27 research outputs found

    Commingled and Disarticulated Human Remains related to 1755 Lisbon Earthquake: Height Estimation from incomplete and complete femoral bones

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    Introduction: In Forensic Medicine, the estimation of the stature often has a crucial role in the reconstructive phase of disjointed populations. The femur, being the longest bone in the human body, is usually the most reliable source in height estimation. However, in these populations, intact femurs are hardly ever found, making it necessary to use femur fragments for the same purpose. Aim: This investigation aims to estimate the stature of the catastrophic population concerning the earthquake that occurred in Lisbon, in 1755. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 8 whole femurs and 21 fragments, which were measured and weighted. These measurements were applied in a regression formula, obtained from the gathered research, in order to estimate the stature of the population. Results: The results showed that, for the whole femur, the correspondent height varies between 147.96 cm and 168.82 cm. For the fragments, the obtained estimates vary between 151,96 cm and 174.96 cm. Conclusions: The methods used proved to be reliable in estimating the length of the femur, as well as in deducting the height of individuals through this bone, allowing the study of these parameter’s evolution in generations.</p

    Osteometric and Osteomorphological Sex Estimation from the Os Coxa in an Archaelogical Population Related to the 1755 Earthquake of Lisbon

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    Introduction: The ability to determine sex from unknown skeletal remains vital, and methods to do it on various bones of the human skeleton have been researched extensively. The present work consists in the analysis of coxal bones belonging to the victims of the 1755 Lisbon’s Earthquake. Aims: This project aims the characterization of the population whose skeletal remains were found in the Cloister’s South Wing of Academia das Ciências de Lisboa in 2004. Materials and Methods: In order to achieve the final objective, six measurements were taken, in anatomic position, and seven indices were calculated. Furthermore, morphological characteristics were observed through four different methods. These procedures were applied to a total number of 129 coxal bones. Results: From measurements and indices, the best results found were 16 females and 5 males, but the overall results were not reliable, since there was no consensus between the different measurements and so the majority of the coxal bone were classified as ambiguous. However, the Phenice’s Method in the study of the coxal morphology showed to be very specific – through this procedure 18 females and 9 males were estimated. Conclusions: It was noticed that the measurements and the calculation of indices are less reliable than the morphological observations. Moreover, Phenice’s Method seemed to be the most precise, once it evaluates three parameters simultaneously, instead of just one, allowing to obtain more accurate results for sexual discrimination.</p

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients’ perspectives during COVID-19 pandemic: results from a Portuguese survey

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    © 2021 Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia. Published by S. Karger AG, BaselThis is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) (http://www.karger.com/Services/OpenAccessLicense), applicable to the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for com- mercial purposes requires written permissionIntroduction: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) do not seem to be at increased risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2, but there is a concern whether immunosuppressive therapy may be associated with more severe disease. Several clinical practice recommendations have been published to help guide IBD care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, few studies have addressed patients' perspectives and fears. We aimed to evaluate Portuguese IBD patients' perspectives on the clinical management of their disease during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as well as the impact on their professional life. Methods: An anonymous electronic survey was created using REDCap and was distributed by the Portuguese Association of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (APDI) between May and August 2020. Patients' perspectives on immunosuppressive therapy, disease management, interaction with gastroenterology departments, and the impact of the pandemic in their professional life were assessed. Patients' proposals to improve medical care were also evaluated. Descriptive analysis and logistic regression were performed. Results: A total of 137 participants answered the survey (79.6% females, mean age 41.7 ± 12.1 years). Although having IBD and receiving treatment with immunosuppressors (thiopurines, steroids, or biologics) were considered promotors of anxiety, most patients (85.4%) agreed that disease remission was a priority and only a minority of patients interrupted their treatment during the pandemic. In multivariate analysis, active disease, biologic treatment, and use of corticosteroids in the last 3 months were perceived by the patients as high-risk features for increased risk of SARS-Cov-2 infection and more severe disease. Fifty-nine patients (44%) believed that their follow-up was influenced by the pandemic and only 58.8% felt that they had the opportunity to discuss their therapeutic options with their doctor. Sixty-three patients (46.0%) were working from home during the pandemic, although this decision was related to IBD and immunosuppressive therapy in only 36.5 and 39.7% of the cases, respectively. Areas where care could have been improved during the pandemic were identified by patients, namely enhancement of the communication with IBD professionals, conciliation of telemedicine with face-to-face appointments, and facilitation of the interaction between patients and employers. Conclusion: Most patients agreed that maintaining IBD remission is crucial, and only a minority of the patients stopped their treatment as per their own initiative. IBD status only had a small influence on patients' professional activity during the COVID-19 outbreak, with most changes being related to the pandemic itself.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Portuguese Society of Gastroenterology by granting the use of the REDCap software. Study data were collected and managed using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) tools hosted at Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia. REDCap is a secure, Web-based software platform designed to support data capture for research studies, providing (1) an intuitive interface for validated data capture; (2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; (3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and (4) procedures for data integration and interoperability with external sources. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer. The detection of pre-malignant lesions by colonoscopy is associated with reduced CRC incidence and mortality. Narrow band imaging has shown promising but conflicting results for the detection of serrated lesions. Methods: We performed a randomized clinical trial to compare the mean detection of serrated lesions and hyperplastic polyps ≥10 mm with NBI or high-definition white light (HD-WL) withdrawal. We also compared all sessile serrated lesions (SSLs), adenoma, and polyp prevalence and rates. Results: Overall, 782 patients were randomized (WL group 392 patients; NBI group 390 patients). The average number of serrated lesions and hyperplastic polyps ≥10 mm detected per colonoscopy (primary endpoint) was similar between the HD-WL and NBI group (0.118 vs. 0.156, p = 0.44). Likewise, the adenoma detection rate (55.2% vs. 53.2%, p = 0.58) and SSL detection rate (6.8% vs. 7.5%, p = 0.502) were not different between the two study groups. Withdrawal time was higher in the NBI group (10.88 vs. 9.47 min, p = 0.004), with a statistically nonsignificant higher total procedure time (20.97 vs. 19.30 min, p = 0.052). Conclusions: The routine utilization of narrow band imaging does not improve the detection of serrated class lesions or any pre-malignant lesion and increases the withdrawal time.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Defining Transabdominal Intestinal Ultrasound Treatment Response and Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review and Expert Consensus Statement

