135 research outputs found

    Adolescents’ risky decision-making activates neural networks related to social cognition and cognitive control processes

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    This study examines by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging the neural mechanisms underlying adolescents’ risk decision-making in social contexts. We hypothesize that the social context could engage brain regions associated with social cognition processes and developmental changes are also expected. Sixty participants (adolescents: 17–18, and young adults: 21–22 years old) read narratives describing typical situations of decision-making in the presence of peers. They were asked to make choices in risky situations (e.g., taking or refusing a drug) or ambiguous situations (e.g., eating a hamburger or a hotdog). Risky as compared to ambiguous scenarios activated bilateral temporoparietal junction (TPJ), bilateral middle temporal gyrus (MTG), right medial prefrontal cortex, and the precuneus bilaterally; i.e., brain regions related to social cognition processes, such as self-reflection and theory of mind (ToM). In addition, brain structures related to cognitive control were active [right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), bilateral orbitofrontal cortex], whereas no significant clusters were obtained in the reward system (ventral striatum). Choosing the dangerous option involved a further activation of control areas (ACC) and emotional and social cognition areas (temporal pole). Adolescents employed more neural resources than young adults in the right DLPFC and the right TPJ in risk situations. When choosing the dangerous option, young adults showed a further engagement in ToM related regions (bilateral MTG) and in motor control regions related to the planning of actions (pre-supplementary motor area). Finally, the right insula and the right superior temporal gyrus were more activated in women than in men, suggesting more emotional involvement and more intensive modeling of the others’ perspective in the risky conditions. These findings call for more comprehensive developmental accounts of decision-making in social contexts that incorporate the role of emotional and social cognition processes

    Desarrollo para lineamientos de estimación de costos para proyectos privados arquitectónicos, con base en un modelo de clasificación único /

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    El presente trabajo de investigación despliega una propuesta de lineamientos de estimación de costos para proyectos privados arquitectónicos en Colombia. Partiendo de la teoría de que un modelo de clasificación permite tener desarrollos más específicos en función de las particularidades de cada proyecto, tres clases fueron definidas en función del alcance, y los lineamientos fueron ajustados a cada una de ellas. Como resultado de la investigación, se entrega además de los lineamientos mencionados, una estructura de desglose de costos (CBS) para cada clase de proyecto con los paquetes típicos que componen su presupuesto en términos de alcance del producto, alcance del proyecto, costos de gestión asociados, costos ambientales, costos legales, costos financieros y reservas de contingencia y gestión. El objetivo, es aportar a las empresas colombianas elementos de fácil entendimiento y uso, que le permitan desarrollar estimaciones más precisas, reduciendo el riesgo de desviaciones en costos a causa de este factor.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 106-107) y anexo

    Public Health Observatories: a learning community model to foster knowledge transfer for sustainable cities

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    [EN] A Public Health Observatory (PHO) is a platform to provide “health intelligence” as a service for a specific population. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the primary purposes of PHOs as “monitoring health situations and trends, including assessing progress toward agreed-upon health-related targets; producing and sharing evidence; and, supporting the use of such evidence for policy and decision making” For the purposes of the PULSE project, create an observatory to function as a unique point of access to the PULSE technology for people both inside and outside the project consortium.Specifically, we create a platform for e-learning and knowledge sharing that it can be easily navigated by lay persons that are interested in learning about or participating in the PULSE project. We targeted specifically policymakers, clinicians, as well as leaders and citizens in other cities. As a concept, it reflects the principles participation, sustainability, and collaboration across sectors and levels of government The Observatory leverages on the Health in All Policies (HiAP) framework. HiAP is a cross-sectoral approach to public policy that systematically takes into account the health implications of decisions, seeks synergies, and avoids harmful health impacts in order to improve population health and health equity.PULSE project has been founded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and it is documented in the grant agreement No 727816. Specifically. PULSE has been founded under the call H2020-EU-3.1.5. in the topic SCIPM-18-2016-Big Data supporting Public Health policies. More information on http://www.project-pulse.euVito, D.; Ottaviano, M.; Cabrera, MF.; Teriús Padrón, JG.; Casella, V.; Bellazzi, R. (2020). Public Health Observatories: a learning community model to foster knowledge transfer for sustainable cities. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1383-1390. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11285OCS1383139030-05-202

    Chromium Isotope Behavior During Serpentinite Dehydration in Oceanic Subduction Zones

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    Fluids released through the dehydration of serpentinite can be rich in Cl −, which enables the significant mobility of Cr in subduction zones. However, the Cr isotope behavior accompanying the mobility of Cr during serpentinite dehydration is still poorly constrained. Here, we report high-precision Cr isotope data for a unique suite of serpentinites that represent metamorphic products at different depths in oceanic subduction zones. Low-grade serpentinites affected by significant Cr loss during serpentinization exhibit remarkably higher δ 53Cr, while samples with Cr contents >∼1,800 ppm typically preserve mantle-like δ 53Cr. Antigorite serpentinites have an average δ 53Cr value of −0.17‰ ± 0.19‰ (n = 12, 2SD), which is statistically lower than those of low-grade serpentinite (−0.05‰ ± 0.30‰, n = 80, 2SD) and higher-grade chlorite harzburgite (−0.10‰ ± 0.27‰, n = 22, 2SD). This suggests that resolvable Cr isotope fractionation occurs during serpentinite dehydration, which is explained by the variability of Cr isotope behavior in the presence of Cl-bearing fluids at different dehydration stages. No obvious Cr isotope fractionation was found during chlorite harzburgite dehydration, probably related to the limited Cr mobility in a Cl-poor fluid. Other processes, such as melt extraction, external fluid influx and retrograde metamorphism, have negligible effects on the Cr isotope systematics of meta-serpentinites. Fluids released by serpentinite dehydration may have a great effect on the Cr isotope heterogeneity of mantle wedge peridotites and arc magmas.National Key Ramp;D Program of ChinaStrategic Priority Research Program (B) of CAS 2018YFA0702600National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) XDB41000000Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 42073029 41973004CNSAMICIN/AEI D020204FEDER program "Una manera de hacer Europa" PID2022-136471N-B-C21 C22 PID2019-111715GB-I00AEIFSE program "FSE invierte en tu futuro" RYC2018-024363-IJunta de AndaluciaEuropean Union (EU) Postdoc_21_00791European Social Fund (ESF)Junta de Andalucia RNM-131 RNM-37

