74 research outputs found

    Effects of processing meliorative tillage on the soils with heavy mechanical type in maize production

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    Soils with heavy mechanical type of composition demand a cultivation system that ensures preservation of natural potential and fertility resources. This system must also prevent degrading processes and ensure an optimal water flow within the soil, with an optimal usage of energy and labor. This paper presents the results of the application of the machines and tools for new technologies in maize production. We analyzed the influence of meliorative tillage and effect of conventional tillage systems on maize production.

    Detection of cyber-attacks in systems with distributed control based on support vector regression

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    Concept of Industry 4.0 and implementation of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial plants are changing the way we manufacture. Introduction of industrial IoT leads to ubiquitous communication (usually wireless) between devices in industrial control systems, thus introducing numerous security concerns and opening up wide space for potential malicious threats and attacks. As a consequence of various cyber-attacks, fatal failures can occur on system parts or the system as a whole. Therefore, security mechanisms must be developed to provide sufficient resilience to cyber-attacks and keep the system safe and protected. In this paper we present a method for detection of attacks on sensor signals, based on e insensitive support vector regression (e-SVR). The method is implemented on publicly available data obtained from Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) testbed as well as on a real-world continuous time controlled electro-pneumatic positioning system. In both cases, the method successfully detected all considered attacks (without false positives)

    Detection of cyber-attacks in systems with distributed control based on support vector regression

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    Concept of Industry 4.0 and implementation of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial plants are changing the way we manufacture. Introduction of industrial IoT leads to ubiquitous communication (usually wireless) between devices in industrial control systems, thus introducing numerous security concerns and opening up wide space for potential malicious threats and attacks. As a consequence of various cyber-attacks, fatal failures can occur on system parts or the system as a whole. Therefore, security mechanisms must be developed to provide sufficient resilience to cyber-attacks and keep the system safe and protected. In this paper we present a method for detection of attacks on sensor signals, based on e insensitive support vector regression (e-SVR). The method is implemented on publicly available data obtained from Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) testbed as well as on a real-world continuous time controlled electro-pneumatic positioning system. In both cases, the method successfully detected all considered attacks (without false positives)

    Biosecurity and mastitis in intensive dairy production

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    Newly purchased animals that enter a herd with high milk production can be infected with pathogens of the mammary gland and are a potential risk of infection to the cows on the farm. This risk cannot be avoided entirely, but it can be minimized by taking biosecurity measures that should be written as a policy developed for biosecurity oversight of veterinary service: when older cows are purchased, they should be bought with complete lactations and SCC records, and bacterial examination of milk from the udder quarters must be negative for pathogens of the udder; newly purchased cows should come from herds in which the geometric mean somatic cell count is less than 200,000. The herd must have individual cow SCC recorded at least bimonthly for the previous 6 months; the herd must not have had any history of Strep. agalactiae infection in the last 2 years, the herd should be BVDV-free or vaccinated, and the herd owner must be honest and willing to provide all this information. Our country has accepted the standards for milk quality and hygienic properties that comply with EU standards. The proposed biosafety measures presented in this paper enable the determination of the health status of the herd and the biosecurity level of mastitis in commercial farming in intensive dairy production. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31034

    Difference-based analysis of the impact of observed game parameters on the final score at the FIBA Eurobasket Women 2019

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    Evaluation in women's basketball is keeping up with developments in evaluation in men’s basketball, and although the number of studies in women's basketball has seen a positive trend in the past decade, it is still at a low level. This paper observed 38 games and sixteen variables of standard efficiency during the FIBA EuroBasket Women 2019. Two regression models were obtained, a set of relative percentage and relative rating variables, which are used in the NBA league, where the dependent variable was the number of points scored. The obtained results show that in the first model, the difference between winning and losing teams was made by three variables: true shooting percentage, turnover percentage of inefficiency and efficiency percentage of defensive rebounds, which explain 97.3%, while for the second model, the distinguishing variables was offensive efficiency, explaining for 96.1% of the observed phenomenon. There is a continuity of the obtained results with the previous championship, played in 2017. Of all the technical elements of basketball, it is still the shots made, assists and defensive rebounds that have the most significant impact on the final score in European women’s basketball. It can be noted that, unlike with the previous championship, inside play is no longer dominant, but there is a balance between inside and outside play, which has already been established as a developing trend in men’s basketball. The emergence of the offensive efficiency variable indicates that it is becoming significant in top-tier competitions as well but is still a challenge for coaches to grasp the causes of this multicomplex issue based on this indicator

    Nesreće sa vozačima traktora u javnom saobraćaju Republike Makedonije za period 2005.-2010. godine

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    The agricultural tractors and machines present high level factor of risk for accidents and injuries participants in public traffic. Over 29 tractor drivers or 4,83 annually average loose their lives in agricultural operation and public traffic in Macedonia in 2005-2010 period. Heavy injuries had 68 tractor drivers or 11,33 average in this period, and minor injuries had 141 tractor drivers or 23,50. Generally, number of lethal incidents of tractor drivers is in decreasing trend in this period. .Poljoprivredni traktori i mašine predstavljaju visok faktor rizika za pojavu nesreća i povređivanje učesnika u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i javnom saobraćaju. U periodu od 2005. do 2010. godine u javnom saobraćaju Republike Makedonije tragično je nastradalo 29 rukovaoca traktora ili prosečno 4,83 godišnje. Teške telesne povrede imalo je 68 rukovaoca traktora ili 11,33 prosečno godišnje. Lake telesne povrede imao je 141 rukovaoc traktora ili prosečno godišnje 23,5. Generalno, broj smrtnih slučajeva rukovaoca traktora ima opadajući trend u periodu istraživanja.

