166 research outputs found

    European crowdlending platforms:evaluating risks and comparing platforms from investors’ perspective

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    Abstract. Lending-based crowdfunding has been growing rapidly during the last decade offering a new asset class for investors to invest in. A number of intermediaries connecting potential borrowers and lenders with each other, called crowdlending platforms, have been founded across Europe. Investors have plenty of options to invest in different kind of high-yielding loans, for instance consumer loans and business loans, through lending platforms. Platform selection is crucial for investors but unfortunately, the literature regarding lending platforms is scarce. Therefore, this seminal study focuses on introducing, discussing and evaluating the key risks related to crowdlending and comparing crowdlending platforms from investors’ perspective. The study answers to the question how to evaluate and mitigate the risks that investors are facing when investing through lending platforms. Further, the study provides a wide overview of European crowdlending market and platform practices. The empirical part of the study is mostly qualitative and comprises of two different datasets: (i) questionnaire responses from 19 European crowdlending platforms and (ii) hand-collected data from public sources including 108 European lending platforms. Findings of the study show that the crowdlending market is diverse including various business models, loans and practices. The platforms can control and mitigate most of the risks by high-class risk policies and by good-quality practices, which makes platform selection the most crucial decision for investors to make when investing in this relatively new asset class. Remarkable is that the lack of platform transparency and the weak availability of data complicates investors’ evaluation process and makes platform-level comparison challenging. Therefore, I suggest that investors perform a holistic due diligence for platforms before investing, and this study give a useful framework for investors to pay attention to relevant factors when evaluating risks and comparing platforms with each other

    Sairauspoissaolotarpeen määrittäminen : Kyselytutkimus lääkäreille

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    Kelan tutkimusosasto ja Suomen Lääkäriliitto toteuttivat vuonna 2014 lääkäreille kohdistetun kyselyn, jonka tarkoituksena on kartoittaa lääkäreiden näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia sairauspoissaoloihin liittyvistä käytännöistä ja kehittämistarpeista. Kysely perustuu vuonna 2012 Ruotsissa tehtyyn kyselyyn. Vastaava kysely toteutettiin myös Norjassa. Kysymykset on muokattu kunkin maan järjestelmään sopiviksi. Kyselylomake lähetettiin 8 867 lääkärille loppuvuodesta 2014, ja siihen saattoi vastata joko paperisella tai sähköisellä lomakkeella. Vastausprosentti oli 34,8. Rakenteeltaan aineisto edusti perusjoukkoa, joskin työterveyshuolto oli hieman yliedustettuna. Lääkärit pitivät julkisen sektorin palvelujen saatavuutta keskeisenä syynä sairauspoissaolojen pitkittymiseen. Myös vajaakuntoisten työntekijöiden työssä jaksamista tukevien toimenpiteiden saatavuus vaikutti sairauspoissaolojen kirjoittamiseen. Kelalta toivottiin enemmän palautetta lääkärien omasta toiminnasta. Lääkärien osaamisen kehittämistarpeet korostuivat erityisesti terveyskeskuksissa, mutta koulutusta tarvitsevien osuus on varsin suuri muillakin toimintasektoreilla. Lääkärit toivoivat laajasti, erikoistumisalasta tai toimipaikasta riippumatta, vähintäänkin joitakin sairauksia koskevia kansallisia suosituksia sairauspoissaolojen kestosta. Nykyisiä käytettävissä olevia ohjeita ja suosituksia monet lääkärit pitivät tärkeinä. Työterveyslääkärit erottuivat monissa kohdin omaksi ryhmäkseen. He näyttävät hallitsevan työkyvyn ja sairauspoissaolon tarpeen arviointiin liittyvät tehtävät parhaiten. Suomalaiset lääkärit kokivat ruotsalaisia ja norjalaisia perusterveydenhuollon lääkäreitä vähemmän ongelmia sairauspoissaoloon liittyvissä asioissa. Tutkimuksen perusteella annetuissa suosituksissa esitetään puuttumista jatkohoidon ja kuntoutukseen pääsyn viiveisiin, työkyvyn arviointiin liittyvän koulutuksen lisäämistä, sairauspoissaolotarpeen siirtämistä enemmän työterveyshuollon vastuulle sekä sairauspoissaolojen kestoa koskevien suositusten laatimista ainakin joistakin sairauksista

    Associations of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Trajectories with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption from Childhood to Adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

