46 research outputs found

    Micotoxinas en plantas medicinales y zumos. Estrategias para su mitigación

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    En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica para evaluar la presencia de micotoxinas emergentes de Fusarium en plantas medicinales en la materia en crudo, así como en forma de infusiones y cápsulas, así mismo se ha explorado sus posibles efectos beneficiosos y perjudiciales. Por otro lado, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión acerca del posible efecto de los tratamientos no térmicos HPP y PEF en la reducción de los contenidos de micotoxinas. Así mismo, se han desarrollado y validado diferentes procedimientos analíticos para la determinación de micotoxinas en productos frescos, plantas medicinales y tés (en crudo o listos para su consumo) y zumos. La metodología empleada se ha basado en la determinación por cromatografía líquida y cromatografía de gases acopladas a espectrometría de masas en tándem. Por lo que respecta a la extracción de micotoxinas, se ha empleado el método QuEChERS para el análisis de matrices sólidas (plantas medicinales en diferentes formas) y el método DLLME para el análisis de muestras líquidas (infusiones de plantas medicinales y tés y zumos). La determinación analítica empleada ha sido validada en cuanto a exactitud, precisión, linealidad y límites de detección y cuantificación de acuerdo con la normativa europea. Los resultados obtenidos tras analizar las plantas medicinales y los tés, revelan mayores contenidos de micotoxinas en crudo y en las cápsulas que en las infusiones resultantes, con contenidos que en ocasiones puntuales han sobrepasado los 1000 µg/kg y con incidencias inferiores al 34%. En las infusiones listas para el consumo los contenidos en general no han sobrepasado 100 µg/L con incidencias inferiores al 20%. En los zumos, AOH y PAT, han sido las micotoxinas detectadas con mayores incidencias, del 29 y 18%, respectivamente y mayores contenidos, con concentraciones medias de las muestras positivas de 207 y 28.18 µg/L, respectivamente. La evaluación de la exposición a micotoxinas considerando los resultados obtenidos y los datos de consumo, revela un riesgo bajo a través del consumo de infusiones de plantas medicinales y tés, con porcentajes de IDT inferiores al 4% incluso considerando a los grandes consumidores (3 tazas/día). En cuanto a la evaluación del riego a través del consumo de cápsulas se observa un riesgo bajo en general, aunque en algunos suplementos como boldo, cardo mariano y cola de caballo se alcanzan porcentajes considerables de las IDT de hasta un 22.2%. Respecto a la evaluación del riesgo a través del consumo de zumos se alcanza un porcentaje considerable de la IDT para OTA (35.29%) y PAT (13.80%) (escenario upper bound) en niños considerando una ingesta de 200 mL diarios. El procesamiento de los alimentos produce una reducción en los contenidos de micotoxinas y a una degradación parcial de éstas. Durante la preparación de las infusiones de plantas medicinales con tratamiento térmico se ha observado una reducción media de micotoxinas (AFs, ZEA, ENNs y BEA) del 74% al 100%, observándose una baja tendencia de las micotoxinas a migrar desde la materia prima a las infusiones resultantes. Respecto a los tratamientos no térmicos de procesado de los alimentos, como PEF y HPP, se han obtenido porcentajes de reducción que oscilan entre un 43 a 53% para micotoxinas emergentes de Fusarium en zumos y entre un 56 a 70% en smoothies tras el procesado mediante PEF. Para las AFs se han obtenido porcentajes de reducción en un rango más amplio, desde un 16 a 84% tras el tratamiento por PEF. Tras la aplicación del tratamiento HPP se han observado menores porcentajes de reducción (8-29%). Tras el tratamiento por PEF se han identificado varios productos de degradación mediante el análisis por LC-ESI-qTOF-MS. La obtención de productos de degradación de las micotoxinas tratadas, que se han originado por la pérdida de fragmentos aminoacídicos estructurales como HyLv, Val, Ile o Phe para ENNs y BEA confirma la reducción del efecto del tratamiento por PEF. Para la AFB2, se ha identificado un producto de degradación resultado de la adición de grupos OH - y H + a los dobles enlaces y de la pérdida del grupo metileno (-CH2). Se ha determinado la toxicidad in silico de los productos de degradación mediante el servidor Pro Tox-II, obteniéndose menor toxicidad que los compuestos originales, a excepción de los productos de degradación obtenidos para la ENNB. Los datos de la