8,048 research outputs found

    Decomposição da matéria orgânica de compostos de lixo urbano e posterior preparo de extratos nítrico-perclórico.

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    Pré-digestão de amostras de compostos. Desempenhos dos Pré tratamentos de Amostras: Peróxido de Hidrogênio ( H2O2) Versus aquecimento em mufla a 550ºC. Digestão Nítrico-perclórica de compostos de lixo urbano. Resultados analíticos de compostos de lixo usando-se a técnica de eliminação da fração orgânica e a digestão Nítrico-perclórica propostas. Metodologia Padronizada por Silva (1999), Recomendada pela Embrapa. Pré-digestão da amostra de composto utilizando-se H²O² a 30%bitstream/CNPTIA/9196/1/CIRCULARTECNICA1int.pdfAcesso em: 28 maio 2008

    Interploidy Hybridization In Sympatric Zones: The Formation Of Epidendrum Fulgens × e. Puniceoluteum Hybrids (epidendroideae, Orchidaceae)

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    Interspecific hybridization is a primary cause of extensive morphological and chromosomal variation and plays an important role in plant species diversification. However, the role of interploidal hybridization in the formation of hybrid swarms is less clear. Epidendrum encompasses wide variation in chromosome number and lacks strong premating barriers, making the genus a good model for clarifying the role of chromosomes in postzygotic barriers in interploidal hybrids. In this sense, hybrids from the interploidal sympatric zone between E. fulgens (2n = 2x = 24) and E. puniceoluteum (2n = 4x = 56) were analyzed using cytogenetic techniques to elucidate the formation and establishment of interploidal hybrids. Hybrids were not a uniform group: two chromosome numbers were observed, with the variation being a consequence of severe hybrid meiotic abnormalities and backcrossing with E. puniceoluteum. The hybrids were triploids (2n = 3x = 38 and 40) and despite the occurrence of enormous meiotic problems associated with triploidy, the hybrids were able to backcross, producing successful hybrid individuals with broad ecological distributions. In spite of the nonpolyploidization of the hybrid, its formation is a long-term evolutionary process rather than a product of a recent disturbance, and considering other sympatric zones in Epidendrum, these events could be recurrent. © 2013 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.31138243837Aagaard, S.M.D., Såstad, S.M., Greilhuber, J., Moen, A., A secondary hybrid zone between diploid Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. cruenta and allotetraploid D. lapponica (Orchidaceae) (2005) Heredity, 94, pp. 488-496Abbott, R., Albach, D., Ansell, S., Arntzen, J.W., Baird, S.J.E., Bierne, N., Hybridization and speciation (2013) J. Evol. 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    Leg Ulcer. Conservative Treatment

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    Durante um período de 16 anos foram estudados, de forma prospectiva, 202 doentes portadores de insuficiência venosa crónica complicada de úlcera de perna, totalizando 257 úlceras. Este conjunto constitui uma série homogénea, em que foi sempre mantida a mesma orientação diagnóstica e terapêutica, quer médica, quer cirúrgica. Foi definido como objectivo a cura da úlcera em ambulatório, com tratamento conservador. O tratamento cirúrgico definitivo, quando indicado, é preferencialmente executado em diferido, após a cura da úlcera. Dos 202 doentes incluídos inicialmente no estudo, 166 mantiveram-se até à cura ou durante um período de tratamento prolongado. Nos doentes que se mantiveram no estudo foi obtida uma taxa de curas de 91%, o que está acima dos resultados habitualmente reportados na literatura internacional. Salienta-se a importância do controlo directo de todo o tratamento pelo médico responsável

    Análise epidemiológica dos casos de malária na tríplice fronteira Brasil-Venezuela-Guiana de 2010 a 2017

