

    Valore diagnostico dell'ecografia in caso di lesioni spleniche diffuse nel cane e nel gatto

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    RIASSUNTO Parole chiave: milza, ecografia, lesioni ipoecogene, cane, gatto. A livello splenico si possono riscontrare ecograficamente vari tipi di lesione. Nel nostro studio vengono prese in considerazione le lesioni ipoecogene diffuse o multifocali, da noi suddivise in quattro categorie: micronodulare, nodulare, macronodulare, marezzato. Lo scopo è quello di valutare l’incidenza dei diversi pattern e verificare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra una patologia e uno specifico pattern. Sono stati inclusi 134 soggetti di specie canina e felina giunti all’Ospedale Didattico “Mario Modenato” tra il 1° gennaio 2010 ed il 31 dicembre 2013 che avessero rivelato all’esame ecografico addominale lesioni diffuse ipoecogene e possedessero cartella clinica completa, con il raggiungimento di una diagnosi clinica finale. I soggetti sono stati suddivisi in due gruppi: 52 con esame citologico splenico e 82 senza. Al primo gruppo appartengono 44 soggetti con neoplasie primarie o secondarie spleniche e solo 8 con lesioni da reattività splenica, mentre al secondo gruppo appartengono soggetti con patologie sistemiche di varia natura. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la prevalenza del pattern micronodulare in entrambi i gruppi, con un’ampia distribuzione dello stesso nelle varie patologie. Il pattern micronodulare risulta prevalere in corso di linfoma, enteropatia ed insufficienza renale, e caratterizza tutti i soggetti affetti da leucemia/Felv. Tuttavia, dato che i quattro patterns si possono riscontrare in molteplici patologie e che in corso di ogni patologia si osservano più pattern splenici, non è possibile identificare uno di essi come patognomonico. Il solo esame ecografico non permette quindi di giungere ad una diagnosi certa e deve essere integrato con la citologia splenica e con la clinica. ABSTRACT Key words: spleen, ultrasound, hypoechoic lesions, dog, cat. Different types of splenic lesions can be detected by ultrasound. Our study considers hypoechoic diffuse or multifocal lesions, that we divided into four categories: micronodular, nodular, macronodular, mottled. The aim of this study is to assess the incidence of these patterns and verify the existence of a correlation between diseases and a specific pattern. 134 dogs and cats which came to “Mario Modenato” teaching hospital between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2013, with hypoechoic diffuse lesions detected by ultrasound examination, in possess of a medical record and a final diagnosis were included. The patients were divided into two groups: 52 with splenic cytology and 82 without. In the first group there are 44 patients with primary or secondary splenic neoplasia and only 8 with splenic reactivity, while patients belonging to the second group had various systemic injuries. The results showed the prevalence of micronodular pattern in both groups, with its wide distribution in several diseases. Micronodular pattern prevails in case of lymphoma, enteropathy and renal failure, and features all subjects with leukemia/Felv. However, since the four patterns can be found in several diseases and each disease can be correlated with several patterns, it’s not possible to identify one of them as pathognomonic. Therefore, ultrasonographic examination alone does not lead to a definite diagnosis and must be integrated with splenic cytology and clinic

    A low-FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome: Some answers to the doubts from a long-term follow-up

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    A low-FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) diet (LFD) is a possible therapy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This study investigates the short-and long-term efficacy and nutritional adequacy of an LFD and the patients’ long-term acceptability. Patients’ adherence and ability to perceive the “trigger” foods were also evaluated. Seventy-three IBS patients were given an LFD (T0) and after 2 months (T1), 68 started the reintroduction phase. At the end of this period (T2), 59 were advised to go on an Adapted Low-FODMAP Diet (AdLFD) and 41 were evaluated again after a 6–24 month follow-up (T3). At each time, questionnaires and Biolectrical Impedance Vector Analysis (BIVA) were performed. The LFD was effective in controlling digestive symptoms both in the short-and long-term, and in improving quality of life, anxiety and depression, even if some problems regarding acceptability were reported and adherence decreased in the long term. The LFD improved the food-related quality of life without affecting nutritional adequacy. When data collected at T0 were compared with those collected at T2, the perception of trigger foods was quite different. Even if some problems of acceptability and adherence are reported, an LFD is nutritionally adequate and effective in improving IBS symptoms also in the long term

    Low fermentable oligo-di-and mono-saccharides and polyols (Fodmaps) or gluten free diet: What is best for irritable bowel syndrome?

