376 research outputs found

    La terminología migratoria es importante

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    No emplear la terminología correcta tiene otras consecuencias más allá de las semánticas. Hay que esforzarse más en educar a las personas —especialmente a aquellas cuyas palabras van a tener una gran repercusión— en el uso correcto de la terminología relacionada con la migración

    A safe transoral surgical approach to parapharyngeal tumor arising from deep lobe of parotid gland

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    The management of parapharyngeal tumor is surgical, but the approach remains a challenge. Attention should be paid to avoidance intra-operative bleeding or cranial nerves damage. We report a case of a 67-year-old male complaining of left-ear fullness. A submucosal mass arising from the lateral wall of oropharynx on the left side was observed. Magnetic resonance imaging detected a mass arising from the parotid gland, in particular from the deep lobe, and a fine needle biopsy was compatible with "Warthin tumor." We performed a mini-invasive transoral approach under magnification, previous isolation of homolateral vessels. The decision on which surgical approach to be used is determined by site, size vascularity, and histology of the tumor. A literature review of the main surgical approaches was performed. We performed a combined transoral dissection under magnification with cervicotomic exposure of the neck vascular bundle allowing to dissect the tumor and manage any intra-operative complications

    Gli Atteggiamenti e la Teacher Efficacy dei docenti Italiani e Austriaci: uno Studio Comparativo

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    The need to face complexity in today’s school contexts requires the identification of variables that influence teacher agency and which contribute to the success of inclusion.To this aim an exploratory and comparative research was conducted with the goal of investigating attitudes towards inclusion and the perceptions of efficacy of 364 student-teachers, 221 of which were Italian whereas 143 were Austrian, following a teacher education course. Furthermore, the comparative study aided in shedding light on how factors such as the educational system and culture can influence the variables considered.Results show that in both groups attitudes and teacher efficacy are both above the mean, yet the Italian sample had higher scores. Within an ecological perspective,this could be also due to factors related to context and cultural dimensions.This research is part of a wider project involving a network of researchers investigating such variables through the use of scales that have been specifically designed to measure some predictive determinants of success of inclusion.La necessità di fronteggiare la complessità degli odierni contesti scolastici richiede alla ricerca educativa di individuare le variabili che influenzano l’agentività del docente e che contribuiscono al successo dell‘inclusione.Con tale finalità è stato condotto uno studio esplorativo e comparativo finalizzato ad indagare sugli atteggiamenti verso l’inclusione e sulle percezioni di autoefficacia di 364 futuri docenti in formazione (221 italiani e 143 di nazionalità austriaca). La comparazione ha consentito di far luce, inoltre, su quanto fattori, quali il sistema di istruzione e la cultura, possano esercitare la loro influenza sulle variabili considerate.I risultati mostrano che in entrambi i gruppi gli atteggiamenti e la teacher selfefficacy sono al di sopra della media. Tuttavia, il campione italiano presenta punteggi più alti; lasciando ipotizzare che, in una prospettiva ecologica, ciò possa dipendere anche da fattori legati a dimensioni contestuali e culturali.La ricerca si inserisce in un progetto più ampio in cui è coinvolta una rete di ricercatori europei impegnata ad indagare su alcuni dei fattori predittivi del successo dell’inclusione

    Patologías prevalentes que afectan el desempeño laboral de los transportistas

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    Los empleados de las empresas de transporte se ven sometidos indirecta o directamente a distintos factores de riesgos que pueden afectar su salud, dejando secuelas y/o un problema mayor como sería el desempleo. En la actualidad la enfermería tiene suma importancia en la prevención y educación de la sociedad. Los transportistas están expuestos a diferentes riesgos al realizar su labor, tanto en accidentes propios de la conducción como el desarrollo de patologías, el estrés diario que implica el mal descanso, la lejanía con su entorno afectivo; y demás problemas que surgen alterando el estado de salud del conductor. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar cuáles son las patologías prevalentes que afectan el desempeño laboral de los Transportistas de empresa Messina S.A., ubicada en Guaymallén Mendoza en el primer trimestre del 2015. Además de determinar si estos se realizan controles médicos anuales y conocer si en todos los casos de accidentes o inconvenientes laborales se actúa según las normativas de la empresa. Es un estudio con diseño de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal correlacional, causal. Se tomó como muestra 30 trabajadores de la dicha empresa, los que respondieron un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas.Fil: Cabanillas, Leonela Paola. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Pace Brizuela, Katherina Tatiana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Videla, Carolina Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Indagine sulle percezioni e sull’efficacia dei docenti in formazione verso un agire didattico inclusivo

