30 research outputs found

    Bactericidal, protistocidal, nematodicidal properties and chemical composition of ethanol extract of Punica granatum peel

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    We have studied the chemical composition and antibacterial profile of ethanolic extract of Punica granatum L. (Lythraceae) on strains of microorganisms in vitro. Analysis using GC-MS showed 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (36.6%), D-sucrose (23.2%), sorbitol (6.7%), palmitic acid β-monoglyceride (5.6%), 2-furancarboxaldehyde (3.5%) and β-D-glucopyranose (3.3%) as the major components of the title extract. The experiment revealed a positive antibacterial effect of extracts obtained from P. granatum on 14 strains specifically Enterobacteriaceae microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aegorenеs, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumonia), Listeriaceae (Listeria ivanovi, L. іnnocua, L. monocytogenes) and yeasts from the family Saccharomycetaceae (Candida albicans). Our study showed that in many cases these extracts more intensively affect multi-resistant strains of microorganisms than macrolide antibiotic azithromycin and is therefore a source of molecules to be exploited in medicine or by the pharmaceutical industry. The investigated extracts of P. granatum can be recommended for further in-depth research against poly-resistant strains of the above-mentioned microorganisms. Effective drugs perform a leading role in providing stable veterinary well-being of livestock and healthcare of the population. The present study showed that the studied plant species more intensively affects multi-resistant strains of microorganisms than sodium salt of azithromycin. Lethal concentration (LC50) of ethanol extract from pomegranate for Paramecium caudatum Ehr. equaled 0.3%. Death of 100% of nematode larvae of Strongyloides papillosus (Ihle) was recorded during 24 h exposition in 20% extract of P. granatum peel

    Critical phenomena on scale-free networks: logarithmic corrections and scaling functions

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    In this paper, we address the logarithmic corrections to the leading power laws that govern thermodynamic quantities as a second-order phase transition point is approached. For phase transitions of spin systems on d-dimensional lattices, such corrections appear at some marginal values of the order parameter or space dimension. We present new scaling relations for these exponents. We also consider a spin system on a scale-free network which exhibits logarithmic corrections due to the specific network properties. To this end, we analyze the phase behavior of a model with coupled order parameters on a scale-free network and extract leading and logarithmic correction-to-scaling exponents that determine its field- and temperature behavior. Although both non-trivial sets of exponents emerge from the correlations in the network structure rather than from the spin fluctuations they fulfil the respective thermodynamic scaling relations. For the scale-free networks the logarithmic corrections appear at marginal values of the node degree distribution exponent. In addition we calculate scaling functions, which also exhibit nontrivial dependence on intrinsic network properties.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Unique metabolites protect earthworms against plant polyphenols

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    All higher plants produce polyphenols, for defence against above-ground herbivory. These polyphenols also influence the soil micro- and macro-fauna that break down plant leaf litter. Polyphenols therefore indirectly affect the fluxes of soil nutrients and, ultimately, carbon turnover and ecosystem functioning in soils. It is unknown how earthworms, the major component of animal biomass in many soils, cope with high-polyphenol diets. Here, we show that earthworms possess a class of unique surface-active metabolites in their gut, which we term ‘drilodefensins’. These compounds counteract the inhibitory effects of polyphenols on earthworm gut enzymes, and high-polyphenol diets increase drilodefensin concentrations in both laboratory and field populations. This shows that drilodefensins protect earthworms from the harmful effects of ingested polyphenols. We have identified the key mechanism for adaptation to a dietary challenge in an animal group that has a major role in organic matter recycling in soils worldwide

    Correlated dynamics in egocentric communication networks

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    We investigate the communication sequences of millions of people through two different channels and analyze the fine grained temporal structure of correlated event trains induced by single individuals. By focusing on correlations between the heterogeneous dynamics and the topology of egocentric networks we find that the bursty trains usually evolve for pairs of individuals rather than for the ego and his/her several neighbors thus burstiness is a property of the links rather than of the nodes. We compare the directional balance of calls and short messages within bursty trains to the average on the actual link and show that for the trains of voice calls the imbalance is significantly enhanced, while for short messages the balance within the trains increases. These effects can be partly traced back to the technological constrains (for short messages) and partly to the human behavioral features (voice calls). We define a model that is able to reproduce the empirical results and may help us to understand better the mechanisms driving technology mediated human communication dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    A survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis

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    A Theoretical Analysis of the Geography of Schistosomiasis in Burkina Faso Highlights the Roles of Human Mobility and Water Resources Development in Disease Transmission

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    We study the geography of schistosomiasis across Burkina Faso by means of a spatially explicit model of water-based disease dynamics. The model quantitatively addresses the geographic stratification of disease burden in a novel framework by explicitly accounting for drivers and controls of the disease, including spatial information on the distributions of population and infrastructure, jointly with a general description of human mobility and climatic/ecological drivers. Spatial patterns of disease are analysed by the extraction and the mapping of suitable eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix subsuming the stability of the disease-free equilibrium. The relevance of the work lies in the novel mapping of disease burden, a byproduct of the parametrization induced by regional upscaling, by model-guided field validations and in the predictive scenarios allowed by exploiting the range of possible parameters and processes. Human mobility is found to be a primary control at regional scales both for pathogen invasion success and the overall distribution of disease burden. The effects of water resources development highlighted by systematic reviews are accounted for by the average distances of human settlements from water bodies that are habitats for the parasite's intermediate host. Our results confirm the empirical findings about the role of water resources development on disease spread into regions previously nearly disease-free also by inspection of empirical prevalence patterns. We conclude that while the model still needs refinements based on field and epidemiological evidence, the proposed framework provides a powerful tool for large-scale public health planning and schistosomiasis management

    Coupled order-parameter system on a scale-free network

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    The system of two scalar order parameters on a complex scale-free network is analyzed in the spirit of Landau theory. To add a microscopic background to the phenomenological approach we also study a particular spin Hamiltonian that leads to coupled scalar order behavior using the mean field approximation. Our results show that the system is characterized by either of two types of ordering: either one of the two order parameters is zero or both are non-zero but have the same value. While the critical exponents do not differ from those of a model with a single order parameter on a scale free network there are notable differences for the amplitude ratios and susceptibilities. Another peculiarity of the model is that the transverse susceptibility is divergent at all T<T_c, when O(n) symmetry is present. This behavior is related to the appearance of Goldstone modes.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure