99 research outputs found

    The Levi-Civita spacetime as a limiting case of the Gamma spacetime

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    It is shown that the Levi-Civita metric can be obtained from a family of the Weyl metric, the Gamma metric, by taking the limit when the length of its Newtonian image source tends to infinity. In this process a relationship appears between two fundamental parameters of both metrics.Comment: LaTeX2e 17 page

    HEI teaching mobility: looking for dynamics in a seven-year period

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    Higher Education Institutions are currently embracing mobility as an imperative goal, particularly and most impressively in the European Union countries where programs such as Erasmus+ strongly encourage students and staff to participate. This exploratory research aims to characterize teaching mobility in one university, identify facilitators, determine outcomes of repeated mobility, and provide clues on mobility dynamics over time. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from application forms and final reports submitted by 107 outgoing and 58 incoming teachers in one university between 2009 and 2016. It was observed that teaching mobility covers diversified profiles (e.g., gender, seniority, and fields of study). 23 out of 71 outgoing teachers participated in more than one mobility program during that period. A deeper analysis on the mobility champions reveals both individual and team initiatives. The results provide some interesting data on facilitators and consequences of teaching mobility.publishe

    Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in an Ecotonal Cerrado-Amazon Region in Brazil

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    Little is known about the distribution of organisms in transitional areas, overall because of the lack of understanding regarding each species’ specificity to the diversity of microhabitats found in these areas and effective ways to sample organisms in these regions. Therefore, in this study we aimed to inventory the bee species in a transitional Cerrado-Amazon area in the state of Pará, Brazil, evaluating the effects of three different sampling methods. We used six fragments, sampled in two different seasons with three sampling methods (arboreal pitfalls with urine, scent traps, and pan traps). The specimens were identified and we used accumulation curves to measure the effectiveness of each method. In total, we sampled 68 bee species, where 53 were exclusively from one single sampling method. The pitfall traps were those with reached the highest species richness among all three sampling methods analyzed, followed by the scent traps and pan traps, respectively. Despite the efficiency and generality of the bee groups we found, the pitfall method does not cover specific bee groups as the Euglossini bees, almost exclusively attracted to scent traps. Therefore, we suggest that studies using pitfalls with urine should be performed in other biomes to evaluate the efficiency of this method in future bee surveys

    Insights into the expectations of mobility students: the impact of Erasmus in their future professional careers

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    [EN] At the celebration of its 30th anniversary, Erasmus is recognised as the most successful exchange program ever implemented. The prospects of attaining a common European consciousness challenged the program's ability to blend together knowledge, attitudes and skills in a winning combination. It is no longer sufficient to communicate and integrate: mobility should actively foster skills to support students's professional career at national and international levels. Although literature on mobility is vast and interesting, studies on the impact of the mobility experience in the students' future employability profile rarely provide first-hand data on their expectations in this regard. This exploratory research comprises a qualitative focus group approach with Erasmus students during their exchange period in a Portuguese university and collected some insightful data on how students consider their mobility in terms of new learning outcomes, the professional value of the experience and the development of new skills. Results indicate that students seem to be quite aware of the positive implications of mobility in their professional careers and of the set of skills developed during that period. Overall, this article contributes to demonstrating the importance of assessing skills development during Erasmus mobility experiences. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are provided.This work is financially supported by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UID/CED/00194/2013.Simões, D.; Pinheiro, MM.; Santos, C.; Filipe, S.; Barbosa, B.; Dias, GP. (2017). Insights into the expectations of mobility students: the impact of Erasmus in their future professional careers. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 696-704. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.536069670

    Between promises and pitfalls: the impact of mobility on the internationalization of higher education

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    The study presented in this article aims at understanding the relevance of mobility initiatives to the internationalization efforts of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). By building upon relevant literature, 17 propositions related to this contribution were identified. Empirical evidence from a concrete case of a European university was then used to evaluate those propositions. Data was collected from individual interviews to 19 outgoing faculty and from focus groups with 32 incoming students, resulting in the identification of the promises and pitfalls of mobility. The study concludes that HEIs must define clear strategies and carefully manage their mobility activities to maximize the potential benefits for internationalization. Based on this main implication, it presents a set of managerial recommendations that may be relevant for those involved in administering or promoting international mobility programmes at universities, governments or international organizations, and for researchers in higher education.publishe

