21 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous Wireless Computing: Current Research Progress, Challenging, and Future Directions

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    -The aggressive research activities and generous studies focusing on the ubiquitous mobile computing carried-out during the last two decades have gained very tremendous outcomes to apply in broad areas of modern society lives. In the near future, the computing technology application is highly possible to emerge as the dominant method to connect any objects to the global ICT infrastructure, the internet. This talk mainly discusses several R&D achievements performed during the last five years by our researchers group at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. There are a number of attractive studies where the mobile computing concepts have been widely applied. These include wireless environment monitoring exploiting the powerful performance of the sensor networks, object tracking, smart building, smart parking, the intelligent transportation system (ITS), sub-marine environment monitoring, underwater mobile objects control, and biomedical engineering applications. The advanced studies concerning the wireless computing innovation such as the green and smart laboratory, wireless power transmission, high altitude communication systems and wireless digestive sensor network are also currently initiated. In general, most of the wireless computing apparatus constructed optimize the limited communication channels available in the ISM frequency bands. These spread from 433 MHz band, 875 ??? 925 MHz band, and 2.4 ??? 2.5 GHz band. The more challenging studies will later utilize the higher frequency bands including the 5 GHz and 10 GHz bands. Some technical and non technical experience existed in the adoption of the traditional methods on the mobile computing devices construction will be analytically compared with the modern design concepts supported by the advanced mobile operating systems (such as Android OS, Windows mobile OS, Tizen OS and iOS platforms). The significant impacts of the rapid development of the mobile computing technologies to the improvement of the curriculum of the telecommunication and informatics engineering study program will be also presented

    Multi Medical Data Visualizations for Maintaining Wireless Body Networks (WBNs) Capability

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    The current progress on the study of wireless body networks (WBNs) has gained tremendous achievements to be applied in various modern e-Health technologies. The manuscript examines a typical WBN configuration incorporated with the corresponding multi-medical data visualization window to maintain the patient medical data recording. Several numbers of the basic time-series data visualization approaches are adopted. The WBN was constructed to operate at 2.4 GHz ISM unlicensed band. The utilization of the designed WBN allows the physician or authorized health officers to perform routine health checks, anytime and anywhere, to a patient who is in the intensive health care status. The e-Health monitoring network is very suitable to place in the ICU/emergency rooms or it can be used by patients who are under regular treatment from a remote location. One unit WBN can be connected to the multi medical sensors of the different functions such as an ECG sensor to measure heart rate; a pulse sensor to measure the blood pressure; a temperature LM35DZ sensor to collect the human body temperature; a respiration sensor to measure the patient's breath and a video camera to observe the patient physical condition. An extensive evaluation of the designed WBN will be discussed more detailed later

    Hybrid RF-Energy Harvester for IoT Smart Device Applications Low Power Consumption

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    Energy independence and long battery lifetime, the vision of 5G technology is one of them for IoT smart devices. Focusing on the challenges in this technological vision, the solution for this system is to harvest the energy sources around it as a backup or eliminate the use of batteries. The output of the hybrid energy harvester method as a solution to energy independence using radio frequency (RF) waves has been optimized in this study. The double-T patch microstrip antenna based on CSRR metamaterial as an RF energy harvester works at the ISM band frequency of 2.45 GHz and has return loss, gain and bandwidth values that are in accordance with the concept of the RF-Energy harvester system. This antenna is capable of absorbing energy using a DC converter circuit at a maximum distance of 6.79 V using 2 access points at the position of the transmitting antenna facing each other with a conversion efficiency of 6.68%. One method to maximize the output of the energy harvester is also carried out in this study by doing a hybrid with a mini solar cell, which is able to carry out constant voltage and can charge the load in the form of a cellphone. The hybrid RF-Energy harvester system designed in this research can be used as a source of energy in smart devices with small power requirements

    Four Elements Array of Lungs Shape Patch Antenna for Nanosatellite Telemetry

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    Abstract???The paper discusses some technical issues on the construction of antenna system incorporated with a designed nano satellite. The preliminary LEO satellite model has been developed for the environmental telemetry application. The designed four elements lungs patch structure was initially installed outside the prism body of nano satellite. The lungs antenna array was constructed in such away for electronic\ud rotateable along 90 degree rotation, vertical or horizontal orientation. Both the numerical and experimental evaluations of 2.4 GHz lungs array confirmed a sufficient operation bandwidth suitable for long distance telemetry application, abruptly, 50 MHz could\ud be achieved. The elliptical polarization property was verified via the numerical computation where the axial ratio was slightly greater than 5 dB

