283 research outputs found

    Raccontare Padre Pio e Giovanni Paolo II: agiografia e rotocalchi in Italia fra XX e XXI secolo

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    Negli ultimi decenni, i rotocalchi illustrati, insieme alla televisione e agli altri mezzi di comunicazione di massa, hanno giocato un ruolo fondamentale nella costruzione dei profili di santità. Fin dal secondo dopoguerra le testate italiane più popolari hanno propagandato portenti e altri fenomeni paranormali con linguaggi disinvolti, accomunando santi e santoni, apparizioni mariane e presunte invasioni aliene, in un discorso composito volto a sovrapporre narrazioni curiose e intenti encomiastici. Il saggio prende in esame le narrazioni riguardanti Padre Pio e Giovanni Paolo II, sospese fra le esigenze della comunicazione vaticana e quelle di ampi settori dei media impegnati a catturare l’interesse del pubblico a ogni costo, talvolta incuranti di liturgie e prescrizioni. Nelle agiografie da rotocalco di questi due personaggi, spesso intrecciate e talvolta confluenti in un unico racconto, convivono messaggi talvolta contraddittori, testimoni di una religiosità variopinta, friabile, arbitraria, difficilmente descrivibile attraverso schemi unificanti

    3-D Hand Pose Estimation from Kinect's Point Cloud Using Appearance Matching

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    We present a novel appearance-based approach for pose estimation of a human hand using the point clouds provided by the low-cost Microsoft Kinect sensor. Both the free-hand case, in which the hand is isolated from the surrounding environment, and the hand-object case, in which the different types of interactions are classified, have been considered. The hand-object case is clearly the most challenging task having to deal with multiple tracks. The approach proposed here belongs to the class of partial pose estimation where the estimated pose in a frame is used for the initialization of the next one. The pose estimation is obtained by applying a modified version of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm to synthetic models to obtain the rigid transformation that aligns each model with respect to the input data. The proposed framework uses a "pure" point cloud as provided by the Kinect sensor without any other information such as RGB values or normal vector components. For this reason, the proposed method can also be applied to data obtained from other types of depth sensor, or RGB-D camera

    Giustizia e spazio pubblico nel Settecento. Dalla forza dell'empatia al mercato delle emozioni

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    Recent historiography has shown how eighteenth-century popular narratives about famous trials had a significant impact on people’s lives and political engagements, by appealing to their faculties both of reason and emotion. Rather, the theatre of the courtroom became all the more conspicuously mediated by competing modes of communication throughout Europe. These modes of communication thrust the public into a new socio-political reality in which the repressive apparatus of the State produced controversial outcomes, and criminals’ guilt and innocence was now open for debate. Scholars therefore always need to bear in mind that the media shaped perceptions about criminal actions and behaviours in terms of literary conventions, whether those perceptions originally derived from established powers, cultural industries and sociable spaces, or the participatory impulses of the public

    Le verità di Isabella. I falsi santi fra giustizia, propaganda e invenzioni letterarie (Napoli, 1755-1782)

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    ell’Italia del XVII secolo, molte persone che si pretendevano depositarie di doni e rivelazioni celesti catturarono l’attenzione delle autorità ecclesiastiche e secolari. Si trattava spesso di abili illusionisti capaci di trarre profi tto dalle paure e dalle speranze del loro pubblico. Questo contributo si concentra sul caso della beghina napoletana Isabella Milone, che nella sua esemplarità riassume le tensioni di un’epoca, permettendoci di entrare nelle dinamiche della comunicazione politica del Regno di Napoli in un periodo cruciale della parabola settecentesca. La competizione fra amici e nemici dell’aspirante santa divenne una questione di pubblica rilevanza che oltrepassò i confi ni dello Stato borbonico, innescando una circolazione di notizie incalzante e diffi cilmente controllabile, capace di attraversare gruppi sociali di diverso rango e funzione, accompagnata di volta in volta da motti, aned- doti, ricostruzioni fantasiose e pettegolezzi. La storia di Isabella si rivelò ben presto instabile e metamorfi ca, sospesa fra pretese di verità e spregiudicate costruzioni narrative fondate su stilemi ben innestati nella tradizione agiografi ca controriformistica, ma anche su suggestioni derivanti dalla letteratura d’invenzione