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    A physically active lifestyle and a diet rich in vegetables and fruits have a central role in promoting health. This study examined the associations between leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) trajectories and fruit and vegetable consumption (FVC) from childhood to middle age. The data were drawn from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study with six age cohorts. Participants were 9 to 18 years (n = 3536; 51% females) at baseline in 1980 and 33 to 48 years at the last follow-up in 2011. LTPA and FVC were self-reported. LTPA trajectories were identified using latent profile analyses, after which the mean differences in FVC across the trajectories were studied. Active, low-active, decreasingly and increasingly active trajectories were identified for both genders. An additional trajectory describing inactivity was identified for females. Those who were persistently active or increased their LTPA had higher FVC at many ages when compared to their inactive or low-active counterparts (p < 0.05). In females prior to age 42 and in males prior to age 24, FVC was higher at many ages in those with decreasing activity than in their inactive or low-active counterparts (p < 0.05). The development of LTPA and FVC from childhood to middle age seem to occur in tandem

    Associations of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Trajectories with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption from Childhood to Adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

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    A physically active lifestyle and a diet rich in vegetables and fruits have a central role in promoting health. This study examined the associations between leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) trajectories and fruit and vegetable consumption (FVC) from childhood to middle age. The data were drawn from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study with six age cohorts. Participants were 9 to 18 years (n = 3536; 51% females) at baseline in 1980 and 33 to 48 years at the last follow-up in 2011. LTPA and FVC were self-reported. LTPA trajectories were identified using latent profile analyses, after which the mean differences in FVC across the trajectories were studied. Active, low-active, decreasingly and increasingly active trajectories were identified for both genders. An additional trajectory describing inactivity was identified for females. Those who were persistently active or increased their LTPA had higher FVC at many ages when compared to their inactive or low-active counterparts (p < 0.05). In females prior to age 42 and in males prior to age 24, FVC was higher at many ages in those with decreasing activity than in their inactive or low-active counterparts (p < 0.05). The development of LTPA and FVC from childhood to middle age seem to occur in tandem

    The validity of rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses in Finnish biobanks

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    Objective The aim of this study was to determine the validity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagnoses in patients participating in Finnish biobanks. Method We reviewed the electronic medical records of 500 Finnish biobank participants: 125 patients with at least one visit with a diagnosis of seropositive RA, 125 patients with at least one visit with a diagnosis of seronegative RA, and 250 age- and gender-matched controls. The patients were chosen from five different biobank hospitals in Finland. A rheumatologist reviewed the medical records to assess whether each patients' diagnosis was correct. The diagnosis was compared with the diagnostic codes in the Finnish Care Register for Health Care (CRHC) and special reimbursement data of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. Results The positive predictive value (PPV) of CRHC diagnosis of RA (for seropositive and seronegative RA combined) was 0.82. For patients with a special reimbursement for anti-rheumatic medications for RA, the PPV was 0.89. The PPV was higher in patients with more than one visit. For one, two, five, and 10 visits, the PPV was 0.82, 0.85, 0.89, and 0.90, respectively, and for patients who also had the special reimbursement, the PPV was 0.89, 0.91, 0.93, and 0.94 for one, two, five, and 10 visits, respectively. In patients positive for anti-citrullinated protein antibodies, the PPV was 0.98. Conclusion These results demonstrate that the validity of RA diagnoses in Finnish biobanks was good and can be further improved by including data on special reimbursement for medication, number of visits, and serological data.Peer reviewe

    The validity of rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses in Finnish biobanks

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    Objective The aim of this study was to determine the validity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagnoses in patients participating in Finnish biobanks. Method We reviewed the electronic medical records of 500 Finnish biobank participants: 125 patients with at least one visit with a diagnosis of seropositive RA, 125 patients with at least one visit with a diagnosis of seronegative RA, and 250 age- and gender-matched controls. The patients were chosen from five different biobank hospitals in Finland. A rheumatologist reviewed the medical records to assess whether each patients' diagnosis was correct. The diagnosis was compared with the diagnostic codes in the Finnish Care Register for Health Care (CRHC) and special reimbursement data of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. Results The positive predictive value (PPV) of CRHC diagnosis of RA (for seropositive and seronegative RA combined) was 0.82. For patients with a special reimbursement for anti-rheumatic medications for RA, the PPV was 0.89. The PPV was higher in patients with more than one visit. For one, two, five, and 10 visits, the PPV was 0.82, 0.85, 0.89, and 0.90, respectively, and for patients who also had the special reimbursement, the PPV was 0.89, 0.91, 0.93, and 0.94 for one, two, five, and 10 visits, respectively. In patients positive for anti-citrullinated protein antibodies, the PPV was 0.98. Conclusion These results demonstrate that the validity of RA diagnoses in Finnish biobanks was good and can be further improved by including data on special reimbursement for medication, number of visits, and serological data.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Strains Circulating in Finland Demonstrates the Uncoupling of Whole-Genome Relatedness and Phenotypic Outcomes of Viral Infection