    A climbing autonomous robot for inspection application in 3D complex environment

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    Often inspection and maintenance work involve a large number of highly dangerous manual operations, especially within industrial fields such as shipbuilding and construction. This paper deals with the autonomous climbing robot which uses the “caterpillar” concept to climb in complex 3D metallic-based structures. During its motion the robot generates in real-time the path and grasp planning in order to ensure stable self-support to avoid the environment obstacles, and to optimise the robot consumption during the inspection. The control and monitoring of the robot is achieved through an advanced Graphical User Interface to allow an effective and user friendly operation of the robot. The experiments confirm its advantages in executing the inspection operations.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish government agency CICYT under project TAP95-0088. The authors would like to acknowledge the technical support of A. Jardón, E. Jiménez, C. Palazuelos, J.A. Campo and F. Manera and also the company of APTECA for its help in the mechanical development.Publicad

    Mantle wedge oxidation due to sediment-infiltrated deserpentinisation

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    This work is part of the project DESTINE (PID2019-105192GB-I00) funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the FEDER program “una manera de hacer Europa”. J.A.P.N. acknowledges a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC2018-024363-I) funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the FSE program “FSE invierte en tu futuro”. This research is part of the Junta de Andalucia research group RNM-131.The Earth's mantle is oxygen-breathing through the sink of oxidised tectonic plates at convergent Margins. Ocean floor serpentinisation increases the bulk oxidation state of iron relative to dry oceanic mantle and results in a variable intake of other redox-sensitive elements such as sulphur. The reversibility of seafloor oxidation in subduction zones during high-pressure dehydration of serpentinite (“deserpentinisation”) at subarc depths and the capacity of the resulting fluids to oxidise the mantle source of arc basalts are highly contested. Thermodynamic modelling, experiments, and metaperidotite study in exhumed highpressure terrains result in differing estimates of the redox state of deserpentinisation fluids, ranging from low to highly oxidant. Here we show that although intrinsic deserpentinisation fluids are highly oxidant, the infiltration of small fractions of external fluids equilibrated with metasedimentary rocks strongly modulates their redox state and oxidation-reduction capacity explaining the observed discrepancies in their redox state. Infiltration of fluids equilibrated with graphite-bearing sediments reduces the oxidant, intrinsic deserpentinisation fluids to oxygen fugacities similar to those observed in most graphite-furnace experiments and natural metaperidotites. However, infiltration of CO2-bearing fluids equilibrated with modern GLOSS generates sulphate-rich, highly oxidising deserpentinisation fluids. We show that such GLOSS infiltrated deserpentinisation fluids can effectively oxidise the mantle wedge of cold to hot subduction zones potentially accounting for the presumed oxidised nature of the source of arc basalts.MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2019-105192GB-I00) (RYC2018-024363-I)FEDERFSEJunta de Andalucia research group RNM-131

    Application of cooperative learning through Tumblr for the acquisition of competencies

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    El potencial de las redes sociales ha supuesto la aparición de herramientas alternativas para la adquisición de competencias a través de dinámicas de trabajo en grupo e interacción social. El objetivo de este proyecto es que el alumnado construya su propio aprendizaje y se enriquezca del intercambio de ideas y la cooperación con sus compañeros/as. El alumnado fue dividido en grupos de 5-7 componentes y se llevó a cabo una sesión introductoria en la creación de un microblog y de planificación de actividades a través de la plataforma Tumblr. Entre los resultados más destacados, se observó una tasa de éxito (91%) y rendimiento (66%) más elevada que en la anualidad previa. Los grupos con publicaciones de calidad y rigor científico mostraron una mayor tasa de éxito que los grupos con un elevado número de publicaciones menos selectivas. El número de aprobados con un rango de 5,0 a 7,5 se vio incrementado, lo que se traduce en una mejora en la adquisición de competencias y conocimientos. Por lo tanto, esta herramienta educativa innovadora permite al alumnado generar interdependencia positiva; promover valores como la responsabilidad, comunicación y trabajo en equipo; mejorar las relaciones interpersonales y habilidades sociales; y construir conocimiento en sociedad.The potential of social networks has led to the appearance of alternative tools for the acquisition of competences through group work dynamics and social interaction. The aim of this project is for students to build their own learning and enrich themselves through the exchange of ideas and cooperation with their peers. The students were divided into groups of 5-7 components and an introductory session on creating a microblog and activity planning through the Tumblr platform was carried out. Among the most relevant results, a higher success rate (91%) and performance (66%) was observed compared to previous years. The groups with quality publications and scientific rigor showed a higher success rate than the groups with a high number of less selective publications. The number of students who passed with a score from 5.0 to 7.5 increased, which translates into an improvement in the acquisition of skills and knowledge. Therefore, this innovative educational tool allows students to generate positive interdependence; promote values such as responsibility, communication and teamwork; improve interpersonal relationships and social skills; and contributes to build knowledge in society