681 research outputs found

    Quantificação de Salmonella sp. em fezes suínas por PCR em tempo real.

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    Salmonellasp. é uma bactéria capaz de colonizar o trato gastro-intestinal dos seres humanos e animais. O suíno é uma importante fonte de infecção, pois elimina a bactéria de forma intermitente nas fezes contaminando o ambiente de criação e abate. Além disso, alguns animais podem excretarquantidades maiores desta bactéria, sendo considerados super-excretores. Desta forma, são necessárias técnicas de quantificação bacteriana para a identificação desses animais. Entre estas técnicas de PCR em tempo real se destaca devido sensibilidade e rapidez nos resultados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de uma curva de quantificação de Salmonella sp. em fezes de suínos. Para tanto, fezes suínas foram contaminadas com inóculo de Salmonella sp. em diluições seriadas e incubadas em água peptonada tamponada por seis horas. Alíquotas de 1 mL foram retiradas para extração do DNA que foi padronizado a 10 ng/μL. A reação de qPCR foi realizada utilizando-se o sistema SYBR Green, com alvo no gene Hill A. A contagem na diluição 10-5 foi 1,1 x 103 UFC/mL seguida de 14,33 x 101UFC/mL e 2,67 x 101UFC/mL para as diluições 10-4e 10-3respectivamente. As médias dos CT obtidos nas 10 repetições variaram de 15,54 a 32,10. Os resultados das contagens foram associados aos respectivos CTe foi possível obter uma curva de quantificação de Salmonellaque poderá ser aplicada a identificação de suínos excretores

    Detection of salmonella heidelberg resistant to colistin in the intestinal content of pigs at slaughter.

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    Abstract : Salmonella Heidelberg has increasingly been reported as cause of human salmonellosis worldwide. In Brazil, S. Heidelberg has been reported in poultry but it is infrequently isolated from pigs. Here, we describe the isolation of S. Heidelberg resistant to colistin from slaughter pigs. Five pigs and their carcasses belonging to a same slaughter batch in ten consecutive days were sampled for fragment of intestine in the ileocecal region and sponges rubbed on the carcass surface (400 cm2 ) before chilling. Salmonella detection was performed according to the ISO 6579:2002. Intestinal content was also subjected to Salmonella enumeration by a miniaturized Most Probable Number (MPN) protocol. Salmonella isolates were characterized by antimicrobial resistance by the disk diffusion test, the minimum inhibitory concentration to colistin determination and to gene mcr-1 investigation by PCR. Salmonella was isolated from the intestinal content of 64% (32/50) of the pigs, in amounts that varied from 2.7 to >1,400 MPN/g. Salmonella Heidelberg was the most frequent serovar identified in the intestinal content samples (20/50; 40%), and this serovar was present in eight of the ten pig batches sampled. At the prechill, Salmonella was isolated from 8% of carcasses, and S. Heidelberg was not detected. Salmonella Heidelberg strains were resistant against ampicillin (n=9), tetracycline (n=8), sulfonamide (n=8) and gentamicin (n=5). Nine multi-drug resistant strains were detected; among them four strains were positive for the gene mcr-1. In these strains the MIC value was 8 µg.mL-1 , while in the strains without the mcr-1 gene it ranged from 2 µg.mL-1 to 4 µg.mL-1 . Therefore, humans in contact with carrier pigs or their environment may be exposed to S. Heidelberg, including strains harboring the gene mcr-1.SafePork 2017

    Estratigrafía de alta resolución de depósitos de flujos gravitacionales de la Formación Los Molles (Grupo Cuyo - Jurásico) en la región de La Jardinera, cuenca Neuquina

