11 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas penggunaan lembar kerja siswa dalam meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Raburia Kabupaten Ende. Hasil observasi menunjukan bahwa aktifitas belajar siswa belum maksimal dilakukan karena kurangnya penggunaan alat bantu dalam pembelajaran atau sarana pendukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan salah satunya adalah lembar kerja siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan subjek peneliti adalah siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Raburia dan pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan nilai rata-rata serta prosentasi keaktifan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa aktivitas belajar siswa pada kegiatan pra tindakan sebesar 54%. Dari hasil pra tindakan akan dilakukan tindakan siklus I dan hasil aktivitas mencapai 56% dengan kriteria kurang aktif. Selanjutnya dilakukan perbaikan disiklus II dan mencapai hasil sebesar 80% dengan kriteria aktif. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lembar kerja siswa sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan aktifitas pembelajaran IPS karena terciptanya komunikasi antara guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas

    Analisis Perangkat Pembelajaran IPS Menggunakan Pendekatan Kontekstual Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa

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    This research is a development research that aims to describe the development of social studies learning devices using a contextual approach in the fourth grade of the Roworeke 2 Catholic elementary school. The research model used is 4-D development which is reduced to 3-D, namely define, design, and develop. The learning devices developed include lesson plans and student worksheets which were tested in class IV B as a test class consisting of 25 students, and class IV A as a control class consisting of 26 students at Roworeke 2 Catholic Elementary School. The research instrument consisted of an observation sheet on the implementation of learning, an observation sheet for student learning activities and a student response questionnaire sheet. Data was collected using interview, observation, and questionnaire techniques. The implementation of social studies learning using a contextual approach in the experimental class using the observation sheet instrument showed that the teacher's ability to carry out social studies learning on historical heritage materials using a contextual approach was 73% and was stated to be well implemented. While the analysis of the results of student learning activities using social studies learning devices with a contextual approach and lecture method as follows: experimental class activity I 65% and control class 31%, while activity II 65% in the experimental class and 35% in the control class. So it can be concluded that the activity in the experimental class is better (active category) than the activity in the control class

    Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional Petak Umpet terhadap Penyesuaian Sosial Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar

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    The aim of the research was to find out the influence of traditional game hide-and-seek to the social adaptation of elementary students in RT 01 and 02 South Rewarangga. The method of the research was quantitative research. The sample was the elementary students of graden 4, 5 and 6 consist of 57 students through probability sampling whichc included in simple random sampling. The instruments used were questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical technique, try out  test including normality, linearity and regression test. The result included regression result Y= 49.739 + 0,498X, the significant score was 0,019 smaller than probability score 0,05, t obtain was 2,444 higher than the t table 2,026 and R Square was 0,139 or 13,9% whereas the rest was 86,1% influenced by other variables. In conclusion, there was a significant influence of the application of traditional game hide-and-seek towward elementary students social adaptation. Keywords: Traditional Games, Hide and Seek, Social Adaptation, Elementary School Student

    Edukasi Kesadaran Menjaga Lingkungan Bersih di Sekolah Dasar Inpres Ende 14

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    The purpose of this activity is to shape the mindset of the students of the Inpres Ende 14 Elementary School as the younger generation and as family members to care and maintain the surrounding environment and students can also be used as ambassadors for cleanliness in their families and homes. This activity is expected to create a clean, comfortable and healthy environment. Therefore, environmental hygiene must be applied from an early age so that they have a far-sighted mindset and will become agents of change in their environment. The method used in this activity is the lecture method. The lecture method is used to provide students with an understanding of the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment and the problems it causes and its impact on the environment as well as how to sort waste and process waste. After this activity, the waste management process will be continued. The activity begins with delivering material about a clean environment. The material presented is about the importance of keeping the environment clean, the origin of waste, the problems caused by waste and its impact on the environment. In these activities, the students seemed very enthusiastic and enthusiastic and the students also seemed very happy. After delivering the material, it was followed by cleaning the school environment and its surroundings as an application of lecture activities

    English for the Beginners di Era New Normal melalui Joyful Learning di SDI Turekisa, Ngada-Flores, NTT

