47 research outputs found

    Determinants of Non-Performing Financing for Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia with a Dynamic Panel Data Approach

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    Studying Non-Performing Financing (NPF) factors in the Indonesian Islamic banking sector is crucial to mitigating credit risk. In this study, we used factor analysis to determine indicators of internal and external factors in Islamic banking, then used system GMM estimation techniques to examine the dynamic effect of internal and external factors on NPF with panel data set at 14 Islamic Commercial Banks and 20 Islamic Business Units in 33 provinces from 2015 to 2019. The empirical results show that internal factors are formed in two dimensions: the fundamental dimension (Assets, Financing, and TPF) and performance measurement consisting of ROA, CAR, and CIR. External factors consist of two indicators (inflation and SBIS). The current NPF performance is not affected by the previous years NPF. Conversely, the NPF of Islamic banking can decrease if ROA performance increases more than CIR. Islamic banking needs to strengthen its internal performance through its ability to manage invested funds to generate profits and strengthen the performance of the financing monitoring team to mitigate credit risk


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    The research aims to identify business potential, develop and design tourism village business management in Banjarwaru Tourism Village, Lumajang District, Lumajang Regency. This research is a qualitative type with a case study approach. Primary data sources were obtained from interviews and focus group discussions and direct observation as a form of triangulation validity. Data analysis techniques through the stages of data reduction, data analysis, verification and conclusion. The results of mapping the potential of Banjarwaru village and the focus group discussions that have been carried out show that there is potential for village natural resources that are developed in the short term and in the long term including preneur sport-based tourism which is supported by its facilities, namely Mini soccer, white water rafting, culinary tourism, homestay. The development of a tourist village includes four aspects that can be developed and support each other, namely, aspects of attractiveness, accessibility, facilities and institutions. The design of tourism village business management in Banjarwaru Tourism Village, Lumajang District, Lumajang Regency, the management is included in the BUMDES section as a village-owned business based on community services but has the ultimate goal of achieving profit, it should be managed professionally like a business in general, even though the ownership and character of the The organization is based on community service. Professional management includes marketing management, financial management, human resource management and production management

    Aktivitas Gel Ekstrak Kolagen Sisik Ikan Kakap Merah (Lutjanus Argentimaculatus) Terhadap Fase Epitelisasi Pada Proses Penyembuhan Luka Bakar Kulit Kelinci “Gambaran Makroskopis Dan Mikroskopis”

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    SARI Luka bakar adalah kerusakan jaringan yang disebabkan kontak dengan sumber panas. Kolagen merupakan material dominan yang berguna untuk regenerasi jaringan dan berpotensi untuk mempercepat penyembuhan luka bakar Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi ekstrak kolagen sisik ikan kakap merah dalam sediaan gel terhadap karakteristik fisik gel, gambaran makroskopis dan mikroskopis fase epitelisasi pada proses penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II. Penelitian ini menggunakan 9 ekor kelinci jantan galur New Zealand usia 4-6 bulan, punggung kelinci dibagi menjadi 5 area luka yang diinduksi dengan lempeng besi panas berdiameter 20 mm dengan suhu 70oC selama 5 detik. Setiap kelompok diberikan perlakuan gel ekstrak kolagen konsentasi 0,3%, 0,6%, dan 0,9%. kontrol negatif diberikan perlakuan basis gel, sedangkan kelompok kontrol positif diberikan perlakuan gel Neomisin sulfat-Plasenta bovine. Pengamatan secara makroskopis dilakukan setiap hari dan pengamatan secara mikroskopis dilakukan pada hari ke-3, 9 dan 12. Data karakteristik fisik gel dianalisis menggunakan SPSS dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan (P<0,05) antara gel ekstrak kolagen terhadap basis gel. Pengaruh ekstrak kolagen terhadap karakteristik fisik gel yaitu dapat menurunkan pH, viskositas, daya lekat, dan meningkatkan daya sebar. Hasil uji statistik aktivitas gel ekstrak kolagen menunjukkan tidak berbeda signifikan secara makroskopis, namun hasil skoring fase epitelisasi luka bakar kulit kelinci menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan dengan kontrol negatif. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemberian gel ekstrak kolagen sisik ikan kakap merah dapat mempercepat fase epitelisasi pada proses penyembuhan luka bakar