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    El Grupo Cuyo en el área del arroyo La Jardinera (Pliensbachiano a Caloviano Temprano) refleja una fisiografía de cuenca de plataforma y talud. Una discordancia de orden mayor define la culminación de una espesa sucesión de turbiditas y representa un límite de secuencia de 2do orden. La más antigua secuencia de 2do orden comprende el tramo basal de la Formación Los Molles e incluye un ciclo transgresivo-regresivo asignado a estratos de base de talud y fondo de cuenca. La secuencia más joven, que incluye el resto del Grupo Cuyo, consiste de una sucesión regresiva puntuada por varios desplazamientos abruptos de elementos fisiográficos (límites de secuencia de 3er orden). Las secuencias depositacionales de 3er orden incluyen depósitos de talud y de base de talud del Aaleniano de la Formación Los Molles, facies de plataforma del Bajociano Temprano en la transición entre las formaciones Los Molles y Lajas, y sedimentitas de plataforma interna a nearshore del Bajociano medio a tardío de la Formación Lajas, que es a su vez cubierta por depósitos del Bathoniano aluvial de la Formación Challacó. Ciclos de más alta frecuencia alternan en la sucesión y han controlado el origen, depositación y abandono de los elementos arquitecturales. Análisis de facies y de elementos arquitecturales indican que los depósitos gravitatorios densos de la Formación Los Molles encuadran en un modelo de rampa submarina. Los tres tipos de flujos gravitacionales (GF) han sido relacionados a caídas del nivel del mar de 4to orden. Los GF1 fueron asignados a flujos hiperpícnicos producidos durante un cortejo temprano de mar bajo de 4to orden, coevo con incisión fluvial en la plataforma, que evolucionaran a flujos turbidíticos en el talud, produciendo cargas de pulsos depositacionales cuya signatura composicional es fluvial. El sistema de GF1 incluye canales relativamente pequeños sobre el talud, lóbulos bien desarrollados en la base del talud y la planicie de fondo de cuenca proximales, así como lóbulos adventicios en la planicie del fondo de cuenca. Los estratos GF2 fueron asignados a flujos hiperpícnicos influenciados por un componente oscilatorio y relacionados a cortejos tardíos de mar bajo de 4to orden, que también incluyen relleno de canales incididos. Ellos están caracterizados en el talud por areniscas onduladas y laminadas ampliamente distribuidas y facies heterolíticas, que incluyen scours de bajo relieve en sus porciones centrales. Ellos representan flujos densos más diluidos y de grano más fino con respecto a los GF1. Los GF3, también asociados con cuñas de mar bajo de 4to orden, comprenden depósitos de flujos en masa y debris de talud y de base de talud, que representan clásicos surges de corta duración causados por debilidades en taludes relativamente abruptos. Los cortejos transgresivos y de mar alto de 4to orden llevaron al abandono de la etapa turbidítica y extensiva depositación de fango.The Pliensbachian to Early Callovian Cuyo Group in the Arroyo La Jardinera area reflects a shelf-slope-basin plain physiography. A major unconformity defines the onset of a thick turbidite succession and represents a 2nd order sequence boundary. The older 2nd order depositional sequence comprises the base of Los Molles Formation and includes a transgressive-regressive cycle ascribed to basin plain and slope rise strata. The younger one, which includes the rest of the Cuyo Group, consists of a regressive succession punctuated by several abrupt shifts of physiographic elements (3rd order sequence boundaries). The 3rd order depositional sequences include Aalenian slope rise and slope deposits in the Los Molles Formation, Early Bajocian shelfal facies at the transition of the Los Molles and Lajas formations, and Middle to Late Bajocian inner shelf to nearshore strata in the Lajas Formation that are overlain by Bathonian alluvial deposits of the Challacó Formation. Higher frequency cycles punctuate the succession and have controlled the origin, deposition and abandonment of the architectural elements. Facies and architectural elements analyses indicate that gravity flow deposits in the Los Molles Formation fit in a submarine ramp model. The three identified gravity flow (GF) types have been related to 4th order relative sea-level falls. The GF1 was ascribed to hyperpycnal flows produced during 4th order early lowstand, coeval to fluvial incision on the shelf, which were ignited in the slope and produced depletive depositional pulses with a fluvial compositional signature. The GF1 system includes relatively small channels in the slope, well-developed lobes in the slope rise and proximal basin plain, and lobe fringes in the basin plain. The GF2 strata were ascribed to hyperpycnal flows influenced by an oscillatory component and related to the 4th order late lowstand systems tract that also includes the incised channels fill. They are characterized in the slope by widespread, undulating and laminated sandstone and heterolithic facies, which include low relief scours at their central portions. They represent more diluted and finer-grained density flows relative to the GF1. The GF3, also associated with the 4th order lowstand wedge, comprises mass and debris flow deposits in the slope and slope rise that represent classical, short-lived surges caused by slope failures on relatively steep slopes. The 4th order transgressive and highstand systems tracts led to the abandonment of the turbidite stages and widespread mud deposition.Fil: Paim, Paulo S. G.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Silveira, Ariane. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Lavina, Ernesto L. C.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Faccini, Ubiratan F.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Leanza, Hector Armando. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Teixeira de Oliveira, J. M. M.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: D'Avila, Roberto S. F.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; Brasil. Petrobras Argentina S.a; Argentin

