13 research outputs found

    Human Protoparvovirus DNA and IgG in Children and Adults with and without Respiratory or Gastrointestinal Infections

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    Abstract: Three human protoparvoviruses, bufavirus (BuV), tusavirus (TuV) and cutavirus (CuV), have recently been discovered in diarrheal stool. BuV has been associated with diarrhea and CuV with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, but there are hardly any data for TuV or CuV in stool or respiratory samples. Hence, using qPCR and IgG enzyme immunoassays, we analyzed 1072 stool, 316 respiratory and 445 serum or plasma samples from 1098 patients with and without gastroenteritis (GE) or respiratory-tract infections (RTI) from Finland, Latvia and Malawi. The overall CuV-DNA prevalences in stool samples ranged between 0–6.1% among our six patient cohorts. In Finland, CuV DNA was significantly more prevalent in GE patients above rather than below 60 years of age (5.1% vs 0.2%). CuV DNA was more prevalent in stools among Latvian and Malawian children compared with Finnish children. In 10/11 CuV DNA-positive adults and 4/6 CuV DNA-positive children with GE, no known causal pathogens were detected. Interestingly, for the first time, CuV DNA was observed in two nasopharyngeal aspirates from children with RTI and the rare TuV in diarrheal stools of two adults. Our results provide new insights on the occurrence of human protoparvoviruses in GE and RTI in different countries.Peer reviewe

    Human Protoparvovirus DNA and IgG in Children and Adults with and without Respiratory or Gastrointestinal Infections

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    Abstract: Three human protoparvoviruses, bufavirus (BuV), tusavirus (TuV) and cutavirus (CuV), have recently been discovered in diarrheal stool. BuV has been associated with diarrhea and CuV with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, but there are hardly any data for TuV or CuV in stool or respiratory samples. Hence, using qPCR and IgG enzyme immunoassays, we analyzed 1072 stool, 316 respiratory and 445 serum or plasma samples from 1098 patients with and without gastroenteritis (GE) or respiratory-tract infections (RTI) from Finland, Latvia and Malawi. The overall CuV-DNA prevalences in stool samples ranged between 0–6.1% among our six patient cohorts. In Finland, CuV DNA was significantly more prevalent in GE patients above rather than below 60 years of age (5.1% vs 0.2%). CuV DNA was more prevalent in stools among Latvian and Malawian children compared with Finnish children. In 10/11 CuV DNA-positive adults and 4/6 CuV DNA-positive children with GE, no known causal pathogens were detected. Interestingly, for the first time, CuV DNA was observed in two nasopharyngeal aspirates from children with RTI and the rare TuV in diarrheal stools of two adults. Our results provide new insights on the occurrence of human protoparvoviruses in GE and RTI in different countries.Peer reviewe

    Epidemiology of two human protoparvoviruses, bufavirus and tusavirus

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    Two human parvoviruses were recently discovered by metagenomics in Africa, bufavirus (BuV) in 2012 and tusavirus (TuV) in 2014. These viruses have been studied exclusively by PCR in stool and detected only in patients with diarrhoea, although at low prevalence. Three genotypes of BuV have been identified. We detected, by in-house EIA, BuV1-3 IgG antibodies in 7/228 children (3.1%) and 10/180 adults (5.6%), whereas TuV IgG was found in one child (0.4%). All children and 91% of the adults were Finnish, yet interestingly 3/6 adults of Indian origin were BuV-IgG positive. By competition EIA, no cross-reactivity between the BuVs was detected, indicating that the BuV genotypes represent distinct serotypes. Furthermore, we analysed by BuV qPCR stool and nasal swab samples from 955 children with gastroenteritis, respiratory illness, or both, and found BuV DNA in three stools (0.3%) and for the first time in a nasal swab (0.1%). This is the first study documenting the presence of BuV and TuV antibodies in humans. Although the seroprevalences of both viruses were low in Finland, our results indicate that BuV infections might be widespread in Asia. The BuV-specific humoral immune responses appeared to be strong and long-lasting, pointing to systemic infection in humans.Peer reviewe

    Phosphorylation of Notch1 by Pim kinases promotes oncogenic signaling in breast and prostate cancer cells

