57 research outputs found

    Perfil funcional de mulheres negras baianas com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNTs) após a pandemia da covid-19: um estudo de coorte prospectivo

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    Introdução: o presente trabalho relata resultados preliminares de investigação sobre as condições de saúde de mulheres negras baianas com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNTs) e que foram infectadas pelo novo coronavírus durante a pandemia de covid-19. Objetivo: realizar um mapeamento e investigar a funcionalidade de mulheres negras com DCNTs e a condição pós-covid-19, residentes no estado da Bahia. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado por meio de um inquérito divulgado e respondido através das redes sociais mais comuns. Foi proposto identificar os sintomas relacionados à dispneia, o grau de independência funcional e o estado funcional pós-covid-19, por meio de instrumentos específicos. Resultados: preliminarmente, 18 respostas foram analisadas. A maioria das mulheres negras que compuseram a amostra são cisgênero, têm o ensino médio completo e residem na cidade de Salvador, Bahia. As DCNTs mais prevalentes na amostra foram a hipertensão arterial sistêmica e o diabetes mellitus. Dentre as 18 mulheres negras entrevistadas, quatro não apresentaram sintomas de dispneia, enquanto nove apresentaram sintomas correspondentes ao grau I, mencionando falta de ar aos esforços extremos, como correr e subir escadas íngremes e cinco com sintomas correspondentes ao grau II, referindo falta de ar ao andar depressa ou em subidas leves. 16 mulheres negras foram classificadas pelo Índice de Barthel como independentes, enquanto duas foram classificadas com uma dependência leve, considerando as categorias relacionadas ao controle esfincteriano (da bexiga), à mobilidade em superfície plana e ao acesso à escada. Conclusão: apesar das evidências afirmarem que a incapacidade física e a redução da função pulmonar são comuns entre os sobreviventes da covid-19, nota-se a ausência de estudos voltados especificamente para a condição pós-covid-19 em mulheres negras, tanto nas limitações leves quanto nas mais severas, atrelada à presença ou à falta de comorbidades.&nbsp


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    Introdução: A atenção primária em saúde (APS) ou atenção básica (AB) corresponde ao primeiro nível de atenção à saúde, englobando ações de promoção, prevenção, diagnóstico e reabilitação, visando ofertar cuidado integral resolutivo à situação de saúde da população. Entre as ações da AB, temos a estratégia saúde da família (ESF), considerada como estratégia prioritária para consolidação e expansão da AB. Uma das intervenções da ESF, é o atendimento compartilhado, ou interconsulta, que é uma das possibilidades de atuação em equipe. Os atendimentos compartilhados/interconsultas permitem que aconteça o matriciamento, um processo de construção conjunta do cuidado em saúde. Objetivo: Relatar vivências de três fonoaudiólogas residentes na condução do matriciamento, em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, contextualizando as contribuições desta área do saber nas ações multiprofissionais. Metodologia: Este artigo se caracteriza como um relato de experiência, resultado de vivências práticas em serviços de AB nas USFs na cidade de Salvador/Bahia. Resultado e Discussão: Foram vivenciadas práticas com atendimentos compartilhados (interconsultas), em três espaços USFs diferentes, articulado com diferentes categorias profissionais. São apresentadas experiências individuais e reflexões da vivência do matriciamento. Considerações Finais: A experiência vivida com a realização do matriciamento, foi fundamental para entender e potencializar o funcionamento da AB como dispositivo resolutivo às questões de saúde. Poder articular a integração de saberes nos âmbitos de promoção e prevenção, nos torna mais capacitados à olhar para um cuidado integral, humanizado, colocando em prática a potência oferecida pela interdisciplinaridade.Introduction: Primary health care (PHC) or primary care (PHC) corresponds to the first level of health care, encompassing actions of promotion, prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation, aiming to offer comprehensive care to the health situation of the population. Among the actions of PHC, we have the family health strategy (ESF), considered as a priority strategy for the consolidation and expansion of PHC. One of the interventions of the ESF is shared care, or referral and consultation, which is one of the possibilities of teamwork. Shared care allows matrix support, a process of joint construction of health care. Aim: Report experiences of three speech therapists living in the conduction of matrix support in Family Health Units (FUS) in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, contextualizing the contributions of this area of knowledge in multidisciplinary actions. Methodology: This article is characterized as an experience report, the result of practical experiences in PHC services in FUS in the city of Salvador/Bahia. Result and Discussion: Practices with shared care (referral and consultation) were experienced in three different FUS spaces, articulated with different professional categories. Individual experiences and reflections of the experience of matrix support are presented. Final considerations: The experience lived with the realization of matrix support, was fundamental to understand and enhance the functioning of THE as a resolutive device to health issues. Being able to articulate the integration of knowledge in the areas of promotion and prevention, makes us more able to look for an integral, humanized care, putting into practice the power offered by interdisciplinarity