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    This paper presents a study on the implicit dimensions that influence teacher agency and is aimed at investigating the teachers’ sentiments, attitudes, concerns and perceived levels of efficacy to implement inclusive practices. The sample comprised in two groups: the first included 221 pre-service teachers undergoing training to teach in secondary schools and the second were 131 in-service teachers following a course to obtain the learning support teachers’ warrant.The TEIP and the SACIE-R scales were administered to conduct the study. Results showed that the future learning support teachers had generally higher scores than the pre-service teachers. The positive attitude of the former group towards inclusive practices, however, seemed not to be linked to their greater teaching experience but more likely to the characteristics of their course of education.Questo lavoro presenta uno studio sulle dimensioni implicite che influenzano l’agire didattico finalizzato ad indagare i sentimenti, gli atteggiamenti, le preoccupazioni, e i livelli di percezione dei docenti circa la propria efficacia nell’implementare pratiche inclusive. Il campione è stato suddiviso in due gruppi, il primo comprendente 221 corsisti del Tirocinio Formativo Attivo e il secondo costituito da 131 partecipanti al corso di specializzazione per insegnanti di sostegno. Per condurre l’indagine sono state somministrate due scale: la scala TEIP e la scala SACIE-R. I risultati hanno mostrato che i futuri insegnanti di sostegno del campione raggiungono generalmente punteggi più alti. Tuttavia, sembrerebbe che l’atteggiamento positivo di questi docenti non risulti essere legato alla loro esperienza di insegnamento,bensì alle caratteristiche dei percorsi della loro formazione

    Interventi comunitari strengths-based per promuovere l’inclusione per il benessere: alla (ri)scoperta delle risorse individuali e collettive

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    In light of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development (UN, 2015), all citizens are called to give their contribution to address the arduous socio-economic, environmental and cultural challenges that characterise the 21st Century. One of the transversal strategies identified to achieve the set goals is promoting full participation of all institutions, public and private, as well as citizens to bring about sustainable change. Within this perspective, the planning of actions that aim to involve the entire community becomes one of a wider spectrum of strategies aimed at producing wellbeing and improving people’s perceptions regarding their quality of life. This emancipatory perspective calls for wider bottom-up inclusive action that envisages the participation of the whole school community by rediscovering individual and collective resources. Thus, it is not about building bridges, but pulling down walls, opening doors, broadening the concept of school community to embrace and acknowledge the role of society at large in bringing about transformation.  As literature suggests, strengths-based theoretical reflections (Antonovsky 1996; Dockrill Garrett, 2022; Sen, 1993; Seligman et al., 2009) and intervention models (McKnight & Kretzmann, 1993; Pulla et al., 2012; Russell & McKnight, 2022) have proven to be particularly effective to orient such initiatives. This contribution, therefore, aims to highlight how inclusive strengths-based approaches, albeit stemming from different research fields, may well find their common ground in the vision of the 2030 Agenda (UN, 2015), which is that of promoting wellbeing.   Keywords: asset-based community development, inclusion, strengths-based approaches, wellbeing, quality of lif

