143 research outputs found

    Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic findings in Ghanaian Soccer Players

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    Introduction: Participation in regular sports elicits various electrophysiological and structural cardiac changes which can be seen on athletes’ electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiography (ECHO), and collectively known as ‘athlete’s heart’. While commonly falling within the defined limits of physiological normality, these cardiac adaptations can sometimes lead to a diagnostic dilemma for the practicing sports physician where they may overlap with the phenotypic expression of pathology. These physiological adaptations complicate the differentiation of sinister cardiac disorders implicated in sudden cardiac death (SCD) which is more prevalent among black athletes than Caucasians. The aim of this study was to examine the electrocardiographic and echocardiographic tracings in Ghanaian (West Africans) male and female soccer players playing for the various National and premier soccer teams and to describe typical ECG and ECHO findings in this cohort. We believe data from this study will contribute to the development of a race sensitive ECG and ECHO interpretation criteria, hence minimizing the need for further investigations and unfair disqualification of this ethnic group. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, subjects were current players of Ghanaian male and female national soccer teams, aged between 14 and 27 years and preparing for various international football tournaments. Players with any cardiovascular disease were excluded from the study. The players have been involved in competitive soccer playing averagely six and ten years for the adolescents and adults respectively. They usually train six days every week, with each session lasting averagely 2 hours. As part of preparations for tournaments, all players had to go through a mandatory pre-competition medical assessment which included cardiac screening (12- lead ECG and 2-dimensional ECHO). A total of 289 male and female soccer players who are all Ghanaians (black west Africans) went through the screening. Our participants were made up of 139 adults and 150 adolescents. All ECGs and ECHOs were analysed independently by experienced investigators. Results: Thirty male players representing 16% of the male participants had abnormal ECGs made up of inverted T- waves in lateral leads, deep T-wave inversion, long and short QT intervals and ST segment depression. About 11% of our female subjects had abnormal ECGs. About 8% and 9% of males and females respectively had T-wave inversions (TWI) in lateral leads (V5-V6). Voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was respectively present in 67% and 28% of our male and female participants. Whilst 33% of our male players had LV wall thickness (LVWT) ranging from 12 mm to 15mm, only three players had LVWT of 16mm with no player exceeding 16 mm. About 10% of female players had LVWT greater than 11 mm with no female player exceeding 13 mm. LV cavity dimension greater than 60 mm and 54 mm was respectively present in 4% of males and 7% of female players. Conclusion: Uncommon/training-unrelated ECG changes such as complete right bundle branch block, TWI in lateral leads and deep TWI, were more prevalent among both male and female Ghanaian soccer players compared to Caucasian and west Asian athletes, suggesting a combination of athletic training and black ethnicity or geographic origin may be responsible for such exaggerated cardiovascular responses. From our findings the presence ST segment depression or deep T- wave inversions in lateral leads with associated LV wall thickness greater than 15 mm and 12 mm in males and female players respectively, is unlikely to be a normal physiological response and therefore warrants further investigation to rule out any cardiomyopathy. We can also conclude from our study and other studies that stark differences do exist in the way the hearts of black African athletes originating from different geographic locations within Africa respond to the impact of chronic exercises or athletic training. The phrase “Black African athlete’s heart” should therefore not be simply taken as representative of the hearts of all black African athletes

    Participação feminina no setor de serviços, em Santa Catarina, no período de 2002-2014

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no Curso de Ciências Econômicas da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.Nas últimas décadas, o ingresso das mulheres no mercado de trabalho formal tem sido cada vez mais frequente. Apesar de atualmente as mulheres serem mais escolarizadas que os homens, ainda se verifica desigualdades no mercado de trabalho em relação à questões de gênero e divisão sexual do trabalho. A pesquisa tem como objetivo explicar como ocorreu a participação feminina no setor de serviços em Santa Catarina, no período de 2002-2014. Os dados foram coletados por meio das pesquisas de natureza bibliográfica e documental. Para a pesquisa documental, foi utilizada a base de dados de Relação Anual de Informações Sociais, do Ministério de Trabalho. Os dados foram apresentados por sexo, faixa etária, faixa salarial e escolaridade. Entre outros achados, a pesquisa mostrou que mesmo em um setor onde as mulheres são a maioria e mais escolarizadas, elas continuam tendo uma remuneração menor em relação aos homens

