376 research outputs found

    Cocriação remota entre equipes de agências publicitárias portuguesas: uma nova era de trabalho

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    Atualmente podemos observar que o mercado de trabalho sofreu inúmeras mudanças por causa da pandemia causada pelo COVID-19. Processos que antes eram presenciais, agora passam a ser cada vez mais realizados remotamente através de ferramentas digitais, as quais estão em constante evolução de acordo com o ambiente. Além da modernização tecnológica, os processos cocriativos também transitaram para o mundo virtual, sendo cada vez mais utilizados pelas empresas e agências, ao mesmo tempo que o lado humano no trabalho em equipe se tronou cada vez mais exigente e desafiante. Apesar do uso contínuo da cocriação, a maioria dos estudos retratam as interações entre grandes marcas e a sociedade, mas pouco sobre como se desenvolvem tais momentos dentro das agências de publicidade, especialmente em ambientes remotos. Deste modo, torna-se imprescindível investigar como os processos co criativos, junto as novas ferramentas digitais, podem impactar nos momentos co criativos realizados de forma remota, pelas equipas de agências publicitárias portuguesas. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi realizada em duas etapas: uma primeira de caráter qualitativo, e uma segunda de caráter quantitativo. A abordagem qualitativa foi realizada através de entrevistas online realizadas a diretores criativos das agências, com intuito de compreender como estão a ocorrer os processos de cocriação remota, que ferramentas utilizam e quais barreiras e aspetos positivos são promovidos com a utilização destes processos de forma remata. A segunda fase da pesquisa, implementada através de um inquérito online, destinado aos profissionais dos diferentes setores que uma agência possui, visou compreender se o conceito de cocriação de cada profissional é similar ao dos seus líderes, aspetos positivos e negativos de cada etapa do processo cocriativo realizado remotamente, que ferramentas digitais os auxiliam, qual a frequência da cocriação remota, bem como analisar se os pontos negativos das etapas co criativas servem de motivos para influenciar na produtividade dos profissionais, afetando sua saúde emocional e psicológica. Após todas as duas análise, foi possível compreender que os processos cocriativos estão cada vez mais frequentes no ambiente de trabalho remoto, profissionais de diversas áreas já possuem experiência e conhecimento sobre o assunto, entretanto, por se tratar de um ambiente a distância, os momentos cocriativos acabam por sofrer com o impasse entre o racional e o emocional. A falta de motivação correta e as limitações do mundo virtual no dia a dia, são algumas das causas que acabam por prejudicar a qualidade na entrega dos projetos. Tudo isso passa a gerar novos desafios a serem estudados e enfrentados.Currently, Its possible to inform that the working environment has changed because of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Processes that were previously in-person are now being intensified remotely through digital tools, in which they are constantly evolving according to the environment. In addition to technological evolution, cocreative processes have had also their transitions for virtual world, greatly, each day more, reinforced in companies and agencies, while the human side of institutions was increasingly demanded. Despite the continuous use of cocreation, most studies portray about interactions between big brands and society, but little about such moments within advertising agencies. A place where, the human factor, there is still loss of times. Thus, it is essential to investigate how co-creative processes, together with new digital tools, can impact co-creative moments, remotely, between teams of Portuguese advertising agencies. The methodology adopted follows two types of research: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative approach will be carried out through online distributions with the agencies' creative directors, in order to understand how remote co-creation is performed, which tools they use and which barriers and strengths they can perceive in the various projects. In addition, in a second phase, there will be an online survey, aimed at professionals from different sectors inside agencies, in order to understand if the concept of creation of each professional is similar to their leaders, which positive and negative points of each stage of the creative process, which digital tools help them, how often is co-creation, now remotely, and analyzing whether the negative points of the co-creative steps serve as reasons to influence the productivity of professionals, affecting their emotional and psychological health. It will thus be possible to understand the behavior of professionals today, their beliefs, opinions about what does not work, in addition to different proportions through interactive and modern processes. After analizing the two phases, it was possible to realize that cocreative processes are, constantly, presente on virtual environment, professionais with different backgrounds show their knowledge and experience on the subjetc, on the other hand, leading with all the challenges totally isolated from the society, may develop a battle between the rational and the emotional feeling. The lack of motivation from the leaders and the virtual limitations, are some of the reasons which end up to disturb the delivering of the final projetcs. All this leading a new rise of challenges to be studied and faced

    Suicídio entre médicos : análise de uma década

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Francisco VairoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências da Saúde. Curso de Especialização em Medicina do TrabalhoInclui referência

    Modelo de parecer psiquiátrico forense ao Ministério Público

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Geraldo Celso RochaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências da Saúde. Curso de Especialização em Perícias Medicas.Inclui referênciasResumo : O presente artigo apresenta um modelo de parecer técnico ao Ministério Público no âmbito das Perícias Médicas Psiquiátricas. Trata-se de um trabalho de conclusão de curso de Especialização em Perícias Médicas que visa auxiliar médicos peritos, psiquiatras e não- psiquiatras, na elaboração de documento médico-legal em resposta à demanda específica do Ministério Público. Neste caso, o Promotor de Justiça deu ordem à Secretaria Municipal de Saúde para que determinado cidadão do município fosse avaliado por profissional especialista em Psiquiatria a fim de dirimir dúvidas da Promotoria. Este trabalho traz, na íntegra, o parecer técnico em que o psiquiatra faz uma análise do caso quanto à presença ou ausência de doenças mentais e pondera acerca de suas possíveis repercussões no que tange as avaliações específicas de capacidade / incapacidades para a vida civil