evaluación de la estabilidad de ENNB en el tracto gastrointestinal humano durante la digestión in vitro muestra su baja estabilidad en este medio y una degradación significativa del compuesto original. Así mismo, se han identificado 5 productos de degradación de ENNB mediante UHPLC-HRMS, que pueden atribuirse a la oxidación y apertura del anillo depsipéptido.In this Doctoral Thesis, a bibliographic review has been carried out to evaluate the presence of Fusarium emerging mycotoxins in medicinal plants as raw materials, infusions and tablets. Their possible beneficial and harmful effects have also been explored. On the other hand, a review has been carried out about the possible effect of non-thermal treatments HPP and PEF on mycotoxin contents reduction. Likewise, different analytical procedures have been developed and validated for the determination of mycotoxins in fresh products, medicinal plants and teas (in the form of raw material or ready to eat) and juices. The methodology used has been based on the determination by liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Regarding the extraction of mycotoxins, QuEChERS method has been used for the analysis of solid matrices (medicinal plants in several forms) and DLLME method for the analysis of liquid matrices (medicinal plants, tea beverages and juices). The analytical determination used has been validated in terms of accuracy, precision, linearity and limits of detection and quantification in accordance with European regulations. The results obtained after analyzing medicinal plants and teas, revealed higher mycotoxin contents in the raw material and tablets than in the resulting beverages, with contents that occasionally have exceeded 1000 µg/kg, with incidences lower than 34%. In ready-to-drink beverages, in general the contents have not exceeded 100 µg/L with incidences lower than 20%. In juices, AOH and PAT, are the mycotoxins detected with the highest incidences, 29 and 18%, respectively, and contents, with mean concentrations of positive samples of 207 and 28.18 µg/L, respectively. The evaluation of mycotoxin exposure considering the results obtained and the consumption data revealed a low risk through the consumption of medicinal plant and tea beverages, with TDI percentages lower than 4%, even considering high consumers (3 cups/day). Regarding the evaluation of the mycotoxin exposure through the consumption of tablets, low risk is observed in general, although in some supplements such as boldo, milk thistle and horsetail, considerable percentages of TDI (up to 22.2%) are reached. Regarding risk assessment through the consumption of juices, a considerable percentage of the TDI is reached for OTA (35.29%) and PAT (13.80%) (upper bound scenario) in children considering an intake of 200 mL daily. Food processing lead to a reduction in mycotoxin contents and partial degradation. During the heat treatment of medicinal plant beverages preparation, an average reduction of mycotoxins (AFs, ZEA, ENNs and BEA) is obtained from 74% to 100%, observing a low tendency of mycotoxins to migrate from raw materials to the resulting infusions. Regarding non-thermal treatments of food processing (PEF and HPP), reduction percentages ranging from 43 to 53% are obtained for emerging Fusarium mycotoxins in juices and between 56 to 70% in smoothies after PEF processing. For AFs, reduction percentages are obtained in a wider range, (from 16 to 84%). After the application of the HPP treatment, lower reduction percentages are observed for both emerging mycotoxins and AFs (8-29%). After PEF treatment, several degradation products have been identified by LC-ESI-qTOF-MS analysis. The degradation products obtained for the treated mycotoxins, which have been originated from the loss of structural amino acid fragments such as HyLv, Val, Ile or Phe for ENNs and BEA confirms the reduction effect of the treatment by PEF. For AFB2, a degradation product resulting from the addition of OH - and H + groups to the double bonds and the loss of a methylene group (-CH2) has been identified. In silico toxicity of the degradation products has been assessed by the Pro Tox-II server. Toxicity has decreased except for the degradation products obtained for the ENNB. Evaluation of ENNB in the human gastrointestinal tract during in vitro digestion shows few stability in this medium and a significant degradation of the original compound. Likewise, 5 ENNB degradation products have been identified by UHPLC-HRMS, which can be attributed to oxidation and opening of the depsipeptide ring