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    A majority of adults in Finland are seropositive carriers of herpes simplex viruses (HSV). Infection occurs at epithelial or mucosal surfaces, after which virions enter innervating nerve endings, eventually establishing lifelong infection in neurons of the sensory or autonomic nervous system. Recent data have highlighted the genetic diversity of HSV-1 strains and demonstrated apparent geographic patterns in strain similarity. Though multiple HSV-1 genomes have been sequenced from Europe to date, there is a lack of sequenced genomes from the Nordic countries. Finland's history includes at least two major waves of human migration, suggesting the potential for diverse viruses to persist in the population. Here, we used HSV-1 clinical isolates from Finland to test the relationship between viral phylogeny, genetic variation, and phenotypic characteristics. We found that Finnish HSV-1 isolates separated into two distinct phylogenetic groups, potentially reflecting historical waves of human (and viral) migration into Finland. Each HSV-1 isolate harbored a distinct set of phenotypes in cell culture, including differences in the amount of virus production, extracellular virus release, and cell-type-specific fitness. Importantly, the phylogenetic clusters were not predictive of any detectable pattern in phenotypic differences, demonstrating that whole-genome relatedness is not a proxy for overall viral phenotype. Instead, we highlight specific gene-level differences that may contribute to observed phenotypic differences, and we note that strains from different phylogenetic groups can contain the same genetic variations.IMPORTANCE Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) infect a majority of adults. Recent data have highlighted the genetic diversity of HSV-1 strains and demonstrated apparent genomic relatedness between strains from the same geographic regions. We used HSV-1 clinical isolates from Finland to test the relationship between viral genomic and geographic relationships, differences in specific genes, and characteristics of viral infection. We found that viral isolates from Finland separated into two distinct groups of genomic and geographic relatedness, potentially reflecting historical patterns of human and viral migration into Finland. These Finnish HSV-1 isolates had distinct infection characteristics in multiple cell types tested, which were specific to each isolate and did not group according to genomic and geographic relatedness. This demonstrates that HSV-1 strain differences in specific characteristics of infection are set by a combination of host cell type and specific viral gene-level differences

    Feature enhancement of reverberant speech by distribution matching and non-negative matrix factorization

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    This paper describes a novel two-stage dereverberation feature enhancement method for noise-robust automatic speech recognition. In the first stage, an estimate of the dereverberated speech is generated by matching the distribution of the observed reverberant speech to that of clean speech, in a decorrelated transformation domain that has a long temporal context in order to address the effects of reverberation. The second stage uses this dereverberated signal as an initial estimate within a non-negative matrix factorization framework, which jointly estimates a sparse representation of the clean speech signal and an estimate of the convolutional distortion. The proposed feature enhancement method, when used in conjunction with automatic speech recognizer back-end processing, is shown to improve the recognition performance compared to three other state-of-the-art techniques

    Life-course leisure-time physical activity trajectories in relation to health-related behaviors in adulthood: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study

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    BackgroundEvidence on whether leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) facilitates individuals' adoption of multiple healthy behaviors remains scarce. This study investigated the associations of diverse longitudinal LTPA trajectories from childhood to adulthood with diet, screen time, smoking, binge drinking, sleep difficulties, and sleep duration in adulthood.MethodsData were drawn from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Participants were aged 9-18years (N=3553; 51% females) in 1980 and 33-49years at the latest follow-up in 2011. The LTPA trajectories were identified using a latent profile analysis. Differences in self-reported health-related behaviors across the LTPA trajectories were studied separately for women and men by using the Bolck-Croon-Hagenaars approach. Models were adjusted for age, body mass index, education level, marital status, total energy intake and previous corresponding behaviors.ResultsPersistently active, persistently low-active, decreasingly and increasingly active trajectories were identified in both genders and an additional inactive trajectory for women. After adjusting the models with the above-mentioned covariates, the inactive women had an unhealthier diet than the women in the other trajectories (p0.50). The low-active men followed an unhealthier diet than the persistently and increasingly active men (p0.50). Compared to their inactive and low-active peers, smoking frequency was lower in the increasingly active women and men (p0.20) and persistently active men (p0.20). The increasingly active men reported lower screen time than the low-active (p0.50) and persistently active (p0.20) men. The increasingly and persistently active women reported fewer sleep difficulties than the inactive (p0.80) and low-active (p0.50 and>0.80, respectively) women. Sleep duration and binge drinking were not associated with the LTPA trajectories in either gender, nor were sleep difficulties in men and screen time in women.ConclusionsNot only persistently higher LTPA but also an increasing tendency to engage in LTPA after childhood/adolescence were associated with healthier diet and lower smoking frequency in both genders, having less sleep difficulties in women and lower screen time in increasingly active men. Inactivity and low activity were associated with the accumulation of several unhealthy behaviors in adulthood. Associations were stronger in women

    Sensitivity of the human auditory cortex to acoustic degradation of speech and non-speech sounds