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    Dunia pendidikan seolah-olah “mati suri” di tengah-tengah bergejolaknya wabah covid-19. Hal ini berdampak pada menurunnya minat belajar bahasa Inggris bagi para pembelajar pemula (English for the beginners) di SDI Turekisa, Kabupaten Ngada, Flores-NTT. Kegiatan ini melibatkan English for the beginners di SDI Turekisa dengan rata-rata usia 10-11 tahun melalui metode joyful learning. Hasil dari kegiatan ini memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap minat belajar dan peningkatan English skills bagi para peserta kegiatan. Untuk itu, kegiatan English for the Beginners di era new normal melalui metode Joyful Learning dengan beberapa teknik pendekatan antara lain ceramah interaktif, songs and games, drilling dan demonstrasi dapat dijadikan pilihan alternative dalam kegiatan ini untuk mengembalikan mood belajar siswa yang terlanjur “mati suri”

    Pelatihan Penyusunan Proposal PTK Kepada Para Guru Sekolah Dasar Di Gugus 3 Kabupaten Ende

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     The responsibility of teachers as professional educators is imperative in carrying out their duties. To become professional teachers, elementary school teachers in cluster 3 of Ende sub-district feel the need to get enlightenment and scientific practice through training in the preparation of Classroom Action Research proposals, so that these teachers can create quality learning in the classroom. The method of this activity is in the form of training with stages starting from the presentation of the material by the resource team to the preparation of a Classroom Action Research proposal by the teachers. The results of this training show that on average the teachers are able to understand the concept of Classroom Action Research well with indicators that teachers can identify and determine the focus of research, determine learning strategies that are considered appropriate from relevant scientific literature, and can draft Classroom Action Research proposals. Thus this training activity has a positive impact on teacher professionalism in an effort to improve the competence of students in the classroom. For this reason, teachers are expected to continue to strive to carry out scientific activities, one of which is in the form of Classroom Action Research, so that teachers can morally continue to contribute to human resource development through the education sector


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    ABSTRAKPandemic Covid-l9 di Indonesia sudah satu tahun berlalu, tetapi sampai saat ini masih hangat dii media massa dan dampaknya masih terasa di mana mana. Selain kesehatan, dampak dari Covid-I9 ini. juga mengancan perekonomian dan kehidupan sehari hari masyarakat. Kegiatan untuk mencari nafkah juga terhambat akibat adanya PPKM ini sehingga pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari hari juga menjadi terkendala. Melihat kondisi ini, beberapa dosen dan Mahasiswa/i Universitas Flores berinisiatif memberikan bantuan dan berbagi kasih Menyongsong Natal Tahun 2021 pada anak anak panti Asuhan Alma benyandang stabilitas (cacat). Di Jalan Woloare B, kelurahan Kota Ratu Kabupaten Ende Flores NTT sebagai salah satu realisasi dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Sasaran objek yang diberi bantuan adalah Panti Asuhan Rumah ALMA distabilitas, di mana jumlah anak yang mendapatkan bantuan sejumlah 97 orang. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa sembako yang dapat dipergunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari hari. Diharapkan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dapat meringankan beban kehidupan anak anak panti Asuhan  Distabilitas Alma berjumlah 53 oarang selama masa covid-I9 ini masih berlangsung. Kata Kunci: berbagi kasih; pantih asuhan ALMA; menyongsong natal. ABSTRACTIt has been a year since the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has passed, but until now it is still warm in the mass media and its impact is still being felt everywhere. In addition to health, the impact of Covid-I9. It also threatens the economy and people's daily lives. Activities to earn a living are also hampered due to this PPKM so that the fulfillment of daily needs is also hampered. Seeing this condition, several lecturers and students at the University of Flores took the initiative to provide assistance and share their love for Christmas 2021 for the children of the Alma Orphanage with disabilities. On Jalan Woloare B, Kota Ratu sub-district, Ende Flores Regency, NTT as one of the realizations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The target object that was given assistance was the ALMA Disability Orphanage, where the number of children who received assistance was 97 people. The assistance provided is in the form of basic necessities that can be used to meet daily needs. It is hoped that this Community Service activity can ease the burden on the lives of the children of the Alma Disability Orphanage, amounting to 53 people during the COVID-19 period. Keywords: sharing love; pantih asuhan ALMA; welcoming christmas