    Laboratory apparatus to evaluate microalgae production

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    The application of microalgae for energy purposes and CO2 biomitigation continues to present a number of challenges, including the optimization of culture conditions. The application of experimental designs for microalgae cultivation is difficult, since experiments involving such microorganisms generally last days or weeks. This work proposes a multipurpose laboratory apparatus for the optimization of microalgae experimental conditions that simultaneously enables the evaluation of variables such as temperature, irradiance, photoperiod and CO2 concentration in the aeration stream, as well as variables related to the concentration of culture media nutrients. A case study is also presented in which temperature, concentration of f/2 medium sodium nitrate and the effects of incident light intensity on Nannochloropsis oculata lipid content are evaluated. Experiments were carried out following central composite designs, in batch cultivation within an airlift photobioreactor apparatus. The best experimental result was obtained at 21 ºC, 119 mg/L NaNO3 and 137 µE.m-2.s-1, corresponding to 41.8% lipids and 211.9 mg.L-1 final lipid concentrations

    Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviour

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    With the intensification of problems relating to the environment, a growing number of consumers are becoming more ecologically conscious in their preferences and purchases of goods. This paper presents the results of a study conducted among 500 Cypriot consumers, focusing on the factors that shape consumer environmental attitudes and behaviour, as well as on the resulting outcomes. The findings confirmed that both the inward and outward environmental attitudes of a consumer are positively influenced by his/her degree of collectivism, long-term orientation, political involvement, deontology, and law obedience, but have no connection with liberalism. The adoption of an inward environmental attitude was also found to be conducive to green purchasing behaviour that ultimately leads to high product satisfaction. On the other hand, an outward environmental attitude facilitates the adoption of a general environmental behaviour, which is responsible for greater satisfaction with life. The findings of the study have important implications for shaping effective company offerings to consumers in target markets, as well as formulating appropriate policies at the governmental level to enhance environmental sensitivity among citizens

    Flaxseed gum-biopolymers interactions driving rheological behaviour of oropharyngeal dysphagia-oriented products

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    Viscosity-modified diet through thickeners is used as a strategy to circumvent swallowing problems by oropharyngeal dysphagia patients. Most commercial products present xanthan and starch in their formulations, but flaxseed gum (FG) is a potential thickener for liquid food that provides additional health benefits. FG was mixed either with modified starch (MS) and/or xanthan gum (XG), varying biopolymersâ concentration according to a central composite rotational design in which rheological and colour properties in water were the evaluated responses. All formulations showed a shear time-independent and shear-thinning behaviour, mainly influenced by XG and MS concentrations. In oscillatory measurements, the formulations presented a prevailing elastic character attributed to MS and mainly to XG, which despite the lower concentration in which it was incorporated, exerted a similar influence on this rheological property. However, the increase of FG concentration was the most significant factor influencing viscosity, but also favoured an increase of both viscoelastic moduli mainly G'. Analysis of the microstructure disclosed different network structures as a result of biopolymers interactions, which was related to rheological behaviour giving insights to design new thickeners for dysphagia management. In addition, the amount of glucose released after in vitro digestion was evaluated and compared to a commercial MS-based thickener. Interestingly, the commercial formulation showed a glucose release significantly higher than the proposed FG/MS/XG-based formulations. These results open the opportunity to tailor the rheological characteristics of food systems by adding and combining natural ingredients, improving technological and nutritional properties.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) (Finance code 001); São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP (Process numbers 2016/05448–8; 2011/51707–1; EMU 2009/54137–1; 2007/58017–5; 2006/03263–9; 2004/08517–3) and by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - Process 307168/2016–6). Okuro and Santos thanks São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Grant numbers 2018/20308–3 and 2017/18109–0)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mapas de complexidade de fragmentos de Cerrado a partir da variabilidade espacial de dados do sensor Thematic Mapper5.

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    No estudo em questão, o programa CompPlexus tem seu potencial e eficiência explorada no que tange ao efeito de borda e, de forma geral, à dinâmica ecológica de uma área previamente estudada. Assim, o objetivo aqui buscado é o de mapear os fragmentos de Cerrado a partir do cálculo de valores de complexidade dos padrões obtidos de imagem orbital e subsequentemente a aplicação de Geoestatística para interpolação dos dados