    White Matter Microstructure Reflects Individual Differences in Music Reward Sensitivity

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    People show considerable variability in the degree of pleasure they experience from music. These individual differences in music reward sensitivity are driven by variability in functional connectivity between the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), a key structure of the reward system, and the right superior temporal gyrus (STG). However, it is unknown whether a neuroanatomical basis exists for this variability. We used diffusion tensor imaging and probabilistic tractography to study the relationship between music reward sensitivity and white matter microstructure connecting these two regions via the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in 38 healthy human participants (24 females and 14 males). We found that right axial diffusivity (AD) in the STG-OFC connectivity inversely correlated with music reward sensitivity. Additionally, right mean diffusivity and left AD in the NAcc-OFC tract also showed an inverse correlation. Further, AD in this tract also correlated with previously acquired BOLD activity during music listening, but notfor a control monetary reward task in the NAcc. Finally, we used mediation analysis to show that AD in the NAcc-OFC tract explains the influence of NAcc activation during a music task on music reward sensitivity. Overall, our results provide further support for the idea that the exchange of information among perceptual, integrative, and reward systems is important for musical pleasure, and that individual differences in the structure of the relevant anatomical connectivity influences the degree to which people are able to derive such pleasure

    Enhancing nutrient recovery and bioactive compound extraction from spirulina through supercritical fluid extraction : implications for SH-SY5Y cell viability

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    This work explores the efficiency of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) to recover minerals, pigments, and antioxidant compounds from the spirulina microalgae. Moreover, the fatty acids and phenolic profiles of the extracts obtained were also investigated, and the effect of the extracts on SH-SY5Y cell viability was tested. The extraction of phycocyanin was improved by SFE compared to conventional extraction, from 2.838 ± 0.081 mg/g dry matter (DM) (control) to 6.438 ± 0.411 mg/g DM (SFE). SFE treatment also improved chlorophyll a and carotenoid recoveries increasing from 5.612 ± 0.547 to 8.645 ± 0.857 mg/g DM and from 0.447 ± 0.096 to 0.651 ± 0.120 mg/g DM, respectively. Regarding minerals, the SFE improved Mg recovery with 77% more than the control extraction. Moreover, palmitoleic, stearic, γ-linolenic, eicosadienoic and eicosatrienoic acids recovery was improved by SFE. Phenolic profiles were identified via triple-TOF-LC-MS-MS. Considering heavy metals, a higher rate of Pb extraction was observed for the SFE extract, while no significant differences were observed for Hg between both extractions. Finally, SFE extract improved cell viability compared to the control extract. Thus, SFE constitutes an interesting tool to sustainably extract high-added-value compounds; however, potential contaminants such as Pb need to be controlled in the resulting extracts

    Neural correlates of specific musical anhedonia

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    Although music is ubiquitous in human societies, there are some people for whom music holds no reward value despite normal perceptual ability and preserved reward-related responses in other domains. The study of these individuals with specific musical anhedonia may be crucial to understand better the neural correlates underlying musical reward. Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that musically induced pleasure may arise from the interaction between auditory cortical networks and mesolimbic reward networks. If such interaction is critical for music-induced pleasure to emerge, then those individuals who do not experience it should show alterations in the cortical-mesolimbic response. In the current study, we addressed this question using fMRI in three groups of 15 participants, each with different sensitivity to music reward. We demonstrate that the music anhedonic participants showed selective reduction of activity for music in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), but normal activation levels for a monetary gambling task. Furthermore, this group also exhibited decreased functional connectivity between the right auditory cortex and ventral striatum (including the NAcc). In contrast, individuals with greater than average response to music showed enhanced connectivity between these structures. Thus, our results suggest that specific musical anhedonia may be associated with a reduction in the interplay between the auditory cortex and the subcortical reward network, indicating a pivotal role of this interaction for the enjoyment of music

