89 research outputs found

    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec i el cartellisme com a reflex de la vida nocturna parisenca de finals del segle XIX

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Història de l'Art, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020-2021, Tutor: Cristina Rodríguez SamaniegoAquest Treball de Fi de Grau està dedicat al cartellisme de Toulouse-Lautrec, concretament es tracta d’una anàlisi dels cartells d’aquest cèlebre artista francès basats en les representacions de la vida nocturna parisenca de finals del segle XIX, durant l’anomenada Belle Époque, en els que destaquen especialment els locals d’oci més emblemàtics de la capital francesa i les seves llunàtiques figures estrella

    Mitochondrial fission in Huntington's disease mouse striatum disrupts ER-mitochondria contacts leading to disturbances in Ca2+ efflux and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) homeostasis

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    Mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs) are dynamic structures that communicate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria allowing calcium transfer between these two organelles. Since calcium dysregulation is an important hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases, disruption of MAMs has been speculated to contribute to pathological features associated with these neurodegenerative processes. In Huntington's disease (HD), mutant huntingtin induces the selective loss of medium spiny neurons within the striatum. The cause of this specific susceptibility remain unclear. However, defects on mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetics have been proposed as critical contributors, causing accumulation of fragmented mitochondria and subsequent Ca2+ homeostasis alterations. In the present work, we show that aberrant Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fragmentation within the striatum of HD mutant mice, forces mitochondria to place far away from the ER disrupting the ER-mitochondria association and therefore causing drawbacks in Ca2+ efflux and an excessive production of mitochondria superoxide species. Accordingly, inhibition of Drp1 activity by Mdivi-1 treatment restored ER-mitochondria contacts, mitochondria dysfunction and Ca2+ homeostasis. In sum, our results give new insight on how defects on mitochondria dynamics may contribute to striatal vulnerability in HD and highlights MAMs dysfunction as an important factor involved in HD striatal pathology

    Creando vínculos entre Universidad y Comunidad : el proyecto Shere Rom, una experiencia de aprendizaje servicio en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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    En este trabajo se describe el proyecto Shere Rom, un entramado de vínculos entre la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, comunidades gitanas y escuelas públicas del área metropolitana de Barcelona. En el análisis de la experiencia se destacan dos elementos clave del aprendizaje servicio: a) el proyecto promueve el retorno social de la universidad a la sociedad, dando respuesta a necesidades reales mediante la intervención psicoeducativa desarrollada en el marco de proyectos de investigación; b) promueve en los estudiantes la adquisición de conocimientos y el desarrollo de competencias propias de su currículum formativo a través de la participación en un proyecto real y la implicación en la comunidad. Después de 16 años, participando cada curso entre 110 y 140 estudiantes de la UAB y entre 250 y 300 niñas y niños de distintas minorías étnicas, podemos describir las potencialidades que el proyecto ofrece a cada uno de sus participantesIn this article we describe the project Shere Rom, a network of links between the Autonomous University of Barcelona, gypsie communities and public schools in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The analysis of the experience highlights two key elements of service learning: a) the project promotes the social return of the university to society, responding to real needs through educational intervention that is developed under the frame of research projects; b) promotes, in college students, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of its own training curriculum skills through participation in a real project and community involvement. After 16 years, with a participation each year between 110 and 140 UAB students and between 250 and 300 children from different ethnic minorities, we can describe the potential that the project offers to each of its participant

    Multiplicidad de voces e identidad étnica en los procesos de cambio en la cultura gitana

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    Aquest treball presenta una metodologia, basada en l'aproximació de Mikhail M. Bakhtin a l'estudi de les narracions, com a eina per l'estudi dels processos de canvi cultural en una minoria. En concret, s'analitzen les múltiples veus presents en els enunciats dels membres de comunitats gitanes quan donen compte de la seva cultura, mostrant les comunitats gitanes en procés de profund canvi cultural en el qual dialoguen diferents veus: procedents unes de la tradició cultural; altres, dels models del grup social dominant; i altres, dels intents de compromís entre ambdues. Aquesta multiplicitat de veus és camp de joc entre minoria i majoria, en el qual es donen moviments de diàleg, assimilació, resistència, creació de noves diferències culturals i hibridació. Un escenari en constant procés de canvi en què les pràctiques quotidianes han de respondre a metes diferents i fins i tot contradictòries, i en el qual diferents veus s'entrellacen en el procés de construcció de noves identitats.This paper presents a methodology, based on Mikhail M. Bakhtin's approach to the study of narrative, as a tool to analyze the processes of cultural change in minority groups. In particular, we analyze the multiple voices that are present in the statements of members of Roma communities when they talk about and express their culture. Roma communities are displayed in a process of profound cultural shift and where different voices have a dialog, some voices come from cultural tradition, other voices come from models of the dominant social group, and other voices come from the attempt to compromise between them. This multivoicedness is the playing field between minority and majority groups, movements of dialogue happen, assimilations, resistances, creating new cultural differences and hybridization. So, a scene is developed in a constant process of change in which daily practices often must respond to different and even contradictory goals, and in which different voices are intertwined in the process of constructing new identities.Este trabajo presenta una metodología, basada en la aproximación de Mikhail M. Bakhtin al estudio de las narraciones, como herramienta para el estudio de los procesos de cambio cultural en una minoría. En concreto, se analizan las múltiples voces presentes en los enunciados de los miembros de comunidades gitanas cuando dan cuenta de su cultura, mostrando las comunidades gitanas en proceso de profundo cambio cultural en el que dialogan distintas voces: procedentes unas de la tradición cultural; otras, de los modelos del grupo social dominante; y otras, de los intentos de compromiso entre ambas. Esta multiplicidad de voces es campo de juego entre minoría y mayoría, en el que se dan movimientos de diálogo, asimilación, resistencia, creación de nuevas diferencias culturales e hibridación. Un escenario en constante proceso de cambio en el que las prácticas cotidianas deben responder a metas distintas e incluso contradictorias, y en el que diferentes voces se entrelazan en el proceso de construcción de nuevas identidades

