36 research outputs found

    Jestor : aplicativo de gestão financeira

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Rafaela Mantovani FontanaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Especialização em Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software.Inclui referênciasResumo: A vida financeira dos brasileiros é um tema delicado. Nos últimos anos grande parte da população está em situação de endividamento devido às desigualdades econômicas e sociais. Apesar dos avanços significativos no acesso à informação e à educação financeira, muitos brasileiros ainda enfrentam dificuldades para administrar o seu dinheiro. O desemprego, os altos impostos, a inflação e a baixa remuneração são alguns dos principais desafios que os brasileiros enfrentam. Além disso, a falta de educação financeira e de planejamento adequado contribuem para o endividamento e a dificuldade de poupar dinheiro. Neste cenário, é evidente a importância da tecnologia, principalmente com a facilidade do acesso à internet e popularização dos aparelhos celulares, para ampliação do conhecimento. Em vista disso, o propósito deste trabalho é a criação de um aplicativo de gestão financeira pessoal, para que os usuários possam lançar suas receitas e despesas, e também, ter maior controle sob o próprio dinheiro. Para a modelagem da aplicação foram utilizados Histórias de Usuário, Diagrama de Classe, Diagrama de Casos de Uso e Diagrama de Sequência. Na criação do protótipo de telas foram utilizados conceitos de UserExperience e UserInterface juntamente com a ferramenta Figma. O processo de desenvolvimento do aplicativo se obteve com o planejamento de releases e a utilização do Trello como ferramenta de acompanhamento das atividades atráves de quadros. No back-end, foi desenvolvido uma API utilizando o framework SpringBoot que tem como base a linguagem de programação Java em conjunto com o framework OAuth2 que adiciona umq camada a mais de segurança. A API desenvolvida consulta e envia dados para um banco de dados. No desenvolvimento do front-end foi utilizado o framework Flutter pela facilidade de implementação em várias plataformas (Android, IOS, Windows, etc) e similaridade do Dart com o Java o que proporcionou otimização do processo.Abstract: Brazilians' financial life is a sensitive subject. Due to economic and social imbalances, a considerable portion of the population has been in debt in recent years. Despite major gains in information accessibility and financial education, many Brazilians continue to struggle with money management. Unemployment, high taxes, inflation, and low wages are just a few of the issues that Brazilians face. Furthermore, a lack of financial education and preparation contributes to debt and makes it difficult to save money. In this circumstance, the relevance of technology for knowledge development is clear, especially with the ease of access to the internet and the popularity of cell phones. In light of this, the goal of this project is to develop a personal financial management application (app) that allows users to enter their income and expenses while also giving them more control over their money. User Stories, Class Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams were used to prepare the application. The Figma tool was used in conjunction with the UserExperience and UserInterface principles to create the prototype screens. The application development process was completed through Release Management and the use of Trello as a tool to track activity via boards. On the back end, an API was created by combining the SpringBoot framework, which is based on the Java programming language, with the OAuth2 framework, which offers another level of security. The API that was developed searches and transmits data to a database. The Flutter framework was adopted to build the front end given its simplicity to implement on different operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows, etc.), and the similarity of Dart with Java, which provided process optimization

    Rumen protected choline supplementation in beef cattle: effect on growth performance

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rumen-protected choline administration on growth performance in beef cattle. Thirty-two newly received Charolais steers (420 kg ± 8 kg initial BW), were assigned randomly to one of the two experimental groups: control (CTR), no choline supplementation; choline (RPC), supplemented with 5 g/day choline chloride in rumenprotected form. Experimental period was 122 d long. DMI at different times did not differ between treatments. Supplementation of 5 g of choline increased body weight, and average daily gain on day 89 of the experiment,but not later on. Feed conversion rate and killing out percentage were not affected by the treatment. Therefore ruminally protected choline can improve growth performance of newly received beef cattle, and its inclusion in receiving diet can be useful

    Stimulated Brillouin scattering at 1 nm-1 wavevector by extreme ultraviolet transient gratings

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    We crossed two femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (EUV) pulses in a beta - Ga2O3 (001) single crystal to create transient gratings (TG) of light intensity with sub-100 nm spatial periodicity. The EUV TG excitation launches phonon modes, whose dynamics were revealed via the backward diffraction of a third, time-delayed, EUV probe pulse. In addition to the modes typically observed in this kind of experiment, the phase-matching condition imposed by the TG, combined with the sharp penetration depth of the EUV excitation pulses, permitted to generate and detect phonons with a wavevector tangibly larger (approximately 1 nm-1) than the EUV TG one, via stimulated Brillouin back-scattering (SBBS) of the EUV probe. While SBBS of an optical probe was reported in previous EUV TG experiments, the extension of SBBS to short wavelength radiation can be used as a contact-less experimental tool for filling the gap between the wavevector range accessible through inelastic hard X-ray and thermal neutron scattering techniques, and the one accessible through Brillouin scattering of visible and UV light.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Selection of new markers for animal by-products characterization by classical microscopy