    Sistem Jaringan Nirkabel Dual-Sensor untuk Monitoring Data Medik Pasien

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    Riset tentang penggunaan sistem jaringan nirkabel untuk monitoring tanda-tanda vital kesehatan manusia terus mengalami perkembangan. Salah satu penelitian sebelumnya menghasilkan aplikasi jaringan sensor nirkabel untuk monitoring denyut nadi. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan berupa penggunaan jaringan nirkabel untuk memantau denyut nadi manusia, aplikasi ini menggunakan sensor tunggal (single sensor) dengan menggunakan jaringan Xbee sebagai media pengirim data. Dari uraian tersebut, dibutuhkan penelitian lanjutan dengan orientasi riset pada pemakaian lebih dari satu sensor (dual-sensor) serta penggunaan jaringan nirkabel yang berbeda yaitu jaringan bluetooth untuk mengirim data dari perangkat sensor ke smartphone android sebagai perangkat penerima. Hasil pengujian throughput dan data loss menunjukkan\ud bahwa bluetooth mempunyai stabilitas yang baik dalam melakukan pengiriman data tanpa data loss dalam jangkauan maksimal 9,5 meter dalam ruang terbuka dengan\ud throughput 0,97 kbps dan maksimal 17 meter dalam ruang tertutup dengan throughput yang sama yaitu 0,97 kbps

    Analisis Karakteristik Saluran Komunikasi Satelit Bergerak Berdasarkan Rasio S/N Daerah Makassar Kondisi Clear Sky

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    Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran dan analisis signal strength GPS dengan menguji software berbasis PC dengan sistem operasi Linux. Menggunakan beberapa sofware untuk pengambilan data, pengolahan dan pengujian GPS receiver yang memiliki kemampuan menentukan posisi user pada kondisi mobile (bergerak) dengan tampilan visual pada MAP (peta). Penelitian dilakukan pada beberapa lokasi yang memiliki topografi yang diinginkan. Software-software berbasis PC yang digunakan pada Sitem Operasi Linux (Ubuntu v 10.10) yaitu GPSd (GPS Daemon), GPSpipe, XGPS, dan Tango GPS untuk Map (Peta) sedangkan untuk software berbasis PC pada Windows yaitu Matlab v 7.6. Software-software tersebut sudah mempunyai kemampuan menampilkan posisi satelit dan user beserta informasi yang sangat penting tanpa harus menerima data mentah lagi pada NMEA 0183 dalam kondisi mobile. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan nilai S/N dari masing-masing satelit yang tertangkap oleh penerima di daerah kota Makassar.Penelitian ini terfokus pada tiga titik 3 (tiga) kondisi yakni LOS (line of sight), NLOS Moderate dan NLOS Heavy. Data yang diinput dari NMEA GPS pipe untuk 12 PRN disortir dan output yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk grafik kualitas signal strength setiap PRN satelit, untuk tampilan visual pada XGPS.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran dan analisis signal strength GPS dengan menguji software berbasis PC dengan sistem operasi Linux. Menggunakan beberapa sofware untuk pengambilan data, pengolahan dan pengujian GPS receiver yang memiliki kemampuan menentukan posisi user pada kondisi mobile (bergerak) dengan tampilan visual pada MAP (peta). Penelitian dilakukan pada beberapa lokasi yang memiliki topografi yang diinginkan. Software-software berbasis PC yang digunakan pada Sitem Operasi Linux (Ubuntu v 10.10) yaitu GPSd (GPS Daemon), GPSpipe, XGPS, dan Tango GPS untuk Map (Peta) sedangkan untuk software berbasis PC pada Windows yaitu Matlab v 7.6. Software-software tersebut sudah mempunyai kemampuan menampilkan posisi satelit dan user beserta informasi yang sangat penting tanpa harus menerima data mentah lagi pada NMEA 0183 dalam kondisi mobile. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan nilai S/N dari masing-masing satelit yang tertangkap oleh penerima di daerah kota Makassar.Penelitian ini terfokus pada tiga titik 3 (tiga) kondisi yakni LOS (line of sight), NLOS Moderate dan NLOS Heavy. Data yang diinput dari NMEA GPS pipe untuk 12 PRN disortir dan output yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk grafik kualitas signal strength setiap PRN satelit, untuk tampilan visual pada XGPS

    An IoT Based Power Consumption and Losses Monitoring Technique Applied for a Mini Scale Electrical Network

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    Consumption of the electrical energy increases significantly per year in many consumer segments including a residential power consumption sector, educational institution, industry sectors and government. Calculation and reporting tasks of the up-dated information regarding the power consumption is a crucial issue both for the electrical power service provider and end users. Those require fairly data recording and appropriate computation. In practice, the reported power consumption of each user does not appropriately indicate the actual electrical energy utilized as for the intended purposes. The power electrical consumption profile might be also contributed from the power losses encountered in the entire mini scale electrical network such as house electrical power installation network, building, offices and so on. The traditional standardized method to monitor the electrical power consumption and to analytically compute the corresponding power losses is straightforwardly performed by recording several important electrical parameters indicated on a power electrical meter module well known as kWH meter. To obtain the accurate value of actual power losses it is required the following wasting time and complicated procedures by observing whole particular electrical installation network and recording all data variabilities. Through the extensive conventional monitoring and analytical computing the intended power losses could be obtained. The novel attractive, efficient and robust technique to allow users' to real-timely monitoring the amount of energy consumption and losses for daily basis was proposed in the manuscript. So far, several energy monitoring systems have been developed but have not been able to calculate the amount of lost energy. This information is very important for analyzing energy consumption. In this paper, an Internet of Things-Based Energy Monitoring System is built using the PZEM-004T sensor module which can monitor the amount of energy consumption and lost energy simultaneously. After testing, the built-up monitoring system provided an incredibly high accuracy of 97.96% from the comparison results with two different conventional electrical meter units. The significant impact of using the developed energy monitoring system that the users can simultaneously monitor the consumption and lost energy, at any time and accessed from anywhere via the available internet connection in a flexible and real-time way