    ATM and DNA-PKcs make a complementary couple in DNA double strand break repair

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    The interplay between ATM and DNA-PKcs kinases during double strand breaks (DSBs) resolution is still a matter of debate. ATM and DNA-PKcs participate differently in the DNA damage response pathway (DDR), but important common aspects are indeed found: both of them are activated when faced with DSBs, they share common targets in the DDR and the absence of either kinase results in faulty DSB repair. Absence of ATM translates into timely repair that, nevertheless, is incomplete. On the other hand, DNA-PKcs absence translates into slower repair, which in turn gives rise to the accumulation of simple and complex reorganizations. These outcomes confirm that the function of both protein kinases is essential to guarantee genome integrity. Interestingly, V(D)J and CSR recombination events provide a powerful tool to study the interplay between both kinases in DSB repair. Although the physiological DSBs generated during V(D)J and CSR recombination are resolved by the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair pathway, ATMabsence during these events translates into chromosome translocations. These results suggest that NHEJ accuracy is threatened in the absence of ATM, which may play a role in avoiding illegitimate repair by favouring the joining of the correct DNA ends. Indeed, simultaneous DNA-PKcs and ATM deficiency during V(D)J and CSR recombination translates into a synergistic increase in potentially dangerous chromosomal translocations and deletions. Although the exact nature of their interaction remains elusive, the evidence indicates that ATM and DNA-PKcs play complementary roles that allow complete and legitimate DSB repair to be reached. Faithful repair can only be achieved by the presence and correct functioning of both kinases: while DNA-PKcs ensures fast rejoining, ATM guarantees complete repair

    Mosquits de la comarca del Baix Llobregat (Diptera, Culicidae)

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    Des de l'octubre de 1991 fins al març de 1993 es van estudiar les poblacions de Culicidae (Diptera) de la comarca del Baix Llobregat, i es van completar les dades que d'aquest grup es tenien al Servei de Control de Mosquits del Baix Llobregat. S'han examinat 169 mostres amb un total de 4.324 individus en estat larvari, obtingudes de la prospecció directa de 107 focus, i 3.863 individus adults obtinguts de la col·locació de 470 trampes de CO2, en 91 punts diferents. Les trampes tenien una freqüència setmanal i es col·locaven al llarg d'una nit. Això ha permès citar 17 espècies agrupades en 6 gèneres i obtenir dades de la seva fenologia. D'altra banda s'han pogut caracteritzar els diferents biótops larvaris agrupant-los en nou categories diferents i descriure la culícidofauna associada a cadascun d'ells. En estudiar les associacions larvàries d'espècies s'ha observat que la presència o absència d'associació ve determinada pel tipus de focus i no per la presència o absència d'altres espècies.Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of the Baix Llobregat Area (Barcelona, Spain). Culicidae (Diptera) from the Baix Llobregat area were studied from October 1991 until March 1993. This work is a completion of data already gathered by the Baix Llobregat Mosquito Control Service. 4.324 larvae of 169 samples, taken from 107 larval focuses, were studied, as well as 3.863 adults collected by 470 CO2 traps, placed in 91 different localities. Traps were installed weekly all through the night. The study results in 17 species grouped in 6 genera, and allows to obtain phenological data. On the other hand, larval biotopes could be classified in 9 different categories, and their mosquito fauna is described. When biocenoses are considered, it comes out that they are determined by the biotope characteristics, and not by reciprocal incompatibilities between species

    Breaks invisible to the DNA damage response machinery accumulate in ATM-deficient cells

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació La Marató, Grant number TV32005-050110After irradiation, ATM defective cells accumulate unrepaired double strand breaks (DSBs) for several cell divisions. At the chromosome level, unresolved DSBs appear as chromosome breaks that can be efficiently scored by using telomeric and mFISH probes. H2AX is immediately activated by ATM in response to DNA damage and its phosphorylated form, γH2AX, flanks the DSB through several megabases. The γH2AX-labeling status of broken chromosome ends was analyzed in AT cells to check whether the DNA damage response was accurately taking place in these persistent DSBs. The results show that one quarter of the scored breaks are devoid of γH2AX foci in metaphase spreads from ATM-deficient cells, and this fraction is significantly higher than in normal cells (χ2 < 0.05). Accumulation of sensor and repair proteins at damaged sites is a key event in the cellular response to DSBs, so MRE11 labeling at broken ends was also analyzed. While all γH2AX foci scored at visible broken ends colocalize with MRE11 foci, all γH2AX-unlabeled breaks are also devoid of MRE11-labeling. The present results suggest that a significant subset of the AT long-lived DSBs may persist as " invisible" DSBs due to deficient detection by the DNA damage repair machinery. Eventually the properly signaled DSBs will be repaired while invisible breaks may indefinitely accumulate; most probably contributing to the AT cells' well known genomic instability

