82 research outputs found

    La caricatura como herramienta pedagógica para la enseñanza de la Ingeniería Industrial

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    Dado que el entorno pide a gritos un método capaz de captar el interés y la atención de todos los estudiantes, que estimule el análisis y la creatividad, que facilite el proceso de aprendizaje y la aplicación de diferentes conceptos y que estimule la asistencia a los planteles educativos con el fin de aprender, se propone la aplicación de una herramienta que puede ser un peldaño en la construcción del desarrollo de una metodología diferente a las tradicionales. La caricatura, logra capturar la atención de un grupo de personas heterogéneas en comportamiento, temperamento e inteligencias y hasta lenguaje, como se verá posteriormente, contextualizándolas en un tema específico y logrando un alto nivel de recordación al estimular algunas inteligencias y estilos de aprendizaje. El humor empleado en las caricaturas, rompe con los esquemas de la clase magistral dejando la monotonía a un lado, convirtiendo el aula de clase en un escenario agradable y propicio para debates sobre temas que se estén tratando en dicho momento, permitiendo el desarrollo de análisis críticos y complejos, generados en el consenso, que llevan a un entendimiento más amplio y más claro de los conceptos tratados en clase

    Cloud Atlas: Rotational Spectral Modulations and potential Sulfide Clouds in the Planetary-mass, Late T-type Companion Ross 458C

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    Measurements of photometric variability at different wavelengths provide insights into the vertical cloud structure of brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects. In seven Hubble Space Telescope consecutive orbits, spanning \sim10 h of observing time}, we obtained time-resolved spectroscopy of the planetary-mass T8-dwarf Ross 458C using the near-infrared Wide Field Camera 3. We found spectrophotometric variability with a peak-to-peak signal of 2.62±\pm0.02 % (in the 1.10-1.60~μ\mum white light curve). Using three different methods, we estimated a rotational period of 6.75±\pm1.58~h for the white light curve, and similar periods for narrow JJ- and HH- band light curves. Sine wave fits to the narrow JJ- and HH-band light curves suggest a tentative phase shift between the light curves with wavelength when we allow different periods between both light curves. If confirmed, this phase shift may be similar to the phase shift detected earlier for the T6.5 spectral type 2MASS J22282889-310262. We find that, in contrast with 2M2228, the variability of Ross~458C shows evidence for a {color trend} within the narrow JJ-band, but gray variations in the narrow HH-band. The spectral time-resolved variability of Ross 458C might be potentially due to heterogeneous sulfide clouds in the atmosphere of the object. Our discovery extends the study of spectral modulations of condensate clouds to the coolest T dwarfs, planetary-mass companions.Comment: Accepted in ApJ

    Cloud Atlas: Discovery of Rotational Spectral Modulations in a Low-mass, L-type Brown Dwarf Companion to a Star

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    Observations of rotational modulations of brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets allow the characterization of condensate cloud properties. As of now rotational spectral modulations have only been seen in three L-type brown dwarfs. We report here the discovery of rotational spectral modulations in LP261-75B, an L6-type intermediate surface gravity companion to an M4.5 star. As a part of the Cloud Atlas Treasury program we acquired time-resolved Wide Field Camera 3 grism spectroscopy (1.1--1.69~μ\mum) of LP261-75B. We find gray spectral variations with the relative amplitude displaying only a weak wavelength dependence and no evidence for lower-amplitude modulations in the 1.4~μ\mum water band than in the adjacent continuum. The likely rotational modulation period is 4.78±\pm0.95 h, although the rotational phase is not well sampled. The minimum relative amplitude in the white light curve measured over the whole wavelength range is 2.41±\pm0.14\%. We report an unusual light curve with seemingly three peaks approximately evenly distributed in rotational phase. The spectral modulations suggests that the upper atmosphere cloud properties in {LP261-75B} are similar to two other mid-L dwarfs of typical infrared colors, but differ from that of the extremely red L-dwarf WISE0047