    Autoconfiança dos enfermeiros para o cuidado à pessoa com retenção urinária

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    Introdução: De todas as infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde, as infeções urinárias são das mais frequentes, principalmente pelo uso indevido do cateter urinário. Uma das indicações para o uso de cateter urinário é a retenção urinária. Os enfermeiros devem ter competências na avaliação da retenção urinária, para melhor suportar o processo de tomada de decisão neste âmbito. Objetivos: Avaliar a autoconfiança dos enfermeiros para o cuidado à pessoa com retenção urinária. Material e Métodos: Estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. Aplicou-se a Escala de Autoconfiança na Assistência de Enfermagem na Retenção Urinária (EAAERU) aos enfermeiros de um serviço de especialidades médicas de um hospital de oncologia em Portugal. A EAAERU é uma escala tipo Likert, com 32 itens avaliados de 1 (nada confiante) a 5 (completamente confiante), avaliando 5 dimensões: 1) Intervenções realizadas durante o cateterismo urinário; 2) Intervenções prévias à realização do cateterismo urinário; 3) Intervenções realizadas após o cateterismo urinário; 4) Comunicação, consentimento e preparo dos materiais para realização do cateterismo urinário; e 5) Avaliação objetiva da retenção urinária. A análise dos dados foi realizada com estatística descritiva. Todos os preceitos éticos foram garantidos. Este estudo é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (IU/BD/151099/2021). Resultados: Participaram 29 enfermeiros, com 26–64 anos de idade (M=39,2; DP=10,8), com 3–40 anos de experiência profissional (M=16,0; DP=10,6). Dois enfermeiros têm o título de enfermeiro especialista atribuído pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros. As dimensões em que os enfermeiros têm mais autoconfiança são as intervenções prévias à realização do cateterismo urinário (M=4,4; DP=0,5) e a comunicação, consentimento e preparação dos materiais para realização do cateterismo urinário (M=4,3; DP=0,5). As dimensões em que os enfermeiros têm menos autoconfiança são a avaliação objetiva da retenção urinária (M=3,5; DP=0,5) e as intervenções realizadas durante o cateterismo urinário (M=3,8; DP=0,6). Conclusões: A autoconfiança percecionada pelos enfermeiros, sobre a avaliação da retenção urinária e sobre as intervenções realizadas durante o cateterismo urinário, suporta a necessidade de uma intervenção formativa, com vista a práticas mais seguras para as pessoas com necessidade de cateter

    Evidence-informed development of a bundle for peripheral intravenous catheterization in Portugal: a delphi consensus study

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    Contrary to many international settings, there are no clinical guidelines for peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) insertion and maintenance in Portugal. We sought to derive an international consensus on a PIVC bundle that could guide Portuguese nurses’ clinical decision-making in this scope. Methods: Two international vascular access specialist groups participated in an online Delphi panel. During the first round, specialists (n = 7) were sent a summary report from a previous observational study conducted in a surgical ward in Portugal. Based on the report findings, specialists were asked to provide five to eight PIVC insertion and maintenance interventions. Then, another set of specialists (n = 7) scored and revised the recommendations until a consensus was reached (≥70% agreement). The PIVC bundle was made available and discussed with the surgical ward’s nurses. Results: After three rounds, a consensus was achieved for five evidence-informed interventions: (i) involve the person and assess the peripheral venous network; (ii) maintain an aseptic no-touch technique; (iii) ensure proper catheter dressing and fixation; (iv) perform catheter flush & lock; (v) test the peripheral venous catheter’s functionality and performance at each shift. Conclusion: The final version of the PIVC bundle achieved consensus among international experts. Despite the positive feedback provided by the ward nurses, future studies are warranted to assess its effectiveness in standardizing PIVC care delivery and its potential implications for care outcomes in Portuguese clinical settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sem Direito de Amar?: A Vontade de Ter Filhos Entre Homens (e Mulheres) Vivendo Com o HIV