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    The aim of this study was to identify possible markers to distinguish differences between land animals by using the microscopic method in association with computer image analysis. For this purpose bone fragments from poultry and mammals were obtained and analysed by microscopic method. Through a digital camera and an image analysis software 85 bone lacunae images have been processed and elaborated in order to obtain for each lacuna a monochrome mask on which several measurements were performed. Data were analysed by ANOVA and LDA. Results obtained in the present study indicated that of 32 descriptors processed by image analysis software, only 12 were significantly (P<0.001) different between mammalian and poultry. However, when morphometric measurements were analysed by LDA, 86% of lacunae were correctly classified into the animal class of origin (i.e. mammalian as mammalian and poultry as poultry). By contrast 14% of lacunae were incorrectly classified. In conclusion, data here presented indicate that some of descriptors used by image analysis appears promising not only for a reliable distinction between the different origins of animal meal at the level of vertebrate classes, but also for further characterisation and identification of processed animal proteins in animal feeds

    Does the wearing time of motion sensor interfere with the choice of physical activity in daily life outcomes of COPD patients?

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    Este estudo analisa a atividade física na vida diária (AFVD) de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC), quantificada em três diferentes períodos de uso diário do sensor de movimento: 8 horas, 12 horas e período de tempo acordado, a fim de identificar se os desfechos de AFVD diferem entre si. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 45 pacientes (66±8 anos) classificados com DPOC de moderada a grave. A AFVD foi avaliada utilizando-se o monitor de atividade física SenseWear Armband (SAB) durante 7 dias consecutivos, 24 horas por dia. Compararam-se os resultados de AFVD fornecidos pelo monitor nos três períodos de avaliação dentro das 24 horas de uso. Os desfechos de sedentarismo e de atividade física (número de passos e gasto energético total) foram diferentes nos três períodos de utilização do SAB, com maiores valores na avaliação por período de tempo acordado. Quanto aos desfechos de atividade física estratificados por idade - 3 ou 2 equivalentes metabólicos (MET) -, os resultados foram similares na avaliação por 12 horas e por período de tempo acordado. Concluiu-se, afinal, que o uso do monitor de atividade física durante o tempo acordado é o desfecho mais indicado para monitoração acurada e completa de sedentarismo e atividade física em pacientes com DPOC.Este estudio analiza la actividad física en la vida diaria (AFVD) de pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), cuantificada en tres distintos períodos de uso diario del sensor de movimiento: 8 horas, 12 horas y el período de tiempo despierto, con la finalidad de identificar si los resultados de AFVD difieren entre sí. Se trata de un estudio transversal con 45 pacientes (66±8 años) clasificados con EPOC de moderada a grave. La AFVD ha sido evaluada con la utilización del monitor de actividad física SenseWear Armband® (SAB) durante 7 días consecutivos, las 24 horas del día. Se han comparado los resultados de AFVD suministrados por el monitor en los tres períodos de evaluación dentro de las 24 horas de uso. Los resultados de sedentarismo y de actividad física (el número de pasos y de gasto energético total) han sido distintos en los tres períodos de utilización del SAB, con valores más grandes en la evaluación por período de tiempo despierto. Cuanto a los resultados de la actividad física estratificadas por edad - 3 o 2 equivalentes metabólicos (METs) -, los resultados han sido similares en la evaluación por 12 horas y por el período de tiempo despierto. Se ha concluido, por fin, que el uso del monitor de la actividad física durante el tiempo despierto es el resultado más indicado para el monitoreo preciso y completo de sedentarismo y de la actividad física en pacientes con EPOC.This study analyzes physical activity in the daily lives (PADL) of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), measured in three different periods of daily use of motor sensor: 8 hours, 12 hours, and awake time, in order to identify if the PADL outcomes are different among each other. It is a transversal study with 45 patients (66±8 years) classified as having moderate to severe COPD. The PADL was assessed using the physical activity monitor SenseWear Armband (SAB) for 7 consecutive days, 24 hours a day. The PADL results provided by the monitor in the three evaluation periods within 24 hours of use were compared. The sedentary and physical activity outcomes (number of steps and total energy expenditure) were different in the three periods using the SAB, having higher values in the assessment per awake time. Regarding the physical activity outcomes divided into age groups - 3 or 2 metabolic equivalents (METs) -, the outcomes were similar to the evaluation for 12 hours and per awake time. It was concluded, thus, that the use of physical activity monitor during the awake time is the most indicated outcome for accurate and complete monitoring of sedentarism and physical activity in COPD patients

