72 research outputs found

    Sokerit vadelman pakkasnesteenä

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    Vadelmaa viljellään Suomessa noin 340 ha:n alalla. Viljelyala on viime vuosina kasvanut tasaisesti, koska tuorevadelman kysyntä on ollut hyvä. Vadelmaa viljellään täällä kuitenkin sopeutumisalueensa pohjoisella äärirajalla ja viljelyn suurimpana ongelmana ovat usein toistuvat talvivauriot.vo

    Edunvalvojan vastuut ja velvollisuudet päämiehensä asioiden hoitamisessa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää perustiedot edunvalvonnasta, jotta tulevat edunvalvojat saisivat hyvän käsityksen siitä, mitä edunvalvojan työ oikeastaan on. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin edunvalvonnan historiaa ja sen kehitystä nykyiseen muotoonsa. Siinä käsiteltiin myös edunvalvontajärjestelmää ja esiteltiin edunvalvojan tärkeimmät tehtävät ja perusvelvollisuudet. Selvitettiin luvanvaraisia ja kiellettyjä oikeustoimia. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin holhoustoimilakia, jonka puitteissa edunvalvojan tulee toimia. Aihetta rajattiin edelleen käsittelemään yleistä edunvalvontaa. Aineistona käytettiin lainsäädäntöä, kirjallisuutta, hallituksen esitystä ja artikkeleita. Käytännönläheistä tietoa saatiin haastatteluista. Edunvalvojan työ on monipuolista ja haasteellista. On ajateltava päämiehen etua kaikessa ja silti mahdollisuuksien mukaan kuunneltava tämän mielipidettä. Se annetaanko tilanteessa enemmän painoarvoa edulle vai mielipiteelle on täysin kiinni päämiehen kunnosta ja tilanteesta. Edunvalvojan työ on toisaalta erittäin harkinnanvaraista, mutta toisaalta hyvin säänneltyä. Holhoustoimilaissa säädetään mihin oikeustoimiin on haettava lupa maistraatilta ennen niihin ryhtymistä ja mitkä toimet ovat kiellettyjä.The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to introduce the basic information of the work of a guardian. The goal was to make a compilation of the responsibilities and the duties of a guardian. The thesis tells the history of the system of guardians from the roman times to the present. The thesis states the most important tasks and the biggest duties of a guardian. The Bachelor’s thesis also introduces the legal acts that require a permit from the Local Registers Office. The theoretical framework was the Law on Guardianship on which the guardianship generally is based. The subject was further narrowed to deal with the Legal Guardians of the Offices of Guardianship. The sources which have been used on this thesis are mainly the Finnish law, books, publications of the Ministry of Justice and articles. More practical insight to the subject was gained through interviews. The work of a legal guardian is versatile and very challenging. The clients best intrest must be thought of in everything but their personal opinion can’t be ignored either. Which one is given more emphasis depends on the state of the client and the circumstances. The job is on the other hand very discretionary and then on the other hand highly regulated. The Law on Guardianship clearly states the legal acts that require a permit from the Local Registers Office and which acts are totally forbidden

    Vadelman lepotilan purkaminen lämminvesikäsittelyn avulla

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    Floricane yield and berry quality of seven primocane red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars

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    Primocane raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) may produce crop on the lower part of the cane during the second year of its' growth cycle, if the canes are retained over winter. We aimed to evaluate the floricane cropping potential and berry quality in seven primocane raspberry cultivars, which are too late for fall cropping in the Northern growing conditions. Long cane plants of these cultivars were produced, overwintered, and grown like floricane cultivars in a high tunnel. Harvesting floricane crop started in mid-June, and the length of the summer cropping season was between eight to 10 weeks. 'Joan J' and 'Imara' were the earliest cultivars, and 'Autumn Bliss' was the latest. Total floricane yield in most cultivars was between 1.7 to 2.0 kg/cane. 'Autumn Treasure' yielded significantly less, and 'Autumn Bliss' produced 2.5 kg berries /cane. The average berry size was 5 g, except in 'Autumn Bliss' and 'Autumn Treasure', which had smaller berries. The highest sugar content was observed in 'Kwanza' berries and the lowest in 'Polka'. High throughput phenotyping proved an effective tool for determining berry shape and color. 'Kwanza' berry color was the reddest, yellowest and lightest of all cultivars. Based on our results, growing primocane raspberry cultivars as long cane plants for production of summer crop is more reliable than growing them as fall cropping in short growing season conditions. The cultivars 'Imara' and 'Kweli' were the most promising in our experiment; they had a high yield potential and excellent berry quality.Peer reviewe