    Modelling and Simulation of SIP and IAX Sessions

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    Import 03/11/2016My thesis is focused on simulating a functioning model of SIP and IAX and compare these two VoIP protocols. This is done by implementing an Asterisk server onto two virtual machines with Ubuntu operating system where I build a trunking system for each protocol, tested it by calling the peers in both directions, captured the traffic passing through and analysed it with Wireshark. The acquired data is then implemented and presented on a chart form for a better view and comparison of the two parallel protocols.Moje práce je zaměřena na simulaci funkčnosti modelu SIP a IAX a porovnání těchto dvou VoIP protokolů. To je provedeno zavedením Asteriskem serveru na dva virtuální počítaček s operačním systémem Ubuntu, kde je vybudován trunking systém pro každý protokol a to tak, že spojuje volající v obou směrech, zachycuje průchod, a analyzuje pomocí Wireshark. Získaná data jsou pak použita a prezentována ve formě grafů pro lepší přehlednost a srovnání obou paralelních protokolů.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikydobř

    An Assessment of the implementation of the East African pooled procurement mechanism among faith-based medicines supply organizations

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    The East African region has a significant burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases, yet patients have low access to essential medicines and medical supplies. Some of the barriers to accessing medicines are high prices and stock-outs. Pooled procurement of health products is an innovative approach to obtaining large volumes of products at competitive prices, thus promoting affordability and availability. A number of factors influence the success of pooled procurement mechanisms. These include sustainable financing, harmonization of processes and political support. The East African Pooled Procurement Mechanism had been in operation for over three years but significant benefits were not being realized. This study sought to understand how this pooled procurement intervention was implemented, challenges encountered and key strategies for the realization of intended outcomes. A census survey was conducted among members of the pooled procurement steering committee. Data was collected through questionnaires, a focus group discussion and individual interviews. Collected data was analyzed using content and thematic analysis approaches. The results revealed that implementation of the East African pooled procurement intervention involved, for the most part, elements of successful implementation of pooled procurement mechanisms. These were stakeholder engagement; situation analysis; consensus building and implementation planning; setting up of a central procurement agency and managing and organizing procurement. However, a myriad of challenges were faced in the implementation of this intervention. The major ones were conflicting legislations and regulations for health products across the East African countries and limited financial resources for procuring health products and meeting administrative costs. As a result, there were marginal cost savings and delays in delivering or non-delivery of health products to medicine supply organizations. In view of the major challenges, it is recommended that the initiative adopts the third or fourth model of pooled procurement, to navigate country legislations and regulations for health products; a revolving drug fund for sustainable financing is implemented for organizations that are not financially stable and a continuous quality improvement system through reporting, monitoring and evaluation system is established

    On estimation and prediction in a spatial semi-functional linear regression model

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    We tackle estimation and prediction at non-visted sites in a spatial semi-functional linear regression model with derivatives that combines a functional linear model with a nonparametric regression one. The parametric part is estimated by a method of moments and the other one by a local linear estimator. We establish the convergence rate of the resulting estimators and predictor. A simulation study and an application to ozone pollution prediction at non-visted sites are proposed to illustrate our results

    Seroprevalence Of Syphilis Among Pregnant Women At The Omar Bongo Ondimba Regional Hospital In Makokou, North-East Of Gabon

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    ABSTRACTSyphilis is a major public health problem worldwide. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors associated with this infection among pregnant women. These women were received for a prenatal consultation in 2022 at the laboratory of the Omar Bongo Ondimba Regional Hospital of Makokou (OBORHM), Northeast of Gabon.Patients and Methods: Conducted from April 11 to June 11, 2022, this retrospective, cross-sectional study was based on registers containing sociodemographic information, obstetrical data, and results of examinations for the detection of Treponema pallidum in the pregnant women in the study. Data were analyzed using R software and results were considered significant at a p value ≤ 0.05.Results: A total of 215 records were collected. Of these, 5 were positive for syphilis, indicating an overall prevalence of 2.33% (95% CI: [0.01- 0.53]). Univariate analysis of syphilis prevalence by sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics showed that being between 31 and 40 years of age (Odds Ratio = 7.01; 95% CI [1.13;43.44], p=0.000), and being single (Odds Ratio = 10.0; 95% CI [1.1;91.31] p=0.013), were significantly associated with syphilis prevalence.Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated the existence of syphilis among pregnant women, which can be transmitted to the child in Makokou. They may raise awareness among the population. Emphasis should be placed on systematic screening during prenatal visits of pregnant women.in Gabon.Keywords: Prevalence; Syphilis; Pregnant women; Makokou; Gabo