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    Objetivo: discutir sobre a implantação e execução do Programa de Saúde na Escola (PSE) no contexto pandêmico causado pela COVID-19. Métodos: através de relatos de experiência, de caráter descritivo, o estudo foi construído a partir de vivências de residentes do Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde Coletiva com Ênfase na Primeira Infância no Contexto do Zika Vírus, do Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal da Bahia, apresentando propostas de intervenção por meio de recursos tecnológicos, com foco na educação infantil. O cenário das vivências foi uma Unidade de Saúde da Família, em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil e a implementação das ações do PSE foi feita em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil. Resultados: foram feitas 13 intervenções, sendo cinco delas executadas com os responsáveis e oito com as crianças. Conclusão: realizar as atividades propostas de maneira remota tem sido um grande desafio, pois a realidade de acesso e disponibilidade dos responsáveis para cada atividade é bastante diversa e depende de diferentes fatores. A pandemia trouxe impactos para a execução das ações do PSE, mas a continuidade dele depende da participação ativa e da corresponsabilização dos profissionais de saúde, educadores e as familiares.Aim: to discuss the implementation and implementation of the School Health Program (SHP) in the pandemic context caused by COVID-19. Methods: Through descriptive experience reports, the study was constructed from the experiences of residents of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Collective Health with emphasis on early childhood in the context of zika virus, of the Institute of Collective Health of the Federal University of Bahia, presenting intervention proposals with technological resources, focusing on early childhood education. The scenario of the experiences was a Family Health Unit, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil and the implementation of the PSE actions was made in a Municipal Center of Early Childhood Education. Results: 13 interventions were done, five of them performed with the guardians and eight with the children. Conclusion: carrying out the activities proposed remotely was a great challenge, because the reality of access and availability of those responsible for each activity is quite diverse and depends on different factors. The pandemic has impacts for the execution of the actions of the SHP, but its continuity depends on the active participation and co-responsibility of health professionals, educators and families

    Whole-body vibration exercise improves functional parameters in patients with Osteogenesis imperfecta: a systematic review with a suitable approach

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    Background: Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) have abnormal bone modelling and resorption. The bone tissue adaptation and responsivity to dynamic and mechanical loading may be of therapeutic use under controlled circumstances. Improvements due to the wholebody vibration (WBV) exercises have been reported in strength, motion, gait, balance, posture and bone density in several osteopenic individuals, as in post-menopausal women or children with disabling conditions, as patients with OI. The aim of this investigation was to systematically analyse the current available literature to determine the effect of WBV exercises on functional parameters of OI patients.Materials and methods: Three reviewers independently accessed bibliographical databases. Searches were performed in the PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and PEDro databases using keywords related to possible interventions (including WBV) used in the management of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.Results: Three eligible studies were identified by searches in the analysed databases.Conclusion: It was concluded that WBV exercises could be an important option in the management of OI patients improving the mobility and functional parameters. However, further studies are necessary for establishing suitable protocols for these patients.Keywords: whole body vibration exercise, osteogenesis imperfecta, mobility, functional parameters, Database