    Suitability of MDA, 8-OHdG and wild-type p53 as genotoxic biomarkers in metal (Co,Ni and Cr) exposed dental technicians: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: High concentrations of Co, Ni, and Cr in the blood serum of dental technicians are strongly associated with free radical formation. It has highly reactive properties that can cause further oxidation of molecule in the vicinity. Purpose: This study intended to investigate whether the Dental Technician occupational exposure of Co, Ni and Cr, could contribute to the high incidence of cancer. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study to dental technicians, performed after acccepting ethical clearance. Blood was sampled in 3 examinations for Co, Ni, Cr using Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometry (AAS), MDA was examined with TBARS test, also 8 OHdG and wildtype p53 proteins determined by ELISA method. Results: Comparative statistical analysis, showing a significant difference (p < 0.05) between levels of Co, Ni, and Cr in exposed groups to the control group. But, not all variables was proven to be positively correlated, only with Cr, and Co, and negatively correlated with wild-type p53. Conclusion: MDA,8-OHdG and wildtype p53 can be used as genotoxic biomarkers in the metal exposed group, since they can accurately reflect the degree of Oxidative damage

    Digital Image Analysis Using Flatbed Scanning System For Purity Testing Of Rice Seed And Confirmation By Grow Out Test

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    The common method used for purity testing of rice seed is human visual observation. This method, however, has a high degree of subjectivity when dealing with different rice varieties which have similar morphology. Digital image analysis with flatbed scanning for purity testing of rice seed was proposed by investigating the morphology of rice seeds and confirmation by grow out test (GOT) in the field. Two extra-long seed varieties were used in this study including a red rice Aek Sibundong and an aromatic rice Sintanur. The identification on 14 parameters of morphological characteristics indicated that only six parameters were correlated, i.e. area, feret, minimum feret, aspect ratio, round, and solidity. The purity of rice seed can be effectively determined using digital image analysis of spikelet color and shape. Based on the discriminant analysis of the digital image the recognition rate of rice seed purity was higher than 99.2% for shape and 93.55% for color. The method, therefore, has a potential to be used as a complement in rice seed purity testing to increase the accuracy of human visual method and it is more sensitive than GOT


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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic era provides a new habit in form of self-quarantine or physical distancing. The recommendation is to delay visits to health facilities if it is not in the emergency condition to slow down the spread of COVID-19 transmission. This study aims to develop a telemedicine system that integrates three main components, namely doctors, patients, and hospital management in Gotong Royong Hospital Surabaya to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 while still provides comprehensive health services. The development of telemedicine service is divided into 3 stages. In the first stage, emergency screening was carried out by developing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The second stage was continued with prototype testing and the last part was improving the system to create a better referral system. Gotong Royong Hospital telemedicine has been active since June 2021, within 2 months, 45 patients are willing to use telemedicine services. The results showed that telemedicine was easily accepted by patients in internal medicine clinic services (

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Top Leaf Meal of Indigofera zollingeriana to Substitute Soybean Meal through Evaluation on Protein Quality and Metabolic Energy in Poultry Feed

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    This study aimed to evaluate protein quality of top leaf meal of Indigofera zollingerina based on its net protein utilization (NPU) as well as to evaluate its metabolizable energy. Fifty broiler chicks were used in determination of NPU while fifteen broiler strain Cobbs chickens aged 5 weeks were used for metabolizable energy measurement. This study used descriptive method in which data obtained were analyzed and compared to NPU and metabolizable energy of soybean meal. The results showed that top leaf meal of Indigofera zollingerina had NPU of 38.58 – 46.98, which is 70.14% - 85-42% of that NPU value of soybean meal is 55. Its metabolizable energy was 2791.12 kcal/kg, 9.46% higher than that of soybean meal. As the NPU and metabolizable energy were close to those of soybean meal, top leaf meal of Indigofera zollingerina can be used to substitute protein from soybean meal in poultry fee