    Uloga karotenoida iz ekstrakta mesa bundeve u zaštiti od oštećenja krvno-moždane barijere uzrokovane mikotoksinima in vitro

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    Some mycotoxins such as beauvericin (BEA), ochratoxin A (OTA), and zearalenone (ZEA) can cross the blood brain barrier, which is why we tested the anti-inflammatory action of a pumpkin carotenoid extract (from the pulp) against these mycotoxins and their combinations (OTA+ZEA and OTA+ZEA+BEA) on a blood brain barrier model with co-cultured ECV304 and C6 cells using an untargeted metabolomic approach. The cells were added with mycotoxins at a concentration of 100 nmol/L per mycotoxin and pumpkin carotenoid extract at 500 nmol/L. For control we used only vehicle solvent (cell control) or vehicle solvent with pumpkin extract (extract control). After two hours of exposure, samples were analysed with HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS. Metabolites were identified against the Metlin database. The proinflammatory arachidonic acid metabolite eoxin (14,15-LTE4) showed lower abundance in ZEA and BEA+OTA+ZEA-treated cultures that also received the pumpkin extract than in cultures that were not treated with the extract. Another marker of inflammation, prostaglandin D2-glycerol ester, was only found in cultures treated with OTA+ZEA and BEA+OTA+ZEA but not in the ones that were also treated with the pumpkin extract. Furthermore, the concentration of the pumpkin extract metabolite dihydromorelloflavone significantly decreased in the presence of mycotoxins. In conclusion, the pumpkin extract showed protective activity against cellular inflammation triggered by mycotoxins thanks to the properties pertinent to flavonoids contained in the pulp.Pojedini mikotoksini poput bovericina (BEA), okratoksina A (OTA) i zearalenona (ZEA) prelaze krvno-moždanu barijeru, a to je i razlog zbog kojega smo istražili djelovanje ekstrakta karotenoida iz mesa bundeve protiv upalnih procesa izazvanih ovim mikotoksinima i njihovim kombinacijama (OTA+ZEA i OTA+ZEA+BEA) na modelu krvno-moždane barijere koji se sastojao od kultura stanica ECV304 i C6, oslanjajući se pritom na neciljani metabolomički pristup. Stanice su tretirane mikotoksinima u koncentraciji od 100 nmol/L po mikotoksinu odnosno ekstraktom karotenoida u koncentraciji od 500 nmol/L. Za kontrolu smo upotrijebili samo otapalo (stanična kontrola) odnosno otapalo s bundevinim ekstraktom (ekstraktna kontrola). Nakon dva sata tretmana uzorci su analizirani metodom tekućinske kromatografije / masene spektrometrije (HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS), a dobiveni metaboliti identificirani su usporedbom s bazom podataka Metlin. Primjena ekstrakta značajno je smanjila količinu metabolita proupalne arahidonske kiseline eoksina (14,15-LTE4) u kulturama tretiranima samo zearalenonom odnosno kombinacijom BEA+OTA+ZEA. Drugi upalni biljeg, prostaglandin D2-glicerol ester, otkriven je samo u kulturama tretiranima kombinacijama OTA+ZEA odnosno BEA+OTA+ZEA, ali ne i u onima koje su usto tretirane bundevinim ekstraktom. Osim toga, u prisutnosti mikotoksina značajno je porasla koncentracija metabolita dihidromoreloflavona iz bundevina ekstrakta. Time je taj ekstrakt iskazao zaštitno djelovanje protiv stanične upale uzrokovane mikotoksinima zahvaljujući svojstvima flavonoida koji se nalaze u njezinu mesu