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    Introduction: Malaria is an infectious disease considered a global health issue. In Brazil, thanks to public policies, the notified cases of malaria have diminished, but this is not the reality in the northern region of the country, especially in the state of Roraima, that for sharing borders with two other countries, Venezuela and Guyana, shows peculiar nosogeographic characteristics that make it hard for the disease’s eradication. Objective: Analyze the epidemiology of malaria in the triple border Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana, from 2010 to 2017, and how borders can set a favorable environment for the disease’s spread. Methods: bibliographic revision, WHO reports, data obtained from the Malaria’s Epidemiological Vigilance Information System. Obtained information has been analyzed and organized with computer programs such as Microsoft® Office Excel 2016 e TabWin v. 3.6b. Development: In Roraima, while most autochthonous cases tend to reduce, imported cases from Venezuela and Guyana tend to increase and reduce cyclically, depending on many factors, such as migration waves and public investment in health care. Most imported cases notified in Roraima are originated from Venezuela, what can be explained by the uncontrolled and intense immigration from this country. Conclusion: The obtained data reveal the necessity of more attention towards these border regions, of improvement of the epidemiological vigilance systems and the professionals responsible for its operation, better quality of health assistance in the border regions, with the participation of specialists in malaria and the involvement of the local population in health care and prevention.Introdução: A malária é uma doença infecciosa considerada um problema de saúde global. No Brasil, graças às políticas públicas, os casos notificados de malária diminuíram, porém essa não é a realidade da região norte do país, especialmente no estado de Roraima, que por fazer fronteira com outros dois países, Venezuela e Guiana, apresenta características nosogeográficas peculiares e que dificultam a erradicação da doença. Objetivo: Analisar a epidemiologia da malária na tríplice fronteira Brasil-Venezuela-Guiana, num corte temporal de 2010 a 2017, e como a fronteira se torna um ambiente propício para a disseminação da doença. Métodos: Revisão bibliográfica, relatórios da OMS, obtenção de dados do Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Malária (SIVEP-Malária). Dados foram organizados e analisados com o auxílio dos programas Microsoft® Office Excel 2016 e TabWin v. 3.6b. Desenvolvimento: Em Roraima, enquanto o número de casos autóctones tende a diminuir, os casos importados da Venezuela e Guiana tendem a aumentar e diminuir ciclicamente, de acordo com diversos fatores, como os migratórios e de investimento público em saúde. A maior parte dos casos importados notificados em Roraima, são oriundos da Venezuela, o que pode ser explicado pela livre e intensa imigração oriunda deste país. Conclusão: Esses achados demonstram a necessidade de um maior cuidado com as áreas de fronteira, de aperfeiçoamento do sistema de vigilância epidemiológica e dos profissionais responsáveis por sua alimentação, da melhoria do atendimento em saúde nas zonas de fronteira, com especialistas em malária, envolvimento da população nos cuidados em saúde e prevenção. &nbsp

    O-Glycome beam search arrays for carbohydrate ligand discovery

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    O-glycosylation is a post-translational modification of proteins crucial to molecular mechanisms in health and disease. O-glycans are typically highly heterogeneous. The involvement of specific O-glycan sequences in many bio-recognition systems is yet to be determined due to a lack of efficient methodologies. We describe here a targeted microarray approach: O-glycome beam search that is both robust and efficient for O-glycan ligand-discovery. Substantial simplification of the complex O-glycome profile and facile chromatographic resolution is achieved by arraying O-glycans as branches, monitoring by mass spectrometry, focusing on promising fractions, and on-array immuno-sequencing. This is orders of magnitude more sensitive than traditional methods. We have applied beam search approach to porcine stomach mucin and identified extremely minor components previously undetected within the O-glycome of this mucin that are ligands for the adhesive proteins of two rotaviruses. The approach is applicable to O-glycome recognition studies in a wide range of biological settings to give insights into glycan recognition structures in natural microenvironments

    Optimal Design Approach Applied to Headspace GC for the Monitoring of Diacetyl Concentration, Spectrophotometric Assessment of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Potential in Different Fermentation Processes of Barley

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    The present study aimed to validate a control method on the gas chromatography system (GC) based on the experimental design strategy, to examine the changes and correlation between the fermentation process and the quality of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer product, especially the formation of diacetyl. On the other hand, spectrophotometric methods were applied to the determination of polyphenols content and the potential antioxidant activity of beer during different fermentation processes. with this aim, three modes of barley fermentation were used, specifically classical fermentation, stopped fermentation and thermal process. The results showed that the different fermentation modes had a major impact on diacetyl production. The highest concentration was obtained using stopped fermentation 0.36 mg/L, the lowest concentration value 0.07 mg/L was detected using the thermal process. Monitoring the increase of oxygen concentration between fermentation, filtration, and filling of the final product (32, 107, 130 ppm, respectively) has a significant impact on the concentration of diacetyl. The obtained results of spectrophotometric analysis showed that the total antioxidant activity changed during beer fermentation process and demonstrate that the extend of the antioxidant activity was very much dependent on the total polyphenolic content with a higher value in Hopped wort (13.41%, 65 mg GAE 100 mL(-1), 28 mg CE 100 mL(-1)) for antioxidant potential, total phenolic content, and total flavonoids content, respectively, whereas the lowest values was detected in Non-alcoholic beer using thermal process (7.24%, 35 mg GAE 100 mL(-1), 10 mg CE 100 mL(-1)) for antioxidant potential, total phenolic contents, and total flavonoids contents, respectively. Based on the results achieved, we reveal the impact of the fermentation process on the nutritional value of the final product


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    O princípio da insignificância, a despeito das discussões que ainda suscita, tem sido utilizado no Direito Penal quando da análise de crimes de bagatela. Sua atuação se dá no âmbito da tipicidade material. Assim, considerando-se que determinada conduta só será típica se apresentar, ao mesmo tempo, a tipicidade formal (conformidade com a norma abstrata) e a tipicidade material (lesionar de maneira relevante determinado bem jurídico), tornar-se-á atípica se a ela se aplicar a ideia de insignificância. Contudo, tal princípio não tem sido aplicado ante a negativa da jurisprudência majoritária. Não obstante, considerando-se o novo tratamento que o ordenamento jurídico atual tem dado à improbidade administrativa, sobretudo após a entrada em vigor da Lei n. 8.429/92, torna-se importante o debate sobre essa aplicação, excluindo-se a tipicidade material de condutas administrativas insignificantes. Para esse fim, este estudo valeu-se da análise de julgados do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, bem das doutrinas penal e publiscista. Disso resultou a constatação de que a doutrina trata o tema de forma tangencial, não havendo estudo mais aprofundado a respeito, ao passo que a jurisprudência majoritária tem negado a aplicação do princípio da insignificância nos atos ímprobos. Entretanto, não obstante a ausência de estudos mais aprofundados sobre o tema e a negativa jurisprudencial, pensa-se ser possível aplicar o princípio da insignificância também nos atos de improbidade administrativa, com amparo em lições pontuais da doutrina e de alguns julgados do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul

