7 research outputs found

    Reducing noise in moving-grid codes with strongly-centroidal Lloyd mesh regularization

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    A method for improving the accuracy of hydrodynamical codes that use a moving Voronoi mesh is described. Our scheme is based on a new regularization scheme that constrains the mesh to be centroidal to high precision while still allowing the cells to move approximately with the local fluid velocity, thereby retaining the quasi-Lagrangian nature of the approach. Our regularization technique significantly reduces mesh noise that is attributed to changes in mesh topology and deviations from mesh regularity. We demonstrate the advantages of our method on various test problems, and note in particular improvements obtained in handling shear instabilities, mixing, and in angular momentum conservation. Calculations of adiabatic jets in which shear excites Kelvin Helmholtz instability show reduction of mesh noise and entropy generation. In contrast, simulations of the collapse and formation of an isolated disc galaxy are nearly unaffected, showing that numerical errors due to the choice of regularization do not impact the outcome in this case.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS submitte

    Close encounters of black hole - star binaries with stellar-mass black holes

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    Dynamical interactions involving binaries play a crucial role in the evolution of star clusters and galaxies. We continue our investigation of the hydrodynamics of three-body encounters, focusing on binary black hole (BBH) formation, stellar disruption, and electromagnetic (EM) emission in dynamical interactions between a BH-star binary and a stellar-mass BH, using the moving-mesh hydrodynamics code {\small AREPO}. This type of encounters can be divided into two classes depending on whether the final outcome includes BBHs. This outcome is primarily determined by which two objects meet at the first closest approach. BBHs are more likely to form when the star and the incoming BH encounter first with an impact parameter smaller than the binary's semimajor axis. In this case, the star is frequently disrupted. On the other hand, when the two BHs encounter first, frequent consequences are an orbit perturbation of the original binary or a binary member exchange. For the parameters chosen in this study, BBH formation, accompanied by stellar disruption, happens in roughly 1 out of 4 encounters. The close correlation between BBH formation and stellar disruption has possible implications for EM counterparts at the binary's merger. The BH that disrupts the star is promptly surrounded by an optically and geometrically thick disk with accretion rates exceeding the Eddington limit. If the debris disk cools fast enough to become long-lived, EM counterparts can be produced at the time of the BBH merger.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 2 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetic fields do not suppress global star formation in low metallicity dwarf galaxies

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    Funding: DJW is grateful for support through a STFC Doctoral Training Partnership. RJS gratefully acknowledges an STFC Ernest Rutherford fellowship (grant ST/N00485X/1). DJW, SCOG, RT, JDS, and RSK acknowledge funding from the European Research Council via the ERC Synergy Grant ‘ECOGAL – Understanding our Galactic ecosystem: from the disc of the Milky Way to the formation sites of stars and planets’ (project ID 855130).Many studies concluded that magnetic fields suppress star formation in molecular clouds and Milky Way like galaxies. However, most of these studies are based on fully developed fields that have reached the saturation level, with little work on investigating how an initial weak primordial field affects star formation in low metallicity environments. In this paper, we investigate the impact of a weak initial field on low metallicity dwarf galaxies. We perform high-resolution AREPO simulations of five isolated dwarf galaxies. Two models are hydrodynamical, two start with a primordial magnetic field of 10-6 μG and different sub-solar metallicities, and one starts with a saturated field of 10-2 μG. All models include a non-equilibrium, time-dependent chemical network that includes the effects of gas shielding from the ambient ultraviolet field. Sink particles form directly from the gravitational collapse of gas and are treated as star-forming clumps that can accrete gas. We vary the ambient uniform far ultraviolet field, and cosmic ray ionization rate between 1 per cent and 10 per cent of solar values. We find that the magnetic field has little impact on the global star formation rate (SFR), which is in tension with some previously published results. We further find that the initial field strength has little impact on the global SFR. We show that an increase in the mass fractions of both molecular hydrogen and cold gas, along with changes in the perpendicular gas velocity dispersion and the magnetic field acting in the weak-field model, overcome the expected suppression in star formation.Peer reviewe

