225 research outputs found

    Family Socialisation Styles and Hostility in the Adolescent Population

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    The affective involvement of parents in the socialization of their children is fundamental for the proper psychological and emotional adjustment of adolescents, although we know that it is difficult to study. In this research, the relationship between parenting style and hostility was analysed in Spanish adolescents. Five-hundred and thirty-six adolescents participated in this study (53.7% males and 46.3% females), between the ages of 12 and 18 (M = 15.76, SD = 1.43), enrolled in 4 compulsory Secondary Education centers of the Castellon province. Family socialization was evaluated through the parental styles: authoritative, indulgent, authoritarian and negligent, and hostility, through the Cook–Medley Hostility Scale Criteria assessment. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was carried out with multiple regression analysis. The results showed that hostility and compound hostility are higher in adolescents from authoritarian and authoritative families than in adolescents from indulgent families. It was also observed that the Mother’s Strictness/Imposition had the greatest effect on hostility, as well as a low acceptance/involvement of the father. Regarding parental styles, it was observed that mother’s deprivation, physical coercion, and mother’s verbal coercion were the greatest predictors of hostility. No differences were observed depending on the gender

    Propuesta de intervención pedagógica para prevenir la deserción escolar, en la sede escuela nueva, utilizando herramientas tecnológicas que ayuden a su mitigación

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    El presente proyecto de intervención tiene como objetivo plantear una propuesta pedagógica que permita mitigar la deserción escolar que se está dando en la sede Escuela Nueva de la Institución Educativa Normal Superior Federico Lleras Acosta en el municipio de Puerto Carreño capital del departamento del Vichada. Para lo anterior se tuvieron en cuenta distintos momentos que permitieron avanzar hacia el objetivo principal, inicialmente se indaga sobre los factores sociales que inciden en la deserción escolar en la Institución Educativa, sede Escuela Nueva, luego teniendo en cuenta los insumos recolectados, se diseña una estrategia pedagógica donde toda la comunidad educativa interactúa, haciendo uso de una herramienta digital interactiva como Exelearning. Dicha herramienta va a permitir momentos de interacción, creatividad e innovación en los niños y padres de familia. Se toma esta herramienta porque es muy pertinente para realizar el desarrollo de la estrategia de intervención, ya que es de código abierto y no necesita conectividad a internet para su uso, por tal razón y conociendo la deficiencia en el servicio de internet en esta región del país se optó por la herramienta Exelearning. Posteriormente se implementa esta estrategia pedagógica con la participación de toda la comunidad educativa, allí desarrollan una estrategia mediada por un Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje (OVA), esta estrategia está estructurada por tres fases que permiten al estudiante y padre de familia, reflexionar sobre la importancia que es permanecer en la Institución. Cabe señalar que el contenido del OVA está centrado en actividades interactivas enfocadas hacia el fenómeno de la deserción escolar que se da a nivel mundial, Latinoamérica, Colombia, Vichada, Puerto Carreño y la Institución.The objective of this intervention project is to propose a pedagogical proposal that allows mitigating the school dropout that is taking place at the Escuela Nueva headquarters of the Federico Lleras Acosta Normal Superior Educational Institution in the municipality of Puerto Carreño, capital of the department of Vichada. For the above, different moments were taken into account that allowed progress towards the main objective, initially, the social factors that affect school dropout in the Educational Institution, Escuela Nueva headquarters, are investigated, then taking into account the collected inputs, a pedagogical strategy where the entire educational community interacts, making use of an interactive digital tool such as Exelearning. This tool will allow moments of interaction, creativity and innovation in children and parents. This tool is taken because it is very relevant to carry out the development of the intervention strategy, since it is open source and does not need internet connectivity for its use, for this reason and knowing the deficiency in the internet service in this region of the country, the Exelearning tool was chosen. Subsequently, this pedagogical strategy is implemented with the participation of the entire educational community, there they develop a strategy mediated by a Virtual Learning Object (OVA), this strategy is structured by three phases that allow the student and parent to reflect on the importance which is to remain in the Institution. It should be noted that the content of the OVA is focused on interactive activities focused on the phenomenon of school dropout that occurs worldwide, Latin America, Colombia, Vichada, Puerto Carreño and the Institution