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    An Introduction of Game-Based Interactive Learning at SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kabupaten PangkepAbstract. Community service was be carried out at SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kab. Pangkep to provide new insights for students regarding learning methods and materials using interactive game as an educational medium for Natural Sciences subjects. This educational game is a type of Role Playing Game (RPG) that will encourage players actively digging up information to enrich knowledge while playing a game that has has complex storytelling elements and role-playing arts that making the player feels like being the character they play in the game. As a part of development in learning medium, this game is expected to add insights to teachers and students at SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Pangkep. In the learning process in schools, the material delivered by the teacher is limited, because students only memorize the names of elements in an inefficient manner or just memorize the sequence of elements from the periodic table. The purpose of this service is to socialize game-based interactive learning methods and conduct training related educational games about the Periodic System of Chemical Elements. In addition, this community service is also a venue for disseminating the results of research conducted by lecturers and students at the Hasanuddin University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Informatics, Engineering Faculty UNHAS regarding the application of interactive learning media.Keywords: Interactive game, chemistry elements, role playing game, socialization, public serviceAbstrak. Pengabdian masyarakat yang akan dilakukan di SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kab. Pangkep ini bertujuan untuk  memberikan wawasan baru bagi siswa terkait metode dan materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran game interaktif sebagai media edukasi untuk mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA). Game edukasi ini merupakan jenis game RPG (Role Playing Game) yang akan yang akan membimbing pemain secara aktif menggali informasi untuk memperkaya pengetahuan saat bermain yang memiliki unsur-unsur penceritaan yang kompleks serta seni peran yang membuat seseorang merasa seperti menjadi tokoh yang diperankannya dalam game tersebut. Pada proses pembelajaran di sekolah-sekolah, materi yang disampaikan oleh pengajar menjadi terbatas, karena pelajar hanya menghafal nama-nama unsur dengan cara yang tidak efisien atau hanya sekedar menghafal urutan unsur dari tabel periodik. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk mensosialisasikan metode pembelajaran interaktif berbasis game dan melakukan pelatihan terkait Game edukasi Sistem Periodik Unsur. Game edukatif ini membantu menyampaikan informasi tentang unsur-unsur kimia dengan menggabungkan Objek 2D dan Game edukasi berbasis windows. Sebagai bagian dari pengembangan media pembelajaran, maka diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan bagi para guru dan murid di SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kabupaten Pangkep. Selain itu, pengabdian masyarakat ini juga sebagai ajang sosialisasi hasil-hasil penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa pada Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Departemen Informatika, Fakultas Teknik UNHAS terkait aplikasi media pembelajaran interaktif.Kata Kunci: Game interaktif, senyawa kimia, role playing game, sosialisasi, pengabdian masyaraka


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    ABSTRAK Penerapan teknologi Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) sebagai alat pendeteksi telah menjadi topik yang terus menerus dikembangkan karena mampu menawarkan solusi untuk bandwidth, harga produksi, konsumsi daya, dan kebutuhan fisik yang relatif kecil untuk memperoleh pemetaan gambar scanning dari hasil pendeteksian objek dengan resolusi yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan kinerja dari sistem pendeteksi kanker payudara yang telah didesain dengan menggunakan antena mikrostrip stair UWB dan beberapa perangkat lainnya yang saling terintegrasi. Sistem ini menggunakan antena mikrostrip, phantom payudara dan tumor yang didesain pada software Ansoft HFSS v.13. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menempatkan tumor di dalam phantom dan melakukan scanning antena pada permukaan phantom sebanyak 10 kolom dan 10 baris koordinat sehingga total pixel yang dibuat sebanyak 100 pixel dengan empat keadaan berbeda yaitu saat phantom tanpa tumor, tumor dengan diameter 10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, dan 25 mm pada frekuensi resonansi acuan yaitu 3.9 GHz. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai respon koefisien refleksi (S11) mengalami penurunan pada daerah phantom yang terdapat tumor yaitu sebesar 0.02 dB, 0.05 dB, 0.19 dB dan 0.57 dB berdasarkan diameter tumor. Penurunan nilai S11 dijadikan acuan untuk menentukan lokasi tumor di dalam phantom payudara