44 research outputs found

    Kondzilla multiplataform world: innovation in audiovisual business model

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    O ecossistema de produção audiovisual contemporânea atravessa modificações que reestruturam constantemente a relação entre a realização, a distribuição e o consumo de conteúdos. Ao estar inserido dentro de um ambiente da economia digital, os conteúdos audiovisuais possuem diversas possibilidades de gerar valor em modelos de negócios inovadores. Este artigo investiga, pelo viés da inovação, como a marca Kondzilla gerencia seu modelo de negócio para construir um mundo audiovisual multiplataforma e extrair dele valor para criação da série ficcional Sintonia (Netflix, 2019-)2142123143The contemporary audiovisual production ecosystem is undergoing modifications that restructure changes in the relationship between content production, distribution and consumption. When inserted in a digital economy environment, audiovisual content has several possibilities to generate value in innovative business models. This article investigates, through the bias of innovation, how a Kondzilla brand managed its business model to build a multiplatform audiovisual world and extract its value for creating fictional series Sintonia (Netflix, 2019-

    Social innovation within network-based plataforms as a COVID-19 response strategy: the matchfunding enfrente

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    Analisamos a plataforma de investimento colaborativo Matchfunding Enfrente e suas ações de combate à pandemia da COVID-19. Inicialmente, apresentamos o modelo de financiamento matchfunding, tratamos do modo como a plataforma Enfrente se constitui em um dispositivo de inovação social e ponderamos sobre suas limitações no âmbito de raça e gênero. Em seguida, refletimos sobre a inserção do Matchfunding Enfrente no quadro das teorias sobre redes e plataformas. Ao final, reiteramos nossas considerações de que projetos de inovação social necessitam de aprimoramentos constantes113Redes de Comunicação e Narrativas em Saúde - Parte 2108126We analyzed the Matchfunding Enfrentecollaborative investment platform and its responsive actions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the usage of a single case study methodology (YIN, 2001), we present the matchfunding financing method, considering the Enfrente platform as a social innovative project and debating its limitations in terms of race and gender. Afterwards, we show the platform’s articulations among agents from the organized civil society and private companies. We also discuss the Matchfunding Enfrente in the framework of networks and platforms’ theories. In the end, we emphasize our considerations that social innovative projects must improve constantl

    El desarrollo industrial del MERCOSUR: ¿Qué impacto han tenido las empresas extranjeras?

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    Durante los años noventa, el MERCOSUR y en particular Argentina y Brasil, fueron un importante polo de atracción de inversión extranjera directa (IED). Hoy, aunque en menor escala, el MERCOSUR continúa atrayendo importantes flujos de inversiones. las investigaciones cuyos resultados se presentan en este libro tratan de responder a interrogantes suscitados por la siguiente constatación: dada la magnitud actual de la presencia de esas empresas, la formulación de políticas para el desarrollo industrial y tecnológico no puede prescindir del análisis del papel que las empresas transnacionales desempeñan en la inserción externa de las economías del MERCOSUR y de su contribución potencial para el desarrollo en la región. Surge de las investigaciones un panorama complejo, que muestra que la presencia de empresas transnacionales en los países del MERCOSUR puede tener un impacto positivo si se aplicaran políticas adecuadas para fortalecer a las empresas nacionales, aumentando su capacidad de innovación y su competitividad. RED MERCOSURReD MERCOSUR, desarrollo industrial, empresas extranjeras, impacto

    Dysarthria in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4

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    Objective: To describe the speech pattern of patients with hereditary Spastic Paraplegia type 4 (SPG4) and correlated it with their clinical data. Methods: Cross-sectional study was carried out in two university hospitals in Brazil. Two groups participated in the study: the case group (n = 28) with a confirmed genetic diagnosis for SPG4 and a control group (n = 17) matched for sex and age. The speech assessment of both groups included: speech task recording, acoustic analysis, and auditory-perceptual analysis. In addition, disease severity was assessed with the Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale (SPRS). Results: In the auditory-perceptual analysis, 53.5% (n = 15) of individuals with SPG4 were dysarthric, with mild to moderate changes in the subsystems of phonation and articulation. On acoustic analysis, SPG4 subjects’ performances were worse in measurements related to breathing (maximum phonation time) and articulation (speech rate, articulation rate). The articulation variables (speech rate, articulation rate) are related to the age of onset of the first motor symptom. Conclusion: Dysarthria in SPG4 is frequent and mild, and it did not evolve in conjunction with more advanced motor diseases. This data suggest that diagnosed patients should be screened and referred for speech therapy evaluation and those pathophysiological mechanisms of speech involvement may differ from the length-dependent degeneration of the corticospinal tract

    Progress toward standardized diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment: Guidelines from the Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study

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    INTRODUCTION: Progress in understanding and management of vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) has been hampered by lack of consensus on diagnosis, reflecting the use of multiple different assessment protocols. A large multinational group of clinicians and researchers participated in a two-phase Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study (VICCCS) to agree on principles (VICCCS-1) and protocols (VICCCS-2) for diagnosis of VCI. We present VICCCS-2. METHODS: We used VICCCS-1 principles and published diagnostic guidelines as points of reference for an online Delphi survey aimed at achieving consensus on clinical diagnosis of VCI. RESULTS: Six survey rounds comprising 65-79 participants agreed guidelines for diagnosis of VICCCS-revised mild and major forms of VCI and endorsed the National Institute of Neurological Disorders-Canadian Stroke Network neuropsychological assessment protocols and recommendations for imaging. DISCUSSION: The VICCCS-2 suggests standardized use of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders-Canadian Stroke Network recommendations on neuropsychological and imaging assessment for diagnosis of VCI so as to promote research collaboration