109 research outputs found

    Trapped in a blind spot : the Covid-19 crisis in nursing homes in Italy and Spain

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    Altres ajuts: Govern de Catalunya (2020FI_B1 00049)This article investigates the delay in implementation and inadequacy of specific policy actions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes. The analysis focuses on Lombardy and Madrid, the two wealthiest regions in Italy and Spain. These were the most severely affected by the onset of the pandemic, both country-wise and at the European level. We compare the chronology of policy decisions that affected nursing homes against the broader policy responses related to the health crisis. We look at structural factors that reveal policy legacy effects. Our analysis shows that key emergency interventions arrived late, especially when compared to similar actions taken by the national health services. Weak institutional embedding of nursing homes within the welfare state in terms of ownership, allocation of resources, regulation and coordination hindered a swift response to the onset of the crisis

    Passive acoustic monitoring for estimating human-wildlife conflicts: The case of bee-eaters and apiculture

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    In human-wildlife conflicts, it is crucial to develop accurate protocols for the reliable verification of the causative species and its relationship with potential damage claims. One of such conflicts is that occurring between apiarists and bee-eaters. In this work, we aim to assess the utility of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) as an efficient methodology to measure European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) predation pressure at beehives and its impact on honeybees foraging activity. Using Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) in apiaries, coupled to automated recognition methods for bee-eater calls identification, we found a positive relationship between Vocal Activity Rate (VAR) index and number of bee-eaters hunting attempts on honeybees. We also found that VAR varied over time, showing a lower predation pressure during midday hours and higher during the post-breeding migratory period. Honeybees flying activity was negatively associated with VAR and this relationship was conditioned by the hour of the day. Our study offers a new application of PAM and acoustic derived indices for the evaluation of potential damages caused by wildlife. We focused on the interaction between honeybees and the European bee-eater, but we expect PAM might be useful also to remotely monitor impacts to human activities produced by other vocally active species.European bee-eater monitoring was funded by the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya. ARUs conception and design were partially supported by Programa de Investigación y Conservación del Zoo de Barcelona within the project ‘Nuevas tecnologías para viejos trabajos. Uso de grabadores automáticos para la detección y censo de especies raras y amenazadas. El caso de la alondra ricotí en Lleida y otras poblaciones pequeñas’. CPG acknowledges the support from Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional through the Beatriz Galindo Fellowship (Beatriz Galindo – Convocatoria 2020)

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema dinámico de gestión de trabajos distribuidos en un entorno de máquinas virtuales

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    El objetivo del PFC es el diseño e implementación de un sistema de ejecución de trabajos distribuidos que integre de forma flexible el aprovisionamiento y asignaciones dinámicas de máquinas virtuales como nodos de ejecución en un conjunto de máquinas reales. Y también el sometimiento y control de envío de trabajos distribuidos a un subconjunto escogido de nodos virtuales de ejecución

    Harnessing the potential of NK cell-based immunotherapies against multiple myeloma

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    Natural killer (NK) cell-based therapies have emerged as promising anticancer treatments due to their potency as cytolytic effectors and synergy with concurrent treatments. Multiple myeloma (MM) is an aggressive B-cell malignancy that, despite development of novel therapeutic agents, remains incurable with a high rate of relapse. In MM, the inhospitable tumor microenvironment prevents host NK cells from exerting their cytolytic function. The development of NK cell immunotherapy works to overcome this altered immune landscape and can be classified in two major groups based on the origin of the cell: autologous or allogeneic. In this review, we compare the treatments in each group, such as autologous chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) NKs and allogeneic off-the-shelf NK cell infusions, and their combinatorial effect with existing MM therapies including monoclonal antibodies and proteasome inhibitors. We also discuss their placement in clinical treatment regimens based on the immune profile of each patient. Through this examination, we would like to discover precisely when each NK cell-based treatment will produce the maximum benefit to the MM patient

    Behaviour and cognitive changes correlated with hippocampal neuroinflammaging and neuronal markers in female SAMP8, a model of accelerated senescence

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    Senescence accelerated mice P8 (SAMP8) is a phenotypic model of age, characterized by deficits in memory and altered behaviour. Here determined the effect of age in SAMP8, compared with the resistant strain, SAMR1, in behaviour and learning parameters linking these disturbances with oxidative stress environment. We found impairment in emotional behaviour with regard to fear and anxiety in young SAMP8 vs. age-mated SAMR1. Differences were attenuated with age. In contrast, learning capabilities are worse in SAMP8, both in young and aged animals, with regard to SAMR1. These waves in behaviour and cognition were correlated with an excess of Oxidative stress (OS) in SAMP8 at younger ages that diminished with age. In this manner, we found changes in the hippocampal expression of ALDH2, IL-6, HMOX1, COX2, CXCL10, iNOS, and MCP-1 with an altered amyloidogenic pathway by increasing the Amyloid beta precursor protein (APP) and BACE1, and reduced ADAM10 expression; in addition, astrogliosis and neuronal markers decreased. Moreover, Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and Nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-kβ) expression and protein levels were higher in younger SAMP8 than in SAMR1. In conclusion, the accelerated senescence process present in SAMP8 can be linked with an initial deregulation in redox homeostasis, named neuroinflammaging, by inducing molecular changes that lead to neuroinflammation and the neurodegenerative process. These changes are reflected in the emotional and cognitive behaviour of SAMP8 that differs from that of SAMR1 and that highlighted the importance of earlier oxidative processes in the onset of neurodegeneration

    Protect European green agricultural policies for future food security

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    Instituto de Ciencias Forestales (ICIFOR-INIA).European green agricultural policies have been relaxed to allow cultivation of fallow land to produce animal feed and meet shortfalls in exports from Ukraine and Russia. However, conversion of semi-natural habitats will disproportionately impact long term biodiversity and food security.This paper contributes to project REMEDINAL TE-CM P2018/EMT-4338 of Comunidad de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Environmental Enrichment Modified Epigenetic Mechanisms in SAMP8 Mouse Hippocampus by Reducing Oxidative Stress and Inflammaging and Achieving Neuroprotection

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    With the increase in life expectancy, aging and age-related cognitive impairments arebecoming one of the most important issues for human health. At the same time, ithas been shown that epigenetic mechanisms are emerging as universally importantfactors in life expectancy. The Senescence Accelerated Mouse P8 (SAMP8) strainexhibits age-related deterioration evidenced in learning and memory abilities and is auseful model of neurodegenerative disease. In SAMP8, Environmental Enrichment (EE)increased DNA-methylation levels (5-mC) and reduced hydroxymethylation levels (5-hmC), as well as increased histone H3 and H4 acetylation levels. Likewise, we foundchanges in the hippocampal gene expression of some chromatin-modifying enzymegenes, such asDnmt3b,Hdac1,Hdac2,Sirt2, andSirt6.Subsequently, we assessedthe effects of EE on neuroprotection-related transcription factors, such as the Nuclearregulatory factor 2 (Nrf2)-Antioxidant Response Element pathway and Nuclear Factorkappa Beta (NF-κB), which play critical roles in inflammation. We found that EE producesan increased expression of antioxidant genes, such asHmox1,Aox1, andCox2, andreduced the expression of inflammatory genes such asIL-6andCxcl10, all of this withinthe epigenetic context modified by EE. In conclusion, EE prevents epigenetic changesthat promote or drive oxidative stress and inflammagin