    Effects of parietal lesions in humans on color and location priming

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    To determine whether the parietal lobes contribute to the selection of nonspatial features known to be processed in the ventral stream, the current study examined the effect of chronic unilateral parietal lobe lesions in humans on color and location priming. Patients and normal controls performed a go/no-go color discrimination task in which either the same color and different color pairs of stimuli (prime and probe) were projected sequentially either in the same hemifield or in opposite hemifields. Control subjects and patients both showed independent effects of color and location priming. In the patients, primes in either field produced color priming for target probes in the ipsilesional field but not for probes in the contralesional field. This observation implicates the parietal cortex in processing activated codes of stimulus attributes not only for spatial information but also for visual features processed in the ventral visual pathways

    Intelligent alarms detection for the analysis of system fault impact on business

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    The tools for fault impact analysis are important for the deployment of critical mission systems. These tools can be also used as a development phase aid. We introduce several concepts related to "business alarms". Business alarms are an approximation to the company's business conceptual scheme driven by the business rules from systems conceptual schemes. In order to specify them we propose the utilization of Knowledge Engineering typical techniques. The object of alarm detection for impact analysis of fault business systems is to reduce the breach between business controls and typical control system. For it, furthermore specifying an alarm visualization system for the direction responsible of the systems, we are going to specificity the alarm transmission to a center with following purpose: Development support Help desk with an end user problems and resolution expert database Contingency maneuvers coordination The rush in the projects makes that most of the time the errors are not taken into account into the development phase, and a transactional structure for handling them is added later. Sometimes this structure is not completely implemented and the error handling is left to the database engines and operating systems mechanisms. The fact of the existence of a development support center can facilitate and allow the adding of code chunks with the purpose of centralized debugging. The support center support will have a rule based main kernel that will do a nexus between development and help desk to final users. This kernel will allow: give a greater quality help to final users relate user faults with systems faults in the development manager format. Moreover, the own nature of the objectives, this eases the acceptation of the knowledge engineer in the organization (one of the primary steps to make possible knowledge acquisition). It’s going to be a company’s direction responsibility to present him as the developer of this center and help desk for development and final users. The role of the knowledge engineer covers a wide spectrum in a critical mission environment, from the support of the original design to the startup and tuning of the end user’s help desk. Due to the strong relationship between time and alarms, we verified the importance of having and unique time for all the company’s computer systems, or provide the necessary mechanism in order to adjust the time registry of each separate system. The formalization of rules and knowledge in the area of critical mission systems allows the company to make predictions of the dimensioning and correct forecasting of the systems taking into account their critical nature. As results of the processes of systematization and formalization of knowledge we have: Rules for the platform specification in order to forecast a scheme of high availability and contingency. We documented the need of the creation of a software alarms and a development support center based in this alarms. The cost issues related to the startup of an end user help desk were verified. At last, a prototype program with demonstration purpose was build in order to show the exposed concepts.Sistemas Inteligentes - Sesión de póstersRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Formoterol Exerts Anti-Cancer Effects Modulating Oxidative Stress and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Processes in Cigarette Smoke Extract Exposed Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells

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    Lung cancer frequently affects patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Cigarette smoke (CS) fosters cancer progression by increasing oxidative stress and by modulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) processes in cancer cells. Formoterol (FO), a long-acting β2-agonist widely used for the treatment of COPD, exerts antioxidant activities. This study explored in a lung adenocarcinoma cell line (A549) whether FO counteracted the effects of cigarette smoke extract (CSE) relative to oxidative stress, inflammation, EMT processes, and cell migration and proliferation. A549 was stimulated with CSE and FO, ROS were evaluated by flow-cytometry and by nanostructured electrochemical sensor, EMT markers were evaluated by flow-cytometry and Real-Time PCR, IL-8 was evaluated by ELISA, cell migration was assessed by scratch and phalloidin test, and cell proliferation was assessed by clonogenic assay. CSE significantly increased the production of ROS, IL-8 release, cell migration and proliferation, and SNAIL1 expression but significantly decreased E-cadherin expression. FO reverted all these phenomena in CSE-stimulated A549 cells. The present study provides intriguing evidence that FO may exert anti-cancer effects by reverting oxidative stress, inflammation, and EMT markers induced by CS. These findings must be validated in future clinical studies to support FO as a valuable add-on treatment for lung cancer management
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