    Can The Delivery Method Influence Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Triggered By The First Pregnancy

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    Introduction and Objectives: The increase of the intensity of urinary symptoms in late pregnancy and postpartum has been well documented by several authors, but their causes remain uncertain, partly because of its probable multifactor origin. There are also controversies whether the etiology of lower urinary tract symptoms during pregnancy is the same as postpartum and whether the method of delivery could infl uence the risk of onset of urinary symptoms. This study aimed to evaluate the urinary symptoms triggered during pregnancy and its evolutionin the late puerperium, correlating them with the delivery method. Materials and Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted, which included 75 primigravidae women, classifi ed according to method of delivery as: (VD) vaginal delivery with right mediolateral episiotomy (n = 28); (CS) elective caesarean section (n = 26); and (EC) emergency caesarean section (n = 21). Urinary symptoms were assessed in the last trimester of pregnancy and at 45 days (± 10) of puerperium with validated versions for Portuguese language of the following questionnaires: International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Urinary Incontinence Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF) and the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Overactive Bladder (ICIQ-OAB). Results: It was observed that frequency, urgency, nocturia and urge incontinence, triggered during pregnancy, decreased signifi cantly in the postpartum period, regardless of the delivery method (p = 0.0001). However, symptoms related to urinary loss due to stress persisted after vaginal delivery (p = 0.0001). Conclusions: Urgency, frequency and nocturia triggered during pregnancy tend to disappear in the late postpartum period, regardless of the delivery method, but the symptoms related to urinary loss due to stress tend to persist in late postpartum period after vaginal delivery.382267276Abrams, P., Cardozo, L., Fall, M., Griffiths, D., Rosier, P., Ulmsten, U., The standardisation of terminology of lower urinary tract function: report from the Standardisation Sub-committee of the International Continence Society (2002) Neurourol Urodyn., 21, pp. 167-178Milsom, I., Altman, D., Lapitan, M.C., Nelson, R., Sillén, U., Thom, D., Epidemiology of urinary (UI) and faecal (FI) incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). In: Abrams P, Cardozo L, Khoury S, Wein A (eds). Incontinence, 4th edn. (2009) Committee 1. 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    Evaluation of the chromium-EDTA complex and creatinine as markers for urinary volume in cattle

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    Creatinine and intravenously infused Cr-EDTA complex were compared as markers for urinary volume estimation in cattle fed diets containing different concentrate levels. Ten Nellore heifers were used in a two-period crossover design and fed with two diets of divergent maize silage to concentrate ratios (90:10 and 50:50). The urinary marker concentrations were strongly and positively associated with each other, and both correlated strongly and negatively with total urine volume. Creatinine excretion and chromium recovery did not vary according to diets, but chromium recovery exhibited a lower variance among animals. The evaluation of urine spot samples showed that sampling time affects both markers, with the lowest urinary concentrations obtained when samples were taken early in the morning. Both creatinine and the Cr-EDTA complex produce similar estimates of urine volume. However, despite the greater precision of the estimates obtained with chromium, the values obtained with creatinine exhibited less bias and are, therefore, more accurate

    Limitations to Starch Utilization in Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) as Revealed by NMR-Based Metabolomics

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    Practical diets for commercial barramundi production rarely contain greater than 10% starch, used mainly as a binding agent during extrusion. Alternative ingredients such as digestible starch have shown some capacity to spare dietary protein catabolism to generate glucose. In the present study, a carnivorous fish species, the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) was subjected to two diets with the same digestible energy: Protein (P) – with high protein content (no digestible starch); and Starch (S) – with high digestible (pregelatinized) starch content. The effects of a high starch content diet on hepatic glycogen synthesis as well as the muscle and liver metabolome were studied using a complementary approach of 1H and 2H NMR. The hepatosomatic index was lower for fish fed high starch content diet while the concentration of hepatic glycogen was similar between groups. However, increased glycogen synthesis via the direct pathway was observed in the fish fed high starch content diet which is indicative of increased carbohydrate utilization. Multivariate analysis also showed differences between groups in the metabolome of both tissues. Univariate analysis revealed more variations in liver than in muscle of fish fed high starch content diet. Variations in metabolome were generally in agreement with the increase in the glycogen synthesis through direct pathway, however, this metabolic shift seemed to be insufficient to keep the growth rate as ensured by the diet with high protein content. Although liver glycogen does not make up a substantial quantity of total stored dietary energy in carnivorous fish, it is a key regulatory intermediate in dietary energy utilization