397 research outputs found

    A simulation tool for the analysis and design of leaky wave antennas in laterally shielded planar technology with application to metamaterials

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    Leaky-waves have been a topic of increasing interest in the last years, with diverse practical applications in many different engineering fields. From periodic, FSS, EBG or even metamaterial leaky-wave based antennas to waveguide filters and higher efficiency energy guiding, they all share a common base structure: a travelling-wave propagating within a metal encapsulation, that can be open or closed, and altered by a planar metallization of periodic nature, from which the energy may radiate. Due to the fact that these antennas are usually electrically large and the periodic printed circuit requires a certain grade of complexity, 3D commercial software is prohibitively time consuming. Also, the homebrew methods developed up to this day are either not rigorous and accurate enough or unable to deal with complex periodic geometries. At this point, the evolution of leaky-wave antennas needs a solid, efficient and versatile tool where to base the future design research on. In this work a novel simulation tool for waveguide embedded leaky-wave antennas is presented. It is based on a full-wave Method of Moments applied to the spectral domain Green Functions for a rigorous modal analysis of the finite structure. The use of Subdomain basis functions allows the software to model complex periodic geometries, overcoming a main limitation, and the analytical nature of the method combined with its 2.5D approach, results in a significant computing time reduction. It is built on a modular coding philosophy and provided with a user-friendly graphical interface, and an intuitive working procedure, making the program not only fast and accurate, but also easy to use and extend to new geometries. Finally, it is remarkable the educational potential of this new analysis software, since it identifies higher order effects as bandgaps and multi-harmonic radiation from a complete and simple modal approach

    Empirical Bayes methods corrected for small numbers of tests

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    Histogram-based empirical Bayes methods developed for analyzing data for large numbers of genes, SNPs, or other biological features tend to have large biases when applied to data with a smaller number of features such as genes with expression measured conventionally, proteins, and metabolites. To analyze such small-scale and medium-scale data in an empirical Bayes framework, we introduce corrections of maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) of the local false discovery rate (LFDR). In this context, the MLE estimates the LFDR, which is a posterior probability of null hypothesis truth, by estimating the prior distribution. The corrections lie in excluding each feature when estimating one or more parameters on which the prior depends. An application of the new estimators and previous estimators to protein abundance data illustrates how different estimators lead to very different conclusions about which proteins are affected by cancer. The estimators are compared using simulated data of two different numbers of features, two different detectability levels, and all possible numbers of affected features. The simulations show that some of the corrected MLEs substantially reduce a negative bias of the MLE. (The best-performing corrected MLE was derived from the minimum description length principle.) However, even the corrected MLEs have strong negative biases when the proportion of features that are unaffected is greater than 90%. Therefore, since the number of affected features is unknown in the case of real data, we recommend an optimally weighted combination of the best of the corrected MLEs with a conservative estimator that has weaker parametric assumptions.Comment: This version adds new methods and a simulation stud

    Between food ethics, solidarity and the social construction of alternative markets. Exploring the dimensions of grassroots food movements in Spain

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    In recent years there has been growing attention for the emergence of alternative food networks, first as a possible strategy for farm households to counter deteriorating market conditions and respond to changing societal demands, and more recently as expression of a growing consumer involvement in the shaping of food systems. In debates on AFNs contributions from Spain have been relatively scarce, not because these tendencies do not occur but rather because applied analytical frameworks somehow did not seem to capture the specific nature of experiences in the peninsula. Against this background, this paper aims to analyze emerging grassroots food movements in Spain, explore to what extent different initiatives constitute a coherent alternative paradigm for sustainable local food systems, and identify relevant dimensions that shape their development and potential contribution to the sustainable development of rural areas and society at large. The paper is mainly based on case studies from Andalucia and the Basque country, and stresses that food initiatives have been largely driven by social movements, incl. peasant‐based farmers and consumer groups but also agroecology movements. As a result, Spanish food movements often have a wider focus and combine ethical values like fairness, solidarity and participative democracy with economic and environmental concerns

    Paternity and maternity. Synonyms?

