1,537 research outputs found

    The influence of minor stenoses on carotid artery flow

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    Measurement of currents in the Gulf of Bothnia

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    Historical Perspectives and Future Scenarios: GenPORT Research Synthesis 6

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    Science, technology and innovation do not exist in a vacuum, but take place in historical contexts. Similarly, the question of science, technology and innovation in the future needs to be understood as located socially and historically. Accordingly, a historical perspective on gender and STI is needed in order to adequately understand gendered patterns and relations in both the past and the future: who does science, technology and innovation? How are science, technology and innovation organized? And also how is knowledge constructed in science, technology and innovation? These are three key components of the relationship between gender and science and technology, as identified by Hearn and Husu (2001) and Schiebinger (1999). Considering the histories and futures of gender and science alongside different conceptions of gender that shape the policies in this field provides a fruitful framework for analysis

    Contribution to the question of the equatorial counter current

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    The question of the dynamics of the equatorial counter currents of the several oceans was scarcely brought nearer solution by the research of recent years. The attempt of Sverdrup (1932), which Defant (1935) has further pursued, to explain the counter current as a result of the asymmetry about the equator of the westward-flowing north and south equatorial currents, does not suffice. This may be shown by the following short exposition

    Demonstration of the Presence of the "Deleted" MIR122 Gene in HepG2 Cells

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    MicroRNA 122 (miR-122) is highly expressed in the liver where it influences diverse biological processes and pathways, including hepatitis C virus replication and metabolism of iron and cholesterol. It is processed from a long non-coding primary transcript (~7.5 kb) and the gene has two evolutionarily-conserved regions containing the pri-mir-122 promoter and pre-mir-122 hairpin region. Several groups reported that the widely-used hepatocytic cell line HepG2 had deficient expression of miR-122, previously ascribed to deletion of the pre-mir-122 stem-loop region. We aimed to characterise this deletion by direct sequencing of 6078 bp containing the pri-mir-122 promoter and pre-mir-122 stem-loop region in HepG2 and Huh-7, a control hepatocytic cell line reported to express miR-122, supported by sequence analysis of cloned genomic DNA. In contrast to previous findings, the entire sequence was present in both cell lines. Ten SNPs were heterozygous in HepG2 indicating that DNA was present in two copies. Three validation isolates of HepG2 were sequenced, showing identical genotype to the original in two, whereas the third was different. Investigation of promoter chromatin status by FAIRE showed that Huh-7 cells had 6.2 ± 0.19- and 2.7 ± 0.01- fold more accessible chromatin at the proximal (HNF4α-binding) and distal DR1 transcription factor sites, compared to HepG2 cells (p=0.03 and 0.001, respectively). This was substantiated by ENCODE genome annotations, which showed a DNAse I hypersensitive site in the pri-mir-122 promoter in Huh-7 that was absent in HepG2 cells. While the origin of the reported deletion is unclear, cell lines should be obtained from a reputable source and used at low passage number to avoid discrepant results. Deficiency of miR-122 expression in HepG2 cells may be related to a relative deficiency of accessible promoter chromatin in HepG2 versus Huh-7 cells