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    Background and Aims No consensus exists on defining intestinal ultrasound response, transmural healing, or transmural remission in inflammatory bowel disease, nor clear guidance for optimal timing of assessment during treatment. This systematic review and expert consensus study aimed to define such recommendations, along with key parameters included in response reporting. Methods Electronic databases were searched from inception to July 26, 2021, using pre-defined terms. Studies were eligible if at least two intestinal ultrasound [IUS] assessments at different time points during treatment were reported, along with an appropriate reference standard. The QUADAS-2 tool was used to examine study-level risk of bias. An international panel of experts [n = 18] rated an initial 196 statements [RAND/UCLA process, scale 1–9]. Two videoconferences were conducted, resulting in additional ratings of 149 and 13 statements, respectively. Results Out of 5826 records, 31 full-text articles, 16 abstracts, and one research letter were included; 83% [40/48] of included studies showed a low concern of applicability, and 96% [46/48] had a high risk of bias. A consensus was reached on 41 statements, with clear definitions of IUS treatment response, transmural healing, transmural remission, timing of assessment, and general considerations when using intestinal ultrasound in inflammatory bowel disease. Conclusions Response criteria and time points of response assessment varied between studies, complicating direct comparison of parameter changes and their relation to treatment outcomes. To ensure a unified approach in routine care and clinical trials, we provide recommendations and definitions for key parameters for intestinal ultrasound response, to incorporate into future prospective studies.publishedVersio

    Is oral health literacy associated with conceptions of care and behavior related to the prevention of COVID-19?

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    Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of oral health literacy (OHL) on conceptions of care and behaviors related to COVID-19. The sample came from two preliminary cross-sectional studies that determined the level of OHL of parents/guardians of six-to-12-year-old children in two major Brazilian cities (Curitiba and Belo Horizonte). Functional OHL was measured using the Brazilian version of the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Dentistry (BREALD-30) and the Health Literacy Dental Scale (HeLD-14) for the evaluation of interactive OHL. Participants were recruited through e-mail, social media, and telephone contact. The questionnaire on conceptions of care and behaviors related to COVID-19 was created based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization. Two hundred nineteen individuals participated in the study. There was no significant difference in socioeconomic and demographic variables and in the medians of BREALD and HeLD-14 between the two cities (P>0.05). Higher levels of functional OHL were associated with an appropriate conception that individual care affects collective care (P=0.038), but with an inappropriate conception of seeking medical assistance in cases of mild symptoms (P=0.030). Higher levels of interactive OHL were related to social distancing behavior in the city of Curitiba (P=0.049) and in the overall sample (P=0.040). It is concluded that functional OHL was associated with two of the investigated conceptions about COVID-19, while interactive OHL was associated with social distancing behavior. These data may suggest that different dimensions of the OHL can have an impact on different aspects of coping with the pandemic

    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease are not at increased risk of COVID-19 : a large multinational cohort study