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    Tumorigenesis is a multistep process involving co-operation between several deregulated oncoproteins. In this study, we unravel previously unrecognized interactions and crosstalk between Pim kinases and the Notch signaling pathway, with implications for both breast and prostate cancer. We identify Notch1 and Notch3, but not Notch2, as novel Pim substrates and demonstrate that for Notch1, the serine residue 2152 is phosphorylated by all three Pim family kinases. This target site is located in the second nuclear localization sequence (NLS) of the Notch1 intracellular domain (N1ICD), and is shown to be important for both nuclear localization and transcriptional activity of N1ICD. Phosphorylation-dependent stimulation of Notch1 signaling promotes migration of prostate cancer cells, balances glucose metabolism in breast cancer cells, and supports in vivo growth of both types of cancer cells on chick embryo chorioallantoic membranes. Furthermore, Pim-induced growth of orthotopic prostate xenografts in mice is associated with enhanced nuclear Notch1 activity. Finally, simultaneous inhibition of Pim and Notch abrogates the cellular responses more efficiently than individual treatments, opening up new vistas for combinatorial cancer therapy.</p

    The COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change: Emerging research needs.

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 raised numerous questions on the interactions between the occurrence of new infections, the environment, climate and health. The European Union requested the H2020 HERA project which aims at setting priorities in research on environment, climate and health, to identify relevant research needs regarding Covid-19. The emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be related to urbanization, habitat destruction, live animal trade, intensive livestock farming and global travel. The contribution of climate and air pollution requires additional studies. Importantly, the severity of COVID-19 depends on the interactions between the viral infection, ageing and chronic diseases such as metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and obesity which are themselves influenced by environmental stressors. The mechanisms of these interactions deserve additional scrutiny. Both the pandemic and the social response to the disease have elicited an array of behavioural and societal changes that may remain long after the pandemic and that may have long term health effects including on mental health. Recovery plans are currently being discussed or implemented and the environmental and health impacts of those plans are not clearly foreseen. Clearly, COVID-19 will have a long-lasting impact on the environmental health field and will open new research perspectives and policy needs

    Escape Room TUAS Labille

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    Pakohuonepelit ovat Suomessa nopeasti suosiotaan kasvattava ajanvietetapa, ja pelipaikkoja onkin avattu lähes kaikkiin keskikokoisiin ja suuriin suomalaiskaupunkeihin. Ne ovat kasvattaneet suosiotaan myös työpaikkojen virkistysohjelmina, ja hyvästä syystäkin, sillä hauskat pelit vaativat ryhmätyötaitoja ja paineensietokykyä. Työhyvinvoinnin käsitteellä tarkoitetaan terveyden, turvallisuuden ja hyvinvoinnin parantamista työpaikoilla. Työhyvinvoinnille haasteita asettaa jatkuva muutos työpaikoilla. Yhteisöllisyyteen ja tiimityöhön panostaminen on tärkeää työhyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi. Virkistystoiminta auttaa edistämään tiimityötä ja lisää yhteisöllisyyden tunnetta mukavan yhdessäolon kokemuksen kautta. Hyvän ryhmähengen perusta on toisen työn arvostaminen, luottamus, avoimuus, auttamishalu ja onnistumisen tunteet. Tiimin jäsenet oppivat tuntemaan toistensa erikoisosaamisen ja näin hyödyntämään sitä parhaiten. Tiimityöhön ei kuulu muiden aliarvioiminen eikä yksilösuorittaminen. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on kehittää bioanalytiikka-teemainen pakohuonepeli bioanalyytikoille ja bioanalytiikan opiskelijoille virkistystoimintaan. Pakohuonepelin pulmat on suunniteltu siten, että niiden ratkaisemisessa pelaajan on hyödynnettävä tietoaan ja osaamistaan bioanalyytikkona. Pelin on kuitenkin tarkoitus olla viihteellinen. Opinnäytetyön tavoite on työhyvinvoinnin lisääminen ja virkistyminen arjen keskellä alaan liittyvän teeman ympärillä.Escape room games are a free time activity, that are quickly rising to popularity in Finland, with game sites being opened to both medium and large cities. They have also become popular as a recreational activity at workplaces, and for a good reason, since the fun games require teamwork skills and an ability to deal with pressure. The concept of wellbeing at work consists of improving the health, safety and wellbeing of the employees, and the constant change at workplaces makes this challenging. Investing in communality and teamwork is important in order to improve wellbeing at work. Recreational activities assist in improving teamwork and communality. The basis of a good team spirit is trust, sincerity, willingness to help, the appreciation of other‘s work and the feeling of success. Team members get to know each other's specialties and utilize them. The underestimation of others and working solo are not a part of teamwork. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a biomedical laboratory science themed escape room game for the students and employees of the field. The puzzles of the game require the player to utilize their expertise as a biomedical laboratory scientist while still having fun. The objective of this thesis is to improve wellbeing at work and to refresh oneself during workweek

