262 research outputs found

    Tute blu e principesse. L’organizzazione del lavoro nel cantiere di Monfalcone (1987-2007)

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    This paper analyses the organization of the workflow in the shipyard of Monfalcone, and the changes which it has undergone because of its specialisation in the building of cruise ships from the mid-’80’s on. The research focuses on the social and demographic consequences of the phenomenon. The deep modifications into the organization of the work, required by the new economic situation, should anyway respect the worker’s rights and competences.Lo studio prende in esame l’organizzazione del lavoro nel cantiere navale di Monfalcone, e i cambiamenti derivati dalla specializzazione nella costruzione di navi da crociera, perseguita dalla metà degli anni ottanta. La ricerca riguarda le conseguenze sociali e demografiche di questo fenomeno. I profondi cambiamenti nell’organizzazione del lavoro, resi necessari dalla mutata situazione economica, dovrebbero comunque rispettare i diritti e le competenze dei lavoratori

    Sezonske varijacije aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku skupljenom na farmama u Albaniji

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    This paper presents monitoring data on levels of aflatoxin M1 in the farm-gate milk in Albania. The monitoring included 120 evenly distributed samples collected in winter and summer from various farms all over the country. The levels of aflatoxin M1 were determined using the quantitative thin layer chromatography. On average, the winter milk samples revealed higher concentrations of aflatoxin M1 than the summer samples. Thirteen percent of the winter samples resulted above the 0.5 µg/kg level, as compared to 3% of the summer samples exceeding that level. Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk from the same source contained comparatively lower levels of aflatoxin M1 than whole milk.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati praćenja razina aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku skupljenom na farmama u Albaniji. Analizirano je 120 uzoraka skupljenih ravnomjerno tijekom zime i ljeta na različitim farmama diljem zemlje. Za određivanje aflatoksina M1 primijenjena je kvantitativna tankoslojna kromatografija. U uzorcima skupljenim tijekom zime uglavnom su određene više razine aflatoksina M1 nego u uzorcima skupljenim tijekom ljeta. U 13% uzoraka skupljenih tijekom zime nađeno je više od 0,5 µg/kg, dok je samo 3% uzoraka skupljenih tijekom ljeta prelazilo navedenu granicu. Obrano ili poluobrano mlijeko iz istih izvora sadržavalo je niže razine aflatoksina M1 u usporedbi s punomasnim mlijekom

    Politiche del lavoro / amministrare per il lavoro. Ipotesi, prospettive e scenari per il Friuli Venezia Giulia

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    Le trasformazioni dell’economia globale e le dinamiche della crisi sistemica hanno avuto profonde ripercussioni sul lavoro. Utilizzando gli strumenti analitici propri della storia e della storia economica, gli autori tratteggiano il contesto economico della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, ricostruendone specificità, percorsi, vischiosità e miti. Il quadro così delineato diventa lo scenario in cui ipotizzare, nel nuovo contesto globale, esiti e modi delle possibili politiche del lavoro messe in campo dall’amministrazione pubblica. Esiti e modi analizzati partendo da una lettura complessa delle relazioni che intercorrono tra la sfera dell’amministrazione, nei diversi livelli, e quella della politica. L’attenzione si focalizza sugli strumenti analitici piuttosto che sugli aspetti descrittivi.The mutations of global economy and the dynamics of the systemic crisis have carried deep repercussions upon labour. Through the use of analytical tools belonging to history as well as economic history the authors sketched the economic context of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region retracing its specificities, routes, viscosity and myths. Such description becomes the backdrop against which one can hypothesize, within this new global context, ways and outcomes of the possible politics of labour set in action by the public administration. Ways and outcomes that have been analysed starting from a complex reading of the relations weaved between the administration, in all its different levels, and the political scene. The focus is on the analytical tools rather than the descriptive aspects