    Parásitos e histopatología de Mullus barbatus y Citharus linguatula de dos zonas sometidas a diferente grado de contaminación del Mediterráneo noroccidental

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    The usefulness of fish parasite communities as bioindicators of environmental stress was tested on two benthic fish species, the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and the spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula), during the spring of 2006 at two sites of the Catalan coast (northwestern Mediterranean): an anthropogenic-impacted area located close to the city of Barcelona, and a less polluted area close to Blanes (Girona). Gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices and condition factor were determined for the fishes caught. Prevalence, mean intensity, mean abundance and species richness of the parasites found in the survey were calculated for both species and locations, and the main histological alterations were recorded. Cysts of unknown aetiology and intestinal coccidians were reported only in red mullets from the area close to Barcelona, which were highly parasitized by the digenean Opecoeloides furcatus and the nematode Capillaria sp. However, a higher prevalence of Ichthyophonus sp. was reported in the spotted flounder from Blanes. Cysts of unknown aetiology, some nematodes and Ichthyophonus sp. may be associated with pollution.Se ha comparado la utilidad de las comunidades parasíticas de peces como bioindicadores de estrés ambiental en dos especies bentónicas de peces , el salmonete de fango Mullus barbatus y la solleta Citharus linguatula, durante la primavera de 2006 en dos lugares de la costa catalana (Mediterráneo NO): un área fuertemente impactada cerca de la ciudad de Barcelona, y una menos contaminada cerca de Blanes (Girona). Se determinó el índice gonadosomático, el índice hepatosomático y el factor de condición de los peces capturados. Se calculó la prevalencia, intensidad media, abundancia media y riqueza específica de los diferentes parásitos encontrados por especie y localidad, y se analizaron las principales alteraciones histológicas. Se han encontrado quistes de etiología desconocida y coccidios intestinales tan sólo en los ejemplares de M. barbatus de Barcelona, los cuales también estaban altamente parasitados por el digeneo Opecoeloides furcatus y el nematodo Capillaria sp. Se ha detectado Ichthyophonus sp. tan sólo en los ejemplares de C. linguatula, presentando una mayor prevalencia en los ejemplares de Blanes. Los quistes de etiología desconocida, algunos nematodos e Ichthyophonus sp. podrían estar relacionados con la contaminació

    Shere Rom : creando una microcultura para la inclusión socioeducativa

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    El fracaso y abandono escolar es una problemática importante en nuestro país, (Organiza-ción de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, 2012) especialmente en determinados grupos minoritarios, (Fernández-Enguita, Mena y Riviere, 2010). Se anali-zan las contradicciones entre la escuela y las comunidades gitanas y cómo estas contradic-ciones están afectando a la participación de estas comunidades en la escuela. Se propone y se expone la experiencia de un modelo de intervención educativa que favorezca la creación de una microcultura propia y que promueva la inclusión educativa a partir del reconoci-miento de la diversidad cultural en distintos contextos de socialización. Finalmente, se dis-cuten los resultados de la implementación de este modelo y se ofrecen nuevas propuestas de mejora, para contribuir a la creación de una escuela que además de decirse intercultural lo sea.School failure and early drop out is an important issue in our country (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, 2012) especially in certain mi-nority groups (Fernández - Enguita, Mena y Riviere, 2010). In that paper, we analyse the contradictions between the school and the Roma communities and how these contradictions are affecting the participation of these communities in school. It is proposed and discussed the experience of an educational intervention model that favours the creation of an own microculture and promotes inclusive education based on the recognition of cultural diversi-ty in different contexts of socialization. Finally, we discuss the results of implementing this model and we offer new suggestions for improvement, to contribute to the creation of a school that more than being called intercultural it really is

    Is DNA Damage Response Ready for Action Anywhere?

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    Organisms are continuously exposed to DNA damaging agents, consequently, cells have developed an intricate system known as the DNA damage response (DDR) in order to detect and repair DNA lesions. This response has to be rapid and accurate in order to keep genome integrity. It has been observed that the condensation state of chromatin hinders a proper DDR. However, the condensation state of chromatin is not the only barrier to DDR. In this review, we have collected data regarding the presence of DDR factors on micronuclear DNA lesions that indicate that micronuclei are almost incapable of generating an effective DDR because of defects in their nuclear envelope. Finally, considering the recent observations about the reincorporation of micronuclei to the main bulk of chromosomes, we suggest that, under certain circumstances, micronuclei carrying DNA damage might be a source of chromosome instability
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