2,940 research outputs found

    Soil biological quality in short- and long-term field trials with conventional and organic fertility input types

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    Soils of the DOK trial and three other field trials with manure input were analysed for effects on soil biology. While long-term effects indicate a new steady state at the DOK trial site, differences at the other field trials suggest that fresh manure at the Bonn trial and chicken manure at the UK sites are at least temporarily advantageous, probably due to their relatively fast mineralization

    Rekruttering i jernbanebransjen. Hvilke fallgruver og muligheter finnes i rekrutteringsprosessene i CargoNet AS?

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    Master i Human Resource Management - Nord universitet 202

    Prosody-Based Automatic Segmentation of Speech into Sentences and Topics

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    A crucial step in processing speech audio data for information extraction, topic detection, or browsing/playback is to segment the input into sentence and topic units. Speech segmentation is challenging, since the cues typically present for segmenting text (headers, paragraphs, punctuation) are absent in spoken language. We investigate the use of prosody (information gleaned from the timing and melody of speech) for these tasks. Using decision tree and hidden Markov modeling techniques, we combine prosodic cues with word-based approaches, and evaluate performance on two speech corpora, Broadcast News and Switchboard. Results show that the prosodic model alone performs on par with, or better than, word-based statistical language models -- for both true and automatically recognized words in news speech. The prosodic model achieves comparable performance with significantly less training data, and requires no hand-labeling of prosodic events. Across tasks and corpora, we obtain a significant improvement over word-only models using a probabilistic combination of prosodic and lexical information. Inspection reveals that the prosodic models capture language-independent boundary indicators described in the literature. Finally, cue usage is task and corpus dependent. For example, pause and pitch features are highly informative for segmenting news speech, whereas pause, duration and word-based cues dominate for natural conversation.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Speech Communication 32(1-2), Special Issue on Accessing Information in Spoken Audio, September 200

    Realistic polarizing Sagnac topology with DC readout for the Einstein Telescope

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    The Einstein Telescope (ET) is a proposed future gravitational wave detector. Its design is original, using a triangular orientation of three detectors and a xylophone configuration, splitting each detector into one high-frequency and one low-frequency system. In other aspects the current design retains the dual-recycled Michelson interferometer typical of current detectors, such as Advanced LIGO. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of replacing the low-frequency part of the ET detectors with a Sagnac interferometer. We show that a Sagnac interferometer, using realistic optical parameters based on the ET design, could provide a similar level of radiation pressure noise suppression without the need for a signal recycling mirror and the extensive filter cavities. We consider the practical issues of a realistic, power-recycled Sagnac, using linear arm cavities and polarizing optics. In particular, we investigate the effects of nonperfect polarizing optics and propose a new method for the generation of a local oscillator field similar to the DC readout scheme of current detectors.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Implementation and Validation of Range Imaging on a UHF Radar Wind Profiler

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    The available range resolution of pulsed radar wind profilers is usually limited by bandwidth restrictions. Range imaging (RIM) has recently been developed as a means of mitigating these limitations by operating the wind profilers over a small set of distinct transmitter frequencies. A constrained optimization method can then be used to generate high-resolution maps of the reflectivity field as a function of range. This paper presents a description of how the RIM technique has been recently implemented on the Platteville 915-MHz tropospheric profiler, the first such implementation at UHF. Examples of data collected during a two-part experiment on 10 April 2001 using the Platteville 915-MHz tropospheric profiler are presented. In the first part, an intercomparison was made involving measurements from RIM and standard radar techniques. It is shown that available frequency bandwidth can be very effectively utilized through the RIM processing. In the second part of the experiment, RIM was applied to radar observations collected with a short (0.5 s) transmit pulse. The resulting data include observations of a thin, persistent scattering layer attributed to a subsidence inversion and billows from a Kelvin– Helmholtz instability. Estimates of the width of the layer were found to be as small as 12 m

    Does the Supreme Court Follow the Economic Returns? A Response to A Macrotheory of the Court

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    Today, there is a widespread idea that parents need to learn how to carry out their roles as parents. Practices of parental learning operate throughout society. This article deals with one particular practice of parental learning, namely nanny TV, and the way in which ideal parents are constructed through such programmes. The point of departure is SOS family, a series broadcast on Swedish television in 2008. Proceeding from the theorising of governmentality developed in the wake of the work of Michel Foucault, we analyse the parental ideals conveyed in the series, as an example of the way parents are constituted as subjects in the ‘advanced liberal society’ of today. The ideal parent is a subject who, guided by the coach, is constantly endeavouring to achieve a makeover. The objective of this endeavour, however, is self-control, whereby the parents will in the end become their own coaches.

