642 research outputs found

    Sobre objetos y experiencias virtuales

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    This paper analyses basic onto-epistemological properties of the virtual reality and suggests these theses. First, the virtual reality establishes a new nature; its essential feature is to be an organic world of emancipated techno-theories. Second, the virtual reality doesn't substitutes the traditional book; it substitutes the world. Third, the experience of the world in the virtual reality excludes the natural world experience. Fourth, the ontology of virtual reality is build without an active individual subject. Finely, ther objects are therefore pure representations.Se analizan las propiedades ontoepistemológicas básicas de la realidad virtual y se defienden estas tesis: la realidad virtual constituye una nueva naturaleza cuyo rasgo esencial es ser un mundo orgánico de tecno-teorías emancipadas; la realidad virtual no sustituye al libro tradicional, sino al mundo, por lo que en su experiencia se prescinde de la experiencia natural; la ontología de la realidad virtual es construida sin sujeto individual activo; sus objetos son representaciones puras

    Singularidad filosofica de una trivialidad logica : el cogito como 'protoenunciado'

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    El punto de partida cartesiano y la denuncia kantiana del "escándalo de la filosofía" La inversión que de la relación más natural entre representación y objeto representado hace el idealismo partiendo del mundo mental para dar razón de la existencia del mundo exterior y de la posibilidad del conocimiento (verdadero) constituye el núcleo de la acusación que Kant formula contra el idealismo como "escándalo de la filosofia y del entendimiento humano en general"

    Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Testability and its Validity in Stock Market: Evidence from Previous Literatures

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    Stocks such as bonds, treasurers and common stocks have been used in many companies to raise capital and improve investment for the benefit of the company or individual. Many companies has been raising or buying stocks for the investment benefit. Manager’s decisions about stock pricing, stocks rising, stocks purchasing, investment valuation, etc have depended on market situation of such period in particular. As we know that managers or individuals cannot expect to succeed without understand how market forces shape the firm’s ability to earn profit. Therefore, risk and return which associated with stocks have been given attention with companies and individuals, which was the cause of establishment of many models for these evaluations. One of the modal is Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM) which has became useful for assessment of cost of capital, portfolio performance, and portfolio diversification, valuing investments, choosing portfolio strategy among others and relationship between risk and return in market portfolio. The aim of this paper is to identify the validity of CAPM by thoroughly reviewing the literature and seeing whether its assumptions which used to guide its usage are holding true. Methodology used; CAPM is discussed under four categories which are the CAPM as a single factor model, supportive evidence of the CAPM evidence against it through various literatures. Findings showed that the CAPM remains a very useful item in the investment management toolkit. And investors trust it to evaluate the profitability of projects. Keywords: Risk, Return, Portfolio, Asset, Validity, market, CAPM

    Ciencia y cultura globalizada. Cuestiones de epistemología cultural

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    Este trabajo pretende ser una contribución a la epistemología cultural. Analiza la relación entre ciencia y cultura global desde un punto de vista epistémico. Defiende que la ciencia es un agente o sujeto básico de la globalización debido a su estructuraThis paper aims to be a contribution to the cultural epistemology. It analyzes the relationship between science and global culture from an epistemic point of view. Defend that science is a basic subject or agent of globalization due to its transcultural

    Contra qué compite Aquiles o los límites de traducción del lenguaje matemático al lenguaje natural

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    La cesura referencial entre el mundo descrito por las matemáticas y el mundo de la experiencia corriente es conocida, al menos, desde las aporías de Zenón. La imagen del mundo de la cultura contemporánea está fuertemente determinada por el conocimiento científico. Las teorías científicas incluyen en su explanans un lenguaje matemático cada vez más sofisticado. ¿Puede este lenguaje, aplicado a la descripción y explicación de hechos del mundo, ser traducido al lenguaje natural sin pérdida relevante de significado?The referential caesura between the world described by mathematics and the world of ordinary experience is known at least since Zeno's aporias. The image of the world of contemporary culture is strongly influenced by scientific knowledge. Scientific theories include in its explanans a mathematical language increasingly sophisticated. Can this language applied to the description and explanation of facts in the world be translated into natural language without significant loss of meaning

    Strategies to Attract Foreign Direct Investors Collaborating with Small and Medium Contractors in Tanzania Construction Sector

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    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment which is made to serve the business interest of the investor in a company, which is in a different nation distinct from the investor’s country of the origin. The study objective is to assessing strategies to attract foreign investors to collaborate with Small and Medium Contractors (SMCs) in construction sector in Tanzania. The focus was mainly on the investment aspects and not in the issues such as gender equity, discrimination or the environmental consequences of foreign investments. Evidence shows that a number of countries have deepened the development impact of FDI through measures that stimulate large and small enterprises to work together (Lorraine Ruffing, 2006).Debra and Ofori(2006) observed that many construction firms in developing countries are small and medium sized organizations. The researcher believes that by knowing the strategies which attract FDI to collaborate with SMCs can bring about changes on SMC’s perception about FDI’s. And this kind of diversity can contribute to SMCs operational improvement both technical and managerial. The researcher also believes the factors which get positive opinions can be adopted by SMCs as strategies to attract foreign investors to collaborate with them.. Data was collected from foreign investors who have offered subcontracts to SMCs, outsourcing some of their operations to them or partnering via strategic alliances or joint ventures. Response data was subjected to descriptive statistics and subsequently rates analysis were used to collect foreign investors’ opinions. The results of data analysis indicated that foreign investors would prefer SMCs who work on certain standard, who have specialized skills and who lowered their prices during subcontracting bargaining in their operations and rated those factors as very important. In operation factors they as well rated best practices guideline, technology capability, managerial capability, market information skills and institutional capacity as important in SMCs. The main motivation factors for foreign investors to work with SMCs are resources, raw materials, appropriate delivery practices and culture of long term thinking rated as very important. And the factors which strongly agreed that attract foreign investors to continue collaborate with SMCs are political stability, mutual trust and integrity between them and SMCs, Productivity of Local Firms, Reliability and Price on SMCs services and Local Knowledge assessing. Keywords; Foreign Direct Investment, Small and Medium Contractors, Strategie

    International overview on the legal framework for highly automated vehicles

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    The evolution of Autonomous and automated technologies during the last decades has been constant and maintained. All of us can remember an old film, in which they shown us a driverless car, and we thought it was just an unreal object born of filmmakers imagination. However, nowadays Highly Automated Vehicles are a reality, even not in our daily lives. Hardly a day we don’t have news about Tesla launching a new model or Google showing the new features of their autonomous car. But don’t have to travel far away from our borders. Here in Europe we also can find different companies trying, with more or less success depending on with, not to be lagged behind in this race. But today their biggest problem is not only the liability of their innovative technology, but also the legal framework for Highly Automated Vehicles. As a quick summary, in only a few countries they have testing licenses, which not allow them to freely drive, and to the contrary most nearly ban their use. The next milestone in autonomous driving is to build and homogeneous, safe and global legal framework. With this in mind, this paper presents an international overview on the legal framework for Highly Automated Vehicles. We also present de different issues that such technologies have to face to and which they have to overcome in the next years to be a real and daily technology