    Chi ha paura del potere? Politica e comunicazione negli studi sull’età moderna

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    Il saggio si propone di spiegare come la recente storiografia ha analizzato il rapporto fra potere e comunicazione nel corso dell’età moderna. Le ricerche svolte hanno avuto il merito di saldare molteplici frameworks metodologici (quelli della storia culturale, intellettuale, istituzionale, politica, ed economica), riuscendo così a ricostruire fitte reti di connessione tra diversi luoghi lontani e rilevando la presenza di un sistema globale già a partire dal XVI secolo. Tuttavia i modelli interpretativi correnti non paiono ancora sufficienti a disvelare la fabbrica dell’informazione. Quello che manca è una focalizzazione sulle forze sociali, politiche ed economiche che plasmano l’informazione e veicolano i flussi comunicativi. È quindi necessario – sottolineano gli autori – affinare gli strumenti di indagine per identificare chi costruisce le notizie e quali poteri esercitano la loro egemonia sull’infosfera.The essay aims to explain how recent historiography has analyzed the relationship between power and communication in the early modern age. The research carried out had the merit of welding multiple methodological frameworks (those of cultural, intellectual, institutional, political, and economic history), thus succeeding in reconstructing dense networks of connection among different distant places and detecting the presence of a global system since the beginning of the 16th century. However, current interpretative models still do not seem sufficient to unveil the information factory. What is missing is a deeper focus on the social, political, and economic forces that shape information and convey communication flows. It is therefore necessary – the authors argue – to refine the investigation tools to identify who builds the news and which powers exercise their hegemony over the infospher

    Chi ha paura del potere? Politica e comunicazione negli studi sull'età moderna

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    This essay aims to explain how recent historiography has analysed the relationship between power and communication in the early modern age. The research that was carried out had the merit of fusing together multiple methodological frameworks (those of cultural, intellectual, institutional, political, and economic history), thus succeeding in reconstructing dense networks of linkage among different, distant places and finding the presence of a global system since the beginning of the 16th century. However, current interpretative models do not yet seem sufficient to unveil the information factory. What is missing is a deeper focus on the social, political, and economic forces that shape information and convey communication flows. It is therefore necessary – the authors argue – to refine the investigation tools to identify who builds the news and which powers exercise their hegemony over the infosphere

    Highly Efficient in Vitro Reparative Behaviour of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Cultured with Standardised Platelet Lysate Supplementation

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    Dental pulp is an accessible source of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). The perspective role of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in regenerative medicine demands an in vitro expansion and in vivo delivery which must deal with the safety issues about animal serum, usually required in cell culture practice. Human platelet lysate (PL) contains autologous growth factors and has been considered as valuable alternative to fetal bovine serum (FBS) in cell cultures. The optimum concentration to be added of such supplement is highly dependent on its preparation whose variability limits comparability of results. By in vitro experiments, we aimed to evaluate a standardised formulation of pooled PL. A low selected concentration of PL (1%) was able to support the growth and maintain the viability of the DPSCs. The use of PL in cell cultures did not impair cell surface signature typically expressed by MSCs and even upregulated the transcription of Sox2. Interestingly, DPSCs cultured in presence of PL exhibited a higher healing rate after injury and are less susceptible to toxicity mediated by exogenous H2O2 than those cultured with FBS. Moreover, PL addition was shown as a suitable option for protocols promoting osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of DPSCs. Taken together, our results indicated that PL is a valid substitute of FBS to culture and differentiate DPSCs for clinical-grade use
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