    Development and implementation of an "escape room" gamification methodology as an innovative teaching tool for students of the degree in Gastronomic Sciences

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    [EN] Various international organisations have emphasized the importance of establishing both health-based as well as adequate sanitary food guidelines to avoid possible food contamination and potential danger due to improper handling of food. Thus, students of gastronomic sciences must be able to detect hazards (chemical and biological) in the consideration and preparation of menus. The growing interest of students in this field of study also requires a more dynamic and practical method of teaching which can be carried out in seminars. Multidisciplinary case studies oriented towards hazard detection and nutritional objectives are proposed. Due to the current Covid-19 health crisis, hosting and participication in these seminars has been adversely affected. The creation of a virtual reality learning resource in which to interact while reducing risk could be a very interesting alternative. The aim of this resource was to create a task using a gamification approach ("escape room") in a virtual laboratory, in which to pass related tests of both a nutritional and food safety background, and thus save their patient from a specific ailment. As indicated by the high percentage of correct answers in the activity this "escape room" resource was shown to positively reinforce students´ knowledge.[ES] Los diferentes organismos internacionales hacen hincapié en la necesidad de establecer pautas dietéticas saludables y seguras, evitando posibles intoxicaciones por manipulación incorrecta en restauración o alimentos preparados para reducir el posible peligro. Así el estudiante de ciencias gastronómicas debe ser capaz de detectar peligros (químicos y biológicos) en la elaboración de menús. El creciente interés de los estudiantes en este campo de estudio, requiere también de una docencia más dinámica y práctica que puede llevarse a cabo en los seminarios. Se proponen casos de estudio multidisciplinar orientados a la detección de peligros y al cumplimiento de objetivos nutricionales. Debido a la situación actual de pandemia, la asistencia a estos seminarios ha sido difícil. La creación de un recurso didáctico de realidad virtual en el que interactuar pero sin poner en riesgo su salud sería una alternativa muy interesante. El objetivo de este recurso fue crear una tarea utilizando un enfoque de gamificación ("escape room") en un laboratorio virtual, en el que pasar pruebas relacionadas, tanto nutricionales como de seguridad alimentaria, y así salvar a su paciente de una dolencia específica. El “escape room” reforzó positivamente los conocimientos del estudiante ante el gran porcentaje de aciertos en la actividad.Este trabajo ha contado con el apoyo del Vicerectorat d’Ocupació i Programes Formatius de la Universitat de València – a través del proyecto concedido en el marco de las “Ajudes per al Desenvolupament de Projectes d’Innovació Educativa per al curs 2021-2022” con nombre “Sherlock-Salud: Utilización de metodología de escape room para casos de estudio de Nutrición y Seguridad Alimentaria” (NOU-PID, UV-SFPIE_PID-1640423) así como el proyecto AQUABIOPRO-FIT “Aquaculture and agriculture biomass side stream proteins and bioactives for feed, fitness and health promoting nutritional supplements” (Grant Agreement no. 790956) financiado por la Comisión Europea a través del programa H2020-BBI-JU.Barba Orellana, F.; Martí Quijal, F.; Pallarés Barrachina, N.; Juan García, C.; Berrada Ramdani, H. (2022). Desarrollo e implementación de una metodología de gamificación "escape room" como herramienta docente innovadora para los estudiantes del grado en Ciencias Gastronómicas. En In-Red 2022 - VIII Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 231-238. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1585323123

    Predictive Value of Skeletal Muscle Mass in Recurrent/Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