    Multiple training interventions significantly improve reproducibility of PET/CT-based lung cancer radiotherapy target volume delineation using an IAEA study protocol

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    AbstractBackground and purposeTo assess the impact of a standardized delineation protocol and training interventions on PET/CT-based target volume delineation (TVD) in NSCLC in a multicenter setting.Material and methodsOver a one-year period, 11 pairs, comprised each of a radiation oncologist and nuclear medicine physician with limited experience in PET/CT-based TVD for NSCLC from nine different countries took part in a training program through an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) study (NCT02247713). Teams delineated gross tumor volume of the primary tumor, during and after training interventions, according to a provided delineation protocol. In-house developed software recorded the performed delineations, to allow visual inspection of strategies and to assess delineation accuracy.ResultsFollowing the first training, overall concordance indices for 3 repetitive cases increased from 0.57±0.07 to 0.66±0.07. The overall mean surface distance between observer and expert contours decreased from −0.40±0.03cm to −0.01±0.33cm. After further training overall concordance indices for another 3 repetitive cases further increased from 0.64±0.06 to 0.80±0.05 (p=0.01). Mean surface distances decreased from −0.34±0.16cm to −0.05±0.20cm (p=0.01).ConclusionMultiple training interventions improve PET/CT-based TVD delineation accuracy in NSCLC and reduce interobserver variation

    Evaluación del proceso de coagulación de los ácidos húmicos (AHs) en presencia de Fe³⁺

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    En esta investigación se realizó la extracción de un ácidos húmico (AHs) de un suelo de Atotonilco (estado de Hidalgo), empleando Na₂P₂O₇.10H₂O e NaOH como agentes extractantes. El análisis fisicoquímico del ácido húmico extraído (AH-A), utilizando diferentes métodos y técnicas analíticas mostro que sus características alifáticas y poliácidas fueron similares comparadas con el ácido húmico comercial (AH-CH). Con respecto a su capacidad de coagulación con iones de Fe³⁺, evaluada por medio de lecturas de potencial zeta se evidenció que existe una rápida interacción de los AHs con este metal. Incrementa su coagulación al aumentar la concentración del metal y a un pH mayor de 4, debido a la desprotonación de los grupos carboxílicos (-COOH) principalmente, que bajo estas condiciones pueden coordinarse, reduciendo la carga neta negativa y permitiendo así que tales complejos se aproximen entre sí e interactúen a través de puentes de hidrógeno. Con estos resultados se pudo demostrar la afinidad de los AHs con Fe³⁺ y su importancia en el transporte de nutrientes en sistemas ambientales.In this research the extraction of a humic acid (HAs) from a soil of Atotonilco (Hidalgo state) were performed using Na₂P₂O₇.10H,O and NaOH as extracting agents. Physicochemical analysis of extracted humic acid (HA-A), were obtained using differents analytical methods and techniques showed that their polyacidic and aliphatic characteristics was similar compared with the commercial humic acid (HA-CH). In regard to its ability to coagulation with Fe³⁺ions, evaluated through zeta potential values, it was shown that there is a rapid interaction of the HAs with this metal. Coagulation increases at higher metal concentration and an pH higher than 4, because of the greater deprotonation of carboxylic groups (-COOH) principally, that can coordinate under these conditions, reducing the net negative charge and enabling such complexes approach one another and interact through hydrogen bonding. It could be demonstrated the affinity of AHs with Fe³⁺ and their importance in nutrient transport in environmental systems

    The Influence of Stud Characteristics of Football Boots Regarding Player Injuries