    Проблемний характер інформаційно-знаннєво-прогнозних атракторів у системі науки

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    У роботі зосереджується увага на дослідженні самоорганізаційних процесів у науковій системі, базуючись на таких модельних атракторах, як інформація, знання і передбачення. Проведений аналіз стосується теорії розвитку наукового знання і практичного наукознавства. Показано, що для розвитку наукової системи єдино можливим є інноваційний шлях — створення віртуальних структур з раціональною та ефективною системою діяльності (на прикладі Державного фонду фундаментальних досліджень). Розглядаються інформаційні ресурси як характеристика рівня упорядкованості, складності систем знань та критерії їх оцінки. Аналізуються особливості побудови систем достовірного знання, забезпечення відкритого доступу до інформації/знань з метою стимуляції наукової ініціативи та творчості. Акцент зроблено на технічному прогнозуванні: дослідженні тенденцій, виявленні нових проблем і можливих шляхів їх розв’язання. Наведено приклади можливостей науки, її перспектив, що переконливо свідчать про потребу змін сучасної науково-технічної політики (як у формуванні, так і в реалізації) шляхом визначення пріоритетів розвитку. Деталізовано проблему реалізації об’єктивної системи оцінювання результатів фундаментальних наукових досліджень.В работе сосредоточено внимание на исследовании самоорганизационных процессов в научной системе, базируясь на таких модельных атракторах, как информация, знание и предвидение. Проведенный анализ касается теории развития научного знания и практического науковедения. Показано, что для развития научной системы единственно возможным является инновационный путь — создание виртуальных структур с рациональной и эффективной системой деятельности (на примере Государственного фонда фундаментальных исследований). Рассматриваются информационные ресурсы как характеристика упорядоченности, сложности систем знаний и критерии их оценки. Анализируются особенности построения систем достоверного знания, обеспечения открытого доступа к информации/знаниям с целью стимулирования научной инициативы и творчества. Акцент сделан на техническом прогнозировании: исследовании тенденций, выявлении новых проблем и возможных путей их решения. Приводятся примеры возможностей науки, ее перспектив, что убедительно свидетельствует о необходимости изменений научно-технической политики (как в формировании, так и в реализации) путем определения приоритетов развития. Детализирована проблема реализации объективной системы оценивания результатов фундаментальных научных исследований.Self-organizing processes within the science system are studied on the basis of model attractors such as information, knowledge and prediction. The analysis deals with the theory of scientific knowledge development and practical science of science (science studies). By example of the State Fund for Basic Research it’s shown that the development of scientific knowledge is only possible by way of innovation, that is, creation of virtual entities with rational and effective system of action. Information resources are treated as a characteristic of the level of systematization and complexity of the knowledge systems, and as their evaluation criteria. Specifics of building up authentic knowledge systems and ensuring the opened access to information\knowledge as a driver for scientific initiative and creativity are analyzed. Emphasis is made on technical prediction: studies of tendencies, identification of new problems and ways for their solutions. Examples of science capabilities and prospects are given, which convincingly proves the need for change in the current S&T policy (its formulation and implementation) through defining the development priorities. The problem related with applications of a sound system for evaluating results of basic research is shown in detail

    Identification of the Functional Variant(s) that Explain the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) GWAS SNP rs6511720 Association with Lower LDL-C and Risk of CHD

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    BACKGROUND: The Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) SNP rs6511720 (G>T), located in intron-1 of the gene, has been identified in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) as being associated with lower plasma levels of LDL-C and a lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Whether or not rs6511720 is itself functional or a marker for a functional variant elsewhere in the gene is not known. METHODS: The association of LDLR SNP rs6511720 with incidence of CHD and levels of LDL-C was determined by reference to CARDIoGRAM, C4D and Global lipids genetics consortium (GLGC) data. SNP annotation databases were used to identify possible SNP function and prioritization. Luciferase reporter assays in the liver cell line Huh7 were used to measure the effect of variant genotype on gene expression. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSAs) were used to identify the Transcription Factors (TFs) involved in gene expression regulation. RESULTS: The phenotype-genotype analysis showed that the rs6511720 minor allele is associated with lower level of LDL-C [beta = -0.2209, p = 3.85 x10-262], and lower risk of CHD [log (OR) = 0.1155, p = 1.04 x10-7]. Rs6511720 is in complete linkage. Rs6511720 is in complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) with three intron-1 SNPs (rs141787760, rs60173709, rs57217136). Luciferase reporter assays in Huh7 cells showed that the rare alleles of both rs6511720 and rs57217136 caused a significant increase in LDLR expression compared to the common alleles (+29% and +24%, respectively). Multiplex Competitor-EMSAs (MC-EMSA) identified that the transcription factor serum response element (SRE) binds to rs6511720, while retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) bind to rs57217136. CONCLUSION: Both LDLR rs6511720 and rs57217136 are functional variants. Both these minor alleles create enhancer-binding protein sites for TFs and may contribute to increased LDLR expression, which is consequently associated with reduced LDL-C levels and 12% lower CHD risk