    Can whole body vibration exercises promote improvement on quality of life and on chronic pain level of metabolic syndrome patients? A pseudorandomized crossover study

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    Quality of life (QoL) is one of the most important health outcome concepts expressed subjectively. Chronic pain (CP) is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Taking into account the poor QoL and the CP already described in metabolic syndrome (MSy) individuals, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of whole body vibration exercises (WBVE) on these parameters in this population. Thirty-three MSy patients were divided in subgroups A [whole body vibration exercise group (WBVeG), n = 17, 15 females/2 males, 61.1 ± 8.4 yr] and B (control group, n = 16, 14 females/2 males, 58.2 ± 9.1 yr). Subgroup A performed 10 sessions (2 times/wk) of WBVE (18 min/session, with a frequency from 5 up to 14 Hz and a peak-to-peak displacement of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm) on a side-alternating vibrating platform (VP). Subgroup B did the same protocol, but the VP was turned off. The individuals answered the World Health Organization Quality of Life bref (WHOQoL-bref) questionnaire before the first and after the 10th session. The chronic pain level (CPL) was measured by a numeric rating scale (0–10) before and at the end of each session. Significant improvements were found in physical health ( P = 0.05) and psychological health ( P = 0.04) domains of WHOQoL-bref in WBVeG. A significant acute reduction of the CPL was found in the WBVeG after the protocol, considering the first session and at the last session. WBVE marginally improved physical health and psychological health and decrease the CPL in acute interventions. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Metabolic syndrome patients experience poor quality of life, frequently associated with lack of exercise and bad dietary habits. Additionally, factors such as obesity, neuromusculoskeletal impairment, and peripheral endothelial dysfunction result in a chronic pain level. Whole body vibration exercise might represent a suitable physical therapy, since it is easy to perform, low cost, safe, and capable of promoting an improvement of quality of life and reducing chronic pain level during acute interventions in metabolic syndrome individuals


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    Background: Whole body vibration exercises (WBVE) improve the quality of life (QoL) of different populations. Metabolic syndrome patients (MetS) may be favored by physical activity. Questionnaires are used to assess the QoL. The aim was to evaluate the QoL of patients with MetS that have undergone WBVE with a brief WHOQOL (WHOQOL-BREF). Material and Methods: MetS patients were randomly divided into three groups: (i) control group (CG), (ii) treated with WBVE once per week (WBVE1) and (iii) treated with WBVE twice per week (WBVE2). In the first session, the patient was sat in a chair in front of the platform with the feet on its base in 3 peak to peak displacements (2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 mm) and frequency of 5 Hz was used. From the second to the last session, patients were subjected to the same protocol, however they were standing on the base of the platform and the frequency was increased up to 14 Hz. The patients fulfilled the WHOQOL-BREF before the first and after the last sessions. Cronbach coefficients were determined to each domain of the WHOQOL-BREF and test Wilcoxon (

    Anti-viral effects of medicinal plants in the management of dengue: a systematic review

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    Background: Dengue is considered as an important arboviral disease. Safe, low-cost, and effective drugs that possess inhibitory activity against dengue virus (DENV) are mostly needed to try to combat the dengue infection worldwide. Medicinal plants have been considered as an important alternative to manage several diseases, such as dengue. As authors have demonstrated the antiviral effect of medicinal plants against DENV, the aim of this study was to review systematically the published research concerning the use of medicinal plants in the management of dengue using the PubMed database.Materials and Methods: Search and selection of publications were made using the PubMed database following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA statement).Results: Six publications met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final selection after thorough analysis.Conclusion: It is suggested that medicinal plants’ products could be used as potential anti-DENV agents.Keywords: Dengue, arbovirus, medicinal plants, PubMe