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    Background Reduced muscle mass has been associated with increased treatment complications in several tumor types. We evaluated the impact of skeletal muscle index (SMI) on prognosis and immune-related adverse events (IrAEs) in a cohort of recurrent/metastatic (R/M) head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) treated with immune checkpoints inhibitors (ICI). Methods A single-institutional, retrospective study was performed including 61 consecutive patients of R/M HNSCC diagnosed between July 2015 and December 2018. SMI was quantified using a CT scan at L3 to evaluate body composition. Median baseline SMI was used to dichotomize patients in low and high SMI. Kaplan-Meier estimations were used to detect overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Toxicity was recorded using Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event v4.3. Results Patients were 52 men (85.2%) with mean of age 57.7 years (SD 9.62), mainly oral cavity (n = 21; 34.4%). Low SMI was an independent factor for OS in the univariate (HR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.14-3.73, p = 0.017) and multivariate Cox analyses (HR, 2.99; 95% CI, 1.29-6.94; p = 0.011). PFS was also reduced in patients with low SMI (PFS HR, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.08-3.12; p = 0.025). IrAEs occurred in 29 (47.5%) patients. There was no association between low SMI and IrAEs at any grade (OR, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.20-1.54; p = 0.261). However, grades 3 to 4 IrAEs were developed in seven patients of whom three had low SMI. Conclusions Low SMI before ICI treatment in R/M HNSCC patients had a negative impact on OS and PFS. Further prospective research is needed to confirm the role of body composition as a predictive biomarker in ICI treatment

    Transbronchial biopsy results according to diffuse interstitial lung disease classification. Cryobiopsy versus forceps: MULTICRIO study

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    Background In recent years, transbronchial cryobiopsy (TBCB) has come to be increasingly used in interventional pulmonology units as it obtains larger and better-quality samples than conventional transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) with forceps. No multicenter studies have been performed, however, that analyse and compare TBCB and TBLB safety and yield according to the interstitial lung disease (ILD) classification. Objectives We compared the diagnostic yield and safety of TBCB with cryoprobe sampling versus conventional TBLB forceps sampling in the same patient. Method Prospective multicenter clinical study of patients with ILD indicated for lung biopsy. Airway management with orotracheal tube, laryngeal mask and rigid bronchoscope was according to the protocol of each centre. All procedures were performed using fluoroscopy and an occlusion balloon. TBLB was followed by TBCB. Complications were recorded after both TBLB and TBCB. Results Included were 124 patients from 10 hospitals. Airway management was orotracheal intubation in 74% of cases. Diagnostic yield according to multidisciplinary committee results for TBCB was 47.6% and for TBLB was 19.4% (p<0.0001). Diagnostic yield was higher for TBCB compared to TBLB for two groups: idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPs) and ILD of known cause or association (OR 2.5; 95% CI: 1.4-4.2 and OR 5.8; 95% CI: 2.3-14.3, respectively). Grade 3 (moderate) bleeding after TBCB occurred in 6.5% of patients compared to 0.8% after conventional TBLB. Conclusions Diagnostic yield for TBCB was higher than for TBLB, especially for two disease groups: IIPs and ILD of known cause or association. The increased risk of bleeding associated with TBCB confirms the need for safe airway management and prophylactic occlusion-balloon use. Trial registration clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT02464592

    Digital transformation in the agri-food industry: recent applications and the role of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Providing food has become more complex because of climate change and other environmental and societal stressors, such as political instability, the growth in the world population, and outbreaks of new diseases, especially the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to these challenges, the agri-food industry has increased its efforts to shift to using more digital tools and other advanced technologies. The transition toward digital has been part of the fourth industrial revolution (called Industry 4.0) innovations that have and are reshaping most industries. This literature review discusses the potential of implementing digital technologies in the agri-food industry, focusing heavily on the role of the COVID-19 pandemic in fostering the adoption of greater digitalization of food supply chains. Examples of the use of these digital innovations for various food applications, and the barriers and challenges will be highlighted. The trend toward digital solutions has gained momentum since the advent of Industry 4.0 and implementations of these solutions have been accelerated by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Important digital technology enablers that have high potential for mitigating the negative effects of both the current global health pandemic and the environmental crisis on food systems include artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, blockchain, smart sensors, robotics, digital twins, and virtual and augmented reality. However, much remains to be done to fully harness the power of Industry 4.0 technologies and achieve widespread implementation of digitalization in the agriculture and food industries

