392 research outputs found

    Nacimiento de la Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia : polifonía de lo popular y lo culto

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de una búsqueda en la que a partir del análisis de discursos acerca de la Fiesta de la Vendimia actual (ya sea a modo de comentario, critica o descripción)surgen interrogantes relacionados con su identidad y sus participantes. Se orienta, entonces, a la forma en que la Fiesta se va gestando. Describe los festejos previos a su oficialización haciendo referencia a fenómenos de inversión, circulación y conformación del campo festivo (legitimado y consagrado a partir de la participación de la Iglesia y del Estado).Reflexiona sobre el significado de los silencios en relación a músicas populares y concluye en el intento de explicarnos las relaciones entre lo "popular" y lo "culto" en la génesis de la Fiesta como tensión dialéctica que emerge de un universo cultural compartido no homogéneo.Fil: Pacheco, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseño. Escuela de Músic

    Occidión : its interpretation and identity

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    Luego de haber interpretado en concierto la obra musical Occidión de los autores mendocinos Antón y Boyle, nos proponemos compartir las experiencias teóricas destinadas a develar sus significados más profundos; considerando que tales intenciones ampliarían el concepto tradicional de interpretación musical. Asumiremos la Obra como un significativo emergente de nuestro contexto, lo que nos permitirá enmarcarla en la categoría de vanguardia situada. Observamos cómo Occidión resemantiza las narrativas del pasado precolombino y se actualiza constituyéndose en un constructo de nuestra identidad latinoamericana.After the performance of the musical concert Occidión by the authors from Mendoza Antón and Boyle, we propose to share theoretical experiences designed to reveal their deeper meanings, considering that such intentions expand the traditional concept of musical performance. We will assume the work as an emerging significance in our context, which will allow us to frame it in the category of situated vanguard. We observe how Occidión resemantizing narratives pre Columbian past and updated constituting itself into a construct of our Latin American identity.Fil: Pacheco, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ

    Architectural Knowledge. Transformations, transpositions and variations

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    The challenge of architecture is to focus on architecture itself — buildings, drawings, and models— as its locus of knowledge and, specifically, on how that knowledge can became a tool of the design process. One of the first attempts to do so, Précis and Recueil, appeared in the early nineteenth century elaborated by Durand. They represented the hinge for an epistemological validation of the discipline, taking further the Vitruvian axiom architectura est sciencia, and answering Enlightenment’s anxiety for demonstration and systematization of knowledge. Durand sought to clarify the fundamentals of architectural praxis and the genealogies of what it produces by taking history as its material and, through techniques of decomposing and recomposing, established the principles of the design process. Although his effort to refocus the discipline in its inaugural act, the deterioration and oversimplification of Durand’s teachings resulted in their direct implementation by those who aspired to a definition of specific methods in order to relieve the architect’s practice, partially because of their normative and hermetic character. Architectural schools keep struggling to find ways of improving their student’s skills, having shifted its focus from architectural objects to the process of creating those, which had an enormous impact in architectural representation as a way of validating its objects, but not in the process of architectural investigation itself. Re-elaborating Durand’s questions implies reflecting on techniques of using architectural knowledge both in a creative and generative way. Through processes of transformation, transposition and variation architects have, throughout history, conferred new meanings to what is already known. It is the use of architectural knowledge as a simulacrum, and of those techniques as a way of constructing critical arguments within the discipline that will potentially improve students’ capabilities of reasoning about past and contemporary architecture, and therefore integrate aspects of theory and practice

    Urban Representation in Photographic Books: Emotional City Mapping through The Innocence of Objects

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    chapter of the book "Paper Cities. Urban Portraits in Photographic Books"KU Leuven, MDRN, Instituto de História da Arte, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FC

    The dividing line of privacy and the social project: the urban critique in Borneo-Sporenburg

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    The relevance of an urban project, from a critical point of view, lies in its capacity to pose questions about the city and its future, as well as about current and past practices of the discipline. The strength of a critical argument might initiate productive discussions within and outside the circle of practioners, and therefore a pedagogical role can always be assigned to it. West8’s masterplan for the redevelopment of Borneo-Sporenbug islands in the old industrial district of Amsterdam prompted important questions about urbanism, the contemporary city and the city dweller. The project raises so many of the issues that have been frequently posed by architects, generation after generation: how can many individual worlds be tied together into one greater and inspiring whole? How are individuals expected to live within a collectivity of other subjects? How can that be translated into spatial terms? What are the potentials and constraints of these different discourses? If the “home is a prime unexcavated site for an archaeology of sociability” , can we find a direct relationship between idealised ways of socialising in the home and outside it? How does the idea of home relate directly to an idea of urban? Those questions, in turn, imply a rethinking of ongoing problems through drawing and the cross over between multiple scales. Housing can be understood to be a major element articulating the individual and society, the neighbourhood and the block. The spatial arrangement as a whole has a social content and therefore stands as an object of reflection.FC

    Oncología pediátrica

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    Cancer in chilhood is becoming increasingly important in the field of Pediatrics; among other reasons as it the second cause of infant mortality. The possibility of detecting genetic and molecular alterations in tumoral cells can allow the patient´s risk to be individualized and, as a consequence, treatments which are just as effective but less toxic to be used. Although over recent years we have seen a spectacular advance in the survival of cancer in chilhood and few specialties have attained similar results, it is probably that a new era in research on and treatment of tumors in the infant has begun

    Inclusion of disabled people in siemens AG'S energy management division

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    This work project is a business plan for a project regarding corporate social entrepreneurship that will be developed by Siemens Switchboard Factory in Corroios. The main purpose of this project is to understand the viability of a partnership between Siemens AG’s and CERCISA in order to include disabled people into Siemens AG’s Energy Management Division, with the goal of achieving social and economic impact by insources activities while complying with the law1. The produced output, a business plan, aims to study and understand the practical suitability and feasibility of the concepts and propose a sustainable project that can be replicated, starting with a pilot testing and validation period

    Re-play: interactions with history in the design studio

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    Architecture has always established interactions with its history. However, as a discipline, it was only recognized as such in the 19th century, almost two hundred years after the emergence of the academic teaching system. In fact, the opening of the Académie Royale d’Architecture in 1671 has boosted many research projects that revealed an increasingly interest in a rigorous knowledge of the past. Nevertheless, it was only within the context of the Polytechnique, and paradoxically in a course for future engineers, that the relation between history and practice has it was understood, was definitely challenged. The theme acquires enormous importance in the architectural discourse, and a target of critical reasonings until very recently, being ostracized in most schools where the use of history in a technocratic and reductionist way is translated into inconsequential analyses and organigrammes. This paper intends to reflect upon the generative potential of historic precedents from a one week workshop developed in Salerno with 2nd year students. The title Re-play (modernism) aimed, simultaneously, to question the postmodern condition and to test the ways in which they can be used in creative ways from the process of representation, calling for new pedagogies within the design studio