    Current and Future Perspectives of Ethnomathematics as a Program

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    Mathematics Education; Learning; Teachin

    Oxygen vacancy engineering of TaOx-based resistive memories by Zr doping for improved variability and synaptic behavior

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    Resistive switching devices are promising emerging non-volatile memories. However, one of the biggest challenges for resistive switching (RS) memory applications is the device-to-device (D2D) variability which is related to the intrinsic stochastic formation and configuration of oxygen vacancy (VO) conductive filaments. In order to reduce D2D variability, the control of oxygen vacancy formation and configuration is paramount. We report in this study Zr doping of TaOx-based RS devices prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) as an efficient mean to reduce VO formation energy and increase conductive filament (CF) confinement, thus reducing D2D variability. Such findings were supported by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and electronic transport analysis. Zr doped films presented increased VO concentration, and more localized VO thanks to the interaction with Zr. According to DC and pulse mode electrical characterization, D2D variability was decreased by a factor of 7, resistance window was doubled and a more gradual and monotonic long-term potentiation/depression (LTP/LTD) in pulse switching was achieved in forming-free Zr:TaOx devices thus displaying promising performance for artificial synapse applications.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Morse taper implants at different bone levels: a finite element analysis of stress distribution

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    AIM: To explore the biomechanical effects of the different implantation bone levels of Morse taper implants, employing a finite element analysis (FEA). METHODS: Dental implants (TitamaxCM) with 4x13 mm and 4x11 mm, and their respective abutments with 3.5 mm height, simulating a screwed premolar metal-ceramic crown, had their design performed using the software AnsysWorkbench 10.0. They were positioned in bone blocks, covered by 2.5 mm thickness of mucosa. The cortical bone was designed with 1.5 mm thickness and the trabecular bone completed the bone block. Four groups were formed: group 11CBL (11 mm implant length on cortical bone level), group 11TBL (11 mm implant length on trabecular bone level), group 13CBL (13mm implant length on cortical bone level) and group 13TBL (13 mm implant length on trabecular bone level). Oblique 200 N loads were applied. Von Mises equivalent stresses in cortical and trabecular bones were evaluated with the same design program. RESULTS: The results were shown qualitatively and quantitatively by standard scales for each type of bone. By the results obtained, it can be suggested that positioning the implant completely in trabecular bone brings harm with respect to the generated stresses. Its implantation in the cortical bone has advantages with respect to better anchoring and locking, reflecting a better dissipation of the stresses along the implant/bone interfaces. In addition, the search for anchoring the implant in its apical region in cortical bone is of great value to improve stabilization and consequently better stress distribution. CONCLUSIONS: The implant position slightly below the bone in relation to the bone crest brings advantages as the best long-term predictability with respect to the expected neck bone loss

    Water and agriculture

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    This chapter shows the strong links between water, agriculture and the economy in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC). Both green and blue water are vital for LAC's economies and for its food security. Awareness of LAC's virtual water trade volumes and water footprints alone will not solve the local or global water problems. However, the awareness gained increases the likelihood that optimized water allocation decisions, which consider the hydrological and economical aspects of water resources, are made. • Agriculture is a significant economic sector for many LAC countries with some being major world players in the agricultural commodities world markets, such is the case for Brazil and Argentina who contribute to 13% of the global green water export. At the micro level, agriculture still plays a significant role for the food security of the population. • The consumptive water use of agricultural production was on average 1,057Gm 3 / yr for the period 1996–2005; of which, 95% corresponds to the green water footprint, whereas 5% refers to the blue component. This indicates that LAC relies heavily on green water for agricultural production, i.e. rain-fed agriculture. • Maize is a fundamental crop in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru, representing 15% of the total agricultural blue and green water footprint (773,408hm 3 /yr) and contributing to 35% of the agricultural nitrogen pollution, estimated as grey water footprint, in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Only in Mexico, maize contributes 60% of the agricultural grey water footprint. • Grazing represents 24% of the total green water footprint of agriculture in these countries. The blue water consumption by the animal water supply is very significant in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru, which amounts to 13% (38,825hm 3 /yr) of the total consumption

    Comparative untargeted metabolome analysis of ruminal fuid and feces of Nelore steers (Bos indicus).

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    We conducted a study to identify the fecal metabolite profle and its proximity to the ruminal metabolism of Nelore steers based on an untargeted metabolomic approach. Twenty-six Nelore were feedlot with same diet during 105 d. Feces and rumen fuid were collected before and at slaughter, respectively. The metabolomics analysis indicated 49 common polar metabolites in the rumen and feces. Acetate, propionate, and butyrate were the most abundant polar metabolites in both bio-samples. The rumen presented signifcantly higher concentrations of the polar compounds when compared to feces (P< 0.05); even though, fecal metabolites presented an accentuated representability of the ruminal fuid metabolites. All fatty acids present in the ruminal fuid were also observed in the feces, except for C20:2n6 and C20:4n6. The identifed metabolites ofer information on the main metabolic pathways (higher impact factor and P< 0.05), as synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies; the alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolisms, the glycine, serine; and threonine metabolism and the pyruvate metabolism. The fndings reported herein on the close relationship between the ruminal fuid and feces metabolic profles may ofer new metabolic information, in addition to facilitating the sampling for metabolism investigation in animal production and health routines
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