    Reflective capacity and context of reflections: qualitative study of second-year medical students’ learning diaries related to a general practice course

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    Abstract Background Reflective capacity is a prerequisite for transformative learning. It is regarded as an essential skill in professional competence in the field of medicine. Our aim was to investigate the reflective capacity and the objects of action (themes) which revealed reflective writing of medical students during a general practice/family medicine course. Methods Second-year medical students were requested to write learning diaries during a compulsory course in general practice/family medicine consisting of the principles of the physician-patient relationship. The course included a group session supervised by a clinical lecturer and a 3-day training period in a local health centre. We conducted data-driven content analysis of the learning diaries. In the learning diaries, student observations were most commonly directed to events during the training period and to group sessions. Occasionally, observation was directed at inner experience. Results The following themes were related to reflective writing: feelings towards the end of life, demanding situations in practice, physician’s attitude to patient, student’s inner experiences, and physician’s well-being. The entries indicated different types of reflective capacity. Three subgroups were identified: ‘simple reporting,’ ‘reflective writing,’ and ‘advanced reflective writing.’ Conclusion Professional growth requires the development of reflective capacity, as it is essential for successful patient care and better clinical outcomes. To develop and enhance the reflective capacity of medical students during their education, the curriculum should provide frequent opportunities for students to assess and reflect upon their various learning experiences

    The relationship of collective creativity with managerial work and workplace climate in hierarchical and less hierarchical organizations

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    Collective creativity, managerial work, and workplace climate can influence innovation, organizational learning, and productivity at work. However, little empirical research has examined these factors in everyday work, especially in relation to organizational hierarchies. This study explores the relationships among collective creativity, managerial work, and workplace climate in hierarchical and less hierarchical organizations. A quantitative empirical analysis was conducted using data from a survey of 265 respondents from six Finnish organizations. The findings show that managerial work and workplace climate that focus on building and maintaining trust and highlight empathy, fairness and equality, and collegial support, are important factors in the realization of collective creativity. However, these relationships did not vary in hierarchical and less hierarchical organizations. Findings of the study underline the essential role of managerial work in supporting collective creativity at work.peerReviewe

    Johtamisen merkitys luovuudelle informaatioteknologian organisaatioissa

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    [Lukijalle] Ammatillinen toimijuus, luovuus ja johtaminen – onko näillä asioilla tekemistä toistensa kanssa? Kyllä on ja pitää olla. Elämme yhteiskunnallisesti ja taloudellisesti mielenkiintoista aikaa, joka on lukuisten uhkien, jännitteiden ja epävarmuuden sävyttämä. Nyt ratkotaan työelämän haasteita tehokkuusvaateineen ja neuvotellaan työelämän pelisäännöistä. Julkisessa keskustelussa on parjattu huonoa johtamista sekä työpaikkojen huonoa ilmapiiriä. Ratkaisuksi on usein tarjottu innovaatioita ja luovuuden lisäämistä, työhyvinvointia unohtamatta. Ratkaisuehdotuksissa on varmasti perää. Ongelmallista tuntuu kuitenkin olevan se, että yhtä yleispätevää ratkaisua etsitään ja pyritään tarjoamaan kaikkiin ongelmiin, vaikka organisaatiot yhteisöineen ja tilanteineen ovat erilaisia. Iänikuinen viisastenkiven etsintä jatkuu, mutta ratkaisu voi löytyä paljon lähempää: organisaatioista ja niiden johtamiskulttuurista itsestään. [Jatkuu kirjassa

    Measures of empathy and the capacity for self-reflection in dental and medical students

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    Abstract Background: Empathy and self-reflection have been studied among medical students, but fewer studies have examined the presence of these attributes among dental students and investigated the correlation between empathy and self-reflection. Methods: First-year dental and medical students (n = 198) beginning their studies at the University of Oulu, Finland in August 2017 participated in this study, which was conducted via an internet-based questionnaire. Data were collected on personal characteristics and scores on Davis’s Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and Roberts’s Self Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS). Results: Differences in IRI scores between dental and medical students were significant only in male students and in two IRI domains. Mean (SD) scores for male dental and medical students were personal distress, 8.2 (4.0) and 10.7 (3.1) (p = 0.022); empathic concern, 15.0 (4.0) and 16.9 (3.5) (p = 0.054). Mean SRIS scores did not differ between sexes or training programs. Positive correlations (r = − 0.3–0.65) were observed between some empathy and self-reflection subscales. Conclusions: A lower degree of empathy was observed among male dental students than in male medical students. A positive correlation between empathy and self-reflection was demonstrated in both study groups and sexes. However, more research in this field is warranted