    Sikkerhetskultur i politiet

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    Politiet er det sivile samfunnets maktapparat, og er gjennom denne rollen gitt en rekke viktige oppgaver som kan være risikofylte og krevende. Det skal være trygt å arbeide i politiet, og politiet skal drive sin virksomhet på en slik måte at det ikke oppstår skade på personell, miljø eller materiell. For å oppnå dette kreves det fokus på utvikling, læring og forbedring av egen virksomhet. Formål Formålet med denne oppgaven er å belyse hva som kjennetegner sikkerhetskulturen i politiet, herunder å avdekke styrker og svakheter ved de sentrale momentene i sikkerhetskulturen. Oppgaven søker å avdekke om det er forskjeller mellom de ulike ledelsesnivåene i politiet når det gjelder sikkerhetskultur, og i hvilken grad politiet har god informasjonsflyt vedrørende sikkerhet. Hensikten med oppgaven er å besvare følgende problemstilling: "Hva kjennetegner sikkerhetskulturen i politiet?" Metode Undersøkelsen er gjennomført som en kvalitativ studie med dybdeintervjuer av et utvalg respondenter, som alle er ansatt i politiet. Respondentene ble valgt ut på bakgrunn av deres plassering i organisasjonen, både faglig og administrativt. Totalt er det intervjuet personer fra tre politidistrikter, alle ledelsesnivåene i politiet og med både politifaglig, sivil og juristutdanning. Resultat Studien viste at sikkerhetskulturen i politiet har enkelte svakheter, men at det har vært en positiv utvikling de siste årene, mye på grunn av endringer knyttet til nærpolitireformen. Det er ikke store forskjeller mellom de ulike ledernivåene, men det er en antydning til at ansatte med lederansvar i større grad har et mer positivt syn på sikkerhetskulturen. Det er også noe ulikheter mellom de ulike faggruppene, hvor de politiansatte i større grad opplever en fryktkultur. Konklusjon Sikkerhetskulturen i politiet er generelt god, men det gjenstår mye arbeid med å forbedre sikkerhetskulturen. Nærpolitireformen og koronapandemien har bidratt til å bedre sikkerhetskulturen, blant annet ved at man har profesjonalisert HR-arbeidet i politiet. Likevel fremstår det som at rapporteringskulturen i politiet ikke fungerer optimalt, på tross av innføringen av nye tekniske systemer, i tillegg har man ikke gode nok nasjonale systemer for erfaringslæring

    Bi-directional modulation of AMPA receptor unitary conductance by synaptic activity

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of how synapses alter their efficiency of communication is central to the understanding of learning and memory. The most extensively studied forms of synaptic plasticity are long-term potentiation (LTP) and its counterpart long-term depression (LTD) of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission. In the CA1 region of the hippocampus, it has been shown that LTP often involves a rapid increase in the unitary conductance of AMPA receptor channels. However, LTP can also occur in the absence of any alteration in AMPA receptor unitary conductance. In the present study we have used whole-cell dendritic recording, failures analysis and non-stationary fluctuation analysis to investigate the mechanism of depotentiation of LTP. RESULTS: We find that when LTP involves an increase in unitary conductance, subsequent depotentiation invariably involves the return of unitary conductance to pre-LTP values. In contrast, when LTP does not involve a change in unitary conductance then depotentiation also occurs in the absence of any change in unitary conductance, indicating a reduction in the number of activated receptors as the most likely mechanism. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that unitary conductance can be bi-directionally modified by synaptic activity. Furthermore, there are at least two distinct mechanisms to restore synaptic strength from a potentiated state, which depend upon the mechanism of the previous potentiation

    School life expectancy and risk for tuberculosis in Europe.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the effect of country-level school life expectancy on Tuberculosis (TB) incidence to gain further understanding of substantial variation in TB incidence across Europe. METHODS: An ecological study examined the prospective association between baseline country-level education in 2000 measured by school life expectancy and TB incidence in 2000-2010 in 40 countries of the WHO European region using quantile regression. Subsequently, to validate the ecological associations between education and TB incidence, an individual-level analysis was performed using case-based data in 29 EU/EEA countries from the European Surveillance System (TESSy) and simulating a theoretical control group. RESULTS: The ecological analysis showed that baseline school life expectancy had a negative prospective association with TB incidence. We observed consistent negative effects of school life expectancy on individuals' TB infections prospectively. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggests that country-level education is an important determinant of individual-level TB infection in the region, and in the absence of a social determinants indicator that is routinely collected for reportable infectious diseases, the adoption of country-level education for reportable infectious diseases would significantly advance the field