335 research outputs found

    Observations on the mass culture of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria (PSB) and their role as diet in the production of rotifer and brine shrimp

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    The paper deals with the mass culture of photosynthetic sulphur bacteria using organic fertilizer of groundnut oil cake. A concentration of 870-950 million cells/ml was achieved in three days of inoculam. The size of the bacterium was around 0.3-0.5 y. PSB has a wide range of tolerance of salinity 25-40 ppt, temperature 25-35°C, and light. Brine shrimp was grown from nauplii to adult within 12 days and rotifer concentration of 202-210 nos/ml was obtained within 5 days rith this bacterial diet. Significant difference in survival and growth of brine shrimp and ,tifer concentration was not noticed between the microalgal and bacterial diets. The results of the study revealed that the PSB can be used as live food for the mass culture of brine shrim

    Continuous mass culture of live-feed to feed different stages of prawn and fishes

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    Live feeds are important in the diets of prawns and fishes in the culture pond, particularly to the larval stages and juveniles of prawns and fishes. The important live feed organisms are Artemia salina, rotifer Brachionus plicalitis and the freshwater cladoceran Moina spp

    Continuous culture of cladoceran, Moina sp. for rearing of postlarval prawns

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    A low-cost method for large scale culture of the fresh water cladoceran Moina sp. has been evolved. Moina is used in the frozen condition to feed the postlarvae of penaeid prawns reared at the NPCL of CMFRI

    Techniques for the mass culture of rotifers and moina

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    Successful hatchery production of fish and shellfish seeds for aquaculture depends on the availability of suitable live feed organisms

    Continuous culture of rotifers for larval rearing of marine prawns

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    After continued harvesting, when the rotiter population declines due to their resorting to sexual reproduction, the culture is rejuvenated in the same pool by renewing 1/3 volume of water and by refertilising. This continous culture with frequent harvesting can be maintained for over 2 months

    Development of novel techniques to maintain Chlorella spp. stock culture in artificial seawater

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    Chlorella spp. are used as feed to culture almost all species of zooplankton. Besides they form the important feed in the finfish/shell fish culture systems. Culture media such as Miquel's medium and Convey medium are conventionally used to maintain the stock culture of Chlorella spp. For the outdoor mass culture, water is enriched with groundnut oilcake, urea and super phosphate

    Formulation and Evaluation of Matrix tablets of Ambroxol hydrochloride using Natural hydrophilic polymer

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    Se prepararon comprimidos matriciales de liberación prolongada de clorhidrato de ambroxol con diversas proporciones de fármaco: polímero tales como F-1(1:1), F-2(1:1,5) y F-3 (1:2). Se utilizó goma xántica para la formación de la matriz y celulosa microcristalina como diluyente. Se prepararon y evaluaron gránulos para determinar la densidad aparente sin compactar, la densidad compactada, el índice de compresibilidad, el índice de Hausner y el ángulo de reposo. Todos los gránulos se lubricaron y comprimieron con punzones planos de 9 mm. Los comprimidos se evaluaron para determinar la uniformidad de peso, el contenido de principios activos, la friabilidad, la dureza y la disolución in vitro. Todas las formulaciones se ajustaron a los estándares farmacopeicos. F-3 mostró una liberación prolongada de fármaco durante 12 horas con una liberación del 97,3% y el perfi l de liberación fue similar al de la muestra de clorhidrato de ambroxol comercial (A-MS). Además, se realizaron estudios de estabilidad según la guía ICH. La liberación de fármaco sigue cinéticas de orden cero (0,9661) y se determinó que el mecanismo era difusión combinada con erosión.Sustained release matrix tablets of ambroxol hydrochloride of different drug: polymer ratios, such as F-1(1:1), F- 2(1:1.5) and F-3 (1:2). Xanthan gum was used as matrix former and microcrystalline cellulose was used as diluent. Granules were prepared and evaluated for loose bulk density, tapped density, compressibility index, hausners ratio and angle of repose. All the granules were lubricated and compressed using 9mm fl at-faced punches. Compressed tablets were evaluated for uniformity of weight, content of active ingredient, friability, hardness and In-vitro dissolution. All the formulations showed compliance with Pharmacopoeial standards. F-3 showed the sustained release of drug for 12 hours with 97.3% release and the release profi le was close to the marketed sample of ambroxol hydrochloride (A-MS) and Stability studies were performed as per ICH guide. The drug release follows zero order kinetics (0.9661) and the mechanism was found to be diffusion coupled with erosion

    On a hump-back dolphin Sousa chinensis (Osbeck) washed ashore at Sangumal (Palk Bay) near Rameswaram

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    The Carcass of a female dolphin was washed ashore at Sangumal (Palk Bay) near Rameswaram. After studying the external characters it was idenfified to be Sousa chinensis (Osbeck

    Electrophysiological responses of banana pseudostem weevil, Odoiporus longicollis Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to methyl jasmonate, 1-hexanol and host plant extract

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    53-57The banana pseudostem weevil (BSW), Odoiporus longicollis Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the most destructive pests of banana and plantains. Our laboratory bioassay studies showed that out of 50 host plants related volatile chemicals screened against BSW, only methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and 1-hexanol was electrophysiologically and behaviourally active. Here, we investigated the influence of host plant extract (HPE) on two semiochemicals, namely methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and 1-hexanol, both independently and in combination, in the electroantennogram (EAG) response in BSW. The results showed that HPE alone elicited greater EAG response only in males suggesting that males involved predominantly in the host plant selection. Addition of HPE to MeJA increased significantly higher EAG response in females and the response was insignificant in males. Similarly, the addition of HPE to 1-hexanol evoked higher response in females but decreased antennal activity was recorded in males compared to HPE alone. The HPE showed additive effect on MeJA and 1-hexanol in their EAG responses only in female BSW. The result also revealed that 1-hexanol+HPE blend exhibited enhanced EAG response compared to 1-hexanol alone in both sexes