    Tirana, Between East And The West In The Focus Of The Urban Texture

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    This research tries to synthesize the urban development of Tirana, especially in the historical part of it, at different times. The evolution of the city of Tirana is a typical evolution for Albanian cities with an urban structure, which was born in the Ottoman period. The chaotic urban structure shaped spontaneously in recent centuries, in Bosios plan during 1940, was thought to be treated as a garden city , well integrated with the new form of the city, preserving at the same time his physiognomy. Unfortunately this project has not been taken into consideration during the years of socialist realism, while in urban level there was no clear space developments in these parts. The situation in our time appears tragic with the destruction of the old urban structure but not in favor of a clear urban regulation for the city. The result of this paper is to identify and to dismantle the aggravated problems of urban structure in the capital and show effectively intervenes in special cases

    mRNA expression profile of selected oxygen sensing genes in the lung during recovery from chronic hypoxia

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    This study analyzed the time dependence decay of the mRNA of selected genes important for the hypoxia response. The genes chosen were the two isoforms of hypoxia-inducible factors, the three isoforms of the prolyl hydroxylase domain protein, the vascular endothelial growth factor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase. mRNA and proteins were extracted from lungs obtained from control, hypoxic and 15 minutes normoxic recovered rats and analyzed by Real-time RT-PCR or by the Western Blot technique. Results indicated that in normoxia isoform 2á was the more represented hypoxia-inducible factor mRNA, and among the prolyl hydroxylase domain transcripts, isoform 3 was the least abundant. Moreover, in chronic hypoxia only hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and prolyl hydroxylase domain protein 3 increased significantly, while after 15 minutes of recovery all the mRNAs tested were decreased except endothelial nitric oxide synthase mRNA. In terms of proteins, hypoxia-inducible 1α was the isoform more significant in the nucleus, while 2á predominated in the cytosol. While the former was steady even after a brief recovery from hypoxia, the latter underwent a strong degradation. In conclusion we showed the relevance of the decay in the mRNA and protein levels upon re-oxygenation in normoxia. We believe that this has to be considered in research studies dealing with recovery from hypoxia

    The Natural Light In Alvar Aalto’s Buildings

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    This study analyzes the design and implementation of various forms of architectural elements, the use of panels, materials, color resolution up to technical details that Alvar Aalto used for the natural light and illumination of interior spaces in buildings designed by him. First some of the most important buildings designed by Alvar Aalto were analyzed. Furthermore the types and forms of windows for natural lighting were demostrated in graphic ways, showing the efficient use of natural light in different seasons of the year and different positions of the sun. The aim of the research is to identify the details and methods used in natural light in the illumination of the interior spaces of different objects as libraries, museums, etc.. This study is important because it gives important conclusions of the architectural form importance, its various elements and the use of natural light efficiently lighting interior spaces in buildings

    Exploration of housing evolution in Tirana during the years 1929-1943

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    This paper traces the evolution of housing typologies, focusing in Tirana, Albania. The study reviews the fundamentals of housing throughout the two historical periods, 1929-1932 and 1939-1943. The housing projects analysed are designed mostly by Austrian and Italian architects. The methodological approach is based on reviewing a number of case studies starting from one-family house to multi-family housing typology. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the process of transformation and development of housing based on the typologies, functionality, and occupancy. Also, particular elements of asthetics are analyzed and compared. This study highlights that the improvement of living conditions happened because of a better design and situation of housing in anurban context


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    Exploration of Housing Evolution in Tirana During the Years 1929-1943

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    This paper traces the evolution of housing typologies, focusing in Tirana, Albania. The study reviews the fundamentals of housing throughout the two historical periods, 1929-1932 and 1939-1943. The housing projects analysed are designed mostly by Austrian and Italian architects. The methodological approach is based on reviewing a number of case studies starting from one-family house to multi-family housing typology. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the process of transformation and development of housing based on the typologies, functionality, and occupancy. Also, particular elements of asthetics are analyzed and compared. This study highlights that the improvement of living conditions happened because of a better design and situation of housing in anurban context
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