    Transient grating spectroscopy on a DyCo5_5 thin film with femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses

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    Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) are excited by femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (EUV) transient gratings (TGs) in a room-temperature ferrimagnetic DyCo5_5 alloy. TGs are generated by crossing a pair of EUV pulses from a free electron laser (FEL) with the wavelength of 20.8\,nm matching the Co MM-edge, resulting in a SAW wavelength of Λ=44\Lambda=44\,nm. Using the pump-probe transient grating scheme in a reflection geometry the excited SAWs could be followed in the time range of -10 to 100\,ps in the thin film. Coherent generation of TGs by ultrafast EUV pulses allows to excite SAW in any material and to investigate their couplings to other dynamics such as spin waves and orbital dynamics

    Ultrafast dynamics in (TaSe4)2I triggered by valence and core-level excitation

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    Dimensionality plays a key role in the emergence of ordered phases, such as charge density-waves (CDW), which can couple to, and modulate, the topological properties of matter. In this work, we study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the paradigmatic quasi-one-dimensional material (TaSe4)2I, which exhibits a transition into an incommensurate CDW phase when cooled to just below room temperature, namely at TCDW = 263 K. We make use of both optical laser and free-electron laser (FEL) based time-resolved spectroscopies in order to study the effect of a selective excitation on the normal-state and on the CDW phases by probing the near-infrared/visible optical properties both along and perpendicularly to the direction of the CDW, where the system is metallic and insulating, respectively. Excitation of the core-levels by ultrashort X-ray FEL pulses at 47 eV and 119 eV induces reflectivity transients resembling those recorded when only exciting the valence band of the compound - by near-infrared pulses at 1.55 eV - in the case of the insulating sub-system. Conversely, the metallic sub-system displays relaxation dynamics which depend on the energy of photo-excitation. Moreover, excitation of the CDW amplitude mode is recorded only for excitation at a low-photon-energy. This fact suggests that the coupling of light to ordered states of matter can predominantly be achieved when directly injecting delocalized carriers in the valence band, rather than localized excitations in the core levels. Complementing this, table-top experiments allow us to prove the quasi-unidirectional nature of the CDW phase in (TaSe4)2I, whose fingerprints are detected along its c-axis only. Our results provide new insights into the symmetry of the ordered phase of (TaSe4)2I perturbed by a selective excitation, and suggest a novel approach based on complementary table-top and FEL spectroscopies for the study of complex materials

    Nanoscale transient polarization gratings

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    We present the generation of transient polarization gratings at the nanoscale, achieved using a tailored accelerator configuration of the FERMI free electron laser. We demonstrate the capabilities of such a transient polarization grating by comparing its induced dynamics with the ones triggered by a more conventional intensity grating on a thin film ferrimagnetic alloy. While the signal of the intensity grating is dominated by the thermoelastic response of the system, such a contribution is suppressed in the case of the polarization grating. This exposes helicity-dependent magnetization dynamics that have so-far remained hidden under the large thermally driven response. We anticipate nanoscale transient polarization gratings to become useful for the study of any physical, chemical and biological systems possessing chiral symmetry


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    Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o perfil da populao atendida no Centro de Psicologia Aplicada - CPA da Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR no perodo de 1993 a 2006, de acordo com as seguintes variveis: gnero, idade, escolaridade, local de moradia, profisso, religio, nvel scioeeconomico, encaminhamento e motivo da consulta (queixa). Para tanto, utilizou-se uma metodologia retrospectiva documental, de consulta s fichas de triagens e dos pronturios dos clientes e a anlise se deu por estatstica descritiva, compreendendo frequncias e porcentagens. A populao que procura esse servio variada, predominando jovens adultos, do gnero feminino com escolaridade no ensino fundamental incompleto, procedentes de Umuarama/PR, sem ocupao e estudantes, catlicos, com renda familiar de at trs salrios mnimos e encaminhados por amigos/vizinhos. As principais queixas referem-se a dificuldades nas relaes familiares, depresso/tristeza, ansiedade/insegurana e dificuldades escolares. A partir do estudo realizado, os autores discutem os dados destacando a necessidade de se pensar em novos modelos de atendimento, planejando e ampliando novas modalidades mais adequadas s especificidades da clientela do CPA da UNIPAR