11 research outputs found

    How Solidarity Influences Political Actors to Manage the Refugee Crisis: the Case of Proactiva Open Arms

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    Europe is facing the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II, and the Mare Nostrum has become the path that millions of people are using to flee from the armed conflict, especially since the Syrian war began in March 2011. In this sense, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 1,014,973 people arrived to Greece, Italy and Spain by sea in 2015. Nevertheless, the Mediterranean area has become the scene of not only a humanitarian crisis but also citizens’ solidarity. In this sense, Proactiva Open Arms, an NGO mostly formed by lifeguards, has helped 135,000 people to reach the coast safely, 10,273 of whom sailed in wandering boats. Of these individuals, 475 fell into the water and 9,067 were trapped on the cliffs. Proactiva Open Arms’ work has driven European and Greek authorities to respond to refugees. In this paper, we analyse through this case how solidarity among civil citizens can change political actions and encourage other citizens to act in solidarity, as part of the H2020 European funded research project SOLIDUS. 

    Towards a Conceptualization of Dialogic Leadership

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    In 1968, Freire included in his work the need of dialogue for those acting as leaders. Since then, leadership has been widely addressed by authors around the world and different conceptual frameworks have been developed. The role of dialogue for leading change has been significant across different social and educational movements. Educational research has advanced knowledge on using a dialogic approach for mobilising schools and communities. Building on the research conducted under the INCLUD-ED project, schools and communities together engaged in participation processes that enabled teachers, children, families and community members to lead the transformation of their schools. Based on a first attempt to theorise this phenomenon, this article explores the concept of dialogic leadership and accounts for the contributions in educational and teacher leadership oriented to promote change and improvement. First, a general overview of the relevance of dialogue in the dialogic turn of societies and social sciences will be provided. Second, the role of dialogue in different leadership models will be analysed considering especially the relevance granted to dialogue in the teacher leadership model. Third, a conceptualisation of the model of dialogic leadership will be proposed to end with final remarks highlighting the relevance of conducting empirical work to further elaborate on this conceptualisation

    The Other Women in Dialogic Literary Gatherings

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    This paper is based on Freire’s conception of dialogic action, which highlights the role of dialogue in raising awareness and critical consciousness (Freire, 1970). Drawing on this conception, Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG) were created in 1978 in a working-class neighbourhood in Barcelona. The purpose was not only to contribute to adults’ literacy learning but also to support their empowerment towards personal and social transformations. Specifically, we examine four non-academic women who have participated in DLG for more than 20 years and who have been traditionally excluded from decision-making processes in various personal and social spaces. We demonstrate how these women transform their self-concept as readers and learners by engaging in reading and enjoying classic literature, thus becoming empowered as social agents. This empowerment has occurred through several pathways for engagement. DLG allow participants to become confident readers who perceive themselves as culturally competent such that they are capable of actively participating in scholarly forums. Participants become more socially engaged and become involved in social movements to support marginalised communities. The transformative dialogues prompted by individually reading aloud and collectively discussing the morals and social values of the classics (i.e., gender issues) mobilise participants to engage in women’s movements, opening the feminist arena to include so-called ‘other women’

    Contributions of European research INCLUD-ED for the reduction of early school leaving

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    The challenge of reducing early school leaving in Europe, with special pressure in Spain, leads to the need of evidence based educational policies and measures. This paper presents measures to prevend and reduce early school leaving that have been identified within the research Project INCLUD-ED. Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. This is the research Project with a higher level and resources developed  since now  in Europe regarding school education. The identified solutions are already being addressed in documents of the European Commission, such as the recent Communication to the European Parliament "Tackiling early school leaving: a key contribution to the Europe 2020 Agenda"


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    The challenge of reducing early school leaving in Europe, with special pressure in Spain, leads to the need of evidence based educational policies and measures. This paper presents measures to prevend and reduce early school leaving that have been identified within the research Project INCLUD-ED. Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. This is the research Project with a higher level and resources developed  since now  in Europe regarding school education. The identified solutions are already being addressed in documents of the European Commission, such as the recent Communication to the European Parliament "Tackiling early school leaving: a key contribution to the Europe 2020 Agenda"

    Inicio del Curso de las Universidades Catalanas hacia el Covid-19: la Evidencia frente a la Negligencia

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    There is an extensive literature on the importance of the use of scientific evidence on teaching methods in higher education institutions. However, there is a gap in how evidence is used for decision making that affects students and staff in universities. This article is a contribution to the existing gap, making the analysis of a specific case on how Catalan universities have managed the decision making regarding their staff in the face of the pandemic situation with the COVID-19. In this article, through the interview with managers and faculty from different Catalan universities, it will be shown to what extent these university institutions have opted for decision making in the management of the situation based on scientific evidence or simply compliance with government regulations.Existe una amplia literatura sobre la importancia del uso de la evidencia científica en los métodos de enseñanza en las instituciones de educación superior. Sin embargo, existe un vacío en cuanto a cómo se utiliza la evidencia para la toma de decisiones que afectan a los y las estudiantes y al personal de las universidades. Este artículo es una contribución a la brecha existente, realizando el análisis de un caso concreto sobre cómo las universidades catalanas han gestionado la toma de decisiones sobre su personal ante la situación de pandemia con el COVID-19. En este artículo, a través de la entrevista a directivos y profesorado de diferentes universidades catalanas, se mostrará en qué medida estas instituciones universitarias han optado por una toma de decisiones en la gestión de la situación basada en la evidencia científica o simplemente en el cumplimiento de la normativa gubernamental

    Tutoría : técnicas, recursos y actividades

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe aborda la función tutorial de un grupo-clase de ESO, ofreciendo recursos, reflexiones y propuestas didácticas orientadas a facilitar al profesorado la tarea diaria con los adolescentes. También se presentan instrumentos para desarrollar un Plan de Acción Tutorial en el que se implique el conjunto del profesorado y ayude a construir una coherente cultura de centro. Además se exponen temas, metodologías y actividades para la clase de tutoría.MadridBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]