328 research outputs found

    Impact of proactive orientation and innovation on exports. Case Colombia / Impacto da orientação proativa e inovação nas exportações. Caso Colômbia

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    This research paper presents the relationship between the proactive orientation towards the market and the novelty degree of innovation in the internationalization of companies, measured with the export intensity. The data to test the hypothesis of the research were obtained from a sample of Colombian manufacturers from the Second Survey of Development and Technological Innovation, conducted by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE by its abbreviation in Spanish) in Colombia. The survey seeks to establish the dynamics of technological development of the Colombian manufacturing company in terms of the intensity and trajectory of the innovation and technological development activities. From the total number of companies consulted, there were 297 in different sectors that responded to the survey and provided their information to be used in the study. The data were treated by means of a model of ordered logistic regression, whose result was the conclusion that there is a positive relationship between the proactive orientation towards the market and the export intensity, while it was not possible to demonstrate the relationship between novelty in innovation and the same export intensity

    Landscape Architecture: An Introduction

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    Review of Landscape Architecture: An Introduction, Reviewed July 2014 by Martha González Palacios, Architecture & Planning Librarian, The University of Texas at Austin, [email protected]

    The Space Within: Interior Experience as the Origin of Architecture

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    Review of The Space Within: Interior Experience as the Origin of Architecture, Reviewed September 2017 by Martha González Palacios, Head, Collection Access, Canadian Centre for Architecture, [email protected]

    Architecture at the Edge of Everything Else

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    Book Review of Architecture at the Edge of Everything Else, ed. by Esther Choi and Marrikka Trotter. ISBN 9780262014793. Reviewed by Martha González Palacios

    Digital Fabrication in Architecture

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    Book Review of Digital Fabrication in Architecture by Nick Dunn. Reviewed by Martha González Palacios

    RISS Review: Art History Teaching Resources

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    Review of RISS Review: Art History Teaching Resources, Reviewed February 2015 by Martha González Palacios, Art & Architecture Librarian Architecture & Allied Arts Library, University of Oregon [email protected]

    Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century

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    Review of Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century, Reviewed January 2015 by Martha González Palacios, Art & Architecture Librarian, Architecture & Allied Arts Library, University of Oregon, [email protected]

    Obsolescence: An Architectural History

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    Review of Obsolescence: An Architectural History, Reviewed July 2016 by Martha Gonzleáz Palacios, Head, Collection Access, Canadian Centre for Architecture, [email protected]

    Seminario Taller Creativo, Danza. Historias de vida en el hacer de una maestra

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    Based on her life story (micro-story), the teacher seeks to find the roots of her teaching practices with the dance in the teacher training at Escuela Normal Superior Distrital Maria Montessori, to reflect on and enrich them. She is moved by a constant concern to know where her interest in the story of bodies, the corporealities and subjectivity that constitutes them comes from. In this search, she focuses her attention on the traces of what she learned in the space of her home and in other areas of her life to reflect on how these meetings marked her body-corporeality. She outlines a roadmap with both dance and corporeality which also considers the students as subjects with a story and their own expressive possibilities.A partir de su historia de vida (microhistoria) la maestra busca encontrar las raíces de sus prácticas docentes con la danza en la formación de maestros en la Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori, para reflexionar sobre ellas y enriquecerlas. La mueve una constante inquietud por saber de dónde viene su interés por la historia de los cuerpos, de las corporeidades y la subjetividad que los constituyen. En esta búsqueda centra su atención en las huellas de lo aprendido en el espacio de su hogar y en otros espacios de su vida para reflexionar cómo estos encuentros marcaron su cuerpo-corporeidad. Plantea una ruta de trabajo con la danza y la corporeidad que también tenga en cuenta a los estudiantes como sujetos con una historia y unas posibilidades expresivas propia

    Aplicación del Kahoot y competencias lingüísticas en estudiantes de 8° año de una institución educativa en Santo Domingo, Ecuador, 2022

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    El siguiente trabajo investigativo dónde las competencias lingüísticas en la aplicación del kahoot para estudiantes de octavo año ha generado ante la problemática del no dominio de las habilidades lingüísticas sobre todo del análisis, texto, escritura, ortografía y con ello las habilidades que el estudiante debe contener para poder canalizar cada uno de los conocimientos adquiridos ante esta problemática el diseño de estudio es aplicado no experimental, transversal, correlacional causal con un muestreo no probabilístico para 30 sujetos estudiantes Quiénes permitieron determinar las dos variables Qué son las habilidades lingüísticas y la aplicación del Kahoot, con la aplicación del Alfa de Cronbach logrando 0,865 siendo así un Altamente confiable y con la valoración de los juicios de expertos en el instrumento empleado determinando una hipótesis normal en la cual indica que influye la variable 1 y la variable 2, según la prueba de normalidad nos da un porcentaje del 0,085 > 0,05 por lo tanto es una hipótesis normal que comprende en un trabajo significativo por parte del equipo docente con los estudiantes con la finalidad de fortalecer los conocimientos, la Hipótesis determina una influencia ( 0,913 ) altamente significativa ( > 0,05 ) sobre la aplicación del Kahoot en los estudiantes de una institución educativa, de Santo Domingo , Ecuador