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    Con este relato se pretende conocer las vivencias, emociones, anécdotas… de cómo cambia la vida de una mujer, tras la pérdida de su madre a la edad de 12 años y cómo su padre se adapta a esta tragedia para convertirse en su principal cuidador. Comienza a ejercer ambos roles a la vez, el de padre y madre, llevando a cabo una conciliación familiar y laboral. Su historia nos hará entender como la paternidad y la maternidad no tienen por qué pertenecer a un rol u otro, y como esta tragedia ayuda a florecer la maternidad oculta en su padre.With this story is intended to know the experiences, emotions, anecdotes... how a woman's life changes, after the loss of her mother at the age of 12 and how her father adapts to this tragedy to become his main caretaker. It begins to exercise both roles at the same time, the one of father and mother, carrying out a family and labor conciliation. Her story will make us understand how paternity and motherhood do not have to belong to one role or another, and how this tragedy helps to flourish the motherhood hidden in her father

    Optimization of thin sheet structures with patterns perforations

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaNowadays, metal storage systems are generally used in industrial companies. The several stages of the metallic structures design are based in the standard EN 15512:2009. However, this standard do not the most efficient design solution, only design constraints. In this work, it is intended to improve the structural elements that are on the base of the metal storage systems, particularly shelves, in order to reduce costs and increase the structure stiffness, enforcing the international standard that define the characteristics of these products. The main purpose is the optimization of a representative section of profiled steel component taking into account the variable thickness, geometry and number of perforations. In order to do this a computational finite element model is developed and pre-­‐validated, replacing a numerous set of experimental tests in a design of Experiments (DoE) methodology. The optimized solutions were obtained through a response surface optimization methodology (RSM). The final results were analysed and discussed.Hoje em dia, os sistemas metálicos de armazenamento são vulgarmente utilizados pela indústria. As várias etapas de projeto destas estruturas metálicas são baseadas na norma EN 15512:2009. No entanto, esta norma não propõe a solução de projeto mais eficiente, apenas as suas restrições. Neste trabalho, pretende-­‐se aperfeiçoar os elementos estruturais que estão na base dos sistemas de armazenamento de metal, particularmente prateleiras, a fim de reduzir custos e aumentar a rigidez da estrutura, satisfazendo a norma internacional que define as características necessárias desses produtos. O objetivo principal é a otimização de uma secção representativa do componente de aço perfilado tendo em conta as variáveis espessura, geometria e número de perfurações. Para isso, é desenvolvido e validado um modelo computacional de elementos finitos, substituindo um numeroso conjunto de testes experimentais numa metodologia de Design of Experiments (DoE). As soluções otimizadas são obtidas através de uma metodologia de otimização baseada numa superfície de resposta (RSM). Os resultados finais são analisados e discutidos

    Variacions de la refracció perifèrica en els diferents meridians oculars

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    Aquest estudi mesura l’error refractiu perifèric i analitza les asimetries refractives en les diferents zones de la retina d’una mostra de subjectes joves.Este estudio mide el error refractivo periférico y analiza las asimetrías refractivas en diferentes zonas de la retina de una muestra de sujetos jóvenes.This study analyzes the peripheral refraction and analyzes refractive asymmetries on different retinal areas of a sample young subject

    Review of the literature on the influence of gender in Nursing

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    Existe gran cantidad de artículos que señalan la influencia de estereotipos de género en la enfermería, influyendo de forma negativa con respecto a la incorporación del hombre a esta profesión, obstaculizando su acceso. Además de originar un prestigio desfavorable de la profesión enfermera ante la sociedad. Por otro lado, hallamos desde una perspectiva de género, aspectos negativos originados por Florence Nightingale y la profesionalización de la enfermería. Es decir, Florence Nightingale, como impulsora de este cambio, favoreció la persistencia de los estereotipos de género, negándole al hombre su participación en el cuidado formal, en la enfermería.There is a large number of articles that indicate the influence of gender stereotypes in nursing, negatively influencing the incorporation of men into this profession, hindering their access. Besides giving rise to an unfavorable prestige of the nursing profession before the society. On the other hand, we find from a gender perspective, negative aspects originated by Florence Nightingale and the professionalization of nursing. That is, Florence Nightingale, as the promoter of this change, favored the persistence of gender stereotypes, denying men their participation in formal care, in nursing

    Participatory Guarantee Systems in Spain: Motivations, Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement Based on Three Case Studies