    Magnetising the circumgalactic medium of disk galaxies

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    The circumgalactic medium (CGM) is one of the frontiers of galaxy formation and intimately connected to the galaxy via accretion of gas on to the galaxy and gaseous outflows from the galaxy. Here, we analyse the magnetic field in the CGM of the Milky Way-like galaxies simulated as part of the AURIGA project that constitutes a set of high-resolution cosmological magnetohydrodynamical zoom simulations. We show that before z = 1 the CGM becomes magnetized via galactic outflows that transport magnetized gas from the disc into the halo. At this time, the magnetization of the CGM closely follows its metal enrichment. We then show that at low redshift an in situ turbulent dynamo that operates on a time-scale of Gigayears further amplifies the magnetic field in the CGM and saturates before z = 0. The magnetic field strength reaches a typical value of 0.1μG at the virial radius at z = 0 and becomes mostly uniform within the virial radius. Its Faraday rotation signal is in excellent agreement with recent observations. For most of its evolution, the magnetic field in the CGM is an unordered small-scale field. Only strong coherent outflows at low redshift are able to order the magnetic field in parts of the CGM that are directly displaced by these outflows

    Magnetic fields do not suppress global star formation in low metallicity dwarf galaxies

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    Many studies concluded that magnetic fields suppress star formation in molecular clouds and Milky Way like galaxies. However, most of these studies are based on fully developed fields that have reached the saturation level, with little work on investigating how an initial weak primordial field affects star formation in low metallicity environments. In this paper, we investigate the impact of a weak initial field on low metallicity dwarf galaxies. We perform high-resolution AREPO simulations of five isolated dwarf galaxies. Two models are hydrodynamical, two start with a primordial magnetic field of 10-6 μG and different sub-solar metallicities, and one starts with a saturated field of 10-2μG. All models include a non-equilibrium, time-dependent chemical network that includes the effects of gas shielding from the ambient ultraviolet field. Sink particles form directly from the gravitational collapse of gas and are treated as star-forming clumps that can accrete gas. We vary the ambient uniform far ultraviolet field, and cosmic ray ionization rate between 1 per cent and 10 per cent of solar values. We find that the magnetic field has little impact on the global star formation rate (SFR), which is in tension with some previously published results. We further find that the initial field strength has little impact on the global SFR. We show that an increase in the mass fractions of both molecular hydrogen and cold gas, along with changes in the perpendicular gas velocity dispersion and the magnetic field acting in the weak-field model, overcome the expected suppression in star formation

    Observing the stellar halo of Andromeda in cosmological simulations: the Auriga2PAndAS pipeline

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    International audienceWe present a direct comparison of the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS) observations of the stellar halo of M31 with the stellar halos of six galaxies from the Auriga simulations. We process the simulated halos through the Auriga2PAndAS pipeline and create PAndAS-like mocks that fold in all observational limitations of the survey data (foreground contamination from the Milky Way stars, incompleteness of the stellar catalogs, photometric uncertainties, etc.). This allows us to study the survey data and the mocks in the same way and generate directly comparable density maps and radial density profiles. We show that the simulations are overall compatible with the observations. Nevertheless, some systematic differences exist, such as a preponderance for metal-rich stars in the mocks. While these differences could suggest that M31 had a different accretion history or has a different mass compared with the simulated systems, it is more likely a consequence of an underquenching of the star formation history of galaxies, related to the resolution of the Auriga simulations. The direct comparison enabled by our approach offers avenues to improve our understanding of galaxy formation as they can help pinpoint the observable differences between observations and simulations. Ideally, this approach will be further developed through an application to other stellar halo simulations. To facilitate this step, we release the pipeline to generate the mocks, along with the six mocks presented and used in this contribution