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    Background: the main aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between sole pattern parameters of football boots with the frequency of injuries that occur in semiprofessional and amateur footballers. Methods: The study sample was composed of 77 male football players. All were at least 18 years old, played at least 10 h per week, gave signed informed consent to take part and properly completed the Visual Analogue Scale. This study analysed data from each player’s medical history, including age, injuries, years of practice, field type and surface condition information. Results: The visual analogic score in semiprofessional players was higher (2.05 ± 2.43) than in amateur players (1.00 ± 1.1). A total of 141 lesions were collected, equivalent to 1.81 injuries for each football player studied (n = 77). The result of the ROC curve indicated that the player’s years of practice could predict significantly (p < 0.05) the presence of lower limb injuries, with an area under the curve of 0.714. Conclusions: This study described the predictive capacity of sole pattern characteristics concerning lower limb injuries in amateur and semiprofessional footballers. Football boot variables associated with the number of studs were associated with foot and ankle overload injuries.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Frecuency and severity of early childhood caries in social risk children from mendoza

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    En este estudio descriptivo correlacional se tuvo como objetivo el determinar la frecuencia y severidad de caries según edad en niños entre 12-71 meses con riesgo social del Gran Mendoza, y el impacto de las lesiones de esmalte sobre estas variables. MÉTODO: Muestra: 404 niños de 12-71 meses de edad asistentes a SEOS del Gran Mendoza. Indicadores: grupos de edad; ceod con 2 categorías: para &quot;c&quot; según incluya lesión esmalte y dentina (c2-6) o dentina (c4-6) según criterios de ICDAS II; y severidad de caries. Se aplicó estadística paramétrica y no paramétrica para analizar variablesindependientes, dispersión y comparación de grupos; p≤0,05. RESULT ADOS: para ceod2-6: 49.8% sin experiencia de caries, c 2,13±3.12; ei 0,14±0.77; o 0,3 ±0,27; ceod 2,30±3,38.Para ceod4-6: 64% sin experiencia de caries, c 1,21±2,35; ei 0,13±0.72; o 0,3 ±0,27; ceod 1,37±2,59. Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa para diferencias entre: ceod4- 6 y ceod2-6 y componentes discriminados;para categorías de severidad y los dos grupos de ceod; para severidad y grupos de edad con aumento con la edad del componente c y del ceod total en ceod2-6y ceod4-6. El porcentaje de lesiones de caries de esmalte fue mayor en los primeros años de vida, aumentando luego el de lesiones dentinarias. La carga de caries de esmalte para toda la población estudiada fue del 30,9%. CONCLUSIONES: en los niños del Gran Mendoza evaluados el valor de ceod se incrementa hacia el 2do y 3er año de vida, cuadruplicándose hacia el 5to. Aumentan significativamente cuando se incluyen lesiones de esmalte, con alta carga de las mismas en los niños más pequeños.In this descriptive correlational study, the objective was to determine the frequency and severity of caries according to age in children between 12-71 months with social risk of Greater Mendoza, and the impact of enamel lesions on these variables. METHOD: Sample: 404 children aged 12- 71 months attending SEOS in Greater Mendoza, Indicators: age groups; dmft with 2 categories: for &quot;d&quot; according to include enamel and dentin (d2-6) or dentin (d4-6) lesion according to ICDAS II criteria; and caries severity. Parametric and non-parametric statistics were applied to analyze independent variables, dispersion and comparison of groups; P≤0.05. RESULTS: for dmft2-6: 49.8% without caries experience, d 2.13 ± 3.12; m 0.14 ± 0.77; f 0.3 ± 0.27; dmft2-6 2.30 ± 3.38. For dmft4-6: 64% with no caries experience, d 1.21 ± 2.35; m 0.13 ± 0.72; f 0.3 ± 0.27; dmft4-61.37 ± 2.59. A statistically significant association was found for differences between: dmft4-6 and dmft2-6 and discriminated components; for severity categories and the two groups of dmft; for severity and age groups with an increase with age of the d component and total dmft in dmft4-6 and dmft2-6. The percentage of enamel caries lesions was higher in the first years of life, then the dentine lesions increased. The enamel caries load for the entire study population was 30.9%. CONCLUSIONS: in the studied children of Greater Mendoza the value of dmft increases in the 2nd and 3rd year of life, quadrupling foward the 5th. They increase significantly when enamel lesions were included, with high loading of enamel lesions in younger children.Fil: Fernández, Claudia Nélida. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Vuoto, Elena Rosa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Borjas, María Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Cambría Ronda, Salvador. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Grilli, Silvia Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Arias, Susana Catalina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Hospital Universitario. Área de Odontología.Fil: Buttani, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Calatayud, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Hospital Universitario. Área de Odontología.Fil: Dolonguevich, Evelyn. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Hospital Universitario. Área de Odontología.Fil: Martín, Marcela Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Hospital Universitario. Área de Odontología.Fil: Paez, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Salinas, Daniela Esther. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Hospital Universitario. Área de Odontología