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    The perception of speech is usually an effortless and reliable process even in highly adverse listening conditions. In addition to external sound sources, the intelligibility of speech can be reduced by degradation of the structure of speech signal itself, for example by digital compression of sound. This kind of distortion may be even more detrimental to speech intelligibility than external distortion, given that the auditory system will not be able to utilize sound source-specific acoustic features, such as spatial location, to separate the distortion from the speech signal. The perceptual consequences of acoustic distortions on speech intelligibility have been extensively studied. However, the cortical mechanisms of speech perception in adverse listening conditions are not well known at present, particularly in situations where the speech signal itself is distorted. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the cortical mechanisms underlying speech perception in conditions where speech is less intelligible due to external distortion or as a result of digital compression. In the studies of this thesis, the intelligibility of speech was varied either by digital compression or addition of stochastic noise. Cortical activity related to the speech stimuli was measured using magnetoencephalography (MEG). The results indicated that degradation of speech sounds by digital compression enhanced the evoked responses originating from the auditory cortex, whereas addition of stochastic noise did not modulate the cortical responses. Furthermore, it was shown that if the distortion was presented continuously in the background, the transient activity of auditory cortex was delayed. On the perceptual level, digital compression reduced the comprehensibility of speech more than additive stochastic noise. In addition, it was also demonstrated that prior knowledge of speech content enhanced the intelligibility of distorted speech substantially, and this perceptual change was associated with an increase in cortical activity within several regions adjacent to auditory cortex. In conclusion, the results of this thesis show that the auditory cortex is very sensitive to the acoustic features of the distortion, while at later processing stages, several cortical areas reflect the intelligibility of speech. These findings suggest that the auditory system rapidly adapts to the variability of the auditory environment, and can efficiently utilize previous knowledge of speech content in deciphering acoustically degraded speech signals.Puheen havaitseminen on useimmiten vaivatonta ja luotettavaa myös erittäin huonoissa kuunteluolosuhteissa. Puheen ymmärrettävyys voi kuitenkin heikentyä ympäristön häiriölähteiden lisäksi myös silloin, kun puhesignaalin rakennetta muutetaan esimerkiksi pakkaamalla digitaalista ääntä. Tällainen häiriö voi heikentää ymmärrettävyyttä jopa ulkoisia häiriöitä voimakkaammin, koska kuulojärjestelmä ei pysty hyödyntämään äänilähteen ominaisuuksia, kuten äänen tulosuuntaa, häiriön erottelemisessa puheesta. Akustisten häiriöiden vaikutuksia puheen havaitsemiseen on tutkttu laajalti, mutta havaitsemiseen liittyvät aivomekanismit tunnetaan edelleen melko puutteelisesti etenkin tilanteissa, joissa itse puhesignaali on laadultaan heikentynyt. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli tutkia puheen havaitsemisen aivomekanismeja tilanteissa, joissa puhesignaali on vaikeammin ymmärrettävissä joko ulkoisen äänilähteen tai digitaalisen pakkauksen vuoksi. Väitöskirjan neljässä osatutkimuksessa lyhyiden puheäänien ja jatkuvan puheen ymmärrettävyyttä muokattiin joko digitaalisen pakkauksen kautta tai lisäämällä puhesignaaliin satunnaiskohinaa. Puheärsykkeisiin liittyvää aivotoimintaa tutkittiin magnetoenkefalografia-mittauksilla. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että kuuloaivokuorella syntyneet herätevasteet voimistuivat, kun puheääntä pakattiin digitaalisesti. Sen sijaan puheääniin lisätty satunnaiskohina ei vaikuttanut herätevasteisiin. Edelleen, mikäli puheäänien taustalla esitettiin jatkuvaa häiriötä, kuuloaivokuoren aktivoituminen viivästyi häiriön intensiteetin kasvaessa. Kuuntelukokeissa havaittiin, että digitaalinen pakkaus heikentää puheäänien ymmärrettävyyttä voimakkaammin kuin satunnaiskohina. Lisäksi osoitettiin, että aiempi tieto puheen sisällöstä paransi merkittävästi häiriöisen puheen ymmärrettävyyttä, mikä heijastui aivotoimintaan kuuloaivokuoren viereisillä aivoalueilla siten, että ymmärrettävä puhe aiheutti suuremman aktivaation kuin heikosti ymmärrettävä puhe. Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, että kuuloaivokuori on erittäin herkkä puheäänien akustisille häiriöille, ja myöhemmissä prosessoinnin vaiheissa useat kuuloaivokuoren viereiset aivoalueet heijastavat puheen ymmärrettävyyttä. Tulosten mukaan voi olettaa, että kuulojärjestelmä mukautuu nopeasti ääniympäristön vaihteluihin muun muassa hyödyntämällä aiempaa tietoa puheen sisällöstä tulkitessaan häiriöistä puhesignaalia