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    The impact of COVID-19 on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients under pharmacological immunosuppression is still not clearly understood. We investigated the incidence of COVID-19 and the impact of immunosuppression and containment measures on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a large IBD cohort, from a multicenter cohort from 21st of February to 30th of June, 2020. Ninety-seven patients with IBD (43 UC, 53 CD, one unclassified IBD) and concomitant COVID-19 over a total of 23,879 patients with IBD were enrolled in the study. The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with IBD vs. the general population was 0.406% and 0.402% cases, respectively. Twenty-three patients (24%) were hospitalized, 21 (22%) had pneumonia, four (4%) were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, and one patient died. Lethality in our cohort was 1% compared to 9% in the general population. At multivariable analysis, age > 65 years was associated with increased risk of pneumonia and hospitalization (OR 11.6, 95% CI 2.18–62.60; OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.10–23.86, respectively), treatment with corticosteroids increased the risk of hospitalization (OR 7.6, 95% CI 1.48–40.05), whereas monoclonal antibodies were associated with reduced risk of pneumonia and hospitalization (OR 0.1, 95% CI 0.04–0.52; OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.10–0.90, respectively). The risk of COVID-19 in patients with IBD is similar to the general population. National lockdown was effective in preventing infection in our cohort. Advanced age and treatment with corticosteroids impacted negatively on the outcome of COVID-19, whereas monoclonal antibodies did not seem to have a detrimental effect.peer-reviewe

    New Trends in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In the past decade a shift in the treatment paradigm of IBD has ensued. The availability of drugs capable of inducing mucosal healing, combined with the recognition that IBD is not an intermittent disease, but rather a progressive one causing bowel damage and disability, led us to a more stringent strategy. Tailored therapy with more aggressive treatment in high-risk patients, treating beyond symptoms, intervening early before damage occurs, optimizing therapeutic regimens, and actively pursuing sustained remission and sustained control of inflammation are strategies that are slowly being incorporated in our clinical practice. Furthermore, new drugs targeting different immunological pathways, such as vedolizumab, have recently been approved and therefore more therapeutic resources for patients failing anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha (anti-TNFα) agents will be available. The future years look promising for IBD. Hopefully the new trends in IBD management, combined with new drugs, will make possible to change the course of disease and provide better therapy and quality of life for patients suffering from this disabling disease

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: A Review of the Phenotype and Associated Specific Features

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic, progressive cholestatic disease that is associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in approximately 70% of cases. Although the pathogenesis is still unknown for both diseases, there is increasing evidence to indicate that they share a common underlying predisposition. Herein, we review the epidemiology, diagnosis, disease pathogenesis, and specific clinical features of the PSC-IBD phenotype. Patients with PSC-IBD have a distinct IBD phenotype with an increased incidence of pancolitis, backwash ileitis, and rectal sparing. Despite often having extensive colonic involvement, these patients present with mild intestinal symptoms or are even asymptomatic, which can delay the diagnosis of IBD. Although the IBD phenotype has been well characterized in PSC patients, the natural history and disease behavior of PSC in PSC-IBD patients is less well defined. There is conflicting evidence regarding the course of IBD in PSC-IBD patients who receive liver transplantation and their risk of recurrent PSC. IBD may also be associated with an increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma in PSC patients. Overall, the PSC-IBD population has an increased risk of developing colorectal neoplasia compared to the conventional IBD population. Lifelong annual surveillance colonoscopy is currently recommended

    Self-Expandable Metal Stents for Colorectal Cancer: From Guidelines to Clinical Practice

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    Introduction: Colonic self-expandable metal stent placement is widely used for palliation of obstructive colorectal cancer. The European recommendations for stent placement as a bridge to elective surgery in obstructive colorectal cancer were recently reviewed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stent placement in obstructive colorectal cancer and to discuss these recent guidelines. Materials and methods: Demographic characteristics, procedure indications, complications and final outcome in patients with obstructive colorectal cancer who underwent endoscopic stent placement between January 2012 and June 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS V22. Results: Thirty-six patients were included, 20 (56%) women, mean age 70.6 ± 10.9 years. Stent placement as a bridge to elective surgery was performed in 75% (n = 27) of patients and with palliation intent in 25% (n = 9). In 94% (n = 34) of procedures, technical and clinical success was achieved. A total of eleven (11%) complications were observed: 2 migrations and 9 perforations. No procedure related death was recorded. When stents were placed as a bridge to surgery, average time between endoscopic procedure and surgery was 11.7 ± 9.4 days (excluding three patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy). Six perforations were recorded in this group: one overt and five silent (three during surgery and two after histopathological examination of the resected specimen). Twenty-one patients underwent adjuvant chemotherapy. During the follow-up period of 14.7 ± 10.9 months recurrence was observed in five patients. None of the recurrence occurred in the group of patients with perforation. Conclusions: In this study, stent placement was an effective procedure in obstructive colorectal cancer. It was mainly used as a bridge to elective surgery. However, a significant rate of silent perforation was observed, which may compromise the oncological outcome of these potentially curable patients. Prospective real life studies are warranted for a better definition of actual recommendations