    Casos de nefrología en nutrición clínica mediante vídeos de simulación

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    [ES] La actividad de innovación docente que se presenta se enmarca dentro del proyecto NutClinROLE con financiación del "Vicerrectorado de Formación Permanente, Transformació Docent i Ocupació" de la Universitat de València, (UV-SFPIE_PID-2075858). Se basa en la realización de entrenamientos de simulación en nutrición, como estrategia metodológica innovadora para la enseñanza de las ciencias de la nutrición y la dietética en la educación superior. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar unos vídeos de actividades de simulación para aprender y practicar habilidades en entrevistas nutricionales mediante el trabajo de casos clínicos. Los casos clínicos que se elaboraron en la simulación fueron sobre pacientes con enfermedad renal. Los alumnos trabajaron tras el visionado de los vídeos, estableciendo roles de paciente y nutricionista para la resolución de otros casos clínicos en nutrición. Durante la simulación y mediante unas fichas que incorporan información sobre el paciente y su patología, incluyendo datos antropométricos y analíticos, el estudiante-nutricionista debe desarrollar la anamnesis clínico-dietética, planificar la intervención nutricional y realizar la pauta dietética al estudiante-paciente. Durante la capacitación, los estudiantes adquirieron conocimientos sobre insuficiencia renal crónica, y pusieron en práctica entrevistas nutricionales y recomendaciones dietéticas. Se evaluó el impacto de la metodología de juego de roles en base a sus opiniones antes y después de la actividad, reportando una experiencia positiva y mayor conocimiento en nutrición. En cuanto a la resolución del caso clínico, se ha observado que el alumno tiene los conocimientos suficientes para resolverlo, pero presenta deficiencias en la organización de la información y habilidades comunicativas.[EN] The teaching innovation activity that is presented is part of the NutClinROLE project with financial support from the "Vicerectorado de Formación Permanente, Transformació Docent i Ocupació" of the University of Valencia, (UV-SFPIE_PID-2075858). It is based on carrying out simulation training in nutrition, as an innovative methodological strategy for teaching nutrition sciences and dietetics in higher education. The objective of this work was to make videos of simulation in clinical nutrition to learn and practice skills in nutritional interviews. The clinical cases that were developed in the simulation were about patients with kidney disease. The students worked after viewing the videos, establishing the roles of patient and nutritionist for the resolution of other clinical cases in nutrition. During the activity, it was incorporated information about the patient and his pathology, including anthropometric and analytical data, however the nutritionist does not have this information and must solve and guide the patient nutritionally during the simulation. During the training, the students acquired knowledge about chronic renal failure, and put into practice nutritional interviews and dietary recommendations. The impact of the role-play methodology was evaluated based on their opinions before and after the activity. It was reported a positive experience and greater knowledge in nutrition. Regarding the resolution of the clinical case, it has been observed that the student has sufficient knowledge to solve it, but presents deficiencies in the organization of information and communication skills.Agradecer al Centro de Simulación Interdisciplinar en Salud (CESIS) , al Taller de Audiovisuales (TAU) y al Servei de Llengües i Política Lingüística, de la Universitat de Valencia, su disponibilidad para llevar a cabo el trabajo. Este trabajo ha contado con una ayuda económica de la convocatoria del Vicerectorat d’Ocupació i Programes Formatius de la Universitat de València para el Desarrollo de Proyectos de Innovación Educativa para el curso 2022-2023 (UV-SFPIE_PID-2075858).Juan García, C.; Juan García, I.; Blesa Jarque, J.; Pallarés Barrachina, N.; Castagnini, J.; Moltó Cortés, J.; Barba Orellana, F. (2023). Casos de nefrología en nutrición clínica mediante vídeos de simulación. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1029-1038. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2023.2023.166491029103