    Joyful Learning Berbasis Objek Wisata Flores: Sebuah Upaya Kreatif untuk Menstimulasi English Speaking Skills Siswa

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    The learning process is one of the upstream factors that contribute to learning outcomes. For this reason, teachers’ creativity is needed in this process because teachers’ creativity can affect the level of students’ success. This study aims to determine the significance of teachers’ creativity through the Joyful learning approach based on Flores tourism in stimulating English speaking skills of 29 fourth grade elementary school students at SD GMIT Ende 4. The data were collected through observation, interviews, tests and documentation. The data were then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the analysis showed a significant increase in the value of speaking skills in the subjects studied in each cycle of action. The percentage increase from pre-test to cycle 1 was 73.5%, while the percentage increase from cycle 1 to cycle 2 was 84.8%. Thus, it can be concluded that the Joyful Learning approach based on Flores tourism objects can be used as a creative and innovative effort that is feasible to be applied in speaking classes because it can improve students' speaking skills


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    ABSTRAKBahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa pengantar yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi diseluruh dunia. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk pemula (beginners) adalah hal yang harus dilakukan sehingga bisa dijadikan bekal untuk anak dimasa depan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan bahasa Inggris sejak dini kepada anak-anak serta mampu meningkatkan motivasi serta rasa percaya diri anak-anak dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Salah satu aktivitas yang dilakukan adalah kegiatan Fun with English yang merupakan a recommended activity to motivate kids in learning English dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang beragam sehingga anak-anak tidak merasa jenuh bahkan bosan dalam proses belajar seperti ceramah, Think Pair Share, games serta lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris. Dari kegiatan ini anak-anak SEKAMI menjadi merasa percaya diri, pembelajaran yang diberikanpun sangat disenangi oleh anak-anak. Saran bagi pemerhati bahasa Inggris adalah untuk lebih meningkatkan kreativitas melalui berbagai macam cara untuk membumikan bahasa Inggris di bumi nusantara. Kata kunci: fun with English; SEKAMI. ABSTRACTEnglish language is a medium language which used to communicate in all over the world. English learning for the beginners is the important thing that have to do so that it can be supplied for their future. The aim of this activity was to introduce English as early as possible to children and could enhance their motivation and their confidence in using English. One of the activity is Fun with English activity that is a recommended activity to motivate children in learning English by implementing various learning methods in order that the children will never get bored and saturated during learning process. These activities such as lectures, Think Pair Share, games and also English songs. From this activity, the children of SEKAMI become have their self confidence, they felt happy with the materials are given by their teacher. The suggestion is addressed to English observer is they have to be more aware in increasing the creativity through many activities. Keywords: fun with English, SEKAM

    Pendampingan Kegiatan Fun With English Padpendampingan Kegiatan Fun With English pada Serikat Anak Misioner (Sekami) Stasi St. Zakharia, Keusukupan Agung Ende, Flores, NTT

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    Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa pengantar yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi diseluruh dunia. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk pemula (beginners) adalah hal yang harus dilakukan sehingga bisa dijadikan bekal untuk anak dimasa depan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan bahasa Inggris sejak dini kepada anak-anak serta mampu meningkatkan motivasi serta rasa percaya diri anak-anak dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Salah satu aktivitas yang dilakukan adalah kegiatan Fun with English yang merupakan a recommended activity to motivate kids in learning English dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang beragam sehingga anak-anak tidak merasa jenuh bahkan bosan dalam proses belajar seperti ceramah, Think Pair Share, games serta lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris. Dari kegiatan ini anak-anak SEKAMI menjadi merasa percaya diri, pembelajaran yang diberikanpun sangat disenangi oleh anak-anak. Saran bagi pemerhati bahasa Inggris adalah untuk lebih meningkatkan kreativitas melalui berbagai macam cara untuk membumikan bahasa Inggris di bumi nusantara