    Mansikantaimien lisäystapa ei vaikuta niiden talvenkestävyyteen

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    Mansikan talvivaurioihin on kiinnitetty viime aikoina entistä enemmän huomiota. Osittain tämä johtuu uusien, oloissamme arkojen lajikkeiden yleistymisestä viljelyssä. On herännyt myös kysymys, miten taimityyppi vaikuttaa mansikan talvehtimiseen. Tutkimuksessamme verrattiin erityyppisten mansikantaimien - valiotaimet, tervetaimet ja tilataimet - talvenkestävyyttä.vo

    Silmujen solurakenteiden muutosten ja kukka-aiheiden kehittymisen yhteys vadelman (Rubus idaeus L.) kylmänkestävyyteen

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    ei saatavill

    LED-valolla vaikutetaan vadelmaan kasvihuoneessa talvikaudella

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    Lehtiartikkeli (rinnakkaistallennusluvan asianumero: 388/12 05 01 02/2021)Vadelman kasvatus kasvihuoneessa kiinnostaa nykyään marjojen suuren kysynnän vuoksi. Kokeessamme talvella HPS-valon rinnalle lisätty LED-valo muutti vadelman kasvutapaa ja paransi marjojen laatua

    Coir, wood shavings and peat as growth substrates for arctic bramble

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    Methods for protected container cultivation of arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus L.) are currently under development. The aim of this study was to evaluate coir and wood shavings as alternatives to peat-based growth substrate (growing medium) in the intensive greenhouse cultivation of arctic bramble. The substrates used were a commercial coir mix (Coir), wood shavings from sodium silicate impregnated wood (Wood), a mixture of 95 % horticultural peat and 5 % perlite (HPP), and a mixture of 80 % peat and 20 % wood shavings (HPWood). Growth and fruit yield were highest in HPP, followed by Coir and HPWood, and were most severely reduced in Wood. Shoot nutrient analyses and soil drainage water observations suggested that the poor performance of Wood was mainly caused by release of sodium silicate into the rooting zone due to unsuccessful substrate processing. A higher proportion of the pore space in Wood was air-filled compared to other substrates, possibly limiting water availability. Overall, the suitability of both coir and wood shavings as growth substrates for arctic bramble was relatively low. However, it is likely that the poor performance of wood shavings was caused largely by inappropriate preparation. For wood waste to be useful as a growth substrate, the wood material should be specially processed for that purpose.Peer reviewe

    Repeated runner removal after harvest and floating row cover during fall affect carbohydrate status and yield potential of strawberry cvs. Polka and Wendy in the Northern climate

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    We investigated the impact of repeated runner removal after harvest and row cover during fall on strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cvs. Polka and Wendy cropping potential in the joint project of the University of Helsinki and the Rural Advisory Services Finland. Field trials were carried out in 2017 to 2019 on strawberry farms in Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland, at 62 degrees 49 ' N. The treatment effects on the crown carbohydrate reserves, flowering, and yield were recorded. Runner removal three times in three-week intervals after harvest decreased the crown starch re-serves but increased the length of the apical inflorescence initials as observed through flower mapping in November, and the numbers of inflorescences and flowers in cv. Polka. Floating row cover after flower induction in September to October hastened floral development in the fall and increased the numbers of inflorescences, flowers, and fruit in cv. Wendy. Although the effects may depend on a cultivar and weather conditions during fall, repeated removal of runners after harvest and covering plants with a floating row cover after flower induction are recommended to increase strawberry yield potential in the Northern climate.Peer reviewe

    Sphagnum moss is a promising growth substrate in arctic bramble container cultivation

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    Development of container cultivation methods for arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus L.) is currently underway. The aim of this study was to evaluate Sphagnum moss and two substrate mixes containing peat and coir or perlite as alternatives for a pure peat substrate in arctic bramble container cultivation, with particular interest on Sphagnum moss. The experiment was conducted in plastic high tunnel in plant towers with three planting levels (Top, Middle, Bottom). The substrates used were unfertilised peat (UP), an UP and perlite mix (80/20 by dry loose volume) (UPP), an UP and commercial coir mix (50/50) (UPCoir) and unfertilised Sphagnum moss (SM). Plant vigour was higher in SM compared to UP and UPP, while total fruit yield, mean fruit weight and individual drupelet weight were higher in SM compared to UPP. Both plant vigour and fruit yield were substantially reduced on Middle and especially Bottom level, compared to the Top level of plant towers. Water retention measurement of pure substrate materials showed higher air volume content in SM compared to UP or pure coir material. We conclude that Sphagnum moss is a highly promising substitute for peat as a substrate in arctic bramble container cultivation.Peer reviewe