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    Many challenges persist beyond achievements on HIV prevention and care. This article discusses results of a study that interviewed 250 men living with HIV who have sex with women and their perception of reproductive health care, compared to studies among positive women. 43% of men and 17-20% of women want to have children, most significantly the childless. 85% of men have sex and the level of reproduction knowledge and being HIV positive is low. Despite the technology that allowed parenthood without infecting one's partner and children, results show low attention and respect, even in the golden standard centers investigated. The authors suggest as a key aspect of the training and programming related to HIV prevention and care: the ethical and constitutional obligation of promoting and protecting reproductive rights, challenging stigma anti-family associated to HIV and criticizing essencialists' notions about family and gender as having a universal and " natural" definition.Desafios permanecem na prevenção e cuidado da aids. Nesse artigo apresentamos resultados de pesquisa com 250 homens portadores do HIV que fazem sexo com mulheres, sobre o cuidado à sua saúde reprodutiva em centros de referência de aids e comparamos com estudos entre mulheres portadoras. 43% dos homens e até 20 % das mulheres entrevistadas querem ter filhos, principalmente os que não têm filhos. 85% dos homens mantém atividade sexual e é baixo o nível de informação sobre reprodução na condição de portadores. Apesar das conquistas que permitem a paternidade sem infecção da parceira e da criança, os resultados indicam pouco acolhimento, mesmo nos centros de excelência pesquisados. Sugerimos como temas centrais no treinamento de profissionais e na organização de programas: a obrigatoriedade ética e constitucional de promoção dos direitos reprodutivos, desafiar o estigma anti-família associado às pessoas vivendo com HIV e às noções essencialistas que naturalizam as definições sobre a família e os gêneros.des défis subsistent dans la prévention et les soins à apporter au sida. Cet article présente les résultats de la recherche parmi 250 hommes porteurs du sida qui pratiquent le sexe avec des femmes, et la comparaison avec des études sur des femmes également atteintes. 43 % des hommes et jusqu'à 20 % des femmes interrogés désirent avoir des enfants, principalement ceux qui n'en ont pas. 85 % des hommes poursuivent une activité sexuelle, et le niveau d'information sur les conditions de reproduction parmi les séropositifs est bas. Malgré les succès techniques qui permettent la paternité sans affecter la partenaire et l'enfant, les résultats montrent qu'on n'y porte peu d'attention, même dans les centres d'excellence interrogés. Nous suggérons comme thèmes centraux pour la formation de professionnels et dans l'organisation de programmes : l'obligation éthique et constitutionnelle de promotion du droit à se reproduire, le défi anti-famille associé aux personnes atteintes du sida et la critique des notions de nature essentielle qui définissent la famille et les sexes

    Nurses’ practices in the peripheral intravenous catheterization of adult oncology patients: a mix-method study

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    A significant number of adult oncology patients require at least one peripheral intravenous catheter to fulfill their therapeutic plan. Recent evidence indicates that catheter failure rates are high in this cohort, impacting care outcomes and patient experience during cancer treatment. This reality represents a challenge to nurses worldwide since in most international settings they are responsible for delivering quality care during the insertion and maintenance of such devices. This study aims to explore current nursing practices regarding the insertion, maintenance, and surveillance of peripheral intravenous catheters in oncology patients. A two-phase mix-method study was conducted with the nursing team from the surgical ward of a large oncology hospital in Portugal. In phase one (observational prospective study), nurses’ practices during catheter insertion and maintenance were observed by the research team and recorded using standardized instruments and validated scales. In phase two, three online focus groups were conducted with the nursing team to present the results observed in phase one and explore their perceptions of current practices. All ethical principles were assured throughout the study. Significant divergent practices were observed and identified by the nurses, especially concerning patient involvement, nurses’ adherence to the aseptic, non-touch technique, catheter stabilization and dressing, and catheter flushing and locking. Such practices may partially explain the high complication rate found (26%) and substantiate the need for future intervention in this field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geodesics in the Gamma spacetime

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    Circular and radial geodesics are studied in the spacetime described by the γ\gamma metric. Their behaviour is compared with the spherically symmetric situation, bringing out the sensitivity of the trajectories to deviations from spherical symmetry.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 3 eps figure