    Sortiment i uzgojnih oblika kao uticajni faktori energetskog potencijala rezidbenih ostataka iz voćarsko-vinogradarske proizvodnje

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    Biomass resulting from agricultural production represents potential which can be used in multiple ways. The expansion of fruit-growing and viticulture in Serbia in recent years contributes to an even larger quantities of pruning residues. Long-standing practice of destroying and burning of the pruning residues hardly changed, but the energy and environmental indicators point to the importance of proper exploitation of this biomass. The aim of this study is to show the quantity and energy value of tree branches from fruitgrowing and viticulture as fuel, as well as the influence of different fruit types and vine varieties and training systems on energy potential. The apple sort Idared has the highest values of thermal power per mass unit (19.853 kJ kg-1) and the peach sort Redheven has the highest value of thermal power per area unit (974,78 GJ ha-1). The grapevine lags behind other sorts of fruit have significantly less thermal power per unit, but the calorific value per unit mass ranges within the limits of 17,300 ± 100 kJ kg-1.Biomasa iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, predstavlja nedovoljno iskorišćen potencijal. Ekspanzija voćarske i vinogradarske proizvodnje u Srbiji, poslednjih godina, doprinosi stvaranju ogromnih količina rezidbenih ostataka. Dugogodišnja praksa uništavanja i spaljivanja rezidbenih ostataka se polako menja, ali energetski i ekološki pokazatelji ukazuju na značaj pravilnog korišćenja ove biomase. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže količine i energetsku vrednost rezidbenih ostataka iz voćarske i vinogradarske proizvodnje, kao i uticaj različitih voćnih vrsta, sorti vinove loze i uzgojnih oblika na energetski potencijal. Najveću toplotnu moć po jedinici mase ustanovljeno je kod jabuke sorte Ajdared (19.853 kJ kg-1), a najveću toplotnu moć po jedinici površine ostvarena je kod breskve, sorte Redheven (974,78 GJ ha-1). Vinova loza u odnosu na voćne vrste ima značajno manju toplotnu moć po jedinici površine, dok se toplotna moć po jedinici mase kreće oko 17.300 ± 100 kJ kg-1

    Application techniques of liquid starter fertilizer in commercial maize production

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    Conventional corn production involves the use of granular fertilizer which distribution is carried out with various types of fertilizer spreaders. As opposed to the conventional production, this research is conducted with the assumption that using a combination of granular and liquid starter fertilizers, and improved application techniques, achieve higher in grain yield. In this scientific paper, in addition to the use of conventional mineral fertilizers, investigated the impact of mechanized application of different norms of liquid starter fertilizer in the production of commercial maize. The application of liquid starter fertilizer was performed simultaneously with sowing, with the existing seeder, adapted with prototype machine for the application of liquid starting fertilizer. The results show that grain yield in areas where was applied a method of application starter fertilizer, increased by 1.43 t · ha-1 compared to the results obtained with conventional production

    Efekti inkorporacije tečnog startnog đubriva u proizvodnji soje

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    Conventional saybean production assumes usage of standard inorganic fertilizers which can be added to the soil by different methods. Unlike conventional production, this research was conducted with assumption that by using different application rates of basic and liquid starter fertilizers, as well as, with improved method of their application, higher yield values and lower moisture content of harvested kernels would be realized. This paper explored influence of mechanized application with different rates and ways of broadcasting basic and liquid starter fertilizer to the soil for soybean production. Liquid starter fertilizers were applied concurrently with plantation. The results obtained show that kernel yield was higher in areas where starter fertilizer application was performed for 1,13 t·ha-1, compared to results obtained over control surfaces.Konvencionalna proizvodnja soje podrazumeva upotrebu standardnih mineralnih hraniva koja se u zemljište mogu uneti na različite načine. Za razliku od konvencionalne proizvodnje, ova istraživanja su sprovedena uz predpostavku da će se primenom različitih normi osnovnih i tečnih startnih đubriva kao i unapređenim načinom njihove aplikacije ostvariti veće vrednosti prinosa i niži sadržaj vlage ubranog zrna. U radu je istraživan uticaj mehanizovane aplikacije različitih normi unošenja osnovnog i tečnog startnog đubriva u zemljište pri proizvodnji soje. Aplikacija tečnih startnih đubriva vršena je istovremeno sa setvom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je prinos zrna na površinama gde je vršena aplikacija startnog đubriva viši za 1,13 t·ha-1 u odnosu na rezultate dobijene na kontrolnoj površini


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    The research papers investigating the game-related parameters and phenomena of women's basketball matches are relatively smaller in size and number than the similar ones treating the same issues in men’s basketball - there has been some changes in that respect in recent years though. This paper’s sample of entity consisted of 40 games and thirteen variables of standard efficiency recorded at FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017. The research had two basic models of regressions formed, i.e. the absolute and the relative one, each of which had total numbers scored as the dependent variable, and was performed by means of regression and correlation analysis - stepwise regression, as a gradual method of fitting regression models in order to define predictive variables. The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that the winning or losing performance was heavily influenced by both field goal efficiency and defensive rebounding, all of which has been corroborated in many other similar pieces of research. Also, the variables as turnovers and personal fouls were extracted as significant in terms of differentiation between the winning and losing team. When we take a closer look and see the observed parameters from the point of view of either First or Final rounds of the competition - since these rounds were played in different formats - it is noticeable that it is becoming more and more evident, of course besides the shot efficiency, the efficiency of free throws and the quality of defense.