    Abies pinsapo Boiss.: a protected species in a protected area

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the reproductive eye le of Abies pinsapo. The main reprodueti ve aspects which affeet the quantity and quality of the seeds, such as the low pollen dispersal capaeity, the subdioecious condition and the combination growth forrn -tree architecture are diseussed. The requirements f(lr seed germination, seedling reerui tment and some aspects of the species are analysed using ali the available data

    Digital competence, higher education and teacher training: a metaanalysis study on the Web of Science

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la producción científica de mayor impacto sobre competencia digital de los futuros docentes en la base de datos de la Web of Science (WoS). Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio bibliométrico o de metaanálisis mediante el empleo de cuatro búsquedas combinadas delimitadas por el empleo de cuatro palabras clave extraídas de Thesaurus ERIC: digital competence, teacher training, digital skills y higher education. Se han considerado nueve variables de estudio: año de publicación, procedencia de los archivos, autores con mayor producción científica, instituciones, países, tipología de documento, áreas, idioma de publicación y referencias más citadas. En total, se han analizado 154 referencias indexadas en esta base de datos. Se concluye con la extracción de una potente línea de investigación que ha cobrado una relevancia exponencial en la actualidad, destacando la existencia de una mayor producción científica sobre competencia digital en España.The present research aims to analyze the scientific production with the greatest impact on digital competence of future teachers on the Web of Science (WoS). To this end, a meta-analysis was carried out using four combined searches delimited by the use of four keywords extracted from ERIC Thesaurus: digital competence, teacher training, digital skills and higher education. Nine study variables have been considered: year of publication, origin of the files, authors with the highest scientific production, institutions, countries, document typology, areas, language of publication and most cited references. In total, we analyzed 154 references indexed in the database. We conclude with the extraction of a powerful line of research that has claimed an exponential relevance today, highlighting the existence of greater scientific production on digital competence in Spain

    Digital competence of teachers in the use of ICT for research work: development of an instrument from a PLS-SEM approach

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    All spheres of our life are being affected using technology, particularly its integration in the research processes carried out by teachers. The success of the integration of specific digital resources in research work can be affected by several factors, such as: digital skills for finding information, managing it, analyzing it, and communicating results; digital flow; anxiety in the use of ICT; digital ethics; quality of digital resources; and finally, the behavioral intention to integrate ICT. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence the integration of ICT in the research process of the Higher Education teacher, and the relation between them. An online survey was used to collect data, and 1740 participants. This study used a causal model through partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS-SEM). With this, the hypotheses established between the integration of ICT and its possible incident factors were verified. The findings revealed a significant influence path from factor integration to digital skills, ethics, flow digital, and behavior intention. Although, resource quality and ICT anxiety had significant effects on the causal model, they did not have a large impact on teachers’ integration of digital resources. The total of these factors corresponded to 48.20% of the variance in the integration of the researcher of the specific digital resources to be used in the research process. These results confirm that this model is effective in explaining the technological integration of teachers to use ICT in research wor

    Digital competences in research: creativity and entrepreneurship as essential predictors for teacher training

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    The first purpose of this study was to analyse the digital research competences of higher education teaching staff, depending on whether the level of creativity of the teacher to initiate new research projects and their level of entrepreneurial spirit was low/good. Following, it was analysed whether the use of different emerging technologies significantly affect the digital skills of teachers in research work; and to know in what order the use of these emerging technologies or the combination of several of them affect the digital competences of teachers. A ex post facto design was used with a sample of 1740 Higher Education teachers. Digital skills were measured using the instrument of Guillén-Gámez et al. (Educ Inf Technol 10.1007/s10639- 023-11895-2, 2023). The levels of creativity and entrepreneurship were analyzed with dichotomous variables from a 10-point Likert scale (less than 7 points-low level, greater than or equal to 7-good level). The results showed that, although teachers possessed an adequate level of digital research skills, this could vary depending on transversal skills such as creativity and entrepreneurship, with large differences when these skills were at a basic level. Furthermore, depending on whether teachers had research experience in XR technology, cryptocurrencies, facial authentication systems, wearables or robotics, amongst others, this significantly affected the level of digital competence in research. The added value of this study lies on the one hand, in the fact that there are hardly any studies that analyse this subject; and on the other hand, the implications that this could have for institutions to launch training initiatives for their teaching staff in emerging technologies, as well as in transversal competences in any disciplinary fiel