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    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common functional gastrointestinal disease. Its pathogenesis is multifactorial and not yet clearly defined, and hence, its therapy mainly relies on symptomatic treatments. Changes in lifestyle and dietary behavior are usually the first step, but unfortunately, there is little high-quality scientific evidence regarding a dietary approach. This is due to the difficulty in setting up randomized double-blind controlled trials which objectively evaluate efficacy without the risk of a placebo effect. However, a Low Fermentable Oligo-, Di-and Mono-saccharides And Polyols (FODMAP) Diet (LFD) and Gluten Free Diet (GFD) are among the most frequently suggested diets. This paper aims to evaluate their possible role in IBS management. A GFD is less restrictive and easier to implement in everyday life and can be suggested for patients who clearly recognize gluten as a trigger of their symptoms. An LFD, being more restrictive and less easy to learn and to follow, needs the close supervision of a skilled nutritionist and should be reserved for patients who recognize that the trigger of their symptoms is not, or not only, gluten. Even if the evidence is of very low-quality for both diets, the LFD is the most effective among the dietary interventions suggested for treating IBS, and it is included in the most updated guidelines

    RNA-binding proteins hnRNP A2/B1 and CUGBP1 suppress fragile X CGG premutation repeat-induced neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of FXTAS

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    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a recently described neurodegenerative disorder of older adult carriers of premutation alleles (60–200 CGG repeats) in the fragile X mental retardation gene (FMR1). It has been proposed that FXTAS is an RNA-mediated neurodegenerative disease caused by the titration of RNA-binding proteins by the CGG repeats. To test this hypothesis, we utilize a transgenic Drosophila model of FXTAS that expresses a premutation-length repeat (90 CGG repeats) from the 5′ UTR of the human FMR1 gene and displays neuronal degeneration. Here, we show that overexpression of RNA-binding proteins hnRNP A2/B1 and CUGBP1 suppresses the phenotype of the CGG transgenic fly. Furthermore, we show that hnRNP A2/B1 directly interacts with riboCGG repeats and that the CUGBP1 protein interacts with the riboCGG repeats via hnRNP A2/B1

    Single and Repeated Administration of Methylphenidate Modulates Synaptic Plasticity in Opposite Directions via Insertion of AMPA Receptors in Rat Hippocampal Neurons

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    Methylphenidate (MPH) is widely used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Several lines of evidence support that MPH can modulate learning and memory processes in different ways including improvement and impairment of test performances. A relevant factor in the efficacy of treatment is whether administration is performed once or several times. In this study we demonstrate opposite effects of MPH on performance of preadolescent rats in the Morris Water Maze test. Animals treated with a single dose (1 mg/kg) performed significantly better compared to controls, while in animals treated with repetitive administration at the same concentration performance was reduced. We found that hippocampal LTP in slices from rats treated with a single dose was increased, while LTP from rats treated with repetitive injections of MPH was lower than in controls. Using Western blot of CA1 areas from potentiated slices of rats treated with a single dose we found a significant increase of phosphorylation at Ser845 of GluA1 subunits, associated to an increased insertion of GluA1-containing AMPARs in the plasma membrane. These receptors were functional, because AMPA-dependent EPSCs recorded on CA1 were enhanced, associated to a significant increase in short-term plasticity. In contrast, CA1 samples from rats injected with MPH during six consecutive days, showed a significant decrease in the phosphorylation at Ser845 of GluA1 subunits associated to a lower insertion of GluA1-containing AMPARs. Accordingly, a reduction of the AMPA-mediated EPSCs and short-term plasticity was also observed. Taken together, our results demonstrate that single and repeated doses with MPH can induce opposite effects at behavioral, cellular, and molecular levels. The mechanisms demonstrated here in preadolescent rats are relevant to understand the effects of this psychostimulant in the treatment of ADHD

    Galileo, Poetry, and Patronage: Giulio Strozzi's Venetia edificata and the Place of Galileo in Seventeenth-Century Italian Poetry

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    This is the publisher's version, © 2013 by The University of Chicago Press.The Venetian poet and librettist Giulio Strozzi (1583 –1652) spent much of his career glorifying the Serenissima through a series of theatrical pieces. His only epic poem, the Venetia edificata (1621, 1624), while ostensibly a celebration of the republic, shows a level of commitment to Galileo Galilei (1564 –1643) and to Galileo’s science that is unique among poets of the time, Venetian or otherwise. It is the apex of Strozzi’s artistic project to incorporate Galileo’s discoveries and texts into poetic works. The Venetia edificata also represents the culmination of a fifteen-year effort to gain patronage from the Medici Grand Dukes in Florence. While the first, incomplete version is dedicated to the Venetian Doge, the second, finished version is dedicated to Grand Duke Ferdinando II de’ Medici of Florence. More than a decade after Galileo’s departure from the Veneto to Florence, Strozzi cites from Galileo’s early works, creates a character inspired by Galileo, incorporates the principles of Galileo’s science into the organizing structure of the poem, and answers one of Galileo’s loudest complaints about Torquato Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered (1581). Strozzi’s strategies both in writing the Venetia edificata and in seeking patronage for it underscore the ambivalent response to Galileo in contemporary poetry