    MRI to determine the chronological age of Ghanaian footballers

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    Background. The chronological age of the ordinary Ghanaian has often been difficult to verify as registration at birth is not compulsory. Consequently, an accurate method of age determination is needed in competitive age-restricted sports.Objective. To evaluate the age of Ghanaian soccer players who are aspiring to play for the national under-17 (U17) team, using the degree of fusion of the distal radius on magentic resonance imaging (MRI) and comparing it with the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) MRI grading.Methods. MRI scans of the left wrists of 86 players aspiring to play for the national U17 football team were recruited for the study during a ‘justify your inclusion tournament’ organised by the Ghana Football Association between June and August 2012. The study was conducted in a diagnostic centre in Accra using a 0.35T MRI scanner. The images were analysed using the previously published FIFA grading system.Results. The mean chronological age of the players was 15.4 years (standard deviation ±0.7; range 12 - 17). The study showed that 43.0% of the MRI images were grade 6 (≥17 years) in relation to the degree of fusion of the distal radius, and 93.0% of the grade 6 players were aged 15 - 16 years chronologically. There was no significant correlation between the chronological age and the degree of fusion (r=0.075; p=0.493).Conclusion. Ghanaian U17 soccer players seem to be more biologically mature than a normative population of the same age category. The lack of correlation between age category and degree of fusion supports the suspicion that most Ghanaian players may not know their true age

    Testing for Cointegration and Granger Causality: Evidence from Selected Indigenous Egg Markets in Kenya

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    Despite the increasing consumer demand for indigenous eggs, particularly among the urban rich in Kenya, empirical analysis of spatial market integration has received limited attention. This study is an attempt to analyze the existence of market integration and price transmission among four selected indigenous egg markets. The study uses secondary data obtained on prices of eggs on a weekly basis during the year 2014. Analysis of Cointegration and Granger causality was attained using Johansen cointegration approach. Interestingly, results indicate integration in the indigenous eggs markets in Kenya. While prices of eggs in Kisumu and Eldoret towns Granger-caused each other, there was no evidence to account for price interactions among the rest of the markets. These findings strongly indicate asymmetric price transmission within the markets. Taking advantage of the promising niche provided by indigenous eggs requires policies aimed at unlocking information asymmetry as well as promoting market access among farmers. Key words: Market integration, Granger causality, indigenous eggs, Keny

    Micro and meso-level issues affecting potato production and marketing in the tropical highlands of Sub-Saharan Africa: The known and the unknowns

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    This study uses ecological system theory to examine the micro and meso level factors that affect and are affected potato production in Sub-Sahara Africa. It focuses on gender, environmental factors, food security. The data and information used were collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study finds that gender use within the households is changing. It also finds that dwindling land sizes and soil fertility are encouraging the migration potato plots to fragile margins while increased pest and disease pressure is encouraging greater reliance on pesticide -- resulting into increased incidences of pesticide poisoning, all of which have definite effects on the environment and sustainability of potato production and agriculture in general. It concludes that farm household (micro-level) decisions on potato production are driving and being driven by the environmental/ physical (meso) level ecology. The study discusses the implications of its findings for policy and sustainability of agricultur

    Farmers’ Preferences for the Design of Fruit Fly Pest-Free Area (FF-PFA) in Kerio-Valley: A Latent-Class Approach

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    Fruit flies are a very important group of pests for many countries due to their potential to cause damage in fruits thus restricting access to international markets for plant products that can host fruit flies. The high probability of introduction of fruit flies associated with a wide range of hosts’ results in restrictions imposed by many importing countries to accept fruits from areas in which these pests are established. For these reasons, establishment and maintenance of pest free areas for fruit flies (FF-PFAs) is receiving considerable attention in the current policy debates. Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) has taken the lead to establish and help maintain FF-PFAs in the main mango production zones of Elgeyo-Marakwet County of Kenya. However, as the ultimate success of the programme depends on farmers’ judgment and acceptance, acquiring information about potential demand is of paramount importance for policy advice. In this paper, we assess the demand in terms of consumer preferences and willingness to pay for FF-PFAs using a stated choice experiment method (SCE). A novel feature of this paper is that it focuses on how the FF-PFA should be designed and presented. Results from the latent class model (LCM) reveal that farmers prefer FF-PFAs featuring training, market information with sales contract, large benefits to other mango value-chain actors and when they are recommended by officials. Keywords: FF-PFA, SCE, LCM, Farmers’ preference, Mang