    Detección del tipo de papilomavirus humano por el método de PCR-RFLP en un caso con neoplasia intraepitelial de alto grado y captura híbrida II negativa

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    La infección persistente del virus del papiloma humano (HPV) es un factor necesario para el desarrollo del cáncer de cuello uterino. Este caso reporta una mujer de 43 años, con imágenes citológicas persistentes de neoplasia intraepitelial de grado III (CIN III) y resultados negativos paraestudios colposcópicos y anatomopatológicos, como también, para HR-HPV analizado por el método de Captura Híbrida II. Una evaluación histopatológica posteriormente confirmó la existencia de CIN III en mucosa cervical. A fin de detectar otros tipos de HPV no incluidos en la Captura Híbrida II, la muestra fue analizada por el método de PCR-RFLP obteniendo un resultado positivo para HPV 73. En este caso, el uso del método de PCR-RFLP permitió detectar una infección por un tipo específico de HPV, brindando una información útil que puede ayudar en el manejo clínico de mujeres con diagnóstico citológico de CIN III y resultado de Captura Híbrida II negativo

    Cloud Atlas: Rotational Modulations in the L/T Transition Brown Dwarf Companion HN Peg B

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    Time-resolved observations of brown dwarfs' rotational modulations provide powerful insights into the properties of condensate clouds in ultra-cool atmospheres. Multi-wavelength light curves reveal cloud vertical structures, condensate particle sizes, and cloud morphology, which directly constrain condensate cloud and atmospheric circulation models. We report results from Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) near-infrared G141 taken in six consecutive orbits observations of HNPeg B, an L/T transition brown dwarf companion to a G0V type star. The best-fit sine wave to the 1.1 to 1.7 micron broadband light curve has the amplitude of and period of hour. The modulation amplitude has no detectable wavelength dependence except in the 1.4 micron water absorption band, indicating that the characteristic condensate particle sizes are large (greater than 1 micron). We detect significantly (4.4 sigma) lower modulation amplitude in the 1.4 micron water absorption band, and find that HN Peg B's spectral modulation resembles those of early T type brown dwarfs. We also describe a new empirical interpolation method to remove spectral contamination from the bright host star. This method may be applied in other high-contrast time-resolved observations with WFC3

    Optimal Timing for Cardiac Surgery in Infective Endocarditis with Neurological Complications: A Narrative Review

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    In patients with infective endocarditis and neurological complications, the optimal timing for cardiac surgery is unclear due to the varied risk of clinical deterioration when early surgery is performed. The aim of this review is to summarize the best evidence on the optimal timing for cardiac surgery in the presence of each type of neurological complication. An English literature search was carried out from June 2018 through July 2022. The resulting selection, comprising observational studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews and society guidelines, was organized into four sections according to the four groups of neurological complications: ischemic, hemorrhagic, infectious, and asymptomatic complications. Cardiac surgery could be performed without delay in cases of ischemic vascular neurological complication (provided the absence of severe damage, which can be avoided with the performance of mechanical thrombectomy in cases of major stroke), as well as infectious or asymptomatic complications. In the presence of intracranial hemorrhage, a delay of four weeks is recommended for most cases, although recent studies have suggested that performing cardiac surgery within four weeks could be a suitable option for selected cases. The findings of this review are mostly in line with the recommendations of the current European and American infective endocarditis guidelines