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    The increasing number of producers and consumers of organic products means that there is an increasing need to guarantee the organic characteristics of organic products. Certification is a tool that bridges the information deficit between demand and supply, ensuring that a product complies with the specified standards. Third-party certification (TPC) is the main tool for assessing compliance today. However, there have been criticisms about the suitability of TPC for small-scale producers and alternative certification systems have been developed, such as Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). PGS are quality assurance systems in which stakeholders are expected to be involved and assure the quality claims being made by producers. This paper presents three PGS initiatives in Spain. The research methods used in this study were semi-structured and structured interviews. Interviewees felt that their PGS initiatives fulfilled the important motivations of building a community and adding value to their products. The main challenges mentioned were the participation of stakeholders and the efficiency of internal organization. The absence of official recognition for PGS in Spain and insufficient dissemination were also perceived as challenges. Although PGS has the potential for further development in Spain, the interviewees believed that more support and official recognition were still required

    C3-symmetry Mo3S4 aminophosphino clusters combining three sources of stereogenicity: stereocontrol directed by hydrogen bond interactions and ligand configuration

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    A diastereoselective synthesis of proline containing aminophosphino cubane-type Mo3S4 clusters, (P)-[Mo3S4Cl3((1S,2R)-PPro)3]Cl ((P)-[Mo-(SN,RC)]Cl) and (P)-[Mo3S4Cl3((1S,2S)-PPro)3]Cl ((P)-[Mo-(SN,SC)] Cl), has been achieved in high yields by reacting the corresponding enantiomerically pure PPro ((R)- and (S)-2-[(diphenylphosphino)methyl]pyrrolidine) ligands with the Mo3S4Cl4(PPh3)3(H2O)2 complex. Circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray techniques confirm that the (P)-[Mo-(SN,RC)]Cl and (P)-[Mo-(SN,SC)]Cl cluster cations are diastereoisomers which combine three sources of stereogenicity provided by the cluster framework, one carbon atom of the aminophosphine ligand and the nitrogen stereogenic center. The higher stability of the (P)-[Mo-(SN,SC)]+ cation is due to stabilizing vicinal Cl⋯HN interactions as well as due to the cis-fused conformation of the bicyclic system formed upon coordination of the aminophosphine ligand.The financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2011-23157 and CTQ2015-65207-P), Universitat Jaume I (Research Project P1·1B2013-19) and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/022) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also thank the Servei Central d’Instrumentació Científica (SCIC) of the University Jaume I for providing us with the mass spectrometry, NMR and X-ray facilities. C. A. thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for a predoctoral fellowship (FPI)

    Influence of the Diphosphine Coordinated to Molybdenum and Tungsten Triangular M3S4 Cluster Hydrides in the Catalytic Hydrodefluorination of Pentafluoropyridine

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    Hydrido molybdenum and tungsten(IV) cluster cations of formula [M3S4H3(dppe)3]+ (dppe = 1,2-(bis)dimethylphosphinoethane), [Mo-1]+ (M = Mo) and [W-1]+ (M = W), have been isolated by reacting their halide precursors with borohydride. Synthetic procedures have been optimized by appropriate choice of the solvent. Furthermore, [M3S4F3(dppe)3]+ fluorido cluster complexes, [Mo-2]+ (M = Mo) and [W-2]+ (M = W) have been prepared through halogen substitution reactions using an excess of cesium fluoride. The structures of [Mo-1]+ and [Mo-2]+ have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction experiments. These [M-1]+ hydrido and [M-2]+ fluorido clusters have been used as catalysts and precatalysts, respectively, in the catalytic hydrodefluorination (HDF) of pentafluoropyridine using HSiMe2Ph as hydrogen source. The reaction proceeds under microwave and reflux conditions to selectively afford 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoropyridine. The [W-1]+ hydrido cluster is the most efficient catalyst with turnover numbers of 124, while the [Mo-1]+ hydrido cluster reacts faster. Fluorido [Mo-2]+ and [W-2]+ complexes provide lower yields and turnover numbers. In general, the molybdenum and tungsten [M-1]+ and [M-2]+ diphosphino complexes are more efficient than their dmpe (1,2-(bis)dimethylphosphinoethano) analogues and activate pentafluoropyridine under softer conditionsThe financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2011-23157), Universitat Jaume I (Research Project P1·1B2013-19) and Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2013/215 and Prometeo/2009/053) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also thank the Servei Central d’Instrumentació Científica (SCIC) of the University Jaume I for providing us with the mass spectrometry, NMR and X-ray facilities. C.A. thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for a predoctoral fellowship (FPI)